1 INSY 4306 ADVANCED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT ASSINGMENT -4 20 points 1. INSTRUCTIONS • For the late submissions, 5% of the total points will be deducted per hour automatically on Canvas. • You can only...

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1 INSY 4306 ADVANCED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT ASSINGMENT -4 20 points 1. INSTRUCTIONS • For the late submissions, 5% of the total points will be deducted per hour automatically on Canvas. • You can only use the techniques that you have learned so far. Other techniques will not be accepted. For other techniques, 10 pts will be deducted. • You can drag and drop components. In this assignment, you can use a .java form. • In this assignment, upload the following file: o YourFirstNameYourLastName.zip /.rar [including AddressScreen.java, AddressScreen.form (if you use a Java form), Database.java, AddressOptions.java, Address.java] • Each question is independent of each other. • Do not forget to add comments to explain how your codes are working! Short comments are acceptable. • Write your codes individually! Do not copy of any of them from someone else! • NOTE: If you are using any IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, etc.), please delete the statement package xxxxx; (and save it again), from your application. Otherwise, I will get a compilation error, and you will lose 1 pt for each file giving a compilation error. It is your responsibility. 2 2. GRADING POLICY • Case 1: o For each question: o I will compile your .java files. If any compilation error occurs, 1 pt will be deducted from each file including compilation errors. o After that, I will check your algorithms whether they are correct or not. For example; if it says find odd and even numbers. I will check whether it really finds both even and odd numbers. This part will be evaluated based on your work. o You can only use the techniques that you have learned so far. Other techniques will not be accepted. For other techniques, 10 pts will be deducted. o Do not drag and drop components. It is not acceptable. You will get 0 point. o Additionally, comments will be checked whether they clearly and briefly explain what you have done. If comments are missing or not clear, enough, or brief 1 pt will be deducted. • Case 2: o For each question: o If there is not any compilation error: ▪ I will try each case scenario as stated in each question. For example; if it says find odd and even numbers. I will try both even and odd numbers. This part will be evaluated based on your work. ▪ You can only use the techniques that you have learned so far. Other techniques will not be accepted. For other techniques, 10 pts will be deducted. ▪ Additionally, comments will be checked whether they clearly and briefly explain what you have done. If comments are missing or not clear, enough, or brief 1 pt will be deducted. • Case 3: o If you do not upload a .java file, I will not evaluate your answer. • Case 4: o If it is determined that you copy the codes from someone else, you will get 0 pt. 3 QUESTIONS Note: In each question, assume that the user enters correct inputs. You can drag and drop components. 1. Write a simple Address Book application. (20 pts). a. Use addressbook.sql to set up a database. Your database name will be: addressbook. b. Your path must be: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/addressbook c. your database username will be: uta and database password will be: 12345 NOTE: If you get the error of no suitable driver found for derby, please refer to the document “Java DB Setup- Troubleshooting Section” d. Create a database class to keep related instance variables of your database. e. Create an address class to keep related instance variables for an address. Add a constructor and set and get methods. f. Create an AddressOptions class to keep all related methods. g. Create a Java form which will be AddressScreen. (You can prefer to create .java file instead of a java form. Then, you will not upload a java form. However, when you create a java form, Netbeans also creates a .java file for you under the source folder. So, you will upload both.) h. You will have 6 Jlabels, 4 JTextFields, 1 JTable, and 4 JButtons. Check the figure below. i. Title will be “Address Book”. j. In one of the labels, display a title which is “Address Book”. k. When the program runs, in the table, you must list all related data. If the table is blank, do not display any row. l. Cells must not be editable and resizable. m. JTable must displayed in a JPanel. n. Set a different background color for your JPanel. 4 o. A user fills first name, last name, e-mail, and phone number to add an address, and then click “add address” button. If any text field is blank, you will display a message that the user must supply all related values. p. If text fields do not include any null value, a new address will be added, all data including new one, will be listed in the table. All text fields will be cleared. You will also display a message that the address is added successfully. See the figures below. 5 6 q. To update an address, the user must select a row and the table is not blank. You must control them and display a message that the table is blank, or a row is not selected. When a user clicks on a row, address details will be displayed in the related text fields. See the figures below. r. The user updates values in any text field and then clicks “Update Address”. Then, the address is updated. s. When an address is updated, you must clear the text fields. You must display a message that the address is updated successfully. You must list updated version of the data in the table. 7 t. To delete an address, the user must select a row and the table is not blank. You must control them and display a message that the table is blank, or a row is not selected. When a user clicks on a row, address details will be displayed in the related text fields. See figures below. u. When an address is deleted, you must clear the text fields. You must display a message that the address is deleted successfully. You must list updated version of the data in the table. v. If the user clicks “Delete All” button, you will delete all data in the table and a blank table will be listed. Also, display a message that all addresses are deleted successfully. However, if the table is already a blank table, you will display a message that the table is blank. Check the figures below. 8 9 w. Change the icon of your JFrame. Use the icon provided to you. In this assignment, it is your responsibility to learn how to change an icon of a JFrame component.
Answered Same DayApr 09, 2021


Parth answered on Apr 10 2021
130 Votes


package addressBook;
public synchronized class Address {
private String _Fname;
private String _Lname;
private String _Email;
private String _Phone;
public void Address(String, String, String, String);
public String getF_Name();
public void setF_Name(String);
public String getL_Name();
public void setL_Name(String);
public String getEmail();
public void setEmail(String);
public String getPhone();
public void setPhone(String);
package addressBook;
public synchronized class AddressOptions {
Database connect;
public void AddressOptions();
public void createNewAdd(String, String, String, String);
public int editOneAdd(int, String, String, String, String);
public int removeOneAdd(int);
public int removeAllAdd();
public java.sql.ResultSet fetchAllAdd();
package addressBook;
public synchronized class AddressScreen extends javax.swing.JFrame {
private javax.swing.JPanel contentPane;
private javax.swing.JTable table;
private javax.swing.JTextField f_name;
private javax.swing.JTextField l_name;
private javax.swing.JTextField email;
private javax.swing.JTextField phone;
private javax.swing.JLabel msg;
private int touched;
java.sql.ResultSet rs;
String[] columnNames;
AddressOptions ops;
public static void main(String[]);
public void AddressScreen();
public void empltyFields();
public void refreshData();
package addressBook;
public synchronized class Database {
private static final String DRIVER = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver;
private static final String JDBC_URL = jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/addressbook;create=true;
java.sql.Connection conn;
public void Database();
public void addNewAddress(Address);
public java.sql.ResultSet fetchAllAddress();
public int deleteAllAddress();
public int updateAddress(int, Address);
public int deleteAddress(int);
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.5
Created-By: 1.8.0_151-b12 (Oracle Corporation)
Bundle-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
Bundle-Name: Apache Derby 10.14
Bundle-Version: 10.14.2000000.1828579
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Sealed: true
Bundle-SymbolicName: derbyclient
DynamicImport-Package: *
Export-Package: org.apache.derby.jdbc
Class-Path: derbyLocale_cs.jar derbyLocale_de_DE.jar derbyLocale_es.ja
r derbyLocale_fr.jar derbyLocale_hu.jar derbyLocale_it.jar derbyLocal
e_ja_JP.jar derbyLocale_ko_KR.jar derbyLocale_pl.jar derbyLocale_pt_B
R.jar derbyLocale_ru.jar derbyLocale_zh_CN.jar derbyLocale_zh_TW.jar
Name: org/apache/derby/impl/tools/sysinfo/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/context/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/info/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/jdbc/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/info/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/services/i18n/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/shared/common/error/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/shared/common/sanity/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/iapi/tools/i18n/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/loc/
Sealed: false
Name: org/apache/derby/tools/
Sealed: false
package org.apache.derby.client;
public synchronized class ClientDataSourceFactory implements javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory {
private static final Class[] STRING_ARG;
private static final Class[] INT_ARG;
private static final Class[] BOOLEAN_ARG;
private static final Class[] SHORT_ARG;
public void ClientDataSourceFactory();
public Object getObjectInstance(Object, javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable) throws Exception;
private static void setBeanProperties(Object, javax.naming.Reference) throws Exception;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client;
public synchronized class ClientPooledConnection implements javax.sql.PooledConnection {
private boolean newPC_;
private java.util.ArrayList listeners_;
private int eventIterators;
am.ClientConnection physicalConnection_;
net.NetXAConnection netXAPhysicalConnection_;
private final am.stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache statementCache;
private am.LogicalConnection logicalConnection_;
protected am.LogWriter logWriter_;
protected int rmId_;
private final java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList statementEventListeners;
public void ClientPooledConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, am.LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void ClientPooledConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, am.LogWriter, String, String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isStatementPoolingEnabled();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void createLogicalConnection() throws am.SqlException;
public synchronized void addConnectionEventListener(javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener);
public synchronized void removeConnectionEventListener(javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener);
public synchronized void recycleConnection();
public void informListeners(am.SqlException);
private void fireConnectionEventListeners(am.SqlException);
public synchronized void nullLogicalConnection();
public void addStatementEventListener(javax.sql.StatementEventListener);
public void removeStatementEventListener(javax.sql.StatementEventListener);
public void onStatementClose(java.sql.PreparedStatement);
public void onStatementErrorOccurred(java.sql.PreparedStatement, java.sql.SQLException);
package org.apache.derby.client;
public synchronized class ClientXAConnection extends ClientPooledConnection implements javax.sql.XAConnection {
private static int rmIdSeed_;
private javax.transaction.xa.XAResource xares_;
private net.NetXAResource netXares_;
private boolean fFirstGetConnection_;
private java.sql.Connection logicalCon_;
private net.NetXAConnection controlCon_;
public void ClientXAConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, am.LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private static synchronized int getUnigueRmId();
public int getRmId();
public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client;
public synchronized class ClientXid implements javax.transaction.xa.Xid {
private int formatID_;
private int gtrid_length_;
private int bqual_length_;
private byte[] data_;
private static final int XidDATASIZE = 128;
private static final int MAXBQUALSIZE = 64;
private static final String hextab_ = 0123456789ABCDEF;
public void ClientXid();
public void ClientXid(int, byte[], byte[]);
public String toString();
public byte[] getBranchQualifier();
public void setBranchQualifier(byte[]);
public int getFormatId();
public void setFormatID(int);
public byte[] getGlobalTransactionId();
public byte[] getData();
public int getGtridLength();
public int getBqualLength();
public int hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class Agent {
SqlException accumulatedReadExceptions_;
private boolean enableBatchedExceptionTracking_;
private int batchedExceptionLabelIndex_;
private boolean[] batchedExceptionGenerated_;
ClientConnection connection_;
SectionManager sectionManager_;
public LogWriter logWriter_;
final CrossConverters crossConverters_;
private SqlException deferredException_;
void checkForDeferredExceptions() throws SqlException;
void checkForSupportedDataType(int) throws SqlException;
void accumulateDeferredException(SqlException);
protected void Agent(ClientConnection, LogWriter);
private void resetAgent(LogWriter);
void resetAgent(ClientConnection, LogWriter, int, String, int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract void resetAgent_(LogWriter, int, String, int) throws SqlException;
public final boolean loggingEnabled();
public final void setLogWriter(LogWriter);
public final java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter();
public final void accumulateReadException(SqlException);
private void accumulateDisconnectException(DisconnectException);
public final void accumulateChainBreakingReadExceptionAndThrow(DisconnectException) throws DisconnectException;
protected abstract void markChainBreakingException_();
public abstract void checkForChainBreakingException_() throws SqlException;
private final void enableBatchedExceptionTracking(int);
final void disableBatchedExceptionTracking();
public final void setBatchedExceptionLabelIndex(int);
private final SqlException labelAsBatchedException(SqlException, int);
protected final void checkForExceptions() throws SqlException;
public final void flow(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
final void flowBatch(ClientStatement, int) throws SqlException;
public final void flowOutsideUOW() throws SqlException;
public abstract void flush_() throws DisconnectException;
public abstract void close_() throws SqlException;
public void close() throws SqlException;
final void disconnectEvent();
public abstract void beginWriteChainOutsideUOW() throws SqlException;
public void beginWriteChain(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
final void beginBatchedWriteChain(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
protected abstract void endWriteChain();
private final void endBatchedWriteChain();
protected void beginReadChain(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
private void beginBatchedReadChain(ClientStatement, int) throws SqlException;
protected void beginReadChainOutsideUOW() throws SqlException;
public void endReadChain() throws SqlException;
final void endBatchedReadChain(long[], SqlException) throws java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class AsciiStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private java.io.Reader reader_;
private String materializedString_;
private int charsRead_;
void AsciiStream(String);
public void AsciiStream(String, java.io.Reader);
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int available();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class BlobLocatorInputStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private final ClientConnection connection;
private final ClientBlob blob;
private long currentPos;
private final long maxPos;
void BlobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientBlob) throws SqlException;
void BlobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientBlob, long, long) throws SqlException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private byte[] readBytes(int) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class BlobLocatorOutputStream extends java.io.OutputStream {
private final ClientConnection connection;
private final ClientBlob blob;
private long currentPos;
void BlobLocatorOutputStream(ClientConnection, ClientBlob, long) throws SqlException;
public void write(int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private void writeBytes(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class BlobOutputStream extends java.io.OutputStream {
private ClientBlob blob_;
private long offset_;
void BlobOutputStream(ClientBlob, long);
public void write(int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private void writeX(byte[], int, int);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ByteArrayCombinerStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private final java.util.ArrayList arrays;
private final long specifiedLength;
private long gOffset;
private int arrayIndex;
private byte[] curArray;
private int off;
public void ByteArrayCombinerStream(java.util.ArrayList, long);
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public int available();
private byte[] nextArray();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class CachingLogicalConnection extends LogicalConnection {
private StatementCacheInteractor cacheInteractor;
public void CachingLogicalConnection(ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection, stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache) throws SqlException;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class CallableLocatorProcedures {
private boolean isLocatorSupportAvailable;
private ClientCallableStatement blobCreateLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobReleaseLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobGetPositionFromLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobGetPositionFromBytesCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobGetLengthCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobGetBytesCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobSetBytesCall;
private ClientCallableStatement blobTruncateCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobCreateLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobReleaseLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobGetPositionFromStringCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobGetPositionFromLocatorCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobGetLengthCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobGetSubStringCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobSetStringCall;
private ClientCallableStatement clobTruncateCall;
private final ClientConnection connection;
private static final int VARCHAR_MAXWIDTH = 32672;
private static final int INVALID_LOCATOR = -1;
void CallableLocatorProcedures(ClientConnection);
int blobCreateLocator() throws SqlException;
void blobReleaseLocator(int) throws SqlException;
long blobGetPositionFromLocator(int, int, long) throws SqlException;
long blobGetPositionFromBytes(int, byte[], long) throws SqlException;
private long blobGetPositionFromBytes(int, long, byte[], int, int) throws SqlException;
long blobGetLength(int) throws SqlException;
byte[] blobGetBytes(int, long, int) throws SqlException;
void blobSetBytes(int, long, int, byte[]) throws SqlException;
void blobTruncate(int, long) throws SqlException;
int clobCreateLocator() throws SqlException;
void clobReleaseLocator(int) throws SqlException;
long clobGetPositionFromString(int, String, long) throws SqlException;
private long clobGetPositionFromString(int, long, String, int, int) throws SqlException;
long clobGetPositionFromLocator(int, int, long) throws SqlException;
long clobGetLength(int) throws SqlException;
String clobGetSubString(int, long, int) throws SqlException;
void clobSetString(int, long, int, String) throws SqlException;
void clobTruncate(int, long) throws SqlException;
private SqlException handleInvalidLocator(SqlException);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientBlob extends Lob implements java.sql.Blob {
byte[] binaryString_;
java.io.InputStream binaryStream_;
int dataOffset_;
public void ClientBlob(byte[], Agent, int);
void ClientBlob(Agent, java.io.InputStream, int);
void ClientBlob(Agent, java.io.InputStream);
public void ClientBlob(Agent, int);
public long length() throws java.sql.SQLException;
long getLocatorLength() throws SqlException;
public byte[] getBytes(long, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private byte[] getBytesX(long, int) throws SqlException;
public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream() throws java.sql.SQLException;
java.io.InputStream getBinaryStreamX() throws SqlException;
public long position(byte[], long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long positionX(byte[], long) throws SqlException;
public long position(java.sql.Blob, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long positionX(java.sql.Blob, long) throws SqlException;
public int setBytes(long, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int setBytes(long, byte[], int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
int setBytesX(long, byte[], int, int) throws SqlException;
public java.io.OutputStream setBinaryStream(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void truncate(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void free() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(long, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isBinaryString();
public boolean isBinaryStream();
private long binaryStringPosition(byte[], long);
private boolean isSubString(byte[], int);
protected void materializeStream() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientCallableStatement extends ClientPreparedStatement implements java.sql.PreparedStatement, java.sql.CallableStatement, PreparedStatementCallbackInterface {
public MaterialPreparedStatement materialCallableStatement_;
private int wasNull_;
private static final int WAS_NULL = 1;
private static final int WAS_NOT_NULL = 2;
private static final int WAS_NULL_UNSET = 0;
private void initCallableStatement();
public void reset(boolean) throws SqlException;
public void ClientCallableStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public void resetCallableStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable;
public void clearParameters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void registerOutParameterX(int, int) throws SqlException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void registerOutParameterX(int, int, int) throws SqlException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean wasNull() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean wasNullX() throws SqlException;
public boolean getBoolean(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte getByte(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public short getShort(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getInt(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
int getIntX(int) throws SqlException;
public long getLong(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
long getLongX(int) throws SqlException;
public float getFloat(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public double getDouble(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException, ArithmeticException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
String getStringX(int) throws SqlException;
public byte[] getBytes(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
byte[] getBytesX(int) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob getClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Array getArray(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Ref getRef(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setURL(String, java.net.URL) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBoolean(String, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setByte(String, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setShort(String, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setInt(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLong(String, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFloat(String, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDouble(String, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBigDecimal(String, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBytes(String, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(String, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(String, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(String, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(String, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(String, java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(String, java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(String, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getBoolean(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte getByte(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public short getShort(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getInt(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLong(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public float getFloat(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public double getDouble(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte[] getBytes(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Ref getRef(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob getClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Array getArray(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRowId(String, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setSQLXML(String, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private java.sql.SQLException mismatchException(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void completeExecuteCall(Sqlca, Cursor);
protected String getJdbcStatementInterfaceName();
private void checkGetterPreconditions(int) throws SqlException;
private void checkForValidOutParameter(int) throws SqlException;
private void setWasNull(int);
java.sql.SQLException jdbcMethodNotImplemented() throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientCallableStatement42 extends ClientCallableStatement {
public void ClientCallableStatement42(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientClob extends Lob implements java.sql.Clob {
protected String string_;
private java.io.InputStream asciiStream_;
private java.io.InputStream unicodeStream_;
private java.io.Reader characterStream_;
private byte[] utf8String_;
public void ClientClob(Agent, String);
public void ClientClob(Agent, byte[], java.nio.charset.Charset, int) throws SqlException;
public void ClientClob(Agent, java.io.InputStream, java.nio.charset.Charset, int);
void ClientClob(Agent, java.io.InputStream, java.nio.charset.Charset) throws SqlException;
void ClientClob(Agent, java.io.Reader, int);
public void ClientClob(Agent, int);
void ClientClob(Agent, java.io.Reader);
private void ClientClob(Agent, boolean);
public long length() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSubString(long, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private String getSubStringX(long, int) throws SqlException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream() throws java.sql.SQLException;
java.io.Reader getCharacterStreamX() throws SqlException;
public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream() throws java.sql.SQLException;
java.io.InputStream getAsciiStreamX() throws SqlException;
public long position(String, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long positionX(String, long) throws SqlException;
public long position(java.sql.Clob, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long positionX(java.sql.Clob, long) throws SqlException;
public int setString(long, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int setString(long, String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
int setStringX(long, String, int, int) throws SqlException;
public java.io.OutputStream setAsciiStream(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Writer setCharacterStream(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void truncate(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void free() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(long, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isString();
public boolean isAsciiStream();
public boolean isCharacterStream();
public boolean isUnicodeStream();
public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream();
public String getString();
public byte[] getUtf8String();
public int getUTF8Length();
void reInitForNonLocator(String);
protected void materializeStream() throws SqlException;
long getLocatorLength() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClientConnection$1 implements Runnable {
void ClientConnection$1(ClientConnection);
public void run();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class ClientConnection implements java.sql.Connection, ConnectionCallbackInterface {
public Agent agent_;
public ClientDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData_;
final java.util.WeakHashMap openStatements_;
final java.util.WeakHashMap CommitAndRollbackListeners_;
private SqlWarning warnings_;
private static final int INVALID_LOCATOR = -1;
protected final String user_;
boolean retrieveMessageText_;
private boolean jdbcReadOnly_;
private int holdability;
public String databaseName_;
public String productID_;
protected EncryptionManager encryptionManager_;
private final java.util.HashMap isolationLevelPreparedStmts;
private ClientPreparedStatement getTransactionIsolationPrepStmt;
protected boolean open_;
private boolean aborting_;
private boolean availableForReuse_;
private static final int TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN = -1;
private int isolation_;
private int defaultIsolation;
private String currentSchemaName_;
public boolean autoCommit_;
protected boolean inUnitOfWork_;
private boolean accumulated440ForMessageProcFailure_;
private boolean accumulated444ForMessageProcFailure_;
private int transactionID_;
protected boolean isXAConnection_;
public static final int XA_T0_NOT_ASSOCIATED = 0;
public static final int XA_T1_ASSOCIATED = 1;
private int xaState_;
public int xaHostVersion_;
private int loginTimeout_;
public org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40 dataSource_;
public String serverNameIP_;
public int portNumber_;
private int clientSSLMode_;
java.util.Hashtable clientCursorNameCache_;
public int commBufferSize_;
public boolean resetConnectionAtFirstSql_;
private int dncGeneratedSavepointId_;
private static final String dncGeneratedSavepointNamePrefix__ = DNC_GENENERATED_NAME_;
private CallableLocatorProcedures lobProcs;
protected void ClientConnection(LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40) throws SqlException;
protected void ClientConnection(LogWriter, String, String, boolean, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40) throws SqlException;
private void initConnection(LogWriter, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40) throws SqlException;
protected void ClientConnection(LogWriter, boolean, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40) throws SqlException;
protected void resetConnection(LogWriter) throws SqlException;
protected void ClientConnection(LogWriter, int, String, int, String, java.util.Properties) throws SqlException;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable;
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized ClientPreparedStatement preparePositionedUpdateStatement(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized ClientPreparedStatement prepareDynamicCatalogQuery(String) throws SqlException;
public String nativeSQL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized String nativeSQLX(String) throws SqlException;
protected abstract boolean allowLocalCommitRollback_() throws SqlException;
public synchronized void setAutoCommit(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getAutoCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void commit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkForInvalidXAStateOnCommitOrRollback() throws SqlException;
private void flowCommit() throws SqlException;
public boolean flowAutoCommit() throws SqlException;
public boolean willAutoCommitGenerateFlow() throws SqlException;
void writeAutoCommit() throws SqlException;
void writeCommit() throws SqlException;
void readAutoCommit() throws SqlException;
void readCommit() throws SqlException;
public synchronized void rollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected void flowRollback() throws SqlException;
private void writeRollback() throws SqlException;
private void readRollback() throws SqlException;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
void checkForTransactionInProgress() throws SqlException;
public boolean transactionInProgress();
private void closeX() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void closeResources() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void closeResourcesX() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected abstract boolean isGlobalPending_();
synchronized void closeForReuse(boolean) throws SqlException;
private void flowClose() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void markClosed_();
private void markClosed(boolean);
private void markClosedForReuse(boolean);
private void markStatementsClosed();
private void writeCloseStatements() throws SqlException;
private void readCloseStatements() throws SqlException;
public boolean isPhysicalConnClosed();
public boolean isClosed();
public boolean isClosedX();
public synchronized void setTransactionIsolation(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setTransactionIsolationX(int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract boolean supportsSessionDataCaching();
protected abstract boolean serverSupportsLocators();
protected abstract boolean serverSupportsTimestampNanoseconds();
public int getTransactionIsolation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getTransactionIsolationX() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getTransactionID();
public String getCurrentSchemaName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private int translateIsolation(String);
public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void clearWarningsX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setReadOnly(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isReadOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setCatalog(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalog() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized ClientCallableStatement prepareMessageProc(String) throws SqlException;
private int downgradeResultSetType(int);
public java.util.Map getTypeMap() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setTypeMap(java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setHoldability(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Savepoint setSavepoint() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Savepoint setSavepoint(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientSavepoint setSavepointX(ClientSavepoint) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void rollback(java.sql.Savepoint) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void releaseSavepoint(java.sql.Savepoint) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientStatement createStatementX(int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected void resetStatement(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
ClientPreparedStatement prepareStatementX(String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
protected void resetPrepareStatement(ClientPreparedStatement) throws SqlException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
ClientCallableStatement prepareCallX(String, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected void resetPrepareCall(ClientCallableStatement) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected abstract boolean allowCloseInUOW_();
protected abstract boolean doCloseStatementsOnClose_();
public abstract SectionManager newSectionManager(Agent);
protected abstract Agent newAgent_(LogWriter, int, String, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract ClientDatabaseMetaData newDatabaseMetaData_();
protected abstract ClientStatement newStatement_(int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract void resetStatement_(ClientStatement, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract ClientPreparedStatement newPositionedUpdatePreparedStatement_(String, Section) throws SqlException;
protected abstract ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement_(String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
protected abstract void resetPreparedStatement_(ClientPreparedStatement, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
protected abstract ClientCallableStatement newCallableStatement_(String, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
protected abstract void resetCallableStatement_(ClientCallableStatement, String, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
public final void completeConnect() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeCommitSubstitute_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readCommitSubstitute_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalXAStart_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readLocalXAStart_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalXACommit_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void writeXACommit_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readLocalXACommit_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void readXACommit_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalCommit_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readLocalCommit_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void writeXATransactionStart(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
public void completeLocalCommit();
public abstract void writeLocalRollback_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readLocalRollback_() throws SqlException;
public void completeLocalRollback();
private void completeSpecificRollback(UnitOfWorkListener);
public abstract void writeLocalXARollback_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void writeXARollback_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readLocalXARollback_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void readXARollback_() throws SqlException;
public void writeTransactionStart(ClientStatement) throws SqlException;
public void readTransactionStart() throws SqlException;
void completeTransactionStart();
public void completeAbnormalUnitOfWork();
public void completeAbnormalUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkListener);
public void completeChainBreakingDisconnect();
public void completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public void completePiggyBackIsolation(int);
public void completeInitialPiggyBackIsolation(int);
public void completePiggyBackSchema(String);
