the reviewed outcomes of the worked-base project from assignments 1 and 2 to relevant
Assessment Task 1: Individual ASSESSMENTS Course name: Bachelor of Commerce (Applied) Bachelor of Hospitality Management Course Code: BCOM1 BHM01 Unit Code & Title: CHM307- Workplace Internship Project Lecturer Marie-Paule Pierrus-Violette Assessment Title: Project design report (1500 words) Learning Outcomes Refer to the learning outcomes (a & b) of the unit guide Tasks: In a worked-base commerce project of an organization, the student is required to prove capacity to choose a critical commerce/ hospitality problem, apply research skills to critically analyse and present problem solutions. At this stage, he or she must be able to design a creative project and address an identified issue in a way that adds value. Steps to tackle the assignment: · Identification of an appropriate commerce issue · Analysis of issue · Project design and plan · Literature review Word Count 1500 Due Date Week 4 Weighting Value: 30% Presentation/ Submission requirements Word document be submitted via the student web Prescribed/ Recommended readings Bougie, R. & Sekaran, U. 2020, Research methods for business: a skill-building approach, 8th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Referencing BHI HIGHER EDUCATION Assessment Details & Rubrics BHI HE – Assessment Details and Rubrics-V1.2020 4 CHM 305 - Assessment 1 – Individual GRADING CRITERIA NN 0 – 49% PA 50 – 59% CR 60-69% DI 70 – 79% HD 80 – 100% Evidence (5 marks) No evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Limited evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Some evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Good evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Excellent evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Knowledge about each topic within business (10 marks) No knowledge of the topic within the business environment Limited or little knowledge of the topic within the business environment Good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Very good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Thorough and exceptional knowledge of the topic within the business environment Critical Thinking and Analysis of each topic within business (10 marks) No critical thinking and/or no analysis of the topic within the business environment Limited use of critical thinking skills and no analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills but limited analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills and some analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated highly-developed critical thinking skills and provided a very good analysis of the topic within the business environment Communication, Structure & Referencing (5 marks) Unclear written and verbal communication in report and/or presentation, incomplete or no structure, no use of Harvard referencing Unclear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, poor structure, little or no use of Harvard referencing Some errors in written and verbal communication in report and presentation, reasonable structure with some weaknesses, errors in use of Harvard referencing style, citations and reference list Good written and verbal communication in report and presentation, good structure, mostly accurate use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Clear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, strong structure, proper use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Assessment Task 2: Individual Assignment Course name: Bachelor of Commerce (Applied) Bachelor of Hospitality Management Course Code: BCOM1 BHM01 Unit Code & Title: CHM307- Workplace Internship Project Lecturer Marie-Paule Pierrus-Violette Assessment Title: Progress report Learning Outcomes Refer to the learning outcome (c,d,e) of the unit guide Tasks: The student must carry out the chosen commercial/ hospitality project from assignment 1, demonstrating ethical conduct, while collecting data to monitor and guide the execution of a project. He or she must analyse, synthesise and reflect upon collected data while integrating it as appropriate with findings from relevant literature to reach conclusions that are supported by evidence of work placement. Word Count 1000 Due Date Week 8 Weighting Value: 20% Presentation/ Submission requirements Word document be submitted via the student web Prescribed/ Recommended readings Bougie, R. & Sekaran, U. 2020, Research methods for business: a skill-building approach, 8th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Referencing CHM305 - Assessment 2 – Individual GRADING CRITERIA NN 0 – 49% PA 50 – 59% CR 60-69% DI 70 – 79% HD 80 – 100% Evidence (3 marks) No evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Limited evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Some evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Good evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Excellent evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Knowledge about each topic within business (5marks) No knowledge of the topic within the business environment Limited or little knowledge of the topic within the business environment Good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Very good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Thorough and exceptional knowledge of the topic within the business environment Critical Thinking and Analysis of each topic within business (10 marks) No critical thinking and/or no analysis of the topic within the business environment Limited use of critical thinking skills and no analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills but limited analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills and some analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated highly-developed critical thinking skills and provided a very good analysis of the topic within the business environment Communication, Structure & Referencing (2 marks) Unclear written and verbal communication in report and/or presentation, incomplete or no structure, no use of Harvard referencing Unclear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, poor structure, little or no use of Harvard referencing Some errors in written and verbal communication in report and presentation, reasonable structure with some weaknesses, errors in use of Harvard referencing style, citations and reference list Good written and verbal communication in report and presentation, good structure, mostly accurate use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Clear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, strong structure, proper use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Assessment Task 3: ind Assignment Course name: Bachelor of Commerce (Applied) Bachelor of Hospitality Management Course Code: BCOM1 BHM01 Unit Code & Title: CHM307 - CHM305 Workplace Internship Project Lecturer Marie-Paule Pierrus-Violette Assessment Title: Final