0.Introduction.Minsky Machines (or MMs) are mathematical abstractions of real-life computers. Any effectively computable function can be computed on a MM.It is easier to write a program for MMs than...

Minsky Machines (or MMs) are mathematical

abstractions of real-life computers. Any effectively

computable function can be computed on a MM.
It is easier to write a program for MMs than Turing

Machines and their behaviour is closer to real

MMs were invented by Marvin Minsky.
In this assignment you are required to implement
Minsky Machines (MMs) using three different

languages – Java, C and Python. i.e., you are

required to write programs in these languages that

imitate the functionality of MMs (to develop Virtual

1.Description of the Minsky Machines.
A MM has a finite number of registers R0,R1,…,Rn-1 that
can store non-negative integers r0,r1,…,rn-1:
R0 R1 … Rn-1
r0 r1 … rn-1
Fig 1. Minsky Machine with n registers.
A MM program is a finite list of instructions, each

having one of the following three basic types:
• I(k;i) – increments the value of register Rk by

one and moves to the instruction at index i in

the program list.
• D(k;i,j) – if the value of register Rk is greater

than 0, then the instruction decrements the
register’s value by one and moves to the

instruction at index i in the program list.

Otherwise, the value stays 0 and execution moves

to the instruction at index j in the program

• HALT – halts the execution.
MM programs are zero-based indexed lists (arrays) of

instructions, i.e., first index of the list is 0. We

will assume a convention that the instruction at

index 0 is always HALT.
A MM program, therefore, should start with the

instruction at index 1 and then the execution is

governed by the instructions. The program halts when

it is directed to the instruction at index 0, i.e.,
MMs with only two registers can be used to compute

algorithmically computable (general recursive)

functions, e.g., a sum of two numbers, a product of

two numbers etc.
Note. Sometimes, in the literature, registers of MMs

are called glasses, where one can put or remove coins

(numbers). So, you can easily build such a machine

in your kitchen.
Fig 2. Minsky Machine with four registers.
Example 1. Computations in MMs can be coded in many

different ways. Therefore, before computing a

certain function we need to make conventions about

how to represent the input to the function and which

register will contain the result of the computation.
In this example, we use a three-register MM to

compute a sum of two numbers, m + n. The program is

written so that if the arguments m and n are put in

the registers R0, R1 correspondingly, the result will

be put in the register R0.
Here’s the program:
2. Programming tasks.
You are required to implement Minsky Machines (MMs) in
three different languages – Java, C and Python.

Implementation Requirements:
• Set of MM’s registers should be implemented as an

array or list of integers.
• Instruction types should be coded by the integers

{0,1,2}: use 0 for I, 1 for D, 2 for HALT.
• Instructions should be represented by arrays or lists

of integers, for example, instruction D(1;2,0) in your

Python program should be represented by the list

• Programs should be implemented as arrays or lists of
instructions. For example, the program from Example 1
should be represented by the following list of lists

in your Python implementation:
program = [[2],[1,1,2,0],[0,0,1]]
In addition, you are required to write the following

three functions/methods in each of the implementations:
(1) isValidCommand(command) – takes a list/array of

integers and returns true if it is a valid MM

command, otherwise returns false.
(2) isValidProgram(program) – takes a list of

instructions and returns true if it is a valid MM

program, otherwise returns false.
(3) run(program, reg) – runs the MM program on the MM

with the reg number of registers. Please note,

that depending on the implementation and language,

you may have a different number of parameters in

this function.

(4) main() – this is a testing method/function where

you test your implementation of URM by running the

program from Example 1.
3.Write a MM program.
In this task you are required to write and test a program

for a Minsky Machine with four registers that computes

the product of two numbers m and n.
For this task you should follow the following

conventions: Before the computations start, the arguments

m, n should be put in the first two registers, R0, R1
correspondingly. Result of the computations, i.e.,

m*n, should appear in the last register, R3
Oct 20, 2022

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