public void completeInitialPiggyBackSchema(String);
public synchronized void reset(LogWriter) throws SqlException;
public synchronized void lightReset() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void reset_(LogWriter) throws SqlException;
protected void completeReset(boolean, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAResource) throws SqlException;
CallableLocatorProcedures locatorProcedureCall();
protected void checkForClosedConnection() throws SqlException;
public boolean isXAConnection();
public int getXAState();
public void setXAState(int);
private void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning);
void accumulate440WarningForMessageProcFailure(SqlWarning);
void accumulate444WarningForMessageProcFailure(SqlWarning);
public int getServerVersion();
final int holdability();
public java.sql.Clob createClob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob createBlob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isAborting();
protected void beginAborting();
public String getSchema() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setSchema(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void abort(java.util.concurrent.Executor) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getNetworkTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNetworkTimeout(java.util.concurrent.Executor, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class ClientDatabaseMetaData implements java.sql.DatabaseMetaData {
private static final short SQL_BEST_ROWID = 1;
private static final short SQL_ROWVER = 2;
private static final short SQL_INDEX_UNIQUE = 0;
private static final short SQL_INDEX_ALL = 1;
private Agent agent_;
protected ClientConnection connection_;
private static final int numberOfMetaDataInfoMethods__ = 108;
private Object[] metaDataInfoCache_;
private boolean metaDataInfoIsCached_;
ProductLevel productLevel_;
private final int serverJdbcMajorVersion;
private final int serverJdbcMinorVersion;
private boolean supportsQryclsimp_;
private boolean supportsLayerBStreaming_;
private boolean supportsSessionDataCaching_;
private boolean supportsUDTs_;
private boolean supportsEXTDTAAbort_;
private boolean supportsTimestampNanoseconds_;
private boolean supportsBooleanValues_;
private boolean supportsLongRDBNAM_;
private boolean supportsBooleanParameterTransport_;
private static final int allProceduresAreCallable__ = 0;
private static final int allTablesAreSelectable__ = 1;
private static final int nullsAreSortedHigh__ = 2;
private static final int nullsAreSortedLow__ = 3;
private static final int nullsAreSortedAtStart__ = 4;
private static final int nullsAreSortedAtEnd__ = 5;
private static final int usesLocalFiles__ = 6;
private static final int usesLocalFilePerTable__ = 7;
private static final int storesUpperCaseIdentifiers__ = 8;
private static final int storesLowerCaseIdentifiers__ = 9;
private static final int storesMixedCaseIdentifiers__ = 10;
private static final int storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers__ = 11;
private static final int storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers__ = 12;
private static final int storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers__ = 13;
private static final int getSQLKeywords__ = 14;
private static final int getNumericFunctions__ = 15;
private static final int getStringFunctions__ = 16;
private static final int getSystemFunctions__ = 17;
private static final int getTimeDateFunctions__ = 18;
private static final int getSearchStringEscape__ = 19;
private static final int getExtraNameCharacters__ = 20;
private static final int supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn__ = 21;
private static final int supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn__ = 22;
private static final int supportsConvert__ = 23;
private static final int supportsConvertType__ = 24;
private static final int supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames__ = 25;
private static final int supportsExpressionsInOrderBy__ = 26;
private static final int supportsOrderByUnrelated__ = 27;
private static final int supportsGroupBy__ = 28;
private static final int supportsGroupByUnrelated__ = 29;
private static final int supportsGroupByBeyondSelect__ = 30;
private static final int supportsMultipleResultSets__ = 31;
private static final int supportsMultipleTransactions__ = 32;
private static final int supportsCoreSQLGrammar__ = 33;
private static final int supportsExtendedSQLGrammar__ = 34;
private static final int supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL__ = 35;
private static final int supportsANSI92FullSQL__ = 36;
private static final int supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility__ = 37;
private static final int supportsOuterJoins__ = 38;
private static final int supportsFullOuterJoins__ = 39;
private static final int supportsLimitedOuterJoins__ = 40;
private static final int getSchemaTerm__ = 41;
private static final int getProcedureTerm__ = 42;
private static final int getCatalogTerm__ = 43;
private static final int isCatalogAtStart__ = 44;
private static final int getCatalogSeparator__ = 45;
private static final int supportsSchemasInDataManipulation__ = 46;
private static final int supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls__ = 47;
private static final int supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions__ = 48;
private static final int supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions__ = 49;
private static final int supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions__ = 50;
private static final int supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation__ = 51;
private static final int supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls__ = 52;
private static final int supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions__ = 53;
private static final int supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions__ = 54;
private static final int supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions__ = 55;
private static final int supportsPositionedDelete__ = 56;
private static final int supportsPositionedUpdate__ = 57;
private static final int supportsSelectForUpdate__ = 58;
private static final int supportsStoredProcedures__ = 59;
private static final int supportsSubqueriesInComparisons__ = 60;
private static final int supportsUnion__ = 61;
private static final int supportsUnionAll__ = 62;
private static final int supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit__ = 63;
private static final int supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback__ = 64;
private static final int supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit__ = 65;
private static final int supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback__ = 66;
private static final int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength__ = 67;
private static final int getMaxCharLiteralLength__ = 68;
private static final int getMaxColumnNameLength__ = 69;
private static final int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy__ = 70;
private static final int getMaxColumnsInIndex__ = 71;
private static final int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy__ = 72;
private static final int getMaxColumnsInSelect__ = 73;
private static final int getMaxColumnsInTable__ = 74;
private static final int getMaxConnections__ = 75;
private static final int getMaxCursorNameLength__ = 76;
private static final int getMaxIndexLength__ = 77;
private static final int getMaxSchemaNameLength__ = 78;
private static final int getMaxProcedureNameLength__ = 79;
private static final int getMaxCatalogNameLength__ = 80;
private static final int getMaxRowSize__ = 81;
private static final int doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs__ = 82;
private static final int getMaxStatementLength__ = 83;
private static final int getMaxStatements__ = 84;
private static final int getMaxTableNameLength__ = 85;
private static final int getMaxTablesInSelect__ = 86;
private static final int getMaxUserNameLength__ = 87;
private static final int getDefaultTransactionIsolation__ = 88;
private static final int supportsTransactions__ = 89;
private static final int supportsTransactionIsolationLevel__ = 90;
private static final int supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions__ = 91;
private static final int supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly__ = 92;
private static final int dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit__ = 93;
private static final int dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions__ = 94;
private static final int supportsResultSetType__ = 95;
private static final int supportsResultSetConcurrency__ = 96;
private static final int ownUpdatesAreVisible__ = 97;
private static final int ownDeletesAreVisible__ = 98;
private static final int ownInsertsAreVisible__ = 99;
private static final int othersUpdatesAreVisible__ = 100;
private static final int othersDeletesAreVisible__ = 101;
private static final int othersInsertsAreVisible__ = 102;
private static final int updatesAreDetected__ = 103;
private static final int deletesAreDetected__ = 104;
private static final int insertsAreDetected__ = 105;
private static final int supportsBatchUpdates__ = 106;
protected void ClientDatabaseMetaData(Agent, ClientConnection, ProductLevel);
public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSQLKeywords() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNumericFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getStringFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSystemFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSearchStringEscape() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsConvert() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsConvert(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSchemaTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getProcedureTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalogTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalogSeparator() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsUnion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxConnections() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxIndexLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxRowSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxStatementLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxStatements() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsResultSetType(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean updatesAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean deletesAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean insertsAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSavepoints() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public abstract String getURL_() throws SqlException;
public String getURL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getUserName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isReadOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDatabaseProductName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDriverName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDriverVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDriverMajorVersion();
public int getDriverMinorVersion();
public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedures(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getProceduresX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getProcedureColumnsX(String, String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getFunctions(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getFunctionsX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getFunctionColumnsX(String, String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTables(String, String, String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getTablesX(String, String, String, String[]) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSchemas() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getSchemasX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getCatalogs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getCatalogsX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTableTypes() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getTableTypesX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getColumnsX(String, String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getColumnPrivilegesX(String, String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getTablePrivilegesX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getBestRowIdentifierX(String, String, String, int, boolean) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getVersionColumns(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getVersionColumnsX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getPrimaryKeysX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getImportedKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getImportedKeysX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getExportedKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getExportedKeysX(String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getCrossReferenceX(String, String, String, String, String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getTypeInfoX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getIndexInfoX(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getUDTsX(String, String, String, int[]) throws SqlException;
private String getOptions();
private ClientResultSet executeCatalogQuery(ClientPreparedStatement) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsNamedParameters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSuperTypes(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getSuperTypesX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSuperTables(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getSuperTablesX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getAttributes(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getAttributesX() throws SqlException;
public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getJDBCMajorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getJDBCMinorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getSQLStateType() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsStatementPooling() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void computeFeatureSet_();
public final boolean serverSupportsQryclsimp();
public final boolean serverSupportsLayerBStreaming();
public final boolean serverSupportsSessionDataCaching();
public final boolean serverSupportsUDTs();
public final boolean serverSupportsTimestampNanoseconds();
public final boolean serverSupportsEXTDTAAbort();
private boolean serverSupportsBooleanValues();
public final boolean serverSupportsBooleanParameterTransport();
public final boolean serverSupportLongRDBNAM();
private boolean getMetaDataInfoBoolean(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private int getMetaDataInfoInt(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private String getMetaDataInfoString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMetaDataInfoBooleanWithType(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMetaDataInfoBooleanWithTypeClient(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMetaDataInfoBooleanWithTypeServer(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMetaDataInfoInt_SupportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMetaDataInfoBoolean_supportsConvert(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void metaDataInfoCall() throws SqlException;
public final boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSchemas(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getSchemasX(String, String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getClientInfoProperties() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getClientInfoPropertiesX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned();
public java.sql.ResultSet getPseudoColumns(Strin
g, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet getPseudoColumnsX() throws SqlException;
public long getMaxLogicalLobSize();
public boolean supportsRefCursors();
private ClientPreparedStatement prepareMetaDataQuery(String) throws SqlException;
protected void checkForClosedConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkForClosedConnectionX() throws SqlException;
private void checkServerJdbcVersionX(String, int, int) throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface ClientJDBCObjectFactory {
public abstract org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection newClientPooledConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public abstract org.apache.derby.client.ClientXAConnection newClientXAConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public abstract ClientCallableStatement newCallableStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public abstract LogicalConnection newLogicalConnection(ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public abstract LogicalConnection newCachingLogicalConnection(ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection, stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public abstract LogicalPreparedStatement newLogicalPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public abstract LogicalCallableStatement newLogicalCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public abstract ClientConnection newNetConnection(LogWriter, int, String, int, String, java.util.Properties) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientConnection newNetConnection(LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientConnection newNetConnection(LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientResultSet newNetResultSet(Agent, MaterialStatement, Cursor, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, int) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientDatabaseMetaData newNetDatabaseMetaData(Agent, ClientConnection);
public abstract ClientStatement newStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
public abstract ColumnMetaData newColumnMetaData(LogWriter);
public abstract ColumnMetaData newColumnMetaData(LogWriter, int);
public abstract ClientParameterMetaData newParameterMetaData(ColumnMetaData);
public abstract java.sql.BatchUpdateException newBatchUpdateException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Object[], long[], SqlException);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientMessageId {
public String msgid;
public void ClientMessageId(String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientParameterMetaData implements java.sql.ParameterMetaData {
private ColumnMetaData columnMetaData_;
public void ClientParameterMetaData(ColumnMetaData);
public int getParameterCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getParameterType(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getParameterTypeName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getParameterClassName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getParameterMode(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int isNullable(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isSigned(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getPrecision(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getScale(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes {
private final int[] possibleTypes;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_GENERIC_SCALAR;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_DATE;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_TIME;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_TIMESTAMP;
private static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_STRING;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_BYTES;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_BINARYSTREAM;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_ASCIISTREAM;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_CHARACTERSTREAM;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_BLOB;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_IN_SET_CLOB;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_GENERIC_SCALAR_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_GENERIC_CHARACTERS_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_VARBINARY_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_BINARY_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_LONGVARBINARY_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_DATE_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_TIME_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_TIMESTAMP_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_CLOB_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_BLOB_NULL;
public static final ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes DEFAULT_POSSIBLE_TYPES_FOR_NULL;
private void ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes(int[]);
boolean checkType(int);
static SqlException throw22005Exception(LogWriter, int, int) throws SqlException;
static ClientPreparedStatement$PossibleTypes getPossibleTypesForNull(int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientPreparedStatement extends ClientStatement implements java.sql.PreparedStatement, PreparedStatementCallbackInterface {
public MaterialPreparedStatement materialPreparedStatement_;
String sql_;
boolean outputRegistered_;
Object[] parameters_;
private boolean[] parameterSet_;
boolean[] parameterRegistered_;
ColumnMetaData parameterMetaData_;
private java.util.ArrayList parameterTypeList;
private String positionedUpdateCursorName_;
private final org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection pooledConnection_;
private boolean listenToUnitOfWork_;
void setInput(int, Object);
private void initPreparedStatement();
protected void initResetPreparedStatement();
public void reset(boolean) throws SqlException;
void resetForReuse() throws SqlException;
private void resetParameters();
public void ClientPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
private void resetPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, Section) throws SqlException;
private void initPreparedStatement(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public void ClientPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public void resetPreparedStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
private void initPreparedStatement(String) throws SqlException;
void prepare() throws SqlException;
public void addBatch(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery() throws java.sql.SQLException;
ClientResultSet executeQueryX() throws SqlException;
public int executeUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long executeUpdateX() throws SqlException;
public void setNull(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setNullX(int, int) throws SqlException;
public void setNull(int, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBoolean(int, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setByte(int, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setShort(int, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setShortX(int, short) throws SqlException;
public void setInt(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setIntX(int, int) throws SqlException;
public void setLong(int, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setLongX(int, long);
public void setFloat(int, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDouble(int, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBigDecimal(int, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(int, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(int, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(int, java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(int, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setStringX(int, String) throws SqlException;
public void setBytes(int, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void setBytesX(int, byte[]) throws SqlException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setBinaryStreamX(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws SqlException;
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkStreamLength(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkTypeForSetAsciiStream(int) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkTypeForSetBinaryStream(int) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkTypeForSetCharacterStream(int) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkTypeForSetBlob(int) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkTypeForSetClob(int) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
public void setUnicodeStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setBlobX(int, java.sql.Blob) throws SqlException;
public void setClob(int, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setClobX(int, java.sql.Clob) throws SqlException;
public void setArray(int, java.sql.Array) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRef(int, java.sql.Ref) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setUDTX(int, Object) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void setObjectX(int, Object, int, int) throws SqlException;
public void clearParameters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute() throws java.sql.SQLException;
boolean executeX() throws SqlException;
public void addBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int[] executeBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ColumnMetaData getMetaDataX() throws SqlException;
public boolean execute(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setURL(int, java.net.URL) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientParameterMetaData getParameterMetaDataX() throws SqlException;
private ColumnMetaData getColumnMetaDataX() throws SqlException;
private void writeExecute(Section, ColumnMetaData, Object[], int, boolean, boolean) throws SqlException;
private void readExecute() throws SqlException;
private void writeOpenQuery(Section, int, int, int, ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws SqlException;
private void writeDescribeInput(Section) throws SqlException;
private void readDescribeInput() throws SqlException;
public void completeDescribeInput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
public void completeDescribeOutput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
private void writePrepareDescribeInputOutput() throws SqlException;
private void readPrepareDescribeInputOutput() throws SqlException;
private void writePrepareDescribeInput() throws SqlException;
private void readPrepareDescribeInput() throws SqlException;
private void completePrepareDescribe();
private Object[] expandObjectArray(Object[], int);
private boolean[] expandBooleanArray(boolean[], int);
void flowPrepareDescribeInputOutput() throws SqlException;
private void flowExecute(int) throws SqlException;
private long[] executeBatchX(boolean) throws SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
private long[] executeBatchRequestX(boolean) throws SqlException, java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
public void listenToUnitOfWork();
public void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator);
public void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator);
protected String getJdbcStatementInterfaceName();
void checkForValidParameterIndex(int) throws SqlException;
private void checkThatAllParametersAreSet() throws SqlException;
void checkForValidScale(int) throws SqlException;
protected void markClosed(boolean);
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRowId(int, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setSQLXML(int, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkStatementValidity(SqlException) throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected void checkStatus() throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientPreparedStatement42 extends ClientPreparedStatement {
public void ClientPreparedStatement42(Agent, ClientConnection, String, Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public void ClientPreparedStatement42(Agent, ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class ClientResultSet implements java.sql.ResultSet, ResultSetCallbackInterface {
public ClientStatement statement_;
ClientStatement outerStatement_;
public ColumnMetaData resultSetMetaData_;
private SqlWarning warnings_;
public Cursor cursor_;
private LOBStateTracker lobState;
protected Agent agent_;
public Section generatedSection_;
private CloseFilterInputStream currentStream;
private java.io.Reader currentReader;
private final ClientConnection connection_;
public static final int scrollOrientation_relative__ = 1;
public static final int scrollOrientation_absolute__ = 2;
public static final int scrollOrientation_after__ = 3;
public static final int scrollOrientation_before__ = 4;
private static final int scrollOrientation_prior__ = 5;
private static final int scrollOrientation_first__ = 6;
private static final int scrollOrientation_last__ = 7;
private static final int scrollOrientation_current__ = 8;
private static final int scrollOrientation_next__ = 0;
public static final int sensitivity_unknown__ = 0;
public static final int sensitivity_insensitive__ = 1;
public static final int sensitivity_sensitive_static__ = 2;
public static final int sensitivity_sensitive_dynamic__ = 3;
private static final int WAS_NULL = 1;
private static final int WAS_NOT_NULL = 2;
private static final int WAS_NULL_UNSET = 0;
private static final byte DDM_RETURN_CALLER = 1;
private static final byte DDM_RETURN_CLIENT = 2;
private int wasNull_;
private byte rsReturnability_;
boolean openOnClient_;
public boolean openOnServer_;
public Sqlca queryTerminatingSqlca_;
boolean autoCommitted_;
private boolean isValidCursorPosition_;
private boolean savedIsValidCursorPosition_;
public boolean cursorHold_;
public long queryInstanceIdentifier_;
public int resultSetType_;
int resultSetConcurrency_;
int resultSetHoldability_;
public boolean scrollable_;
public int sensitivity_;
public boolean isRowsetCursor_;
private boolean isBeforeFirst_;
private boolean isAfterLast_;
private boolean isFirst_;
private boolean isLast_;
public Sqlca[] rowsetSqlca_;
protected int suggestedFetchSize_;
public int fetchSize_;
private int fetchDirection_;
private long rowCount_;
private long absolutePosition_;
private long firstRowInRowset_;
private long lastRowInRowset_;
private long currentRowInRowset_;
private boolean isOnInsertRow_;
private boolean isOnCurrentRow_;
public int rowsReceivedInCurrentRowset_;
public int rowsYetToBeReceivedForRowset_;
private Object[] updatedColumns_;
private boolean[] columnUpdated_;
private ClientPreparedStatement preparedStatementForUpdate_;
private ClientPreparedStatement preparedStatementForDelete_;
private ClientPreparedStatement preparedStatementForInsert_;
private boolean cursorUnpositionedOnServer_;
private long maxRows_;
private boolean[] columnUsedFlags_;
private boolean listenToUnitOfWork_;
protected void ClientResultSet(Agent, ClientStatement, Cursor, int, int, int);
public final boolean next() throws java.sql.SQLException;
boolean nextX() throws SqlException;
public void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void closeX() throws SqlException;
private void closeStatementOnCompletion();
private void nullDataForGC();
private void flowCloseAndAutoCommitIfNotAutoCommitted() throws SqlException;
private boolean writeCloseAndAutoCommit() throws SqlException;
private void readCloseAndAutoCommit(boolean) throws SqlException;
void writeClose() throws SqlException;
void readClose() throws SqlException;
private void readAutoCommitIfNotAutoCommitted() throws SqlException;
public boolean wasNull() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getBoolean(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte getByte(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public short getShort(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getInt(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLong(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public float getFloat(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public double getDouble(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private static java.util.Calendar createCalendar(java.util.Date);
private java.sql.Date convertFromDefaultCalendar(java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar);
private java.sql.Time convertFromDefaultCalendar(java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar);
private java.sql.Timestamp convertFromDefaultCalendar(java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar);
public String getString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte[] getBytes(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob getClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Ref getRef(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Array getArray(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
Object getObjectX(int) throws SqlException;
public Object getObject(int, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean wasNonNullSensitiveUpdate(int);
private boolean wasNullSensitiveUpdate(int);
private void setWasNull(int);
private boolean isNull(int);
public final boolean getBoolean(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final byte getByte(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final short getShort(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final int getInt(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final long getLong(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final float getFloat(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final double getDouble(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Date getDate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Date getDate(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Time getTime(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Time getTime(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final String getString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final byte[] getBytes(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.io.InputStream getUnicodeStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Blob getBlob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Clob getClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Array getArray(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.Ref getRef(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final Object getObject(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final Object getObject(String, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void clearWarningsX();
public String getCursorName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
ColumnMetaData getMetaDataX() throws SqlException;
public final int findColumn(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected final int findColumnX(String, String) throws SqlException;
public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean isBeforeFirstX() throws SqlException;
public boolean isAfterLast() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean isAfterLastX() throws SqlException;
public boolean isFirst() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean isFirstX();
public boolean isLast() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean isLastX() throws SqlException;
public void beforeFirst() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void beforeFirstX() throws SqlException;
public void afterLast() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void afterLastX() throws SqlException;
public boolean first() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean firstX() throws SqlException;
public boolean last() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean lastX() throws SqlException;
public int getRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private int getRowX() throws SqlException;
public boolean absolute(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean absoluteX(int) throws SqlException;
public boolean relative(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean relativeX(int) throws SqlException;
public boolean previous() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean previousX() throws SqlException;
public void setFetchDirection(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchDirection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFetchSize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getType() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getConcurrency() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean rowUpdated() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean rowInserted() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean rowDeleted() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNull(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBoolean(int, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateByte(int, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateShort(int, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateInt(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateLong(int, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateFloat(int, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateDouble(int, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBigDecimal(int, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateDate(int, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateTime(int, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBytes(int, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(int, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(int, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNull(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBoolean(String, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateByte(String, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateShort(String, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateInt(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateLong(String, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateFloat(String, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateDouble(String, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBigDecimal(String, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateDate(String, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateTime(String, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateTimestamp(String, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBytes(String, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(String, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(String, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void insertRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void insertRowX() throws SqlException;
public void updateRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean updateRowX() throws SqlException;
public void deleteRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void deleteRowX() throws SqlException;
public void refreshRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void refreshRowX() throws SqlException;
public void cancelRowUpdates() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void moveToInsertRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void moveToCurrentRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void moveToCurrentRowX() throws SqlException;
public java.sql.Statement getStatement() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateRef(int, java.sql.Ref) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateRef(String, java.sql.Ref) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(int, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(String, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateArray(int, java.sql.Array) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateArray(String, java.sql.Array) throws java.sql.SQLException;
boolean repositionScrollableResultSetBeforeJDBC1PositionedUpdateDelete() throws SqlException;
private void flowPositioningFetch(int, int) throws DisconnectException;
private void positionToCurrentRowAndUpdate() throws SqlException;
private void insert() throws SqlException;
private void update() throws SqlException;
