1. Download an ebook from https://www.gutenberg.org/ (this is free) in "Plain Text UTF-8" format. WITHOUT using the .replace() method, write a function named rename_character which takes two string...

1. Download an ebook from https://www.gutenberg.org/ (this is free) in "Plain Text UTF-8" format.
WITHOUT using the .replace() method, write a function named rename_character which takes two string arguments, corresponding to an existing character name and a new character name, and prints the book line by line to the screen replacing the old character name with the new.
For example, I could replace Alice with my own name in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
NOTE: Do not submit the ebook file, just the code. We will run the code on the ebook we download.

2. Expand the previous function to take 2 lists of strings as arguments, still NOT using the .replace() method. The names in the first list should be replaced by the corresponding names in the second list.
For example: ['Alice', 'the White Rabbit', 'the Queen of Hearts'], ['Phoebe', 'Chandler', 'Monica'] as arguments would replace all occurrences of 'Alice' with 'Phoebe', all occurrences of
'the White Rabbit' with 'Chandler' and all occurrences of 'the Queen of Hearts' with 'Monica'.

3. Create a mad libs function which picks a paragraph from the ebook, checks for nouns and/or adjectives from a list, and prompts the user to replace them.
For example:
"Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was
now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the little golden
key and hurried off to the garden door."
Code identifies "head" as a noun and prompts the user to enter a noun, the user enters "cat".
Code identifies "hall" as a noun and prompts the user to enter a noun, the user enters "table".
Code identifies "little" as an adjective and prompts the user to enter an adjective, the user enters "snowy".
The code prints the new paragraph:
"Just then her cat struck against the roof of the table: in fact she was
now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the snowy golden
key and hurried off to the garden door."

Apr 03, 2021

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