project report Learning Outcomes Refer to the learning outcome (a - e) of the unit guide Tasks: Communicate the reviewed outcomes of the worked-base project from assignments 1 and 2 to relevant stakeholders Word Count 2000 Due Date Week 12-13 Weighting Value: 50% Presentation/ Submission requirements Word document be submitted via the student web (40%) Presentation – 10 minutes (10%) Prescribed/ Recommended readings Bougie, R. & Sekaran, U. 2020, Research methods for business: a skill-building approach, 8th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Referencing CHM305 - Assessment 3 – Individual GRADING CRITERIA NN 0 – 49% PA 50 – 59% CR 60-69% DI 70 – 79% HD 80 – 100% Evidence (10 marks) No evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Limited evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Some evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Good evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Excellent evidence of independent and extensive research at the workplace Knowledge about each topic within business (10marks) No knowledge of the topic within the business environment Limited or little knowledge of the topic within the business environment Good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Very good knowledge of the topic within the business environment Thorough and exceptional knowledge of the topic within the business environment Critical Thinking and Analysis of each topic within business (20 marks) No critical thinking and/or no analysis of the topic within the business environment Limited use of critical thinking skills and no analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills but limited analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated some critical thinking skills and some analysis of the topic within the business environment Demonstrated highly-developed critical thinking skills and provided a very good analysis of the topic within the business environment Communication, Structure & Referencing (10 marks) Unclear written and verbal communication in report and/or presentation, incomplete or no structure, no use of Harvard referencing Unclear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, poor structure, little or no use of Harvard referencing Some errors in written and verbal communication in report and presentation, reasonable structure with some weaknesses, errors in use of Harvard referencing style, citations and reference list Good written and verbal communication in report and presentation, good structure, mostly accurate use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Clear written and verbal communication in report and presentation, strong structure, proper use of Harvard referencing style with properly formatted in-text citations and reference list Research Project Plan Consequences of Rebranding at BELUGA BAY Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary3 2.Introduction3 3.Situation Analysis3 4.Key Stakeholders4 5.Purpose of the Research Project4 5.1.Research Objectives5 6.How to Conduct Research5 7.Schedule5 8.Summary6 References7 1. Executive Summary Beluga Bay is a family run business, they are committed to sharing their love of fish and chips with the local community, Renowned as the location of Australia’s first Kmart, Burwood One Shopping Centre is located along Burwood Highway in Burwood East. This restaurant was founded in 2018. I work at Beluga bay as a chef for 4 years. Last 2 year, we change the name from Hunky Dory to Beluga bay. This report is talking about of Consequences of Rebranding 2. Introduction For the beyond five years, proprietors in the fish and chip shop area have confronted hardships. As client inclinations have developed towards healthier other options, contest from inexpensive food providers, for example, burger establishments, self-service counters, and other takeout organizations, has expanded. Given the prominence of inexpensive food and takeout decisions, numerous clients never again pick the dinner choices presented by the area. The area has likewise endured because of developing health awareness since many view its southern style and high-fat merchandise as ugly. Administrators in the business have changed their menus to incorporate healthier other options, such fish salads. One will partake in the extensive variety of the freshest seafood, jab bowls, super-salads, burgers, and wraps the entire way to the conventional fish and chips that each family loves. They will give the option of grilling or searing the dish, alongside choices of delectable sides, gourmet salads, rice, or chips. Likewise, their broad vegetarian menu, which incorporates fishless plant-based choices, ensures that there is space at the table for everybody! 3. Situation Analysis The Australian eatery area is the best supporter of the movement and vacationer area, acquiring around $22.1 billion yearly. As per Sydney Commercial Kitchens (2017), the Australian eatery area utilizes more than 500,000 individuals across 35,000 firms, which incorporate bistros, cafés, and cooking organizations. From 2018 to 2023, the industry is anticipated to increment at a 5.1% CAGR (Beise-Zee & Wäfler, 2021). In Australia, there are in excess of 4,300 fish and chip cafés starting around 2017. Cafés serving fish and chips should fight with various issues, for example, health-cognizant clients, rising food costs, and legislative prerequisites. During the following five years, Australian fish and chips business deals would diminish by 0.9% yearly, coming to $655.8 million (Burgos, 2020). The eatery industry, and the seafood café industry specifically, are anticipating extraordinary development before long. A few classes can be utilized to separate the Australian seafood café market, including district (domestic versus unfamiliar), eatery type (full-administration feasting, relaxed eating, inexpensive food, bistro), cost (low-cost cafés versus top notch food), administration (full-administration, speedy assistance, buffet, pass through, conveyance), and nationality (nearby, Japanese, English from there, the sky is the limit). The SWOT and PESTLE analysis have shown that Beluga bay faces some issues such as: Rebranding takes time, and rushing things may not pay off, not everyone likes the new direction and it is emotionally challenging. Because not everyone likes the new direction it means change, and change is often hard. However, based on urgency and importance, issue number ?”the decline in the number of clients due to the rebranding will be discussed. Among the problems and opportunities, one of the major problem that the restaurant has come across is the decline in the flow of customers to the restaurant after they have updated the name of the restaurant to Beluga Bay from Hunky Dory. The "cornerstone of brand identification" is the company name (Yost, Kizildag & Ridderstaat, 2021). Existing customers may worry that when the name changes, some aspects of the service—such