private void positionToCurrentRowAndDelete() throws SqlException;
private void delete() throws SqlException;
private void setRowsetAfterLastEvent() throws SqlException;
private void setRowsetBeforeFirstEvent() throws SqlException;
private void setRowsetNoRowsEvent();
private boolean isServersCursorPositionBeforeFirst() throws SqlException;
private boolean isServerCursorPositionAfterLast();
public void setValidCursorPosition(boolean);
private void moveToAfterLast() throws DisconnectException;
private void moveToBeforeFirst() throws DisconnectException;
private void writeInsertRow(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void writeUpdateRow(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void writeDeleteRow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void readInsertRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException;
private void readUpdateRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException;
private void readDeleteRow() throws DisconnectException, SqlException;
public void listenToUnitOfWork();
public void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator);
public void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator);
private void nullOutReferenceInStatement();
void markClosed();
void markClosed(boolean);
public void markClosedOnServer();
void markAutoCommitted();
public void earlyCloseComplete(Sqlca);
public int completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public void setRowCountEvent(long) throws DisconnectException;
public void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning);
boolean rowCountIsUnknown();
private void updateColumn(int, Object);
private String buildInsertString() throws SqlException;
private String buildUpdateString() throws SqlException;
private String buildDeleteString() throws SqlException;
private String getTableName() throws SqlException;
private String getServerCursorName() throws SqlException;
private void getPreparedStatementForInsert() throws SqlException;
private void getPreparedStatementForUpdate() throws SqlException;
private void getPreparedStatementForDelete() throws SqlException;
private final void resetUpdatedColumnsForInsert();
private final void resetUpdatedColumns();
private final long getRowUncast();
private final void checkGetterPreconditions(int, String) throws SqlException;
private final void checkUpdatePreconditions(int, String) throws SqlException;
private void checkForValidColumnIndex(int) throws SqlException;
protected final void checkForClosedResultSet(String) throws SqlException;
private final void checkForUpdatableResultSet(String) throws SqlException;
private final void checkForValidCursorPosition() throws SqlException;
private final void checkPositionedOnPlainRow() throws SqlException;
private final void checkThatResultSetTypeIsScrollable() throws SqlException;
private final void checkThatResultSetIsNotDynamic() throws SqlException;
private boolean resultSetContainsNoRows() throws SqlException;
private boolean rowIsInCurrentRowset(long, int) throws SqlException;
private boolean rowIsInCurrentRowset(long);
private void markPositionedUpdateDeletePreparedStatementsClosed();
private void updateColumnInfoFromCache();
protected final void checkAndThrowReceivedQueryTerminatingException() throws SqlException;
void parseScrollableRowset() throws SqlException;
public byte getRSReturnability();
public void setRSReturnability(byte);
protected void getRowCount() throws SqlException;
private void flowGetRowset(int, long) throws SqlException;
private boolean getNextRowset() throws SqlException;
private void adjustNextRowset();
private boolean getPreviousRowset() throws SqlException;
private void adjustPreviousRowset(int, long, boolean);
private boolean getAbsoluteRowset(long) throws SqlException;
private void adjustAbsoluteRowset(long);
private boolean getRelativeRowset(long) throws SqlException;
private void adjustRelativeRowset(long);
private boolean getFirstRowset() throws SqlException;
private void adjustFirstRowset();
private boolean getLastRowset(long) throws SqlException;
private void adjustLastRowset(long);
private boolean getRefreshRowset() throws SqlException;
private void adjustRefreshRowset();
private void setAbsolutePositionBasedOnAllRowsReceived();
public abstract void writeFetch_(Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readFetch_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeScrollableFetch_(Section, int, int, long, boolean) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readScrollableFetch_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writePositioningFetch_(Section, int, long) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readPositioningFetch_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeCursorClose_(Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readCursorClose_() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void parseRowset_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void setFetchSize_(int);
protected abstract void preClose_() throws SqlException;
public ConnectionCallbackInterface getConnectionCallbackInterface();
public StatementCallbackInterface getStatementCallbackInterface();
public void expandRowsetSqlca();
private final int checkRowsetSqlca() throws SqlException;
private final int checkRowsetSqlca(int) throws SqlException;
private void resetRowsetFlags();
private void resetRowsetSqlca();
private CloseFilterInputStream createCloseFilterInputStream(java.io.InputStream) throws SqlException;
private void closeOpenStreams() throws SqlException;
private void useStreamOrLOB(int) throws SqlException;
private void checkLOBMultiCall(int) throws SqlException;
private void unuseStreamsAndLOBs();
private java.sql.SQLException jdbc3MethodNotSupported();
public final int getHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final boolean isClosed() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateBlob(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(int, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateClob(String, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public final void markLOBAsPublished(int);
final void createLOBColumnTracker();
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateRowId(int, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateRowId(String, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(int, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(String, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateSQLXML(int, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateSQLXML(String, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateNClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private java.sql.SQLException mismatchException(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClientSavepoint implements java.sql.Savepoint {
private int savepointId_;
private String savepointName_;
Agent agent_;
void ClientSavepoint(Agent, String);
void ClientSavepoint(Agent, int);
public int getSavepointId() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSavepointName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientStatement implements java.sql.Statement, StatementCallbackInterface {
private static long fetchedRowBase;
private MaterialStatement materialStatement_;
ClientConnection connection_;
private Section section_;
Agent agent_;
private java.sql.Statement owner;
ClientResultSet resultSet_;
long updateCount_;
static final int executeQueryMethod__ = 1;
static final int executeUpdateMethod__ = 2;
static final int executeMethod__ = 3;
protected int sqlMode_;
static final int isQuery__ = 1;
static final int isCall__ = 2;
static final int isUpdate__ = 4;
int sqlUpdateMode_;
static final int isInsertSql__ = 32;
static final int isDeleteSql__ = 64;
static final int isUpdateSql__ = 128;
ColumnMetaData resultSetMetaData_;
public Cursor cachedCursor_;
public Cursor cachedSingletonRowData_;
boolean isPreparedStatement_;
String cursorName_;
boolean openOnClient_;
private int indexOfCurrentResultSet_;
ClientResultSet[] resultSetList_;
protected static final String TIMEOUT_STATEMENT = SET STATEMENT_TIMEOUT ;
protected java.util.ArrayList timeoutArrayList;
protected boolean doWriteTimeout;
int timeout_;
long maxRows_;
int maxFieldSize_;
boolean isAutoCommittableStatement_;
boolean isCatalogQuery_;
final java.util.ArrayList batch_;
public int resultSetType_;
public int resultSetConcurrency_;
int resultSetHoldability_;
int fetchSize_;
int fetchDirection_;
Cursor singletonRowData_;
public String cursorAttributesToSendOnPrepare_;
ClientPreparedStatement preparedStatementForAutoGeneratedKeys_;
ClientResultSet generatedKeysResultSet_;
String[] generatedKeysColumnNames_;
int[] generatedKeysColumnIndexes_;
int autoGeneratedKeys_;
private SqlWarning warnings_;
protected boolean isPoolable;
private boolean closeOnCompletion_;
private boolean closingResultSets_;
private Section setSpecialRegisterSection_;
private static final int OUTSIDE = 0;
private static final int INSIDE_SIMPLECOMMENT = 1;
private static final int INSIDE_BRACKETED_COMMENT = 2;
public static void setFetchedRowBase(long);
public MaterialStatement getMaterialStatement();
public void setMaterialStatement(MaterialStatement);
private void ClientStatement();
private void resetStatement();
private void initStatement();
private void initResetStatement();
protected void initResetPreparedStatement();
private void resetUserControllableAttributes();
public void reset(boolean) throws SqlException;
void resetForReuse() throws SqlException;
public void ClientStatement(Agent, ClientConnection) throws SqlException;
void resetStatement(Agent, ClientConnection) throws SqlException;
private void initStatement(Agent, ClientConnection);
public void ClientStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
public void resetStatement(Agent, ClientConnection, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
private void initStatement(int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws SqlException;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable;
protected SqlWarning getSqlWarnings();
public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private ClientResultSet executeQueryX(String) throws SqlException;
public int executeUpdate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long executeUpdateX(String) throws SqlException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isClosed() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
void closeX() throws SqlException;
public boolean isPoolable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setPoolable(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxFieldSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxFieldSize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxRows() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLargeMaxRows() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxRows(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLargeMaxRows(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getQueryTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setQueryTimeout(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void cancel() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
final void clearWarningsX();
public void setCursorName(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
boolean executeX(String) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getUpdateCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLargeUpdateCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getMoreResults() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFetchDirection(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchDirection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFetchSize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetType() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void addBatch(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void clearBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int[] executeBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long[] executeLargeBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private long[] executeBatchX() throws SqlException, java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getMoreResults(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private boolean getMoreResultsX(int) throws SqlException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
void writeSetSpecialRegister(java.util.ArrayList) throws SqlException;
void readSetSpecialRegister() throws SqlException;
private void writeExecuteImmediate(String, Section) throws SqlException;
private void readExecuteImmediate() throws SqlException;
public void completeExecuteImmediate(Sqlca);
private void readExecuteImmediateForBatch(String) throws SqlException;
void writePrepareDescribeOutput(String, Section) throws SqlException;
void readPrepareDescribeOutput() throws SqlException;
public void completePrepareDescribeOutput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
void writePrepare(String, Section) throws SqlException;
void readPrepare() throws SqlException;
public void completePrepare(Sqlca);
void writeOpenQuery(Section, int, int) throws SqlException;
void readOpenQuery() throws SqlException;
public void completeOpenQuery(Sqlca, ClientResultSet);
public void completeExecuteCallOpenQuery(Sqlca, ClientResultSet, ColumnMetaData, Section);
void writeExecuteCall(boolean, String, Section, int, boolean, int, ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws SqlException;
void readExecuteCall() throws SqlException;
public void completeExecuteCall(Sqlca, Cursor, ClientResultSet[]);
public void completeExecuteCall(Sqlca, Cursor);
public void completeExecute(Sqlca);
public void setUpdateCount(long);
protected final void setOwner(java.sql.Statement);
final java.sql.Statement getOwner();
private boolean willTickleServer(int, boolean) throws SqlException;
private void flowClose() throws SqlException;
private void flowCloseOutsideUOW() throws SqlException;
final void writeClose(boolean) throws SqlException;
final void readClose(boolean) throws SqlException;
final boolean writeCloseResultSets(boolean) throws SqlException;
private boolean writeCloseResultSets(int, boolean) throws SqlException;
final void readCloseResultSets(boolean) throws SqlException;
private void readCloseResultSets(int, boolean) throws SqlException;
private void flowCloseRetrievedResultSets() throws SqlException;
private void flowCloseRetrievedResultSetsOutsideUOW() throws SqlException;
public int completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public void completeExecuteSetStatement(Sqlca);
void markClosed();
void markClosed(boolean);
private void closeEverythingExceptResultSets(boolean);
private void markPreparedStatementForAutoGeneratedKeysClosed();
final void markResultSetsClosed(boolean);
private void flowExecute(int, String) throws SqlException;
private void flowExecuteBatch(long[]) throws SqlException, java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
private Section writeExecuteCall(String, boolean) throws SqlException;
public void listenToUnitOfWork();
public void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator);
public void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator);
public void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning);
private void markPrepared();
protected String getJdbcStatementInterfaceName();
void parseSqlAndSetSqlModes(String) throws SqlException;
private String isolateAnyInitialIdentifier(String);
private String getStatementToken(String) throws SqlException;
private void parseUpdateSql(String);
final void checkForAppropriateSqlMode(int, int) throws SqlException;
private void checkResultSetCount(int) throws SqlException;
protected final void checkForStoredProcResultSetCount(int) throws SqlException;
final void checkForClosedStatement() throws SqlException;
private void checkForInvalidBatchedSql(String) throws SqlException;
protected void checkForDuplicateCursorName() throws SqlException;
protected void setupCursorNameCacheAndMappings();
String[] extractCursorNameFromWhereCurrentOf(String);
protected String substituteClientCursorNameWithServerCursorName(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public ConnectionCallbackInterface getConnectionCallbackInterface();
void resetCursorNameAndRemoveFromWhereCurrentOfMappings();
private void mapCursorNameToResultSet();
void parseStorProcReturnedScrollableRowset() throws SqlException;
String escape(String) throws SqlException;
String cacheCursorAttributesToSendOnPrepare() throws SqlException;
protected static ClientPreparedStatement prepareAutoGeneratedKeysStatement(ClientConnection) throws SqlException;
void checkAutoGeneratedKeysParameters() throws SqlException;
public ColumnMetaData getGuessedResultSetMetaData();
public boolean isQueryMode();
protected void removeClientCursorNameFromCache();
void resultSetCommitting(ClientResultSet) throws SqlException;
boolean resultSetCommitting(ClientResultSet, boolean) throws SqlException;
private void markAutoCommitted();
public void closeOnCompletion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCloseOnCompletion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
void closeMeOnCompletion();
private boolean isOpen(ClientResultSet) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void resetResultSetList();
public Section getSection();
protected void setSection(Section);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ClientTypes {
static final int BIT = -7;
static final int BOOLEAN = 16;
static final int SMALLINT = 5;
static final int INTEGER = 4;
static final int BIGINT = -5;
static final int REAL = 7;
static final int DOUBLE = 8;
static final int DECIMAL = 3;
public static final int CHAR = 1;
public static final int VARCHAR = 12;
public static final int LONGVARCHAR = -1;
static final int DATE = 91;
static final int TIME = 92;
static final int TIMESTAMP = 93;
public static final int BINARY = -2;
public static final int VARBINARY = -3;
public static final int LONGVARBINARY = -4;
public static final int BLOB = 2004;
public static final int CLOB = 2005;
public static final int JAVA_OBJECT = 2000;
private void ClientTypes();
static String getTypeString(int);
public static int mapDERBYTypeToDriverType(boolean, int, long, int);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobLocatorInputStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private final ClientConnection connection;
private final ClientClob clob;
private long currentPos;
void ClobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientClob) throws SqlException;
void ClobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientClob, long) throws SqlException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private byte[] readBytes(int) throws java.io.IOException;
private byte[] getBytesFromString(String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobLocatorOutputStream extends java.io.OutputStream {
private final ClientClob clob;
private long currentPos;
void ClobLocatorOutputStream(ClientClob, long) throws SqlException;
public void write(int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void flush();
private void writeBytes(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobLocatorReader extends java.io.Reader {
private final ClientConnection connection;
private final ClientClob clob;
private long currentPos;
private final long maxPos;
private boolean isClosed;
void ClobLocatorReader(ClientConnection, ClientClob) throws SqlException;
void ClobLocatorReader(ClientConnection, ClientClob, long, long) throws SqlException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(char[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
private void checkClosed() throws java.io.IOException;
private char[] readCharacters(int) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobLocatorWriter extends java.io.Writer {
private final ClientConnection connection;
private final ClientClob clob;
private long currentPos;
private boolean isClosed;
void ClobLocatorWriter(ClientConnection, ClientClob, long) throws SqlException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
private void checkClosed() throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(char[]) throws java.io.IOException;
public void flush();
public void write(char[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private void writeCharacters(char[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobOutputStream extends java.io.OutputStream {
private ClientClob clob_;
private long offset_;
void ClobOutputStream(ClientClob, long) throws SqlException;
public void write(int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void write(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
private void writeBytes(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ClobWriter extends java.io.Writer {
private final ClientClob clob_;
private long offset_;
void ClobWriter(ClientClob, long) throws SqlException;
public void write(int);
public void write(char[], int, int);
public void write(String);
public void write(String, int, int);
public void flush();
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
private void updateClob(StringBuffer);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class CloseFilterInputStream extends java.io.FilterInputStream {
private static final String ALREADY_CLOSED_ERR_MESSAGE;
private boolean closed;
public void CloseFilterInputStream(java.io.InputStream);
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[]) throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public long skip(long) throws java.io.IOException;
public int available() throws java.io.IOException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ColumnMetaData implements java.sql.ResultSetMetaData {
public int columns_;
public boolean[] nullable_;
public short sqldHold_;
public short sqldReturn_;
public short sqldScroll_;
public short sqldSensitive_;
public short sqldFcode_;
public short sqldKeytype_;
public String sqldRdbnam_;
public String sqldSchema_;
public int[] sqlPrecision_;
public int[] sqlScale_;
public long[] sqlLength_;
public int[] sqlType_;
public int[] sqlCcsid_;
public String[] sqlName_;
public String[] sqlLabel_;
public short[] sqlUnnamed_;
public String[] sqlComment_;
public String[] sqlUDTname_;
public String[] sqlUDTclassName_;
public short[] sqlxKeymem_;
public short[] sqlxGenerated_;
public short[] sqlxParmmode_;
public String[] sqlxCorname_;
public String[] sqlxName_;
public String[] sqlxBasename_;
public int[] sqlxUpdatable_;
public String[] sqlxSchema_;
public String[] sqlxRdbnam_;
public transient int[][] protocolTypesCache_;
public transient int[] types_;
public transient int[] clientParamtertype_;
private transient LogWriter logWriter_;
transient int resultSetConcurrency_;
private transient java.util.Hashtable columnNameToIndexCache_;
private transient boolean statementClosed_;
void markClosed();
private void checkForClosedStatement() throws SqlException;
public void ColumnMetaData(LogWriter);
public void ColumnMetaData(LogWriter, int);
public void initializeCache(int);
public int getColumnCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isAutoIncrement(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCaseSensitive(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isSearchable(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCurrency(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int isNullable(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isSigned(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getColumnDisplaySize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getColumnLabel(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getColumnName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSchemaName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getPrecision(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getScale(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getTableName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalogName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getColumnType(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getColumnTypeName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isReadOnly(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWritable(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isDefinitelyWritable(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getColumnClassName(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
void checkForValidColumnIndex(int) throws SqlException;
public void setLogWriter(LogWriter);
private void nullDataForGC();
boolean hasLobColumns();
int findColumnX(String) throws SqlException;
private void assignColumnName(int);
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ColumnTypeConversionException extends SqlException {
void ColumnTypeConversionException(LogWriter, String, String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
final synchronized class Configuration$1 implements java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction {
void Configuration$1();
public org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder run() throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class Configuration {
private static org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder dncProductVersionHolder__;
static final String dncDriverName = Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver;
private static final byte[] dncPackageConsistencyToken;
public static final boolean jdbcCompliant = 1;
private static final String[] dncCompatibleJREVersions;
public static final String jdbcDerbyNETProtocol = jdbc:derby://;
static final boolean rangeCheckCrossConverters = 1;
static final int bugCheckLevel = 255;
static final int defaultIsolation = 2;
public static final int defaultFetchSize = 64;
static final String cursorAttribute_SensitiveStatic = SENSITIVE STATIC SCROLL ;
static final String cursorAttribute_Insensitive = INSENSITIVE SCROLL ;
static final String cursorAttribute_ForUpdate = FOR UPDATE ;
static final String cursorAttribute_WithHold = WITH HOLD ;
private static SqlException exceptionsOnLoadResources;
private void Configuration();
static org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder getProductVersionHolder();
public static byte[] getDncPackageConsistencyToken();
static String[] getDncCompatibleJREVersions();
public static SqlException getExceptionOnLoadResources();
private static void loadProductVersionHolder() throws SqlException;
private static org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder buildProductVersionHolder() throws java.security.PrivilegedActionException, java.io.IOException;
public static boolean supportsJDBC42();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface ConnectionCallbackInterface {
public abstract void completeLocalCommit();
public abstract void completeLocalRollback();
public abstract void completeAbnormalUnitOfWork();
public abstract void completeChainBreakingDisconnect();
public abstract void completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public abstract void completeAbnormalUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkListener);
public abstract void completePiggyBackIsolation(int);
public abstract void completePiggyBackSchema(String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
final synchronized class CrossConverters {
public static final int UNKNOWN_LENGTH = -2147483648;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxByteValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinByteValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxShortValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinShortValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxIntValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinIntValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxLongValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinLongValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxFloatValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinFloatValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMaxDoubleValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdMinDoubleValue__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdZero__;
private static final java.math.BigDecimal bdOne__;
private final Agent agent_;
void CrossConverters(Agent);
final Object setObject(int, boolean) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, byte) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, short) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, int) throws SqlException;
final boolean setBooleanFromObject(Object, int) throws SqlException;
final byte setByteFromObject(Object, int) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, long) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, float) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, double) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.math.BigDecimal) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.sql.Date) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.sql.Time) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.sql.Timestamp) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, String) throws SqlException;
public static int getInputJdbcType(int);
final Object setObject(int, byte[]) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.io.Reader, int) throws SqlException;
private String setStringFromReader(java.io.Reader, int) throws SqlException;
final Object setObjectFromCharacterStream(int, java.io.InputStream, java.nio.charset.Charset, int) throws SqlException;
private String setStringFromStream(java.io.InputStream, java.nio.charset.Charset, int) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.sql.Blob) throws SqlException;
final Object setObjectFromBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws SqlException;
private byte[] setBytesFromStream(java.io.InputStream, int) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, java.sql.Clob) throws SqlException;
final Object setObject(int, Object) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromShort(short) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromInt(int) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromLong(long) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromFloat(float) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBooleanFromString(String);
final byte getByteFromShort(short) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromInt(int) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromLong(long) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromFloat(float) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final byte getByteFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromInt(int) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromLong(long) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromFloat(float) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final short getShortFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final int getIntFromLong(long) throws SqlException;
final int getIntFromFloat(float) throws SqlException;
final int getIntFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final int getIntFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final int getIntFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final long getLongFromFloat(float) throws SqlException;
final long getLongFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final long getLongFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final long getLongFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final float getFloatFromDouble(double) throws SqlException;
final float getFloatFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final float getFloatFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final double getDoubleFromBoolean(boolean) throws SqlException;
final double getDoubleFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimalFromString(String) throws SqlException;
final String getStringFromBytes(byte[]) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Date getDateFromString(String, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Time getTimeFromString(String, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestampFromString(String, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private static java.sql.Date date_valueOf(String, java.util.Calendar);
private static void initDatePortion(java.util.Calendar, String);
private static int digit(char);
private static java.sql.Time time_valueOf(String, java.util.Calendar);
private static void initTimePortion(java.util.Calendar, String);
private static java.sql.Timestamp timestamp_valueOf(String, java.util.Calendar);
private static byte parseByte(String) throws NumberFormatException;
private static short parseShort(String) throws NumberFormatException;
private static int parseInt(String) throws NumberFormatException;
private static long parseLong(String) throws NumberFormatException;
private static void skipPadding(String, int, int) throws NumberFormatException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class Cursor {
protected Agent agent_;
public static final int STRING = 0;
public static final int VARIABLE_STRING = 2;
public static final int VARIABLE_SHORT_STRING = 1;
public static final int NULL_TERMINATED_STRING = 3;
public static final int BYTES = 4;
public static final int NULL_TERMINATED_BYTES = 7;
static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF_16BE;
static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF_8;
static final java.nio.charset.Charset ISO_8859_1;
public byte[] dataBuffer_;
public java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream dataBufferStream_;
public int position_;
public int lastValidBytePosition_;
public boolean hasLobs_;
protected int currentRowPosition_;
private int nextRowPosition_;
protected int[] columnDataPosition_;
protected int[] columnDataComputedLength_;
private boolean allRowsReceivedFromServer_;
long rowsRead_;
int maxFieldSize_;
protected java.util.ArrayList columnDataPositionCache_;
protected java.util.ArrayList columnDataLengthCache_;
protected java.util.ArrayList columnDataIsNullCache_;
java.util.ArrayList isUpdateDeleteHoleCache_;
boolean isUpdateDeleteHole_;
private boolean isRowUpdated_;
static final Boolean ROW_IS_NULL;
private static final Boolean ROW_IS_NOT_NULL;
private java.util.Calendar recyclableCalendar_;
public int[] jdbcTypes_;
public int columns_;
public boolean[] nullable_;
public java.nio.charset.Charset[] charset_;
public boolean[] isNull_;
public int[] fdocaLength_;
public int[] ccsid_;
private char[] charBuffer_;
public void Cursor(Agent);
public void setNumberOfColumns(int);
protected boolean stepNext(boolean) throws SqlException;
public boolean next() throws SqlException;
public void setAllRowsReceivedFromServer(boolean);
public final boolean allRowsReceivedFromServer();
final boolean currentRowPositionIsEqualToNextRowPosition();
public final void resetDataBuffer();
final boolean dataBufferHasUnprocessedData();
protected abstract boolean calculateColumnOffsetsForRow_(int, boolean) throws SqlException, DisconnectException;
protected abstract void clearLobData_();
protected abstract void getMoreData_() throws SqlException;
public final void setIsUpdataDeleteHole(int, boolean);
public final void setIsRowUpdated(boolean);
public final boolean getIsRowUpdated();
public final boolean getIsUpdateDeleteHole();
protected final void markNextRowPosition();
protected final void makeNextRowPositionCurrent();
public final void incrementRowsReadEvent();
private boolean get_BOOLEAN(int);
private final short get_SMALLINT(int);
protected final int get_INTEGER(int);
private final long get_BIGINT(int);
private final float get_FLOAT(int);
private final double get_DOUBLE(int);
private final java.math.BigDecimal get_DECIMAL(int) throws SqlException;
private double getDoubleFromDECIMAL(int) throws SqlException;
private long getLongFromDECIMAL(int, String) throws SqlException;
private String getVARCHAR(int) throws SqlException;
private String getCHAR(int) throws SqlException;
private java.sql.Date getDATE(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private java.sql.Time getTIME(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private final java.sql.Timestamp getTIMESTAMP(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestampFromDATE(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestampFromTIME(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private final java.sql.Date getDateFromTIMESTAMP(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private final java.sql.Time getTimeFromTIMESTAMP(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
private String getStringFromDATE(int) throws SqlException;
private String getStringFromTIME(int) throws SqlException;
private String getStringFromTIMESTAMP(int) throws SqlException;
private byte[] get_CHAR_FOR_BIT_DATA(int) throws SqlException;
private byte[] get_VARCHAR_FOR_BIT_DATA(int) throws SqlException;
private Object get_UDT(int) throws SqlException;
private java.util.Calendar getRecyclableCalendar();
CallableLocatorProcedures getLocatorProcedures();
protected abstract int locator(int);
public abstract ClientBlob getBlobColumn_(int, Agent, boolean) throws SqlException;
public abstract ClientClob getClobColumn_(int, Agent, boolean) throws SqlException;
final boolean getBoolean(int) throws SqlException;
final byte getByte(int) throws SqlException;
final short getShort(int) throws SqlException;
final int getInt(int) throws SqlException;
final long getLong(int) throws SqlException;
final float getFloat(int) throws SqlException;
final double getDouble(int) throws SqlException;
final java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Date getDate(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Time getTime(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int, java.util.Calendar) throws SqlException;
final String getString(int) throws SqlException;
final byte[] getBytes(int) throws SqlException;
final java.io.InputStream getBinaryStream(int) throws SqlException;
final java.io.InputStream getAsciiStream(int) throws SqlException;
final java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Blob getBlob(int) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Clob getClob(int) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Array getArray(int) throws SqlException;
final java.sql.Ref getRef(int) throws SqlException;
final Object getObject(int) throws SqlException;
public final void allocateCharBuffer();
private String getStringWithoutConvert(int, int);
private ColumnTypeConversionException coercionError(String, int);
public void nullDataForGC();
private int getColumnPrecision(int);
private int getColumnScale(int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class DateTime {
private static final int dateRepresentationLength = 10;
private static final int timeRepresentationLength = 8;
private static final int timestampRepresentationLength = 29;
private void DateTime();
static final java.sql.Date dateBytesToDate(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
static final java.sql.Time timeBytesToTime(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
static final java.sql.Timestamp timestampBytesToTimestamp(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset, boolean);
private static int parseTimestampString(String, java.util.Calendar, boolean);
public static final int dateToDateBytes(byte[], int, DateTimeValue) throws SqlException;
public static final int timeToTimeBytes(byte[], int, DateTimeValue);
public static final int timestampToTimestampBytes(byte[], int, DateTimeValue, boolean) throws SqlException;
static final java.sql.Timestamp dateBytesToTimestamp(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
static final java.sql.Timestamp timeBytesToTimestamp(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
static final java.sql.Date timestampBytesToDate(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
static final java.sql.Time timestampBytesToTime(byte[], int, java.util.Calendar, java.nio.charset.Charset);
private static java.util.Calendar getCleanCalendar(java.util.Calendar);
public static int getTimestampLength(boolean);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class DateTimeValue {
private final int year;
private final int month;
private final int day;
private final int hours;
private final int minutes;
private final int seconds;
private final int nanos;
private void DateTimeValue(java.util.Calendar, int);
void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar);
void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar);
void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar);
public void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Date);
public void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Time);
public void DateTimeValue(java.sql.Timestamp);
private static java.util.Calendar initCalendar(java.util.Calendar, java.util.Date);
public int getYear();
public int getMonth();
public int getDayOfMonth();
public int getHours();
public int getMinutes();
public int getSeconds();
public int getNanos();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class Decimal {
public static final int PACKED_DECIMAL = 48;
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil;
private static final int[][] tenRadixMagnitude;
private void Decimal();
private static final int packedNybblesToInt(byte[], int, int, int);
private static final long packedNybblesToLong(byte[], int, int, int);
private static final int[] computeMagnitude(int[]);
static java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(byte[], int, int, int);
static double getDouble(byte[], int, int, int);
static long getLong(byte[], int, int, int);
public static final int bigDecimalToPackedDecimalBytes(byte[], int, java.math.BigDecimal, int, int) throws SqlException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
abstract interface Diagnosable {
public abstract Sqlca getSqlca();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class DisconnectException extends SqlException {
private void DisconnectException(Agent, ClientMessageId, Object[], SqlCode, Throwable);
public transient void DisconnectException(Agent, ClientMessageId, Throwable, Object[]);
public transient void DisconnectException(Agent, ClientMessageId, Object[]);
public void DisconnectException(Agent, SqlException);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class EncryptionManager {
private transient Agent agent_;
private static final byte[] modulusBytes__;
private static final java.math.BigInteger modulus__;
private static final byte[] baseBytes__;
private static final java.math.BigInteger base__;
private static final int exponential_length__ = 255;
private javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec paramSpec_;
private java.security.KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator_;
private java.security.KeyPair keyPair_;
private javax.crypto.KeyAgreement keyAgreement_;
private byte[] token_;
private byte[] secKey_;
private javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory secretKeyFactory_;
private String providerName;
private java.security.Provider provider;
private java.security.MessageDigest messageDigest;
private java.security.SecureRandom secureRandom;
private static final int SECMEC_USRSSBPWD_SEED_LEN = 8;
private static final byte[] SECMEC_USRSSBPWD_PWDSEQS;
private static final String SHA_1_PRNG_ALGORITHM = SHA1PRNG;
public static final String SHA_1_DIGEST_ALGORITHM = SHA-1;
private static final char[] hex_table;
public void EncryptionManager(Agent) throws SqlException;
public void EncryptionManager(Agent, String) throws SqlException;
public byte[] obtainPublicKey();
private byte[] calculateEncryptionToken(int, byte[]);
private void keyParityCheck(byte[]) throws SqlException;
private byte[] generatePrivateKey(byte[]) throws SqlException;
public byte[] encryptData(byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) throws SqlException;
public byte[] decryptData(byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) throws SqlException;
public void resetSecurityKeys();
public byte[] generateSeed();
public byte[] substitutePassword(String, String, byte[], byte[]) throws SqlException;
private String toHexString(byte[], int, int);
private byte[] toHexByte(String, int, int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class ExceptionFormatter {
void ExceptionFormatter();
static void printTrace(SqlException, java.io.PrintWriter, String, boolean);
static void printTrace(java.sql.SQLException, java.io.PrintWriter, String, boolean);
private static void printTrace(Sqlca, java.io.PrintWriter, String);
static void printTrace(Throwable, java.io.PrintWriter, String);
static void printTrace(javax.transaction.xa.XAException, java.io.PrintWriter, String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class FailedProperties40 {
private final java.util.HashMap failedProps_;
private final String firstKey_;
private final String firstValue_;
public static java.util.Properties makeProperties(String, String);
public void FailedProperties40(java.util.Properties);
public java.util.Map getProperties();
public String getFirstKey();
public String getFirstValue();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class FloatingPoint {
public static final int IEEE_754_FLOATING_POINT = 72;
private void FloatingPoint();
private static final int convertFromByteToInt(byte[], int);
private static final long convertFromByteToLong(byte[], int);
static float getFloat(byte[], int);
static double getDouble(byte[], int);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class LOBStateTracker {
public static final LOBStateTracker NO_OP_TRACKER;
private final int[] columns;
private final boolean[] isBlob;
private final boolean[] published;
private final boolean doRelease;
private final int[] lastLocatorSeen;
void LOBStateTracker(int[], boolean[], boolean);
void checkCurrentRow(Cursor) throws SqlException;
void discardState();
void markAsPublished(int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class Lob implements UnitOfWorkListener {
static final int STRING = 2;
static final int ASCII_STREAM = 4;
static final int UNICODE_STREAM = 8;
static final int CHARACTER_STREAM = 16;
static final int BINARY_STREAM = 32;
static final int BINARY_STRING = 64;
static final int LOCATOR = 128;
public static final int INVALID_LOCATOR = -1;
protected Agent agent_;
protected int dataType_;
protected int locator_;
private long sqlLength_;
private boolean lengthObtained_;
protected boolean isValid_;
private final boolean willBeLayerBStreamed_;
private long updateCount;
private int transactionID_;
private static final ClientMessageId LOB_OBJECT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN_YET;
protected void Lob(Agent, boolean);
long sqlLength() throws SqlException;
void setSqlLength(long);
long getLocatorLength() throws SqlException;
public void listenToUnitOfWork();
public void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator);
public void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator);
public Agent getAgent();
void checkForClosedConnection() throws SqlException;
protected abstract void materializeStream() throws SqlException;
protected java.io.InputStream materializeStream(java.io.InputStream, String) throws SqlException;
public abstract long length() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected static boolean isLayerBStreamingPossible(Agent);
public boolean willBeLayerBStreamed();
public boolean isLocator();
public int getLocator();
protected void checkPosAndLength(long, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected synchronized void incrementUpdateCount();
long getUpdateCount();
void checkForLocatorValidity() throws SqlException;
protected void checkValidity() throws java.sql.SQLException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogWriter {
protected final java.io.PrintWriter printWriter_;
private final int traceLevel_;
private boolean driverConfigurationHasBeenWrittenToJdbc1Stream_;
private boolean driverConfigurationHasBeenWrittenToJdbc2Stream_;
public boolean printWriterNeedsToBeClosed_;
public void LogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter, int);
protected final boolean loggingEnabled(int);
void close();
private void dncprintln(String);
private void dncprint(String);
private void dncprintln(String, String);
private void dncprint(String, String);
public void tracepoint(String, int, String, String);
private void traceExternalMethod(Object, String, String);
private void traceExternalDeprecatedMethod(Object, String, String);
private String buildExternalMethodHeader(Object, String);
private String getClassNameOfInstanceIfTraced(Object);
public void traceExit(Object, String, Object);
void traceDeprecatedExit(Object, String, Object);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientResultSet);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientStatement);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientBlob);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientClob);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientDatabaseMetaData);
void traceExit(Object, String, ClientConnection);
void traceExit(Object, String, ColumnMetaData);
void traceExit(Object, String, byte[]);
void traceExit(Object, String, byte);
public transient void traceEntry(Object, String, Object[]);
public transient void traceDeprecatedEntry(Object, String, Object[]);
private void traceEntryAllArgs(Object, String, boolean, Object[]);
private static String toPrintableString(Object);
void traceDiagnosable(SqlException);
public void traceDiagnosable(java.sql.SQLException);
void traceDiagnosable(javax.transaction.xa.XAException);
void traceParameterMetaData(ClientStatement, ColumnMetaData);
void traceResultSetMetaData(ClientStatement, ColumnMetaData);
private void traceColumnMetaData(String, ColumnMetaData);
void traceConnectEntry(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40);
void traceConnectEntry(String, int, String, java.util.Properties);
void traceConnectResetEntry(Object, LogWriter, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40);
void traceConnectExit(ClientConnection);
public void traceConnectResetExit(ClientConnection);
private void traceConnectsResetEntry(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40);
private void traceConnectsEntry(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40);
private void traceConnectsResetEntry(String, int, String, java.util.Properties);
private void traceConnectsEntry(String, int, String, java.util.Properties);
public void traceConnectsExit(ClientConnection);
public void traceConnectsResetExit(ClientConnection);
private void writeProperties(java.util.Properties);
private String escapePassword(String);
private void traceDriverConfigurationJdbc2();
private void traceDriverConfigurationJdbc1();
private void writeDriverConfiguration();
private java.util.Properties getProperties(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40) throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogicalCallableStatement extends LogicalPreparedStatement implements java.sql.CallableStatement {
public void LogicalCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public boolean wasNull() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte getByte(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public double getDouble(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public float getFloat(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getInt(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLong(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public short getShort(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getBoolean(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte[] getBytes(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte getByte(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public double getDouble(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public float getFloat(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getInt(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLong(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public short getShort(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getBoolean(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public byte[] getBytes(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setByte(String, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDouble(String, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFloat(String, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setInt(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLong(String, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setShort(String, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBoolean(String, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBytes(String, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Array getArray(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob getClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Ref getRef(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(String, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBigDecimal(String, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.net.URL getURL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setURL(String, java.net.URL) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Array getArray(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob getClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(String, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Ref getRef(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(String, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(String, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String, java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Date getDate(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Time getTime(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(String, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(String, java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(String, java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowId getRowId(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRowId(String, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNString(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob getNClob(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setSQLXML(String, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML getSQLXML(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNString(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getNCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.io.Reader getCharacterStream(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(String, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(String, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(int, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object getObject(String, Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogicalCallableStatement42 extends LogicalCallableStatement {
public void LogicalCallableStatement42(java.sql.CallableStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(int, java.sql.SQLType, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void registerOutParameter(String, java.sql.SQLType, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogicalConnection implements java.sql.Connection {
ClientConnection physicalConnection_;
private org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection pooledConnection_;
private LogicalDatabaseMetaData logicalDatabaseMetaData;
public void LogicalConnection(ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws SqlException;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable;
public synchronized void nullPhysicalConnection();
public void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void closeWithoutRecyclingToPool() throws SqlException;
public boolean isClosed() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected final void checkForNullPhysicalConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
final void notifyException(java.sql.SQLException);
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized String nativeSQL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setAutoCommit(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized boolean getAutoCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void commit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void rollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setTransactionIsolation(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized int getTransactionIsolation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected LogicalDatabaseMetaData newLogicalDatabaseMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
final synchronized java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getRealMetaDataObject() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setReadOnly(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized boolean isReadOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setCatalog(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized String getCatalog() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.util.Map getTypeMap() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setTypeMap(java.util.Map) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Statement createStatement(int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setHoldability(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized int getHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Savepoint setSavepoint() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized java.sql.Savepoint setSavepoint(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void rollback(java.sql.Savepoint) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void releaseSavepoint(java.sql.Savepoint) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getTransactionID();
public int getServerVersion();
public java.sql.Array createArrayOf(String, Object[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Blob createBlob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Clob createClob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob createNClob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML createSQLXML() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Struct createStruct(String, Object[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.util.Properties getClientInfo() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getClientInfo(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized boolean isValid(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClientInfo(java.util.Properties) throws java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
public void setClientInfo(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized String getSchema() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void setSchema(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void abort(java.util.concurrent.Executor) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getNetworkTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNetworkTimeout(java.util.concurrent.Executor, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class LogicalDatabaseMetaData implements java.sql.DatabaseMetaData {
private final LogicalConnection logicalCon;
private final LogWriter logWriter;
private final int driverMajorVersion;
private final int driverMinorVersion;
void LogicalDatabaseMetaData(LogicalConnection, LogWriter) throws java.sql.SQLException;
final java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getRealMetaDataObject() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getURL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getUserName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isReadOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDatabaseProductName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDriverName() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDriverVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDriverMajorVersion();
public int getDriverMinorVersion();
public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSQLKeywords() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getNumericFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getStringFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSystemFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSearchStringEscape() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsConvert() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsConvert(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getSchemaTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getProcedureTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalogTerm() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getCatalogSeparator() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsUnion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxConnections() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxIndexLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxRowSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxStatementLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxStatements() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedures(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTables(String, String, String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSchemas() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getCatalogs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTableTypes() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getVersionColumns(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getImportedKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getExportedKeys(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsResultSetType(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean updatesAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean deletesAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean insertsAreDetected(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsSavepoints() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsNamedParameters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSuperTypes(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSuperTables(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getAttributes(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getJDBCMajorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getJDBCMinorVersion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getSQLStateType() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsStatementPooling() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getClientInfoProperties() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getFunctions(String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getSchemas(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getPseudoColumns(String, String, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getMaxLogicalLobSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean supportsRefCursors() throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogicalPreparedStatement extends LogicalStatementEntity implements java.sql.PreparedStatement {
public void LogicalPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public int executeUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void addBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void clearParameters() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setByte(int, byte) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDouble(int, double) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFloat(int, float) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setInt(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLong(int, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setShort(int, short) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBoolean(int, boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBytes(int, byte[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setUnicodeStream(int, java.io.InputStream, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNull(int, int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBigDecimal(int, java.math.BigDecimal) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setURL(int, java.net.URL) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setArray(int, java.sql.Array) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.sql.Blob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(int, java.sql.Clob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(int, java.sql.Date) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRef(int, java.sql.Ref) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(int, java.sql.Time) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setDate(int, java.sql.Date, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTime(int, java.sql.Time, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp, java.util.Calendar) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchDirection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getFetchSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxFieldSize() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMaxRows() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getQueryTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getResultSetType() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getUpdateCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void cancel() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void clearBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void clearWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getMoreResults() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int[] executeBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFetchDirection(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setFetchSize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxFieldSize(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxRows(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setQueryTimeout(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean getMoreResults(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void addBatch(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCursorName(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int executeUpdate(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean execute(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setRowId(int, java.sql.RowId) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNString(int, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.sql.NClob) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setSQLXML(int, java.sql.SQLXML) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader, long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setAsciiStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBinaryStream(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNCharacterStream(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setBlob(int, java.io.InputStream) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setNClob(int, java.io.Reader) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized boolean isClosed() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setPoolable(boolean) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isPoolable() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate() throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class LogicalPreparedStatement42 extends LogicalPreparedStatement {
public void LogicalPreparedStatement42(java.sql.PreparedStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
abstract synchronized class LogicalStatementEntity implements java.sql.Statement {
private final boolean hasCallableStmt;
private java.sql.PreparedStatement physicalPs;
private java.sql.CallableStatement physicalCs;
private StatementCacheInteractor owner;
private final stmtcache.StatementKey stmtKey;
private final stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache cache;
protected void LogicalStatementEntity(java.sql.PreparedStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey, StatementCacheInteractor);
synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement getPhysPs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement getPhysCs() throws java.sql.SQLException;
private synchronized java.sql.Statement getPhysStmt() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized boolean isLogicalEntityClosed();
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void closeOnCompletion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isCloseOnCompletion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long[] executeLargeBatch() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, int[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long executeLargeUpdate(String, String[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLargeUpdateCount() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public long getLargeMaxRows() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLargeMaxRows(long) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface MaterialPreparedStatement extends MaterialStatement {
public abstract void writeExecute_(Section, ColumnMetaData, Object[], int, boolean, boolean) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readExecute_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeOpenQuery_(Section, int, int, int, ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeDescribeInput_(Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readDescribeInput_() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface MaterialStatement {
public abstract void writeExecuteImmediate_(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readExecuteImmediate_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void readExecuteImmediateForBatch_(String) throws SqlException;
public abstract void writePrepareDescribeOutput_(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readPrepareDescribeOutput_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeOpenQuery_(Section, int, int) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readOpenQuery_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeExecuteCall_(boolean, String, Section, int, boolean, int, ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readExecuteCall_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writePrepare_(String, Section) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readPrepare_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void writeSetSpecialRegister_(Section, java.util.ArrayList) throws SqlException;
public abstract void readSetSpecialRegister_() throws SqlException;
public abstract void reset_();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class OutsideRangeForDataTypeException extends SqlException {
void OutsideRangeForDataTypeException(LogWriter, String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface PreparedStatementCallbackInterface extends StatementCallbackInterface {
public abstract void completeDescribeInput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
public abstract void completeDescribeOutput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class ProductLevel {
String databaseProductName_;
int versionLevel_;
int releaseLevel_;
private int modificationLevel_;
String databaseProductVersion_;
public void ProductLevel(String, String, String);
boolean greaterThanOrEqualTo(int, int, int);
boolean lessThan(int, int, int);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface ResultSetCallbackInterface extends UnitOfWorkListener {
public abstract void earlyCloseComplete(Sqlca);
public abstract int completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public abstract void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning);
public abstract StatementCallbackInterface getStatementCallbackInterface();
public abstract ConnectionCallbackInterface getConnectionCallbackInterface();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SQLExceptionFactory {
private static final String DRDA_CONVERSATION_TERMINATED = 58009;
private static final String DRDA_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58014;
private static final String DRDA_OBJECT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58015;
private static final String DRDA_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58016;
private static final String DRDA_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58017;
private static final String DRDA_SQLTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 56084;
private static final String DRDA_CONVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 57017;
private static final String DRDA_REPLY_MSG_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58018;
public void SQLExceptionFactory();
public java.sql.SQLException getSQLException(String, String, int, Object[]);
public static java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException notImplemented(String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class Section {
private int sectionNumber;
private String packageName;
private String serverCursorName;
private int resultSetHoldability_;
private byte[] PKGNAMCBytes;
private boolean isGenerated;
private Agent agent_;
String serverCursorNameForPositionedUpdate_;
private transient String clientCursorName_;
void Section(Agent, String, int, String, int);
public void Section(Agent, String, int, String, int, boolean);
private void init(Agent, String, int, String, int, boolean);
public void setPKGNAMCBytes(byte[]);
public byte[] getPKGNAMCBytes();
public String getPackageName();
public int getSectionNumber();
public String getPackage();
public String getServerCursorName();
public String getServerCursorNameForPositionedUpdate();
public String getClientCursorName();
public void setClientCursorName(String);
void free();
public boolean isReservedPositionedUpdate();
public int getStaticStatementType();
public Section getPositionedUpdateSection() throws SqlException;
public void setCursorName(String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SectionManager {
private Agent agent_;
private final java.util.Stack freeSectionsNonHold_;
private final java.util.Stack freeSectionsHold_;
private int nextAvailableSectionNumber_;
byte[] holdPKGNAMCBytes;
byte[] noHoldPKGNAMCBytes;
private static final String packageNameWithHold__ = SYSLH000;
private static final String packageNameWithNoHold__ = SYSLN000;
private static final String cursorNamePrefixWithHold__ = SQL_CURLH000C;
private static final String cursorNamePrefixWithNoHold__ = SQL_CURLN000C;
private final java.util.Hashtable positionedUpdateCursorNameToQuerySection_;
private final java.util.Hashtable positionedUpdateCursorNameToResultSet_;
private final int maxNumSections_;
public void SectionManager(Agent);
void setPKGNAMCBytes(byte[], int);
Section getDynamicSection(int) throws SqlException;
private Section getSection(java.util.Stack, String, String, int) throws SqlException;
void freeSection(Section, int);
Section getPositionedUpdateSection(Section) throws SqlException;
Section getPositionedUpdateSection(String, boolean) throws SqlException;
void mapCursorNameToQuerySection(String, Section);
void mapCursorNameToResultSet(String, ClientResultSet);
ClientResultSet getPositionedUpdateResultSet(String) throws SqlException;
void removeCursorNameToResultSetMapping(String, String);
void removeCursorNameToQuerySectionMapping(String, String);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SignedBinary {
public static final int BIG_ENDIAN = 1;
public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN = 2;
private void SignedBinary();
static byte getByte(byte[], int);
public static short getShort(byte[], int);
public static final int getInt(byte[], int);
public static final long getLong(byte[], int);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SqlCode {
private int code_;
public static final SqlCode queuedXAError;
static final SqlCode disconnectError;
public static final SqlCode END_OF_DATA;
void SqlCode(int);
public final int getCode();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SqlException extends Exception implements Diagnosable {
private static final int DEFAULT_ERRCODE = 99999;
private transient Sqlca sqlca_;
private transient int messageNumber_;
private String message_;
private String cachedMessage_;
private String batchPositionLabel_;
private String sqlstate_;
private int errorcode_;
private String causeString_;
protected SqlException nextException_;
public static final String CLIENT_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_NAME = org.apache.derby.loc.clientmessages;
private static SQLExceptionFactory exceptionFactory;
private static org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil_;
protected java.sql.SQLException wrappedException_;
public static org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil getMessageUtil();
void SqlException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Object[], Throwable);
void SqlException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Object[], SqlCode, Throwable);
public transient void SqlException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, SqlCode, Object[]);
public transient void SqlException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Throwable, Object[]);
public transient void SqlException(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Object[]);
public void SqlException(LogWriter, Sqlca);
private void SqlException(Sqlca, int, boolean);
private void SqlException(LogWriter, String, String, int);
private void SqlException(LogWriter, Throwable, String, String, int);
private void setThrowable(Throwable);
public void SqlException(java.sql.SQLException);
public java.sql.SQLException getSQLException();
void setBatchPositionLabel(int);
public Sqlca getSqlca();
public String toString();
private Object[] getArgs();
public String getMessage();
public String getSQLState();
public int getErrorCode();
public SqlException getNextException();
public void setNextException(SqlException);
public void setNextException(java.sql.SQLException);
static SqlException javaException(LogWriter, Throwable);
SqlException copyAsUnchainedSQLException(LogWriter);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class SqlWarning extends SqlException implements Diagnosable {
private SqlWarning nextWarning_;
transient void SqlWarning(LogWriter, ClientMessageId, Object[]);
public void SqlWarning(LogWriter, Sqlca);
void setNextWarning(SqlWarning);
public java.sql.SQLWarning getSQLWarning();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class Sqlca {
private static final int HIGH_ORDER_ROW_COUNT = 0;
private static final int LOW_ORDER_ROW_COUNT = 1;
private static final int LOW_ORDER_UPDATE_COUNT = 2;
private static final int HIGH_ORDER_UPDATE_COUNT = 3;
public static final int SQL_ERR_LENGTH = 6;
private transient ClientConnection connection_;
SqlException exceptionThrownOnStoredProcInvocation_;
boolean messageTextRetrievedContainsTokensOnly_;
protected int sqlCode_;
private String sqlErrmc_;
private String[] sqlErrmcMessages_;
private String[] sqlStates_;
private String sqlErrp_;
protected int[] sqlErrd_;
private String sqlWarn_;
protected String sqlState_;
protected byte[] sqlErrmcBytes_;
protected byte[] sqlErrpBytes_;
protected byte[] sqlWarnBytes_;
private boolean containsSqlcax_;
private long rowsetRowCount_;
private boolean returnTokensOnlyInMessageText_;
private final transient Agent agent_;
private String[] cachedMessages;
private static final String elevenBlanks = ;
protected void Sqlca(ClientConnection);
void returnTokensOnlyInMessageText(boolean);
synchronized int numberOfMessages();
public synchronized int getSqlCode();
public synchronized int getErrorCode();
public synchronized String getSqlErrmc();
private void initSqlErrmcMessages();
public synchronized String getSqlErrp();
private int[] getSqlErrd();
String formatSqlErrd();
public synchronized String getSqlWarn();
public synchronized String getSqlState();
synchronized String getSqlState(int);
public Object[] getArgs(int);
private String getMessage(int) throws SqlException;
synchronized String getJDBCMessage(int);
private String getUnformattedMessage(int);
private void chainDeferredExceptionsToAgentOrAsConnectionWarnings(SqlException);
java.sql.DataTruncation getDataTruncation();
private void processSqlErrmcTokens(byte[]);
protected String bytes2String(byte[], int, int);
public long getUpdateCount();
public long getRowCount() throws DisconnectException;
public void setContainsSqlcax(boolean);
public boolean containsSqlcax();
public void resetRowsetSqlca(ClientConnection, int, String);
public void setRowsetRowCount(long);
public long getRowsetRowCount();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public final synchronized class StatementCacheInteractor {
private final stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache cache;
private final ClientConnection physicalConnection;
private final java.util.ArrayList openLogicalStatements;
private boolean connCloseInProgress;
void StatementCacheInteractor(stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache, ClientConnection);
synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(String, int, int, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized void closeOpenLogicalStatements() throws java.sql.SQLException;
synchronized void markClosed(LogicalStatementEntity);
private java.sql.PreparedStatement createLogicalPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private java.sql.CallableStatement createLogicalCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement, stmtcache.StatementKey) throws java.sql.SQLException;
stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache getCache();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface StatementCallbackInterface extends UnitOfWorkListener {
public abstract void completeOpenQuery(Sqlca, ClientResultSet) throws DisconnectException;
public abstract void completeExecuteCallOpenQuery(Sqlca, ClientResultSet, ColumnMetaData, Section);
public abstract void accumulateWarning(SqlWarning);
public abstract void completePrepare(Sqlca);
public abstract void completePrepareDescribeOutput(ColumnMetaData, Sqlca);
public abstract void completeExecuteImmediate(Sqlca);
public abstract void completeExecuteSetStatement(Sqlca);
public abstract void completeExecute(Sqlca);
public abstract void completeExecuteCall(Sqlca, Cursor, ClientResultSet[]);
public abstract void completeExecuteCall(Sqlca, Cursor);
public abstract int completeSqlca(Sqlca);
public abstract ConnectionCallbackInterface getConnectionCallbackInterface();
public abstract ColumnMetaData getGuessedResultSetMetaData();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract interface UnitOfWorkListener {
public abstract void listenToUnitOfWork();
public abstract void completeLocalCommit(java.util.Iterator);
public abstract void completeLocalRollback(java.util.Iterator);
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class UpdateSensitiveBlobLocatorInputStream extends UpdateSensitiveLOBLocatorInputStream {
private ClientBlob blob;
void UpdateSensitiveBlobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientBlob) throws SqlException;
void UpdateSensitiveBlobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientBlob, long, long) throws SqlException;
protected java.io.InputStream reCreateStream() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class UpdateSensitiveClobLocatorInputStream extends UpdateSensitiveLOBLocatorInputStream {
private ClientClob clob;
void UpdateSensitiveClobLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, ClientClob) throws SqlException;
protected java.io.InputStream reCreateStream() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
synchronized class UpdateSensitiveClobLocatorReader extends java.io.Reader {
private java.io.BufferedReader r;
private ClientConnection con;
private ClientClob clob;
private long updateCount;
private long currentPos;
private long length;
protected void UpdateSensitiveClobLocatorReader(ClientConnection, ClientClob) throws SqlException;
protected void UpdateSensitiveClobLocatorReader(ClientConnection, ClientClob, long, long) throws SqlException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(char[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
private void identifyAndReplaceObseleteStream() throws java.io.IOException;
private java.io.Reader reCreateStream() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
abstract synchronized class UpdateSensitiveLOBLocatorInputStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private java.io.BufferedInputStream is;
protected ClientConnection con;
private Lob lob;
private long updateCount;
protected long currentPos;
protected long length;
protected void UpdateSensitiveLOBLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, Lob, java.io.InputStream) throws SqlException;
protected void UpdateSensitiveLOBLocatorInputStream(ClientConnection, Lob, java.io.InputStream, long, long) throws SqlException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read(byte[], int, int) throws java.io.IOException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
private void identifyAndReplaceObseleteStream() throws java.io.IOException;
protected abstract java.io.InputStream reCreateStream() throws SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public final synchronized class Utils {
private static byte[][] tenRadixArr;
public void Utils();
static String quoteSqlIdentifier(String);
static String getStringFromBytes(byte[]);
static String getStringFromInts(int[]);
public static int computeBigDecimalPrecision(java.math.BigDecimal);
private static int byteArrayCmp(byte[], byte[]);
public static int getSqlcodeFromSqlca(Sqlca);
public static int[] squashLongs(long[]);
public static java.sql.SQLException accumulateSQLException(java.sql.SQLException, java.sql.SQLException);
public static SqlException accumulateSQLException(SqlException, SqlException);
public static boolean isSqlTypeNullable(int);
static int getNonNullableSqlType(int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public final synchronized class Utils42 {
public void Utils42();
public static int getTypeAsInt(Agent, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public abstract synchronized class Version {
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil;
public void Version();
public static String getDriverVersion();
public static int getMajorVersion();
public static int getMinorVersion();
public static int getProtocolMaintVersion();
private static String getDriverNameAndVersion();
static void writeDriverConfiguration(java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void printSystemProperty(SecurityManager, String, String, java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void detectLocalHost(SecurityManager, java.io.PrintWriter);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.am;
public synchronized class XaException extends javax.transaction.xa.XAException implements Diagnosable {
public void XaException(LogWriter, Throwable, String);
public Sqlca getSqlca();
package org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache;
synchronized class JDBCStatementCache$BoundedLinkedHashMap extends java.util.LinkedHashMap {
private final int maxSize;
public void JDBCStatementCache$BoundedLinkedHashMap(int);
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(java.util.Map$Entry);
package org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache;
public final synchronized class JDBCStatementCache {
private final java.util.LinkedHashMap statements;
public void JDBCStatementCache(int);
public synchronized java.sql.PreparedStatement getCached(StatementKey);
public synchronized boolean cacheStatement(StatementKey, java.sql.PreparedStatement);
package org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache;
public synchronized class StatementKey {
private final boolean isCallableStatement;
private final String sql;
private final String schema;
private final int type;
private final int concurrency;
private final int holdability;
private final int autogeneratedKeys;
void StatementKey(boolean, String, String, int, int, int, int);
public boolean equals(Object);
public int hashCode();
public String toString();
package org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache;
public final synchronized class StatementKeyFactory {
private static final boolean CALLABLE = 1;
private static final boolean PREPARED = 0;
private void StatementKeyFactory();
public static StatementKey newPrepared(String, String, int);
public static StatementKey newPrepared(String, String, int, int);
public static StatementKey newPrepared(String, String, int, int, int);
public static StatementKey newCallable(String, String, int);
public static StatementKey newCallable(String, String, int, int, int);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract synchronized class CcsidManager {
byte space_;
byte dot_;
byte[] numToCharRepresentation_;
byte[] numToSnaRequiredCrrtknChar_;
static final int UTF8_CCSID = 1208;
void CcsidManager(byte, byte, byte[], byte[]);
public abstract byte[] convertFromJavaString(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
abstract String convertToJavaString(byte[], int, int);
public abstract void startEncoding();
public abstract boolean encode(java.nio.CharBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class ClientJDBCObjectFactoryImpl implements org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory {
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil_;
public void ClientJDBCObjectFactoryImpl();
public org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection newClientPooledConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public org.apache.derby.client.ClientXAConnection newClientXAConnection(org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement newCallableStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalConnection newLogicalConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalConnection newCachingLogicalConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection, org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache.JDBCStatementCache) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalPreparedStatement newLogicalPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache.StatementKey, org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCacheInteractor);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalCallableStatement newLogicalCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache.StatementKey, org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCacheInteractor);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection newNetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int, String, int, String, java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection newNetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection newNetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientResultSet newNetResultSet(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.MaterialStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Cursor, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientDatabaseMetaData newNetDatabaseMetaData(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement newStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData newColumnMetaData(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData newColumnMetaData(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientParameterMetaData newParameterMetaData(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData);
public java.sql.BatchUpdateException newBatchUpdateException(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientMessageId, Object[], long[], org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException);
protected java.sql.BatchUpdateException newBatchUpdateException(String, String, int, long[], org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class ClientJDBCObjectFactoryImpl42 extends ClientJDBCObjectFactoryImpl {
public void ClientJDBCObjectFactoryImpl42();
protected java.sql.BatchUpdateException newBatchUpdateException(String, String, int, long[], org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalPreparedStatement newLogicalPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache.StatementKey, org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCacheInteractor);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientResultSet newNetResultSet(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.MaterialStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Cursor, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement newCallableStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.LogicalCallableStatement newLogicalCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.stmtcache.StatementKey, org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCacheInteractor);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class CodePoint {
static final int PKGSNLST = 8505;
static final int OUTEXP = 8465;
static final int PRCNAM = 8504;
static final int MAXRSLCNT = 8512;
static final int MAXRSLCNT_NOLIMIT = 65535;
static final int RSLSETFLG = 8514;
static final int RSLSETFLG_EXTENDED_SQLDA = 4;
static final byte FALSE = -16;
static final byte TRUE = -15;
static final int NULLDATA = 255;
static final int SECCHKCD_00 = 0;
static final int SECCHKCD_01 = 1;
static final int SECCHKCD_0A = 10;
static final int SECCHKCD_0B = 11;
static final int SECCHKCD_0E = 14;
static final int SECCHKCD_0F = 15;
static final int SECCHKCD_10 = 16;
static final int SECCHKCD_12 = 18;
static final int SECCHKCD_13 = 19;
static final int SECCHKCD_14 = 20;
static final int SECCHKCD_15 = 21;
static final int TYPSQLDA_STD_OUTPUT = 0;
static final int TYPSQLDA_X_OUTPUT = 4;
static final int TYPSQLDA_X_INPUT = 5;
static final int QRYCLSIMP_YES = 1;
static final int EXCSAT = 4161;
static final int SYNCCTL = 4181;
static final int SYNCRSY = 4201;
static final int ACCSEC = 4205;
static final int SECCHK = 4206;
static final int ACCRDB = 8193;
static final int CLSQRY = 8197;
static final int CNTQRY = 8198;
static final int DSCSQLSTT = 8200;
static final int EXCSQLIMM = 8202;
static final int EXCSQLSTT = 8203;
static final int EXCSQLSET = 8212;
static final int OPNQRY = 8204;
static final int OUTOVR = 9237;
static final int PRPSQLSTT = 8205;
static final int RDBCMM = 8206;
static final int RDBRLLBCK = 8207;
static final int DSCRDBTBL = 8210;
static final int SQLDTA = 9234;
static final int SQLDTARD = 9235;
static final int SQLSTT = 9236;
static final int QRYDSC = 9242;
static final int QRYDTA = 9243;
static final int SQLATTR = 9296;
static final int ACCSECRD = 5292;
static final int AGENT = 5123;
static final int UNICODEMGR = 7176;
static final int CODPNT = 12;
static final int CCSIDDBC = 4509;
static final int CCSIDMBC = 4510;
static final int CCSIDSBC = 4508;
static final int CMNAPPC = 5188;
static final int CMNTCPIP = 5236;
static final int CRRTKN = 8501;
static final int EXCSATRD = 5187;
static final int EXTNAM = 4446;
static final int FIXROWPRC = 9240;
static final int LMTBLKPRC = 9239;
static final int MAXBLKEXT = 8513;
static final int MGRLVLLS = 5124;
static final int PASSWORD = 4513;
static final int PRCCNVCD = 4415;
static final int PRDID = 4398;
static final int PRDDTA = 8452;
static final int QRYATTSCR = 8521;
static final int QRYATTSET = 8522;
static final int QRYATTSNS = 8535;
static final int QRYATTUPD = 8528;
static final int QRYCLSIMP = 8541;
static final int QRYSCRORN = 8530;
static final int QRYSCRREL = 1;
static final int QRYSCRABS = 2;
static final int QRYSCRAFT = 3;
static final int QRYSCRBEF = 4;
static final int QRYINSID = 8539;
static final int QRYINS = 1;
static final int QRYSNSSTC = 2;
static final int QRYUNK = 0;
static final int QRYROWNBR = 8509;
static final int QRYBLKRST = 8532;
static final int QRYRTNDTA = 8533;
static final int QRYBLKSZ = 8468;
static final int QRYPRCTYP = 8450;
static final int QRYROWSET = 8534;
static final int QRYRDO = 1;
static final int QRYUPD = 4;
static final int RDB = 9231;
static final int RDBACCCL = 8463;
static final int RDBALWUPD = 8474;
static final int RDBNAM = 8464;
static final int RSYNCMGR = 5313;
static final int RTNSQLDA = 8470;
static final int TYPSQLDA = 8518;
static final int SECCHKCD = 4516;
static final int SECMEC = 4514;
static final int SECMGR = 5184;
static final int SECTKN = 4572;
static final int SQLAM = 9223;
static final int SQLCARD = 9224;
static final int SQLCINRD = 9227;
static final int SQLCSRHLD = 8479;
static final int SQLRSLRD = 9230;
static final int SQLDARD = 9233;
static final int SRVCLSNM = 4423;
static final int SRVNAM = 4461;
static final int SRVRLSLV = 4442;
static final int SVRCOD = 4425;
static final int SYNCPTMGR = 5312;
static final int SYNERRCD = 4426;
static final int TYPDEFNAM = 47;
static final int TYPDEFOVR = 53;
static final int UOWDSP = 8469;
static final int UOWDSP_COMMIT = 1;
static final int UOWDSP_ROLLBACK = 2;
static final int USRID = 4512;
static final int PKGNAMCSN = 8467;
static final int PKGSN = 8460;
static final int XAMGR = 7169;
static final int CMDCHKRM = 4692;
static final int CMDNSPRM = 4688;
static final int ABNUOWRM = 8717;
static final int ACCRDBRM = 8705;
static final int MGRLVLRM = 4624;
static final int ENDUOWRM = 8716;
static final int OBJNSPRM = 4691;
static final int PRCCNVRM = 4677;
static final int QRYNOPRM = 8706;
static final int QRYPOPRM = 8719;
static final int RDBACCRM = 8711;
static final int RDBCMTOK = 8453;
static final int SECCHKRM = 4633;
static final int RDBAFLRM = 8730;
static final int RDBATHRM = 8907;
static final int RDBNACRM = 8708;
static final int RDBNFNRM = 8721;
static final int RDBUPDRM = 8728;
static final int SYNTAXRM = 4684;
static final int VALNSPRM = 4690;
static final int SQLERRRM = 8723;
static final int OPNQRYRM = 8709;
static final int ENDQRYRM = 8715;
static final int DTAMCHRM = 8718;
static final int OPNQFLRM = 8722;
static final int RSLSETRM = 8729;
static final int RTNEXTDTA = 8520;
static final int RTNEXTALL = 2;
static final int EXTDTA = 5228;
static final int FDODSC = 16;
static final int FDODTA = 5242;
static final int PBSD = 49152;
static final int PBSD_ISO = 49153;
static final int PBSD_SCHEMA = 49154;
static int SVRCOD_INFO;
static int SVRCOD_WARNING;
static int SVRCOD_ERROR;
static int SVRCOD_SEVERE;
static int SVRCOD_ACCDMG;
static int SVRCOD_PRMDMG;
static int SVRCOD_SESDMG;
static final int SYNCCRD = 4680;
static final int XARETVAL = 6404;
static final int TIMEOUT = 6407;
static final int SYNCTYPE_NEW_UOW = 9;
static final int SYNCTYPE_END_UOW = 11;
static final int SYNCTYPE_PREPARE = 1;
static final int SYNCTYPE_COMMITTED = 3;
static final int SYNCTYPE_REQ_FORGET = 6;
static final int SYNCTYPE_ROLLBACK = 4;
static final int SYNCTYPE_INDOUBT = 12;
static final int SYNCTYPE = 4487;
static final int XID = 6145;
static final int XAFLAGS = 6403;
static final int TMLOCAL = 268435456;
static final int PRPHRCLST = 6405;
static final int XIDCNT = 6406;
private void CodePoint();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class CodePointNameTable extends java.util.Hashtable {
void CodePointNameTable();
String lookup(int);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class ConnectionReply {
private ConnectionReplyInterface materialConnectionReply_;
org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent agent_;
void ConnectionReply(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, ConnectionReplyInterface);
void readCommitSubstitute(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readLocalCommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readLocalRollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readLocalXAStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readLocalXACommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readLocalXARollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface ConnectionReplyInterface {
public abstract void readCommitSubstitute(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readLocalCommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readLocalRollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readLocalXAStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readLocalXACommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readLocalXARollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface ConnectionRequestInterface {
public abstract void writeCommitSubstitute(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalCommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalRollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalXAStart(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalXACommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeLocalXARollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class DssConstants {
static final int MAX_DSS_LEN = 32767;
static final int GDSCHAIN = 64;
static final int GDSCHAIN_SAME_ID = 16;
static final int GDSFMT_ENCOBJDSS = 4;
static final int GDSFMT_OBJDSS = 3;
static final int GDSFMT_RQSDSS = 1;
private void DssConstants();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class EbcdicCcsidManager extends CcsidManager {
private static final int[] conversionArrayToEbcdic;
private static final int[] conversionArrayToUCS2;
public void EbcdicCcsidManager();
public byte[] convertFromJavaString(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void startEncoding();
public boolean encode(java.nio.CharBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
String convertToJavaString(byte[], int, int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public final synchronized class EncodedInputStream extends java.io.InputStream {
private static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF_8;
private static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF_16BE;
private static final int BUFFERED_CHAR_LEN = 1024;
private static final java.io.ByteArrayInputStream suspendMarker;
private java.io.Reader reader_;
private final char[] decodedBuffer_;
private java.io.OutputStreamWriter encodedStreamWriter_;
private PublicBufferOutputStream encodedOutputStream_;
private java.io.ByteArrayInputStream encodedInputStream_;
public static EncodedInputStream createUTF8Stream(java.io.Reader);
static EncodedInputStream createUTF16BEStream(java.io.Reader);
private void EncodedInputStream(java.io.Reader, java.nio.charset.Charset, int, int);
private java.io.ByteArrayInputStream reEncode(java.io.Reader) throws java.io.IOException;
public int available() throws java.io.IOException;
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
public int read() throws java.io.IOException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class FdocaConstants {
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_VARBYTES = 2;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_PSCLBYTE = 7;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_VARCHAR = 17;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_PSCLCHAR = 25;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_DECIMAL = 48;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_NUMERIC_CHAR = 50;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_LOBBYTES = 80;
static final int FDOCA_TYPE_LOBCHAR = 81;
static final int CPT_TRIPLET_TYPE = 127;
static final int MDD_TRIPLET_TYPE = 120;
static final int NGDA_TRIPLET_TYPE = 118;
static final int RLO_TRIPLET_TYPE = 113;
static final int SDA_TRIPLET_TYPE = 112;
static final int SQLDTARD_LID = 240;
static final int SQLCADTA_LID = 224;
static final int SQLDTAGRP_LID = 208;
static final int NULL_LID = 0;
static final int INDICATOR_NULLABLE = 0;
static final int NULL_DATA = 255;
static final int MAX_VARS_IN_NGDA = 84;
static final int MDD_TRIPLET_SIZE = 7;
static final int SQLDTARD_RLO_SIZE = 6;
static final int SQLCADTA_RLO_SIZE = 9;
static final int SDA_TRIPLET_SIZE = 12;
static final byte[] MDD_SQLDTAGRP_TOSEND;
static final byte[] MDD_SQLDTA_TOSEND;
static final byte[] SQLDTA_RLO_TOSEND;
static final byte[] SQLCADTA_RLO_TOSEND;
static final byte[] SQLDTARD_RLO_TOSEND;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_START = 0;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_END = 1;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_MDD = 2;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_SDA = 3;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_RLO = 4;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_GDA = 5;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPE_CPT = 6;
static final boolean[][] SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_TYPES;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_START = 0;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_END = 1;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_SDA = 2;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_0 = 3;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_D0 = 4;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_E0 = 5;
static final int SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_ID_F0 = 6;
static final boolean[][] SQLDTARD_TRIPLET_IDS;
static final int RLO_GROUP_LID = 0;
static final int RLO_ELEMENT_TAKEN = 1;
static final int RLO_REP_FACTOR = 2;
static final int[][] RLO_SQLCADTA;
static final int[][] RLO_SQLDTARD;
void FdocaConstants();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class FdocaSimpleDataArray {
int protocolType_;
int ccsid_;
int characterSize_;
int typeToUseForComputingDataLength_;
void FdocaSimpleDataArray(int, int, int, int);
public void update(int, int, int, int);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NaiveTrustManager implements javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager {
private static javax.net.ssl.TrustManager[] thisManager;
private void NaiveTrustManager();
static javax.net.SocketFactory getSocketFactory() throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException, java.security.KeyManagementException, java.security.NoSuchProviderException, java.security.KeyStoreException, java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException, java.security.cert.CertificateException, java.io.IOException;
public void checkClientTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[], String) throws java.security.cert.CertificateException;
public void checkServerTrusted(java.security.cert.X509Certificate[], String) throws java.security.cert.CertificateException;
public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetAgent extends org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent {
ConnectionRequestInterface connectionRequest_;
StatementRequestInterface statementRequest_;
ResultSetRequestInterface resultSetRequest_;
ConnectionReply connectionReply_;
private ConnectionReply packageReply_;
StatementReply statementReply_;
ResultSetReply resultSetReply_;
NetConnection netConnection_;
private Request request_;
NetConnectionRequest netConnectionRequest_;
private NetPackageRequest netPackageRequest_;
private NetStatementRequest netStatementRequest_;
private NetResultSetRequest netResultSetRequest_;
private Reply reply_;
NetConnectionReply netConnectionReply_;
private NetPackageReply netPackageReply_;
private NetStatementReply netStatementReply_;
private NetResultSetReply netResultSetReply_;
java.net.Socket socket_;
private java.io.InputStream rawSocketInputStream_;
private java.io.OutputStream rawSocketOutputStream_;
String server_;
int port_;
private int clientSSLMode_;
private EbcdicCcsidManager ebcdicCcsidManager_;
private Utf8CcsidManager utf8CcsidManager_;
private CcsidManager currentCcsidManager_;
Typdef typdef_;
Typdef targetTypdef_;
Typdef originalTargetTypdef_;
private int svrcod_;
int orignalTargetSqlam_;
int targetSqlam_;
org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException exceptionOpeningSocket_;
org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException exceptionConvertingRdbnam;
private boolean writeChainIsDirty_;
public void NetAgent(NetConnection, org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void NetAgent(NetConnection, org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int, String, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void resetAgent_(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int, String, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void setSvrcod(int);
void clearSvrcod();
private int getSvrcod();
public void flush_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void close_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void setTimeout(int);
protected int getTimeout();
private void sendRequest() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public java.io.InputStream getInputStream();
public CcsidManager getCurrentCcsidManager();
public java.io.OutputStream getOutputStream();
void setInputStream(java.io.InputStream);
void setOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream);
void throwCommunicationsFailure(Throwable) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected void markChainBreakingException_();
public void checkForChainBreakingException_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void writeDeferredResetConnection() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void markWriteChainAsDirty();
private void verifyWriteChainIsClean() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void beginWriteChainOutsideUOW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void beginWriteChain(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void endWriteChain();
private void readDeferredResetConnection() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void beginReadChain(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void beginReadChainOutsideUOW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void switchToUtf8CcsidMgr();
void switchToEbcdicMgr();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetCallableStatement extends NetPreparedStatement implements org.apache.derby.client.am.MaterialPreparedStatement {
org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement callableStatement_;
private void initNetCallableStatement();
private void NetCallableStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void resetNetCallableStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void initNetCallableStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement);
void NetCallableStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, String, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void resetNetCallableStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, String, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetConfiguration {
static final byte NON_CHAR_DDM_DATA_PAD_BYTE = 0;
static final int EXTNAM_MAXSIZE = 255;
static final int MIN_AGENT_MGRLVL = 3;
static final int MIN_CMNTCPIP_MGRLVL = 5;
static final int MIN_CMNAPPC_MGRLVL = 3;
static final int MIN_RDB_MGRLVL = 3;
static final int MIN_SECMGR_MGRLVL = 5;
static final int MIN_SQLAM_MGRLVL = 4;
static final int MIN_XAMGR_MGRLVL = 7;
static final int MIN_SYNCPTMGR_MGRLVL = 5;
static final int MIN_RSYNCMGR_MGRLVL = 5;
static final int MIN_UNICODE_MGRLVL = 0;
static final int PASSWORD_MAXSIZE = 255;
static final int PRDDTA_APPL_ID_FIXED_LEN = 20;
static final int PRDDTA_ACCT_SUFFIX_LEN_BYTE = 55;
static final int PRDDTA_LEN_BYTE = 0;
static final int PRDDTA_MAXSIZE = 255;
static final String PRDDTA_PLATFORM_ID = JVM ;
static final int PRDDTA_USER_ID_FIXED_LEN = 8;
static final int PKG_IDENTIFIER_FIXED_LEN = 18;
static final int RDBNAM_MAX_LEN = 1024;
static final int PKG_IDENTIFIER_MAX_LEN = 255;
static final int PKGCNSTKN_FIXED_LEN = 8;
static final int SECTKN_MAXSIZE = 32763;
static final String SRVCLSNM_JVM = QDERBY/JVM;
static final int SRVNAM_MAXSIZE = 255;
static final int MGRLVL_NA = 0;
static final int MGRLVL_5 = 5;
static final int MGRLVL_7 = 7;
public static final int SECMEC_EUSRIDPWD = 9;
public static final int SECMEC_USRIDONL = 4;
public static final int SECMEC_USRENCPWD = 7;
public static final int SECMEC_USRIDPWD = 3;
public static final int SECMEC_EUSRIDDTA = 12;
public static final int SECMEC_EUSRPWDDTA = 13;
public static final int SECMEC_USRSSBPWD = 8;
static final int[] SECMGR_SECMECS;
static final String SYSTEM_ASC = QTDSQLASC;
static final int USRID_MAXSIZE = 255;
static final String PRDID;
static final String SRVRLSLV;
public void NetConfiguration();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetConnection extends org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection {
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil;
protected NetAgent netAgent_;
private final org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection pooledConnection_;
private final boolean closeStatementsOnClose;
protected int targetAgent_;
protected int targetCmntcpip_;
protected int targetRdb_;
int targetSecmgr_;
protected int targetCmnappc_;
protected int targetXamgr_;
protected int targetSyncptmgr_;
protected int targetRsyncmgr_;
protected int targetUnicodemgr_;
private String extnam_;
String targetSrvclsnm_;
String targetSrvrlslv_;
private transient byte[] publicKey_;
private transient byte[] targetPublicKey_;
private transient byte[] sourceSeed_;
private transient byte[] targetSeed_;
private java.nio.ByteBuffer prddta_;
byte[] crrtkn_;
private int targetSecmec_;
private int securityMechanism_;
private transient char[] deferredResetPassword_;
private boolean connectionNull;
protected NetXAResource xares_;
private java.util.List indoubtTransactions_;
protected int currXACallInfoOffset_;
private java.sql.PreparedStatement isValidStmt;
private void setDeferredResetPassword(String);
private String getDeferredResetPassword();
void NetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int, String, int, String, java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void NetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void NetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void initialize(String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void resetNetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void reset_(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void completeReset(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowConnect(String, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowSimpleConnect() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void handleLoginTimeout(Throwable) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private boolean flowReconnect(String, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowUSRIDPWDconnect(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowUSRIDONLconnect() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowUSRENCPWDconnect(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowEUSRIDPWDconnect(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowEUSRIDDTAconnect() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowEUSRPWDDTAconnect(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowUSRSSBPWDconnect(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowServerAttributes() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowKeyExchange(int, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowSeedExchange(int, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowServerAttributesAndKeyExchange(int, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void flowSecurityCheckAndAccessRdb(int, String, String, byte[], byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void writeAllConnectCommandsChained(int, String, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void readAllConnectCommandsChained(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void writeServerAttributesAndKeyExchange(int, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void readServerAttributesAndKeyExchange(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void writeSecurityCheckAndAccessRdb(int, String, String, byte[], byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void readSecurityCheckAndAccessRdb() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeDeferredReset() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readDeferredReset() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void setServerAttributeData(String, String);
void setAccessSecurityData(int, int, int[], boolean, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void securityCheckComplete(int, int);
void rdbAccessed(int, String, boolean, byte[]);
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent newAgent_(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, int, String, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement newStatement_(int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void resetStatement_(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPositionedUpdatePreparedStatement_(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement newPreparedStatement_(String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void resetPreparedStatement_(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement newCallableStatement_(String, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void resetCallableStatement_(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientCallableStatement, String, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientDatabaseMetaData newDatabaseMetaData_();
private void checkDatabaseName() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkUserLength(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkPasswordLength(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkUser(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkUserPassword(String, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkSecmgrForSecmecSupport(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException mapSecchkcd(int);
protected void constructCrrtkn() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void constructExtnam() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void constructPrddta() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void initializePublicKeyForEncryption() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void initializeClientSeed() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private byte[] encryptedPasswordForUSRENCPWD(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private byte[] encryptedUseridForEUSRIDPWD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private byte[] encryptedPasswordForEUSRIDPWD(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private byte[] passwordSubstituteForUSRSSBPWD(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public int getSQLAM();
public int getAGENT();
public int getCMNTCPIP();
public int getRDB();
public int getSECMGR();
public int getXAMGR();
public int getSYNCPTMGR();
public int getRSYNCMGR();
private char[] flipBits(char[]);
public void writeCommitSubstitute_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readCommitSubstitute_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXAStart_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readLocalXAStart_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readLocalXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readLocalXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalCommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readLocalCommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalRollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readLocalRollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void markClosed_();
protected boolean isGlobalPending_();
protected boolean doCloseStatementsOnClose_();
protected boolean allowCloseInUOW_();
protected boolean allowLocalCommitRollback_();
public void setInputStream(java.io.InputStream);
public void setOutputStream(java.io.OutputStream);
public java.io.InputStream getInputStream();
public java.io.OutputStream getOutputStream();
public void writeTransactionStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readTransactionStart() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void setIndoubtTransactions(java.util.List);
javax.transaction.xa.Xid[] getIndoubtTransactionIds();
public org.apache.derby.client.am.SectionManager newSectionManager(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent);
public boolean willAutoCommitGenerateFlow();
public int getSecurityMechanism();
public org.apache.derby.client.am.EncryptionManager getEncryptionManager();
public byte[] getTargetPublicKey();
public String getProductID();
public final boolean isConnectionNull();
public void setConnectionNull(boolean);
final boolean serverSupportsQryclsimp();
public final boolean serverSupportsLayerBStreaming();
public final boolean serverSupportLongRDBNAM();
protected final boolean supportsSessionDataCaching();
protected final boolean serverSupportsUtf8Ccsid();
protected final boolean serverSupportsUDTs();
protected final boolean serverSupportsEXTDTAAbort();
protected final boolean serverSupportsLocators();
protected final boolean serverSupportsTimestampNanoseconds();
public boolean isOpen();
protected void writeXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void readXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void readXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXATransactionStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public java.sql.Array createArrayOf(String, Object[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.NClob createNClob() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.SQLXML createSQLXML() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Struct createStruct(String, Object[]) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isValid(int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public synchronized void close() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setClientInfo(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
public void setClientInfo(java.util.Properties) throws java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
public String getClientInfo(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.util.Properties getClientInfo() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetConnectionReply extends Reply implements ConnectionReplyInterface {
private static org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgutil_;
void NetConnectionReply(NetAgent, int);
void readExchangeServerAttributes(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readAccessSecurity(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readSecurityCheck(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readAccessDatabase(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readCommitSubstitute(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalCommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalRollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalXAStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalXACommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalXARollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaStartUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaEndUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaPrepare(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaCommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaRollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaRecover(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaForget(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBCMMreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBRLLBCKreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseEXCSATreply(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseDummyEXCSATreply(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseACCSECreply(NetConnection, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSECCHKreply(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseACCRDBreply(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseTypdefsOrMgrlvlovrs() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseCommitError(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRollbackError() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseExchangeServerAttributesError() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseAccessSecurityError(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSecurityCheckError(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseAccessRdbError(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseCommonError(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseAbnormalEndUow(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface, org.apache.derby.client.am.UnitOfWorkListener) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
NetSqlca parseAbnormalEndUow(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
NetSqlca parseAbnormalEndUow(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRdbAccessFailed(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSECCHKRM(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseACCRDBRM(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseENDUOWRM(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseCMDCHKRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseRDBNACRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBNFNRM(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBATHRM(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSYNTAXRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBACCRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseRDBAFLRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseVALNSPRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parsePRCCNVRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseOBJNSPRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseMGRLVLRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseCMDNSPRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseABNUOWRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseEXCSATRD(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseDummyEXCSATRD(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseACCSECRD(NetConnection, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseTYPDEFNAM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseTYPDEFOVR() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSYNCCRD(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseXARETVAL() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
byte parseSYNCTYPE() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSYNCCTLreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseSYNCCTLError(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseMGRLVLLS(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseEXTNAM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseSRVCLSNM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseSRVNAM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseSRVRLSLV() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseMGRLVLN() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int[] parseSECMEC() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private byte[] parseSECTKN(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSECCHKCD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parsePRDID(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseUSRID(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseCODPNTDR() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private byte[] parseCRRTKN(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseUOWDSP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
String parseRDBNAM(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseXIDCNT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
javax.transaction.xa.Xid parseXID() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
java.util.List parseIndoubtList() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSYNERRCD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseCODPNT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parsePRCCNVCD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseCCSIDSBC() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseCCSIDMBC() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseCCSIDDBC() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSVRCOD(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseFastSVRCOD(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
NetSqlca parseSQLCARD(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
NetSqlca parseSQLCARDrow(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSQLNUMROW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseFastSQLNUMROW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSQLNUMGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastSQLNUMGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLCAGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLCAXGRP(NetSqlca) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private long parseSQLDIAGGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
String parseFastVCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
boolean checkAndGetReceivedFlag(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void checkRequiredObjects(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void checkRequiredObjects(boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void checkRequiredObjects(boolean, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void checkRequiredObjects(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doObjnsprmSemantics(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void doPrmnsprmSemantics(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void doValnsprmSemantics(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doValnsprmSemantics(int, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void doDtamchrmSemantics() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doMgrlvlrmSemantics(String, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doMgrlvlrmSemantics(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doMgrlvlrmSemantics(int[], int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void doPrccnvrmSemantics(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDCTOKS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDIAGCI(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDIAGCN() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLCNROW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSQLDCROW(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[], int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLTOKROW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLTOKGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private long parseSQLDIAGSTT(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLCNGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSQLDCGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[], int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDCXGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseFastNVCMorNVCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void skipFastNVCMorNVCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void resetRowsetSqlca(org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca[], int);
private void parseInitialPBSD(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parsePBSD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetConnectionRequest extends Request implements ConnectionRequestInterface {
void NetConnectionRequest(NetAgent, int);
void writeExchangeServerAttributes(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeAccessSecurity(int, String, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeSecurityCheck(int, String, String, String, byte[], byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeAccessDatabase(String, boolean, byte[], byte[], Typdef) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeCommitSubstitute(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalCommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalRollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXAStart(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXACommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXARollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeXaStartUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeXaEndUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaPrepare(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaCommit(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaRollback(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaRecover(NetConnection, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaForget(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeSYNCType(int, int);
public void writeForget(int, int);
public void writeReleaseConversation(int, int);
void writeNullXID(int);
void writeXID(int, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeXAFlags(int, int);
void writeXATimeout(int, long);
private void buildRDBCMM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRDBRLLBCK() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXCSAT(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildDummyEXCSAT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildACCSEC(int, String, byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSECCHK(int, String, String, String, byte[], byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildACCRDB(String, boolean, byte[], byte[], Typdef) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildSYNCCTLMigrate() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildSYNCCTLCommit(int, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildSYNCCTLRollback(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXTNAM(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSRVNAM(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSRVRLSLV() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSRVCLSNM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSECMEC(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRDBNAM(String, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSECTKN(byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildUSRID(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPASSWORD(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRDBACCCL() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPRDID() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPRDDTA(byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildTYPDEFNAM(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildTYPDEFOVR(boolean, int, boolean, int, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildMGRLVLLS(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildCRRTKN(byte[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRDBALWUPD(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetCursor extends org.apache.derby.client.am.Cursor {
NetResultSet netResultSet_;
private NetAgent netAgent_;
Typdef qrydscTypdef_;
int maximumRowSize_;
boolean blocking_;
int[] typeToUseForComputingDataLength_;
boolean[] isGraphic_;
java.util.HashMap extdtaPositions_;
java.util.ArrayList extdtaData_;
boolean rtnextrow_;
private boolean qryclsimpEnabled_;
void NetCursor(NetAgent);
void NetCursor(NetAgent, int);
protected boolean calculateColumnOffsetsForRow_(int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException, org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void scanDataBufferForEndOfData() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int readFdocaInt() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int readFdocaOneByte() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int readFdocaOneByte(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private byte[] readFdocaBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int readFdocaTwoByteLength() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int readFdocaTwoByteLength(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int skipFdocaBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int skipFdocaBytes(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void shiftPartialRowToBeginning();
private void adjustColumnOffsetsForColumnsPreviouslyCalculated(int);
private void resetCurrentRowPosition();
void calculateLobColumnPositionsForRow();
private boolean isNonTrivialDataLob(int);
protected void clearLobData_();
private NetSqlca[] parseSQLCARD(Typdef) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetSqlca[] parseSQLCAGRP(Typdef) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void parseSQLCAXGRP(Typdef, NetSqlca) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetSqlca[] parseSQLDIAGGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void parseSQLDIAGSTT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetSqlca[] parseSQLDIAGCI() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void parseSQLDIAGCN() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLDCGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLDCROW() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void parseSQLDCTOKS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void parseSQLDCXGRP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private String parseVCS(Typdef) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private String readFdocaString(int, java.nio.charset.Charset) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void allocateColumnOffsetAndLengthArrays();
private byte[] findExtdtaData(int);
protected int locator(int);
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientBlob getBlobColumn_(int, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientClob getClobColumn_(int, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void initializeColumnInfoArrays(Typdef, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected void getMoreData_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void nullDataForGC();
private void checkForSplitRowAndComplete(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkForSplitRowAndComplete(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkAndThrowReceivedEndqryrm() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void checkAndThrowReceivedEndqryrm(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int completeSplitRow(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int[] allocateColumnDataPositionArray(int);
private int[] allocateColumnDataComputedLengthArray(int);
private boolean[] allocateColumnDataIsNullArray(int);
protected int getDecimalLength(int);
public final void setAllRowsReceivedFromServer(boolean);
final void setQryclsimpEnabled(boolean);
final boolean getQryclsimpEnabled();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetDatabaseMetaData extends org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientDatabaseMetaData {
void NetDatabaseMetaData(NetAgent, NetConnection);
public String getURL_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetLogWriter extends org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter {
static final int TYPE_TRACE_RECEIVE = 2;
static final int TYPE_TRACE_SEND = 1;
private static final char[] asciiChar__;
private static final String colPosHeader__ = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF;
private static final char[] ebcdicChar__;
private static final char[] hexDigit__;
private static final String receiveHeader__ = RECEIVE BUFFER: (ASCII) (EBCDIC);
private static final String sendHeader__ = SEND BUFFER: (ASCII) (EBCDIC);
private static final char spaceChar__ = 32;
private static final char zeroChar__ = 48;
private static CodePointNameTable codePointNameTable__;
public void NetLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter, int);
private synchronized void initCodePointTable();
public void traceConnectsExit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection);
public void traceConnectsResetExit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection);
synchronized void traceProtocolFlow(byte[], int, int, int, String, String, int);
private static int getCodePoint(byte[], int);
private static String getHeader(int);
private static int getStartPosition(int);
private void printHeaderWithCodePointName(String, int);
private void dncnetprint(String);
private void dncnetprintln(String);
private void dncnetprintln(char[]);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetPackageReply extends NetConnectionReply {
void NetPackageReply(NetAgent, int);
NetSqlca parseSqlErrorCondition() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseDTAMCHRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected void parseRDBUPDRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLERRRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetPackageRequest extends NetConnectionRequest {
private static final String COLLECTIONNAME = NULLID;
void NetPackageRequest(NetAgent, int);
private void buildCommonPKGNAMinfo(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSCLDTA(byte[], int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildPKGNAMCSN(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void storePKGNAMCBytes(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section);
private void writeStoredPKGNAMCBytes(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section);
private boolean canCommandUseDefaultPKGNAMCSN();
private boolean checkPKGNAMlengths(String, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildNOCMorNOCS(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSQLSTTGRP(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSQLSTT(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void buildSQLSTTcommandData(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void buildSQLATTRcommandData(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void encryptDataStream(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetPreparedStatement extends NetStatement implements org.apache.derby.client.am.MaterialPreparedStatement {
org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement preparedStatement_;
void NetPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection);
void resetNetPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection);
private void initNetPreparedStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientPreparedStatement);
void NetPreparedStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[], org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void resetNetPreparedStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, String, int, int, int, int, String[], int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void NetPreparedStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeExecute_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[], int, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readExecute_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeOpenQuery_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeDescribeInput_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readDescribeInput_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetResultSet extends org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientResultSet {
private final NetConnection netConnection_;
private final NetStatement netStatement_;
final NetCursor netCursor_;
private final NetAgent netAgent_;
private boolean isFixedRowProtocol;
boolean firstOutovrBuilt_;
void NetResultSet(NetAgent, NetStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Cursor, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, int);
protected void parseRowset_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void setFetchSize_(int);
void flowFetchToCompleteRowset() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void writeFetch_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readFetch_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeScrollableFetch_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, long, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readScrollableFetch_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePositioningFetch_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readPositioningFetch_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeCursorClose_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readCursorClose_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void preClose_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void flowFetch() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetResultSet42 extends NetResultSet {
void NetResultSet42(NetAgent, NetStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Cursor, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, int);
public void updateObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(int, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void updateObject(String, Object, java.sql.SQLType, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkClosed(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetResultSetReply extends NetStatementReply implements ResultSetReplyInterface {
void NetResultSetReply(NetAgent, int);
public void readFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readPositioningFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readScrollableFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readCursorClose(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseCLSQRYreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseCNTQRYreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseCloseError(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseFetchError(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseQRYNOPRM(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetResultSetRequest extends NetStatementRequest implements ResultSetRequestInterface {
void NetResultSetRequest(NetAgent, int);
public void writeFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeScrollableFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, long, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePositioningFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeCursorClose(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildCLSQRY(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildCNTQRY(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, long, int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildCoreCNTQRY(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, long, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildScrollCNTQRY(int, long, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, long, int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPositioningCNTQRY(int, long, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, long, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildOUTOVR(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRTNEXTDTA(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildQRYSCRORN(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildQRYBLKRST(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildQRYROWNBR(long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildQRYRTNDTA(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int computePROTOCOLOrientation(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetSqlca extends org.apache.derby.client.am.Sqlca {
void NetSqlca(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, int, String, byte[]);
void NetSqlca(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientConnection, int, byte[], byte[]);
void setSqlerrd(int[]);
void setSqlwarnBytes(byte[]);
void setSqlerrmcBytes(byte[]);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetSqldta extends NetCursor {
void NetSqldta(NetAgent);
public boolean next() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected boolean calculateColumnOffsetsForRow();
private int skipFdocaBytes(int);
private int readFdocaOneByte();
private int readFdocaTwoByteLength();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetStatement implements org.apache.derby.client.am.MaterialStatement {
org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement statement_;
NetConnection netConnection_;
NetAgent netAgent_;
boolean qryrowsetSentOnOpnqry_;
private void NetStatement();
private void resetNetStatement();
private void initNetStatement();
void NetStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection);
void resetNetStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection);
private void initNetStatement(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement, NetAgent, NetConnection);
public void reset_();
void NetStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void resetNetStatement(NetAgent, NetConnection, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeSetSpecialRegister_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readSetSpecialRegister_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeExecuteImmediate_(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readExecuteImmediate_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readExecuteImmediateForBatch_(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePrepareDescribeOutput_(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readPrepareDescribeOutput_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeOpenQuery_(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readOpenQuery_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeExecuteCall_(boolean, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, boolean, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readExecuteCall_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePrepare_(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readPrepare_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void markClosedOnServer_();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetStatementReply extends NetPackageReply implements StatementReplyInterface {
void NetStatementReply(NetAgent, int);
public void readPrepareDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readExecuteImmediate(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readOpenQuery(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readExecute(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readPrepare(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readDescribeInput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readExecuteCall(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parsePRPSQLSTTreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseDSCSQLSTTreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseEXCSQLIMMreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseOPNQRYreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseEXCSQLSETreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseEXCSQLSTTreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseResultSetProcedure(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetResultSet parseResultSetCursor(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseOpenQuery(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseEndQuery(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseOpenQueryFailure(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parsePrepareError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseExecuteImmediateError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseDescribeError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseOpenQueryError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseExecuteError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseExecuteSetStatementError(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetResultSet parseOPNQRYRM(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseENDQRYRM(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseQRYPOPRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseOPNQFLRM(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private java.util.List parseRSLSETRM() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLDTARD(NetSqldta) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseQRYDSC(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseFDODSC(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDTARDarray(NetCursor, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void checkPreviousSQLDTARDtriplet(int, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void checkFastRLO(int[][]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void descriptorErrorDetected() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void parseQRYDTA(NetResultSet) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseFDODTA(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseFastSQLDTARDdata(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDTARDdata(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void copyEXTDTA(NetCursor) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
org.apache.derby.client.am.Section parsePKGNAMCSN(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastQRYPRCTYP() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastSQLCSRHLD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastQRYATTSCR() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastQRYATTSET() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastQRYATTSNS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseFastQRYATTUPD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private long parseFastQRYINSID() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private java.util.List parsePKGSNLST() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLDARD(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSQLRSLRD(java.util.List) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData parseSQLCINRD() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private NetSqlca parseSQLDARDarray(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int parseSQLRSLRDarray(java.util.List) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData parseSQLCINRDarray() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDAROW(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDHROW(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLRSROW(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDAGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLUDTGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDOPTGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDXGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLDHGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void parseSQLRSGRP(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseFastVCMorVCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseVCMorVCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int calculateResultSetType(int, int, int);
private int calculateResultSetConcurrency(int, int);
private int calculateResultSetHoldability(int);
private int parseSQLDTAGRPdataLabelsAndUpdateColumn(NetCursor, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readSetSpecialRegister(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetStatementRequest extends NetPackageRequest implements StatementRequestInterface {
private java.util.ArrayList extdtaPositions_;
private final java.util.HashMap promototedParameters_;
void NetStatementRequest(NetAgent, int);
public void writeExecuteImmediate(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePrepareDescribeOutput(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writePrepare(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeExecute(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[], int, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeOpenQuery(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeOpenQuery(NetStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeDescribeInput(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeDescribeOutput(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeExecuteCall(NetStatement, boolean, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, boolean, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildOPNQRY(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXCSQLIMM(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPRPSQLSTT(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, String, boolean, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXCSQLSET(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXCSQLSTT(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, int, boolean, int, boolean, int, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildDSCSQLSTT(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private boolean buildSQLDTAcommandData(int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildFDODSC(int, int[][], boolean, java.util.Hashtable, java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSQLDTA(int, int[][], boolean, java.util.Hashtable, java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSQLDTAGRP(int, int[][], boolean, java.util.Hashtable) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void buildOUTOVR(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int[][] calculateOUTOVRLidAndLengthOverrides(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData);
private void buildSQLDTARD(int, int[][]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildSQLCADTA(int, int[][]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildFDODTA(int, int[][], Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildEXTDTA(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[], boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private Object retrievePromotedParameterIfExists(int);
private int calculateColumnsInSQLDTAGRPtriplet(int);
private java.util.Hashtable computeProtocolTypesAndLengths(Object[], org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, int[][], java.util.Hashtable) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int buildPlaceholderLength(long);
private void buildOUTEXP(boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildMAXBLKEXT(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildQRYROWSET(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildPRCNAM(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildQRYBLKSZ() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildMAXRSLCNT(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRDBCMTOK() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRSLSETFLG(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildQRYINSID(long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildRTNSQLDA() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildTYPSQLDA(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildQRYCLSIMP();
private void setFDODTALobLength(int[][], int, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void setFDODTALobLengthUnknown(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private boolean checkSendQryrowset(int, int);
private int checkFetchsize(int, int);
private int calculateResultSetFlags();
public void writeSetSpecialRegister(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int[][] allocateLidAndLengthsArray(org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData);
private void buildMddOverrides(java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void setFDODTALob(int, org.apache.derby.client.am.Lob, int[][], int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException, java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetXACallInfo {
javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid_;
int xaFlags_;
long xaTimeoutMillis_;
int xaFunction_;
int xaRetVal_;
NetXAConnection actualConn_;
private java.io.InputStream in_;
private java.io.OutputStream out_;
public void NetXACallInfo();
void NetXACallInfo(javax.transaction.xa.Xid, int, NetXAConnection);
void saveConnectionVariables();
public java.io.InputStream getInputStream();
public java.io.OutputStream getOutputStream();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetXAConnection {
private NetConnection netCon;
public void NetXAConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void setCorrelatorToken(byte[]);
void setNetXAResource(NetXAResource);
private void writeLocalXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void readLocalXACommit_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void writeLocalXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void readLocalXARollback_() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeTransactionStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientStatement) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeCommit() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readCommit() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeRollback() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readRollback() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public NetConnection getNetConnection();
private void checkPlatformVersion() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private NetConnection createNetConnection(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String, org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40, int, boolean, org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetXAConnectionReply extends NetResultSetReply {
void NetXAConnectionReply(NetAgent, int);
public void readLocalXAStart(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalXACommit(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void readLocalXARollback(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaStartUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaEndUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaPrepare(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaCommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int readXaRollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaRecover(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void readXaForget(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSYNCCRD(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseXARETVAL() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
byte parseSYNCTYPE() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseSYNCCTLreply(org.apache.derby.client.am.ConnectionCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseSQLSTT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private String parseSQLSTTGRPNOCMorNOCS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int parseXIDCNT() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
javax.transaction.xa.Xid parseXID() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
java.util.List parseIndoubtList() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class NetXAConnectionRequest extends NetResultSetRequest {
void NetXAConnectionRequest(NetAgent, int);
public void writeLocalXACommit(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeLocalXARollback(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeXaStartUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeXaEndUnitOfWork(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaPrepare(NetConnection) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaCommit(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaRollback(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaRecover(NetConnection, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
protected void writeXaForget(NetConnection, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void writeSYNCType(int, int);
public void writeForget(int, int);
public void writeReleaseConversation(int, int);
void writeNullXID(int);
void writeXID(int, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void writeXAFlags(int, int);
void writeXATimeout(int, long);
void buildSYNCCTLMigrate() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildSYNCCTLCommit(int, javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void buildSYNCCTLRollback(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class NetXAResource implements javax.transaction.xa.XAResource {
private static final int INITIAL_CALLINFO_ELEMENTS = 1;
static final org.apache.derby.client.ClientXid nullXid;
static final int XAFUNC_COMMIT = 1;
private static final int XAFUNC_END = 2;
private static final int XAFUNC_FORGET = 3;
private static final int XAFUNC_PREPARE = 4;
private static final int XAFUNC_RECOVER = 5;
static final int XAFUNC_ROLLBACK = 6;
private static final int XAFUNC_START = 7;
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_NONE = No XA Function;
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_COMMIT = XAResource.commit();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_END = XAResource.end();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_FORGET = XAResource.forget();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_PREPARE = XAResource.prepare();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_RECOVER = XAResource.recover();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_ROLLBACK = XAResource.rollback();
private static final String XAFUNCSTR_START = XAResource.start();
org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException exceptionsOnXA;
NetXAConnection netXAConn_;
NetConnection conn_;
private boolean keepIsolationLevel;
NetXACallInfo[] callInfoArray_;
private int timeoutSeconds;
public void NetXAResource(javax.sql.XAConnection, NetXAConnection);
public void commit(javax.transaction.xa.Xid, boolean) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
private int getSqlExceptionXAErrorCode(org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException);
public void end(javax.transaction.xa.Xid, int) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public void forget(javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public int getTransactionTimeout() throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public int prepare(javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public javax.transaction.xa.Xid[] recover(int) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public void rollback(javax.transaction.xa.Xid) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public boolean setTransactionTimeout(int) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public void setKeepCurrentIsolationLevel(boolean);
public boolean keepCurrentIsolationLevel();
public synchronized void start(javax.transaction.xa.Xid, int) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
private String getXAExceptionText(int);
private void throwXAException(int) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
private void setXaStateForXAException(int);
public boolean isSameRM(javax.transaction.xa.XAResource) throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
public static boolean xidsEqual(javax.transaction.xa.Xid, javax.transaction.xa.Xid);
private void connectionClosedFailure() throws javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
private String getXAFuncStr(int);
protected int xaRetValErrorAccumSQL(NetXACallInfo, int);
private String processLocalHost(String);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class OpenSocketAction implements java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction {
private String server_;
private int port_;
private int clientSSLMode_;
void OpenSocketAction(String, int, int);
public java.net.Socket run() throws java.net.UnknownHostException, java.io.IOException, java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException, java.security.KeyManagementException, java.security.NoSuchProviderException, java.security.KeyStoreException, java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException, java.security.cert.CertificateException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class PublicBufferOutputStream extends java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream {
void PublicBufferOutputStream();
public void PublicBufferOutputStream(int);
public byte[] getBuffer();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class Reply {
protected org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent agent_;
protected NetAgent netAgent_;
protected static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32767;
protected byte[] buffer_;
protected int pos_;
protected int count_;
private int topDdmCollectionStack_;
private static final int MAX_MARKS_NESTING = 10;
private int[] ddmCollectionLenStack_;
private int ddmScalarLen_;
private static final int EMPTY_STACK = -1;
protected boolean ensuredLengthForDecryption_;
protected byte[] longBufferForDecryption_;
protected int longPosForDecryption_;
protected byte[] longValueForDecryption_;
protected int longCountForDecryption_;
protected int dssLength_;
private boolean dssIsContinued_;
private boolean dssIsChainedWithSameID_;
private int dssCorrelationID_;
protected int peekedLength_;
private int peekedCodePoint_;
private int peekedNumOfExtendedLenBytes_;
private int currentPos_;
static final int END_OF_COLLECTION = -1;
static final int END_OF_SAME_ID_CHAIN = -2;
void Reply(NetAgent, int);
final void initialize();
final int getDdmLength();
private void shiftBuffer(byte[]);
private void ensureSpaceInBufferForFill(int);
private int fill(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int ensureALayerDataInBuffer(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final void ensureBLayerDataInBuffer(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void compressBLayerData(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void readDssHeader() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void decryptData(int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readUnsignedShort() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final short readShort() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readInt() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int[] readUnsignedShortList() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readUnsignedByte() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final byte readByte() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final String readString(int, java.nio.charset.Charset) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final String readString() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final byte[] readBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final byte[] readBytes() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void skipBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void skipBytes() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream getData(java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void readDSSContinuationHeader() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void doSyntaxrmSemantics(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final void pushLengthOnCollectionStack();
protected final void adjustLengths(int);
protected int adjustDdmLength(int, int);
protected final void popCollectionStack();
protected final int peekCodePoint() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final int peekFastBytes(byte[], int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final void parseLengthAndMatchCodePoint(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private int readLengthAndCodePoint() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void readExtendedLength() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void adjustCollectionAndDssLengths(int);
protected final void startSameIdChainParse() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final void endOfSameIdChainData() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final int peekTotalColumnCount(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void peekExtendedLength() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readFastUnsignedByte() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final short readFastShort() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readFastUnsignedShort() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final int readFastInt() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final String readFastString(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final byte[] readFastBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final int peekFastLength() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void skipFastBytes(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void readFastIntArray(int[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final String readFastString(int, java.nio.charset.Charset);
final byte[] readFastLDBytes() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final long readFastLong() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final byte readFastByte() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void mark();
private int popMark();
final int getFastSkipSQLCARDrowLength();
final java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream getFastData(java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final void matchCodePoint(int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final int peekNumOfColumns() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
protected final boolean peekForNullSqlcagrp();
private int skipSQLDHROW(int);
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class Request {
protected java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer;
private static final int MAX_MARKS_NESTING = 10;
private int[] markStack_;
private int top_;
private int dssLengthLocation_;
private int correlationID_;
private boolean simpleDssFinalize;
protected boolean passwordIncluded_;
protected int passwordStart_;
protected int passwordLength_;
protected NetAgent netAgent_;
void Request(NetAgent, int);
private final void clearBuffer();
final void initialize();
private final void ensureLength(int);
protected final void createCommand();
final void createCommandData();
final void createEncryptedCommandData();
private final void buildDss(boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean);
final void writeScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, java.io.InputStream, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, long, java.io.InputStream, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private final void writePlainScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, long, java.io.InputStream, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private final void writePlainScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, java.io.InputStream, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
final void writeScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, int, java.io.Reader, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeScalarStream(boolean, boolean, int, java.io.Reader, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private final int prepScalarStream(boolean, boolean, boolean, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private final void flushExistingDSS() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private final int flushScalarStreamSegment(long, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private final int flushScalarStreamSegment() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private final void padScalarStreamForError(long, int, boolean, byte) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private final void writeExtendedLengthBytes(int, long);
private final void finalizePreviousChainedDss(boolean);
private final boolean doesRequestContainData();
private final void finalizeDssLength();
protected final void markLengthBytes(int);
private final void mark();
private final int popMark();
protected final void markForCachingPKGNAMCSN();
protected final int popMarkForCachingPKGNAMCSN();
protected final void updateLengthBytes() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private final int calculateExtendedLengthByteCount(long);
private final void padBytes(byte, int);
final void write1Byte(int);
final void buildTripletHeader(int, int, int);
private void writeLidAndLengths(int[][], int, int);
final void writeLidAndLengths(int[][], int, int, boolean, java.util.Hashtable);
final void write2Bytes(int);
final void write4Bytes(long);
final void writeBytes(byte[], int);
final void writeBytes(byte[]);
final void writeCodePoint4Bytes(int, int);
protected final void writeScalar1Byte(int, int);
final void writeScalar2Bytes(int, int);
protected final void writeScalar4Bytes(int, long);
final void writeScalar8Bytes(int, long);
final void writeLengthCodePoint(int, int);
final void writeScalarString(int, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeScalarString(int, String, int, int, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private int encodeString(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeScalarBytes(int, byte[]);
final void writeScalarBytes(int, byte[], int, int);
final void writeScalarPaddedBytes(byte[], int, byte);
protected void flush(java.io.OutputStream) throws java.io.IOException;
private void sendBytes(java.io.OutputStream) throws java.io.IOException;
private final void maskOutPassword();
private void writeByte(byte);
final void writeShort(short);
void writeInt(int);
final void writeLong6Bytes(long);
final void writeLong(long);
protected void writeShortFdocaData(short);
protected void writeIntFdocaData(int);
protected void writeLongFdocaData(long);
protected void writeFloat(float);
protected void writeDouble(double);
final void writeBigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeDate(org.apache.derby.client.am.DateTimeValue) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeTime(org.apache.derby.client.am.DateTimeValue);
final void writeTimestamp(org.apache.derby.client.am.DateTimeValue) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeBoolean(boolean);
final void writeSingleorMixedCcsidLDString(String, java.nio.charset.Charset) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
final void writeLDBytes(byte[]);
private final void writeLDBytesX(int, byte[]);
private final void writeLDBytesXSubset(int, int, byte[]);
final void writeUDT(Object) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void buildLengthAndCodePointForLob(int, long, boolean, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void buildLengthAndCodePointForLob(int, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void writeEXTDTAStatus(byte) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public void setDssLengthLocation(int);
public void setCorrelationID(int);
private static boolean peekStream(java.io.BufferedInputStream) throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class ResultSetReply extends StatementReply {
private ResultSetReplyInterface materialResultSetReply_;
void ResultSetReply(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, ResultSetReplyInterface, StatementReplyInterface, ConnectionReplyInterface);
void readFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readScrollableFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public void readPositioningFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readCursorClose(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface ResultSetReplyInterface {
public abstract void readFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readScrollableFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readPositioningFetch(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readCursorClose(org.apache.derby.client.am.ResultSetCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface ResultSetRequestInterface {
public abstract void writeFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeScrollableFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, long, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writePositioningFetch(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, long) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeCursorClose(NetResultSet, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
synchronized class StatementReply extends ConnectionReply {
private StatementReplyInterface materialStatementReply_;
void StatementReply(org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent, StatementReplyInterface, ConnectionReplyInterface);
void readPrepareDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readExecuteImmediate(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readOpenQuery(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readExecute(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readPrepare(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readDescribeInput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readExecuteCall(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
void readSetSpecialRegister(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface StatementReplyInterface {
public abstract void readPrepareDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readExecuteImmediate(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readOpenQuery(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readExecute(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readPrepare(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readDescribeInput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readDescribeOutput(org.apache.derby.client.am.PreparedStatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readExecuteCall(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public abstract void readSetSpecialRegister(org.apache.derby.client.am.StatementCallbackInterface) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
abstract interface StatementRequestInterface {
public abstract void writeExecuteImmediate(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writePrepareDescribeOutput(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writePrepare(NetStatement, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeOpenQuery(NetStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeExecute(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[], int, boolean, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeOpenQuery(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, int, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeDescribeInput(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeDescribeOutput(NetPreparedStatement, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeExecuteCall(NetStatement, boolean, String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, int, boolean, int, org.apache.derby.client.am.ColumnMetaData, Object[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract void writeSetSpecialRegister(org.apache.derby.client.am.Section, java.util.ArrayList) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class Typdef implements Cloneable {
private static final short CCSIDDBC = 1;
private static final short CCSIDMBC = 2;
private static final short CCSIDSBC = 3;
private static final short NOCCSID = 0;
static final short FIXEDLENGTH = 0;
static final short TWOBYTELENGTH = 1;
static final short ONEBYTELENGTH = 2;
static final short DECIMALLENGTH = 3;
static final short LOBLENGTH = 4;
public static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF8ENCODING;
private static final int OVERRIDE_TABLE_SIZE = 255;
private static final int[] fdocaTypeToRepresentationMap_;
private static final FdocaSimpleDataArray[] environmentTables_;
private static final int[] protocolToJdbcTypes_;
private NetAgent netAgent_;
private String typdefnam_;
private int ccsidSbc_;
private boolean ccsidSbcSet_;
private java.nio.charset.Charset ccsidSbcEncoding_;
private int ccsidDbc_;
private boolean ccsidDbcSet_;
private java.nio.charset.Charset ccsidDbcEncoding_;
private int ccsidMbc_;
private boolean ccsidMbcSet_;
private java.nio.charset.Charset ccsidMbcEncoding_;
private boolean mddOverride_;
private FdocaSimpleDataArray[] overrideTable_;
void Typdef(NetAgent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void Typdef(NetAgent, int, String, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
private void initialize(NetAgent, int, boolean, int, boolean, int, boolean, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
String getTypdefnam();
void setTypdefnam(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int getCcsidSbc();
void setCcsidSbc(int);
boolean isCcsidSbcSet();
java.nio.charset.Charset getCcsidSbcEncoding() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int getCcsidDbc();
void setCcsidDbc(int);
boolean isCcsidDbcSet();
private java.nio.charset.Charset getCcsidDbcEncoding() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
int getCcsidMbc();
void setCcsidMbc(int);
boolean isCcsidMbcSet();
java.nio.charset.Charset getCcsidMbcEncoding() throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
public Object clone();
void updateColumn(NetCursor, int, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.DisconnectException;
void clearMddOverrides();
void setMddOverride(int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
private int mapFdocaTypeToTypeToUseForComputingDataLength(int);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.client.net;
public synchronized class Utf8CcsidManager extends CcsidManager {
private static final String UTF8 = UTF-8;
private static final java.nio.charset.Charset UTF8_CHARSET;
private final java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder encoder;
public void Utf8CcsidManager();
public byte[] convertFromJavaString(String, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public String convertToJavaString(byte[], int, int);
public void startEncoding();
public boolean encode(java.nio.CharBuffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer, org.apache.derby.client.am.Agent) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.iapi.error;
public abstract interface ExceptionSeverity extends org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.ExceptionSeverity {
package org.apache.derby.iapi.reference;
public abstract interface Attribute {
public static final String PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby:;
public static final String SQLJ_NESTED = jdbc:default:connection;
public static final String DNC_PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby://;
public static final String JCC_PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby:net:;
public static final String DECRYPT_DATABASE = decryptDatabase;
public static final String DATA_ENCRYPTION = dataEncryption;
public static final String BOOT_PASSWORD = bootPassword;
public static final String NEW_BOOT_PASSWORD = newBootPassword;
public static final String REPLICATION_START_MASTER = startMaster;
public static final String REPLICATION_STOP_MASTER = stopMaster;
public static final String REPLICATION_START_SLAVE = startSlave;
public static final String REPLICATION_STOP_SLAVE = stopSlave;
public static final String REPLICATION_INTERNAL_SHUTDOWN_SLAVE = internal_stopslave;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_HOST = slaveHost;
public static final String REPLICATION_FAILOVER = failover;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_PORT = slavePort;
public static final String DBNAME_ATTR = databaseName;
public static final String SHUTDOWN_ATTR = shutdown;
public static final String DEREGISTER_ATTR = deregister;
public static final String CREATE_ATTR = create;
public static final String DROP_ATTR = drop;
public static final String USERNAME_ATTR = user;
public static final String PASSWORD_ATTR = password;
public static final String DRDAID_ATTR = drdaID;
public static final String UPGRADE_ATTR = upgrade;
public static final String LOG_DEVICE = logDevice;
public static final String TERRITORY = territory;
public static final String CRYPTO_PROVIDER = encryptionProvider;
public static final String CRYPTO_ALGORITHM = encryptionAlgorithm;
public static final String CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH = encryptionKeyLength;
public static final String CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY = encryptionKey;
public static final String NEW_CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY = newEncryptionKey;
public static final String CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY_VERIFY_FILE = verifyKey.dat;
public static final String CREATE_FROM = createFrom;
public static final String RESTORE_FROM = restoreFrom;
public static final String ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM = rollForwardRecoveryFrom;
public static final String CLIENT_SECURITY_MECHANISM = securityMechanism;
public static final String DRDA_SECTKN_IN = drdaSecTokenIn;
public static final String DRDA_SECTKN_OUT = drdaSecTokenOut;
public static final String DRDA_SECMEC = drdaSecMec;
public static final String SOFT_UPGRADE_NO_FEATURE_CHECK = softUpgradeNoFeatureCheck;
public static final String COLLATION = collation;
package org.apache.derby.iapi.reference;
public abstract interface JDBC40Translation extends org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.JDBC40Translation {
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
final synchronized class JVMInfo$1 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void JVMInfo$1(String);
public String run();
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
final synchronized class JVMInfo$2 implements java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction {
void JVMInfo$2(reflect.Method);
public Object run() throws IllegalAccessException, java.net.MalformedURLException, InstantiationException, reflect.InvocationTargetException;
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
public abstract synchronized class JVMInfo {
public static final int JDK_ID;
public static final int J2SE_18 = 9;
public void JVMInfo();
public static int jdbcMajorVersion();
public static int jdbcMinorVersion();
public static String derbyVMLevel();
private static String getSystemProperty(String);
public static final boolean isSunJVM();
public static final boolean isIBMJVM();
public static void javaDump();
public static boolean hasJNDI();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
public abstract interface ProductGenusNames {
public static final String DBMS = DBMS;
public static final String DBMS_INFO = /org/apache/derby/info/DBMS.properties;
public static final String TOOLS = tools;
public static final String TOOLS_INFO = /org/apache/derby/info/tools.properties;
public static final String NET = net;
public static final String NET_INFO = /org/apache/derby/info/net.properties;
public static final String DNC = dnc;
public static final String DNC_INFO = /org/apache/derby/info/dnc.properties;
public static final String OPTIONALTOOLS = optionaltools;
public static final String OPTIONAL_TOOLS_INFO = /org/apache/derby/optional/optionaltools.properties;
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
public final synchronized class ProductVersionHolder implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
private static final int BAD_NUMBER = -1;
private static final String ALPHA = alpha;
private static final String BETA = beta;
public static final int MAINT_ENCODING = 1000000;
private String productVendorName;
private String productName;
private String productTechnologyName;
private int majorVersion;
private int minorVersion;
private int maintVersion;
private int drdaMaintVersion;
private String buildNumber;
private Boolean isBeta;
private String productGenus;
private void ProductVersionHolder();
private void ProductVersionHolder(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, Boolean);
public static ProductVersionHolder getProductVersionHolder(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, String, Boolean);
public static ProductVersionHolder getProductVersionHolderFromMyEnv(String);
public static ProductVersionHolder getProductVersionHolderFromMyEnv(java.io.InputStream);
public static ProductVersionHolder getProductVersionHolder(java.util.Properties);
public String getProductVendorName();
public String getProductName();
public String getProductTechnologyName();
public int getMajorVersion();
public int getMinorVersion();
public int getMaintVersion();
public int getDrdaMaintVersion();
public int getFixPackVersion();
public boolean isBeta();
public boolean isAlpha();
public String getBuildNumber();
public int getBuildNumberAsInt();
private static int parseInt(String);
public String toString();
public String getSimpleVersionString();
public static String simpleVersionString(int, int, boolean);
public static String fullVersionString(int, int, int, boolean, String);
public String getVersionBuildString(boolean);
public final java.util.Properties run();
private java.util.Properties loadProperties(String);
package org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info;
public abstract synchronized class PropertyNames {
public static final String PRODUCT_VENDOR_NAME = derby.product.vendor;
public static final String PRODUCT_TECHNOLOGY_NAME = derby.product.technology.name;
public static final String PRODUCT_EXTERNAL_NAME = derby.product.external.name;
public static final String PRODUCT_EXTERNAL_VERSION = derby.product.external.version;
public static final String PRODUCT_MAJOR_VERSION = derby.version.major;
public static final String PRODUCT_MINOR_VERSION = derby.version.minor;
public static final String PRODUCT_MAINT_VERSION = derby.version.maint;
public static final String PRODUCT_DRDA_MAINT_VERSION = derby.version.drdamaint;
public static final String PRODUCT_BETA_VERSION = derby.version.beta;
public static final String PRODUCT_BUILD_NUMBER = derby.build.number;
public static final String PRODUCT_WHICH_ZIP_FILE = derby.product.file;
public void PropertyNames();
package org.apache.derby.iapi.tools.i18n;
public synchronized class LocalizedInput extends java.io.BufferedReader {
private java.io.InputStream in;
public void LocalizedInput(java.io.InputStream);
void LocalizedInput(java.io.InputStream, String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
public boolean isStandardInput();
public void close() throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.iapi.tools.i18n;
public synchronized class LocalizedOutput extends java.io.PrintWriter {
private java.io.OutputStream out;
public void LocalizedOutput(java.io.OutputStream);
void LocalizedOutput(java.io.OutputStream, String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
public boolean isStandardOutput();
public void close();
package org.apache.derby.iapi.tools.i18n;
public final synchronized class LocalizedResource implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
private java.util.ResourceBundle res;
private java.util.Locale locale;
private String encode;
private static final String MESSAGE_FILE = org.apache.derby.loc.toolsmessages;
public static final String ENV_CODESET = derby.ui.codeset;
public static final String ENV_LOCALE = derby.ui.locale;
private String messageFileName;
private String resourceKey;
private LocalizedOutput out;
private LocalizedInput in;
private boolean enableLocalized;
private static LocalizedResource local;
private int dateSize;
private int timeSize;
private int timestampSize;
private java.text.DateFormat formatDate;
private java.text.DateFormat formatTime;
private java.text.DateFormat formatTimestamp;
private java.text.NumberFormat formatNumber;
private java.text.DecimalFormat formatDecimal;
private void LocalizedResource();
public void LocalizedResource(String);
public void LocalizedResource(String, String, String);
public static LocalizedResource getInstance();
public static void resetLocalizedResourceCache();
public void init();
public void init(String, String, String);
private void init(String, String, String, boolean);
private void setResource();
private void initMaxSizes2();
public LocalizedInput getNewInput(java.io.InputStream);
public LocalizedInput getNewEncodedInput(java.io.InputStream, String);
public LocalizedOutput getNewOutput(java.io.OutputStream);
public LocalizedOutput getNewEncodedOutput(java.io.OutputStream, String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
private java.util.Locale getNewLocale(String);
public transient String getTextMessage(String, Object[]);
public String getLocalizedString(java.sql.ResultSet, java.sql.ResultSetMetaData, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDateAsString(java.util.Date);
public String getTimeAsString(java.util.Date);
public String getNumberAsString(int);
public String getNumberAsString(long);
public String getNumberAsString(Object);
public String getNumberAsString(double);
public String getTimestampAsString(java.sql.Timestamp);
public int getColumnDisplaySize(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData, int) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getStringFromDate(String) throws java.text.ParseException;
public String getStringFromTime(String) throws java.text.ParseException;
public String getStringFromValue(String) throws java.text.ParseException;
public String getStringFromTimestamp(String) throws java.text.ParseException;
public java.util.Locale getLocale();
private final synchronized String getEnvProperty(String);
public final String run();
public static boolean enableLocalization(boolean);
public boolean isLocalized();
public static transient String getMessage(String, Object[]);
public static LocalizedOutput OutputWriter();
public static LocalizedInput InputReader();
public static String getNumber(long);
public static String getNumber(int);
public String toString();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$1 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$1();
public String run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$2 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$2(String, String);
public String run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$3 implements java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction {
void Main$3(java.io.File);
public String run() throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$4 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$4(java.util.Properties, String);
public java.io.InputStream run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$5 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$5(java.util.Properties, String);
public java.io.InputStream run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$6 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$6(String);
public java.io.InputStream run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$7 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$7(String);
public java.net.URL run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$8 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$8(String);
public ZipInfoProperties run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
final synchronized class Main$9 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void Main$9(Class);
public String run();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
public final synchronized class Main {
private static final String MESSAGE_FILE = org.apache.derby.loc.sysinfoMessages;
private static final org.apache.derby.iapi.tools.i18n.LocalizedResource LOCALIZED_RESOURCE;
private static boolean setPause;
private static boolean setLicense;
private static boolean cptester;
private static final String sep = ------------------------------------------------------;
private static final String javaSep;
private static final String jbmsSep;
private static final String licSep;
private static final String locSep;
private static final String curLoc;
private static final String EMBEDDED = embedded;
private static final String TOOLS = tools;
private static final String NET = server;
private static final String CLIENT = client;
private static final String MAINUSAGESTRING = java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo -cp;
private static final String USAGESTRINGPARTA = java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo -cp [ [ embedded ][ server ][ client] [ tools ] [;
private static final String USAGESTRINGPARTB = .class ] ];
private static final String[] infoNames;
private static final String[] jarNames;
public void Main();
public static void main(String[]);
public static void getMainInfo(java.io.PrintWriter, boolean);
private static void parseArgs(String[]);
private static void pause();
private static void reportDerby(java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void reportJavaInfo(java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void printPropertyIfNotNull(java.io.PrintWriter, String);
private static String getJavaProperty(String);
private static String getJavaProperty(String, boolean);
private static String getCanonicalPath(java.io.File) throws java.io.IOException;
private static void getClasspathInfo(String[], java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void reportLocales(java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void reportTesting(java.io.PrintWriter);
static void useMe(String[], java.io.PrintWriter);
private static void tryAllClasspaths(java.io.PrintWriter) throws Throwable;
private static void trySomeClasspaths(String[], java.io.PrintWriter) throws Throwable;
private static void tryCoreClasspath(StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryNetClasspath(StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryClientClasspath(StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryUtilsClasspath(StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryTstingClasspath(StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryMyClasspath(String, String, StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static void tryAsResource(String, String, StringBuffer, StringBuffer);
private static String found(String, String, String);
private static String notFound(String, String);
private static String crLf();
private static String lookForMainArg(String[], java.io.PrintWriter);
private static boolean argumentsContain(String[], String);
private static String argumentMatches(String[], String);
public static ZipInfoProperties[] getAllInfo(String);
private static ZipInfoProperties[] loadZipFromResource();
private static String[] parseClasspath(String);
private static ZipInfoProperties checkForInfo(String);
private static ZipInfoProperties checkDirectory(String);
private static ZipInfoProperties checkFile(String);
public static transient String getTextMessage(String, Object[]);
private static String getFileWhichLoadedClass(Class);
private static ZipInfoProperties[] mergeZips(ZipInfoProperties[], ZipInfoProperties[]);
private static String formatURL(java.net.URL);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.impl.tools.sysinfo;
public synchronized class ZipInfoProperties {
private final org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder version;
private String location;
void ZipInfoProperties(org.apache.derby.iapi.services.info.ProductVersionHolder);
public String getVersionBuildInfo();
public String getLocation();
void setLocation(String);
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class BasicClientConnectionPoolDataSource40 extends BasicClientDataSource40 implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, ClientConnectionPoolDataSourceInterface {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -539234282156481378;
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgUtil;
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientConnectionPoolDataSource40;
private int maxStatements;
public void BasicClientConnectionPoolDataSource40();
public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxStatements(int);
public int getMaxStatements();
public int maxStatementsToPool();
private final void validateState();
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, java.io.IOException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
final synchronized class BasicClientDataSource40$1 implements java.security.PrivilegedAction {
void BasicClientDataSource40$1(String);
public String run();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
final synchronized class BasicClientDataSource40$2 implements java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction {
void BasicClientDataSource40$2(String, boolean);
public java.io.PrintWriter run() throws java.io.IOException;
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class BasicClientDataSource40 implements javax.sql.DataSource, ClientDataSourceInterface, java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1894299584216955554;
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientDataSource40;
public static final int TRACE_NONE = 0;
public static final int TRACE_CONNECTION_CALLS = 1;
public static final int TRACE_STATEMENT_CALLS = 2;
public static final int TRACE_RESULT_SET_CALLS = 4;
public static final int TRACE_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION = 16;
public static final int TRACE_CONNECTS = 32;
public static final int TRACE_PROTOCOL_FLOWS = 64;
public static final int TRACE_RESULT_SET_META_DATA = 128;
public static final int TRACE_PARAMETER_META_DATA = 256;
public static final int TRACE_DIAGNOSTICS = 512;
public static final int TRACE_XA_CALLS = 2048;
public static final int TRACE_ALL = -1;
public static final int propertyDefault_traceLevel = -1;
public static final short USER_ONLY_SECURITY = 4;
public static final short CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 3;
public static final short ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 7;
public static final short ENCRYPTED_USER_AND_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 9;
public static final short STRONG_PASSWORD_SUBSTITUTE_SECURITY = 8;
private int loginTimeout;
private transient java.io.PrintWriter logWriter;
private String databaseName;
private String description;
private String dataSourceName;
private int portNumber;
private String serverName;
public static final int SSL_OFF = 0;
private static final String SSL_OFF_STR = off;
public static final int SSL_BASIC = 1;
private static final String SSL_BASIC_STR = basic;
public static final int SSL_PEER_AUTHENTICATION = 2;
private static final String SSL_PEER_AUTHENTICATION_STR = peerAuthentication;
private String user;
private static final short SECMEC_HAS_NOT_EXPLICITLY_SET = 0;
private short securityMechanism;
private boolean retrieveMessageText;
private String traceFile;
private transient int traceFileSuffixIndex_;
private String traceDirectory;
private boolean traceFileAppend;
private String password;
private int sslMode;
private boolean createDatabase;
private boolean shutdownDatabase;
private String connectionAttributes;
private int traceLevel;
public void BasicClientDataSource40();
public synchronized void setLoginTimeout(int);
public int getLoginTimeout();
public synchronized void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter);
public java.io.PrintWriter getLogWriter();
public static int getSSLModeFromString(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public static int getClientSSLMode(java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public static String getUser(java.util.Properties);
public static short getSecurityMechanism(java.util.Properties);
private static short getUpgradedSecurityMechanism(String);
public static boolean getRetrieveMessageText(java.util.Properties);
static String getTraceFile(java.util.Properties);
static String getTraceDirectory(java.util.Properties);
private static String readSystemProperty(String);
static boolean getTraceFileAppend(java.util.Properties);
public static String getPassword(java.util.Properties);
public synchronized void setPassword(String);
public String getPassword();
private org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriterForNewConnection(java.io.PrintWriter, String, String, boolean, int, String, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter computeDncLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter, String, String, boolean, String, int, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static java.io.PrintWriter computePrintWriter(java.io.PrintWriter, String, String, boolean, String, int) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static java.io.PrintWriter getPrintWriter(String, boolean) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static boolean parseBoolean(String, boolean);
private static String parseString(String, String);
private static int parseInt(String, int);
static java.util.Properties tokenizeAttributes(String, java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static void checkBoolean(java.util.Properties, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static void checkEnumeration(java.util.Properties, String, String[]) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public synchronized void setDatabaseName(String);
public String getDatabaseName();
public synchronized void setDataSourceName(String);
public String getDataSourceName();
public synchronized void setDescription(String);
public String getDescription();
public synchronized void setPortNumber(int);
public int getPortNumber();
public synchronized void setServerName(String);
public String getServerName();
public synchronized void setUser(String);
public String getUser();
public synchronized void setRetrieveMessageText(boolean);
public boolean getRetrieveMessageText();
public synchronized void setSecurityMechanism(short);
public short getSecurityMechanism();
public short getSecurityMechanism(String);
public void setSsl(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public String getSsl();
public void setCreateDatabase(String);
public String getCreateDatabase();
public void setShutdownDatabase(String);
public String getShutdownDatabase();
public void setConnectionAttributes(String);
public String getConnectionAttributes();
static int getTraceLevel(java.util.Properties);
public synchronized void setTraceLevel(int);
public int getTraceLevel();
public synchronized void setTraceFile(String);
public String getTraceFile();
public synchronized void setTraceDirectory(String);
public String getTraceDirectory();
public synchronized void setTraceFileAppend(boolean);
public boolean getTraceFileAppend();
public int maxStatementsToPool();
private void updateDataSourceValues(java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private void handleConnectionException(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private String constructUrl();
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.Connection getConnection(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private java.sql.Connection getConnectionX(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, String, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Object unwrap(Class) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.util.logging.Logger getParentLogger() throws java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
protected final javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnectionMinion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected final javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnectionMinion(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private static javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnectionX(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, BasicClientDataSource40, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected final javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnectionMinion() throws java.sql.SQLException;
protected final javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnectionMinion(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private static javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnectionX(org.apache.derby.client.am.LogWriter, BasicClientDataSource40, String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public static java.util.Properties getProperties(BasicClientDataSource40);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class BasicClientXADataSource40 extends BasicClientDataSource40 implements ClientXADataSourceInterface, javax.sql.XADataSource {
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.BasicClientXADataSource40;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7057075094707674881;
public void BasicClientXADataSource40();
public javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientConnectionPoolDataSource extends ClientDataSource implements ClientConnectionPoolDataSourceInterface {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -539234282156481377;
private static final org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n.MessageUtil msgUtil;
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientConnectionPoolDataSource;
private int maxStatements;
public void ClientConnectionPoolDataSource();
public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setMaxStatements(int);
public int getMaxStatements();
public int maxStatementsToPool();
private final void validateState();
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, java.io.IOException;
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientConnectionPoolDataSource40 extends ClientConnectionPoolDataSource implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6313966728809326579;
public void ClientConnectionPoolDataSource40();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public abstract interface ClientConnectionPoolDataSourceInterface extends ClientDataSourceInterface, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource {
public abstract int getMaxStatements();
public abstract void setMaxStatements(int);
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientDataSource extends BasicClientDataSource40 implements javax.naming.Referenceable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1894299584216955553;
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource;
public void ClientDataSource();
public javax.naming.Reference getReference() throws javax.naming.NamingException;
private void addBeanProperties(javax.naming.Reference);
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientDataSource40 extends ClientDataSource implements javax.sql.DataSource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3936981157692787843;
public void ClientDataSource40();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public abstract interface ClientDataSourceInterface extends javax.sql.DataSource {
public static final int propertyDefault_portNumber = 1527;
public static final String propertyDefault_serverName = localhost;
public static final String propertyDefault_user = APP;
public static final boolean propertyDefault_retrieveMessageText = 1;
public static final short USER_ONLY_SECURITY = 4;
public static final short CLEAR_TEXT_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 3;
public static final short ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 7;
public static final short ENCRYPTED_USER_AND_PASSWORD_SECURITY = 9;
public static final short STRONG_PASSWORD_SUBSTITUTE_SECURITY = 8;
public static final short propertyDefault_securityMechanism = 4;
public static final boolean propertyDefault_traceFileAppend = 0;
public abstract void setPassword(String);
public abstract String getPassword();
public abstract void setDatabaseName(String);
public abstract String getDatabaseName();
public abstract void setDataSourceName(String);
public abstract String getDataSourceName();
public abstract void setDescription(String);
public abstract String getDescription();
public abstract void setPortNumber(int);
public abstract int getPortNumber();
public abstract void setServerName(String);
public abstract String getServerName();
public abstract void setUser(String);
public abstract String getUser();
public abstract void setRetrieveMessageText(boolean);
public abstract boolean getRetrieveMessageText();
public abstract void setSecurityMechanism(short);
public abstract short getSecurityMechanism();
public abstract short getSecurityMechanism(String);
public abstract void setSsl(String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public abstract String getSsl();
public abstract void setCreateDatabase(String);
public abstract String getCreateDatabase();
public abstract void setShutdownDatabase(String);
public abstract String getShutdownDatabase();
public abstract void setConnectionAttributes(String);
public abstract String getConnectionAttributes();
public abstract void setTraceLevel(int);
public abstract int getTraceLevel();
public abstract void setTraceFile(String);
public abstract String getTraceFile();
public abstract void setTraceDirectory(String);
public abstract String getTraceDirectory();
public abstract void setTraceFileAppend(boolean);
public abstract boolean getTraceFileAppend();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientDriver implements java.sql.Driver {
private transient int traceFileSuffixIndex_;
private static final int DERBY_REMOTE_PROTOCOL = 1;
private static org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory factoryObject;
private static java.sql.SQLException exceptionsOnLoadDriver__;
private static ClientDriver registeredDriver__;
protected static void registerMe(ClientDriver);
public void ClientDriver();
public java.sql.Connection connect(String, java.util.Properties) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private String appendDatabaseAttributes(String, java.util.Properties);
public boolean acceptsURL(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
private void checkURLNotNull(String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String, java.util.Properties) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getMajorVersion();
public int getMinorVersion();
public boolean jdbcCompliant();
public java.util.logging.Logger getParentLogger() throws java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
private static int tokenizeProtocol(String, java.util.StringTokenizer) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static String tokenizeServerName(java.util.StringTokenizer, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static int tokenizeOptionalPortNumber(java.util.StringTokenizer, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static String tokenizeDatabase(java.util.StringTokenizer, String) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
private static java.util.Properties tokenizeURLProperties(String, java.util.Properties) throws org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException;
public static org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory getFactory();
private static org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory createDefaultFactoryImpl();
private static org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory createJDBC40FactoryImpl();
private static org.apache.derby.client.am.ClientJDBCObjectFactory createJDBC42FactoryImpl();
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientDriver40 extends ClientDriver {
public void ClientDriver40();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientXADataSource extends ClientDataSource implements ClientXADataSourceInterface {
public static final String className__ = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7057075094707674880;
public void ClientXADataSource();
public javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection(String, String) throws java.sql.SQLException;
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public synchronized class ClientXADataSource40 extends ClientXADataSource implements javax.sql.XADataSource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3463444509507830926;
public void ClientXADataSource40();
package org.apache.derby.jdbc;
public abstract interface ClientXADataSourceInterface extends ClientDataSourceInterface, javax.sql.XADataSource {
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.error;
public synchronized class DerbySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException extends java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException {
private String tableName;
private String constraintName;
public void DerbySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String, int, Throwable, Object, Object);
public void DerbySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String, int, Object, Object);
public String getTableName();
public String getConstraintName();
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.error;
public abstract interface ExceptionSeverity {
public static final int NO_APPLICABLE_SEVERITY = 0;
public static final int WARNING_SEVERITY = 10000;
public static final int STATEMENT_SEVERITY = 20000;
public static final int TRANSACTION_SEVERITY = 30000;
public static final int SESSION_SEVERITY = 40000;
public static final int DATABASE_SEVERITY = 45000;
public static final int SYSTEM_SEVERITY = 50000;
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.error;
public synchronized class ExceptionUtil {
public void ExceptionUtil();
public static String getSQLStateFromIdentifier(String);
public static int getSeverityFromIdentifier(String);
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.error;
public synchronized class MessageUtils {
private static final java.util.Locale EN;
public static final String SQLERRMC_MESSAGE_DELIMITER;
public static final int DB2_JCC_MAX_EXCEPTION_PARAM_LENGTH = 2400;
public static String SQLERRMC_TOKEN_DELIMITER;
public void MessageUtils();
protected int supportedMessageParamLength();
public static Object[] getArgs(String, String);
public static String encodeMessageAndArgumentsAsSqlerrmc(String, Object[]);
public static String encodeExceptionAsSqlerrmc(java.sql.SQLException);
private String buildDataTruncationSqlerrmc(java.sql.DataTruncation);
private String buildPreformattedSqlerrmc(java.sql.SQLException);
public static int hashString50(String);
public static java.util.ResourceBundle getBundleWithEnDefault(String, java.util.Locale);
public static java.util.ResourceBundle getBundleForLocale(java.util.Locale, String);
public static String formatMessage(java.util.ResourceBundle, String, Object[], boolean);
public static void getLocalizedMessage(int, short, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, String, String, String, String[], int[]);
public static String getLocalizedMessage(java.util.Locale, String, Object[]);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.error;
public final synchronized class ShutdownException extends RuntimeException {
public void ShutdownException();
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.i18n;
public synchronized class MessageUtil {
public static final java.util.Locale US;
private String resourceBundleName;
public void MessageUtil(String);
public transient String getTextMessage(String, Object[]);
public String getCompleteMessage(String, Object[]);
public static String getCompleteMessage(java.util.Locale, String, String, Object[], boolean) throws java.util.MissingResourceException;
public static String getCompleteMessage(String, String, Object[]) throws java.util.MissingResourceException;
public static String formatMessage(java.util.ResourceBundle, String, Object[], boolean);
private static int countParams(String);
public static String composeDefaultMessage(String, Object[]);
static void ();
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference;
public abstract interface Attribute {
public static final String PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby:;
public static final String SQLJ_NESTED = jdbc:default:connection;
public static final String DNC_PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby://;
public static final String JCC_PROTOCOL = jdbc:derby:net:;
public static final String CLIENT_JVM_PROPERTY_PREFIX = derby.client.;
public static final String DATA_ENCRYPTION = dataEncryption;
public static final String BOOT_PASSWORD = bootPassword;
public static final String REPLICATION_START_MASTER = startMaster;
public static final String REPLICATION_STOP_MASTER = stopMaster;
public static final String REPLICATION_START_SLAVE = startSlave;
public static final String REPLICATION_STOP_SLAVE = stopSlave;
public static final String REPLICATION_INTERNAL_SHUTDOWN_SLAVE = internal_stopslave;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_HOST = slaveHost;
public static final String REPLICATION_FAILOVER = failover;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_PORT = slavePort;
public static final String DBNAME_ATTR = databaseName;
public static final String SHUTDOWN_ATTR = shutdown;
public static final String CREATE_ATTR = create;
public static final String USERNAME_ATTR = user;
public static final String PASSWORD_ATTR = password;
public static final String DRDAID_ATTR = drdaID;
public static final String UPGRADE_ATTR = upgrade;
public static final String LOG_DEVICE = logDevice;
public static final String TERRITORY = territory;
public static final String COLLATE = collate;
public static final String CRYPTO_PROVIDER = encryptionProvider;
public static final String CRYPTO_ALGORITHM = encryptionAlgorithm;
public static final String CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH = encryptionKeyLength;
public static final String CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY = encryptionKey;
public static final String CREATE_FROM = createFrom;
public static final String RESTORE_FROM = restoreFrom;
public static final String ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM = rollForwardRecoveryFrom;
public static final String CLIENT_SECURITY_MECHANISM = securityMechanism;
public static final String CLIENT_TRACE_FILE = traceFile;
public static final String CLIENT_TRACE_DIRECTORY = traceDirectory;
public static final String CLIENT_TRACE_APPEND = traceFileAppend;
public static final String CLIENT_TRACE_LEVEL = traceLevel;
public static final String CLIENT_RETIEVE_MESSAGE_TEXT = retrieveMessageText;
public static final String SSL_ATTR = ssl;
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference;
public abstract interface JDBC40Translation {
public static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_DISPLAY_SIZE = 15;
public static final int UNKNOWN_SCALE = 0;
public static final int UNKNOWN_PRECISION = 0;
public static final int REF_CURSOR = 2012;
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference;
public abstract interface MessageId {
public static final String LOG_BEGIN_ERROR = L001;
public static final String LOG_END_ERROR = L002;
public static final String LOG_BEGIN_CORRUPT_STACK = L003;
public static final String LOG_END_CORRUPT_STACK = L004;
public static final String LOG_BEGIN_ERROR_STACK = L005;
public static final String LOG_END_ERROR_STACK = L006;
public static final String LOG_LOG_NOT_FOUND = L007;
public static final String LOG_DELETE_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE = L008;
public static final String LOG_DELETE_OLD_FILE = L009;
public static final String LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_RECORD = L010;
public static final String LOG_CHECKPOINT_EXCEPTION = L011;
public static final String LOG_RECORD_NOT_FIRST = L012;
public static final String LOG_RECORD_FIRST = L013;
public static final String LOG_BAD_START_INSTANT = L014;
public static final String LOG_NEW_LOGFILE_EXIST = L015;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW = L016;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_DUETO = L017;
public static final String LOG_MAYBE_INCONSISTENT = L018;
public static final String LOG_WAS_IN_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC = L020;
public static final String LOG_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC_ERR = L021;
public static final String LOG_CHANGED_DB_TO_READ_ONLY = L022;
public static final String BINARY_DATA_HIDDEN = BIN01;
public static final String STORE_BOOT_MSG_READ_ONLY = D000;
public static final String STORE_BOOT_MSG = D001;
public static final String STORE_SHUTDOWN_MSG = D002;
public static final String STORE_BACKUP_STARTED = D004;
public static final String STORE_MOVED_BACKUP = D005;
public static final String STORE_DATA_SEG_BACKUP_COMPLETED = D006;
public static final String STORE_EDITED_SERVICEPROPS = D007;
public static final String STORE_ERROR_EDIT_SERVICEPROPS = D008;
public static final String STORE_COPIED_LOG = D009;
public static final String STORE_BACKUP_ABORTED = D010;
public static final String STORE_REMOVED_BACKUP = D011;
public static final String STORE_BACKUP_COMPLETED = D012;
public static final String STORE_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC = D013;
public static final String STORE_STREAM_OVERFLOW_PAGE_NOT_FOUND = D015;
public static final String STORE_PAGE_DUMP = D016;
public static final String CM_WROTE_CLASS_FILE = C000;
public static final String CM_UNKNOWN_CERTIFICATE = C001;
public static final String CM_SECURITY_EXCEPTION = C002;
public static final String CM_LOAD_JAR_EXCEPTION = C003;
public static final String CM_STALE_LOADER = C004;
public static final String CM_CLASS_LOADER_START = C005;
public static final String CM_CLASS_LOAD = C006;
public static final String CM_CLASS_LOAD_EXCEPTION = C007;
public static final String CM_CANNOT_LOAD_CLASS = C008;
public static final String CONN_SHUT_DOWN_ENGINE = J003;
public static final String CONN_DATABASE_IDENTITY = J004;
public static final String CONN_SHUT_DOWN_CLOUDSCAPE = J005;
public static final String CONN_DEREGISTER_AUTOLOADEDDRIVER = J006;
public static final String CONN_CREATE_DATABASE = J007;
public static final String CONN_NO_DETAILS = J008;
public static final String CONN_DATA_ENCRYPTION = J010;
public static final String CONN_UPGRADE_DATABASE = J013;
public static final String CONN_CRYPTO_PROVIDER = J016;
public static final String CONN_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM = J017;
public static final String CONN_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH = J018;
public static final String CONN_CRYPTO_EXTERNAL_KEY = J019;
public static final String CONN_BOOT_PASSWORD = J020;
public static final String CONN_LOCALE = J021;
public static final String CONN_COLLATION = J031;
public static final String CONN_USERNAME_ATTR = J022;
public static final String CONN_PASSWORD_ATTR = J023;
public static final String CONN_LOG_DEVICE = J025;
public static final String CONN_ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM = J028;
public static final String CONN_CREATE_FROM = J029;
public static final String CONN_RESTORE_FROM = J030;
public static final String CONN_NETWORK_SERVER_CLASS_FIND = J100;
public static final String CONN_NETWORK_SERVER_CLASS_LOAD = J101;
public static final String CONN_NETWORK_SERVER_START_EXCEPTION = J102;
public static final String CONN_NETWORK_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_EXCEPTION = J103;
public static final String OBJECT_CLOSED = J104;
public static final String CONN_PRECISION_TOO_LARGE = J105;
public static final String BATCH_POSITION_ID = J107;
public static final String SECURITY_MANAGER_NO_ACCESS_ID = J108;
public static final String UNKNOWN_HOST_ID = J109;
public static final String CONN_SECMECH_NOT_SUPPORTED = J110;
public static final String CONN_PASSWORD_MISSING = J111;
public static final String CONN_USERID_MISSING = J112;
public static final String CONN_USERID_OR_PASSWORD_INVALID = J113;
public static final String CONN_USERID_REVOKED = J114;
public static final String CONN_NEW_PASSWORD_INVALID = J115;
public static final String CONN_SECSVC_NONRETRYABLE_ERR = J116;
public static final String CONN_SECTKN_MISSING_OR_INVALID = J117;
public static final String CONN_PASSWORD_EXPIRED = J118;
public static final String CONN_NOT_SPECIFIED = J120;
public static final String CONN_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_DB = J121;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_RDBNACRM = J122;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_CMDCHKRM = J123;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_RDBACCRM = J124;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_DTARMCHRM = J125;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_PRCCNVRM = J126;
public static final String CONN_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN = J128;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_QRYOPEN = J129;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_INVALIDFDOCA = J130;
public static final String CONN_DRDA_DATASTREAM_SYNTAX_ERROR = J131;
public static final String CONN_USERNAME_DESCRIPTION = J132;
public static final String CONN_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION = J133;
public static final String CONN_NEGATIVE_MAXSTATEMENTS = J134;
public static final String CONN_XA_TRANSACTION_TIMED_OUT = J135;
public static final String CONN_CLOSE_XA_TRANSACTION_ROLLED_BACK = J136;
public static final String CONN_DEREGISTER_NOT_PERMITTED = J137;
public static final String AUTH_NO_SERVICE_FOR_SYSTEM = A001;
public static final String AUTH_NO_SERVICE_FOR_DB = A002;
public static final String AUTH_NO_LDAP_HOST_MENTIONED = A011;
public static final String AUTH_INVALID = A020;
public static final String CORE_DATABASE_NOT_AVAILABLE = I024;
public static final String CORE_DRIVER_NOT_AVAILABLE = I025;
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER_REGISTER_ERROR = I026;
public static final String STREAM_MARK_UNSET_OR_EXCEEDED = I027;
public static final String STREAM_DRDA_CLIENTSIDE_EXTDTA_READ_ERROR = I028;
public static final String STREAM_PREMATURE_EOF = I029;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_DONT_EDIT = M001;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_RESTORED = M002;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_BACKUP_DELETED = M003;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_BACKUP_DEL_FAILED = M004;
public static final String README_AT_DB_LEVEL = M005;
public static final String README_AT_LOG_LEVEL = M006;
public static final String README_AT_SEG_LEVEL = M007;
public static final String CANNOT_READ_SECURITY_PROPERTY = M008;
public static final String CANNOT_CREATE_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY = M009;
public static final String CANNOT_GET_CLASSLOADER = M00A;
public static final String CANNOT_SET_CLASSLOADER = M00B;
public static final String CANNOT_SET_DAEMON = M010;
public static final String CAUSED_BY = N001;
public static final String REPLICATION_ERROR_BEGIN = R001;
public static final String REPLICATION_ERROR_END = R002;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_STARTED = R003;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_STOPPED = R004;
public static final String REPLICATION_FATAL_ERROR = R005;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_LOST_CONN = R006;
public static final String REPLICATION_MASTER_STARTED = R007;
public static final String REPLICATION_MASTER_STOPPED = R008;
public static final String REPLICATION_LOGSHIPPER_EXCEPTION = R009;
public static final String REPLICATION_MASTER_RECONN = R010;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_NETWORK_LISTEN = R011;
public static final String REPLICATION_INVALID_CONNECTION_HANDLE = R012;
public static final String REPLICATION_ONELINE_MSG_HEADER = R013;
public static final String REPLICATION_FAILOVER_SUCCESSFUL = R020;
package org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference;
public abstract interface SQLState {
public static final String SERVICE_STARTUP_EXCEPTION = XBM01.D;
public static final String SERVICE_MISSING_IMPLEMENTATION = XBM02.D;
public static final String MISSING_PRODUCT_VERSION = XBM05.D;
public static final String SERVICE_WRONG_BOOT_PASSWORD = XBM06.D;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_MISSING = XBM0A.D;
public static final String SERVICE_PROPERTIES_EDIT_FAILED = XBM0B.D;
public static final String MISSING_FILE_PRIVILEGE = XBM0C.D;
public static final String SERVICE_BOOT_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT = XBM07.D;
public static final String MISSING_ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER = XBM0G.D;
public static final String SERVICE_DIRECTORY_CREATE_ERROR = XBM0H.D;
public static final String SERVICE_DIRECTORY_REMOVE_ERROR = XBM0I.D;
public static final String SERVICE_DIRECTORY_EXISTS_ERROR = XBM0J.D;
public static final String PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN = XBM0K.D;
public static final String AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = XBM0L.D;
public static final String AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_ERROR = XBM0M.D;
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER_REGISTER = XBM0N.D;
public static final String READ_ONLY_SERVICE = XBM0P.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_RENAME_FILE = XBM0S.D;
public static final String AMBIGIOUS_PROTOCOL = XBM0T.D;
public static final String REGISTERED_CLASS_NONE = XBM0U.S;
public static final String REGISTERED_CLASS_LINAKGE_ERROR = XBM0V.S;
public static final String REGISTERED_CLASS_INSTANCE_ERROR = XBM0W.S;
public static final String INVALID_LOCALE_DESCRIPTION = XBM0X.D;
public static final String INVALID_COLLATION = XBM03.D;
public static final String COLLATOR_NOT_FOUND_FOR_LOCALE = XBM04.D;
public static final String SERVICE_DIRECTORY_NOT_IN_BACKUP = XBM0Y.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_COPY_FILE_FROM_BACKUP = XBM0Z.D;
public static final String PROPERTY_FILE_NOT_FOUND_IN_BACKUP = XBM0Q.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE = XBM0R.D;
public static final String INSTANTIATE_STORAGE_FACTORY_ERROR = XBM08.D;
public static final String LOGIN_TIMEOUT = XBDA0.C.1;
public static final String UPGRADE_UNSUPPORTED = XCW00.D;
public static final String CONN_INTERRUPT = 08000;
public static final String GENERATED_CLASS_LINKAGE_ERROR = XBCM1.S;
public static final String GENERATED_CLASS_INSTANCE_ERROR = XBCM2.S;
public static final String GENERATED_CLASS_NO_SUCH_METHOD = XBCM3.S;
public static final String GENERATED_CLASS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = XBCM4.S;
public static final String CRYPTO_EXCEPTION = XBCX0.S;
public static final String ILLEGAL_CIPHER_MODE = XBCX1.S;
public static final String ILLEGAL_BP_LENGTH = XBCX2.S;
public static final String NULL_BOOT_PASSWORD = XBCX5.S;
public static final String NON_STRING_BP = XBCX6.S;
public static final String WRONG_PASSWORD_CHANGE_FORMAT = XBCX7.S;
public static final String DATABASE_NOT_ENCRYPTED = XBCX8.S;
public static final String DATABASE_READ_ONLY = XBCX9.S;
public static final String WRONG_BOOT_PASSWORD = XBCXA.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_PADDING = XBCXB.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOSUCH_ALGORITHM = XBCXC.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOCHANGE_PROVIDER = XBCXE.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_NO_PROVIDER_CLASS = XBCXF.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_NOT_A_PROVIDER = XBCXF.S.1;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_PROVIDER = XBCXG.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_ALG_FORMAT = XBCXH.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_FEEDBACKMODE = XBCXI.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_JCE = XBCXJ.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_BAD_EXTERNAL_KEY = XBCXK.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_ILLEGAL_EXKEY_CHARS = XBCXN.S;
public static final String ENCRYPTION_PREPARED_XACT_EXIST = XBCXO.S;
public static final String DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_FAILED = XBCXU.S;
public static final String DIGEST_NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM = XBCXW.S;
public static final String OBJECT_EXISTS_IN_CACHE = XBCA0.S;
public static final String PROPERTY_INVALID_VALUE = XCY00.S;
public static final String PROPERTY_UNSUPPORTED_CHANGE = XCY02.S;
public static final String PROPERTY_MISSING = XCY03.S;
public static final String PROPERTY_SYNTAX_INVALID = XCY04.S;
public static final String PROPERTY_CANT_UNDO_NATIVE = XCY05.S.2;
public static final String PROPERTY_DBO_LACKS_CREDENTIALS = XCY05.S.3;
public static final String DEADLOCK = 40001;
public static final String LOCK_TIMEOUT = 40XL1;
public static final String LOCK_TIMEOUT_LOG = 40XL1.T.1;
public static final String SELF_DEADLOCK = 40XL2;
public static final String STORE_CONGLOMERATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = XSAI2.S;
public static final String STORE_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = XSAI3.S;
public static final String STORE_RTS_SCAN_TYPE = XSAJ0.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_PAGES_VISITED = XSAJ1.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_ROWS_VISITED = XSAJ2.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_DELETED_ROWS_VISITED = XSAJ3.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_ROWS_QUALIFIED = XSAJ4.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_COLUMNS_FETCHED = XSAJ5.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_COLUMNS_FETCHED_BIT_SET = XSAJ6.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_TREE_HEIGHT = XSAJ7.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_SORT_TYPE = XSAJ8.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_ROWS_INPUT = XSAJA.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_ROWS_OUTPUT = XSAJB.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_NUM_MERGE_RUNS = XSAJC.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_MERGE_RUNS_SIZE = XSAJD.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_ALL = XSAJE.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_BTREE = XSAJF.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_HEAP = XSAJG.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_SORT = XSAJH.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_EXTERNAL = XSAJI.U;
public static final String STORE_RTS_INTERNAL = XSAJJ.U;
public static final String STORE_XA_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION = XSAX0.S;
public static final String STORE_XA_XAER_DUPID = XSAX1.S;
public static final String STORE_XA_XAER_DUPID_SQLSTATE = XSAX1;
public static final String AM_NO_FACTORY_FOR_IMPLEMENTATION = XSAM0.S;
public static final String AM_NO_SUCH_CONGLOMERATE_DROP = XSAM2.S;
public static final String AM_NO_SUCH_CONGLOMERATE_TYPE = XSAM3.S;
public static final String AM_NO_SUCH_SORT = XSAM4.S;
public static final String AM_SCAN_NOT_POSITIONED = XSAM5.S;
public static final String AM_RECORD_NOT_FOUND = XSAM6.S;
public static final String HEAP_CANT_CREATE_CONTAINER = XSCH0.S;
public static final String HEAP_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND = XSCH1.S;
public static final String HEAP_COULD_NOT_CREATE_CONGLOMERATE = XSCH4.S;
public static final String HEAP_TEMPLATE_MISMATCH = XSCH5.S;
public static final String HEAP_IS_CLOSED = XSCH6.S;
public static final String HEAP_SCAN_NOT_POSITIONED = XSCH7.S;
public static final String HEAP_UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE = XSCH8.S;
public static final String BTREE_CANT_CREATE_CONTAINER = XSCB0.S;
public static final String BTREE_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND = XSCB1.S;
public static final String BTREE_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = XSCB2.S;
public static final String BTREE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE = XSCB3.S;
public static final String BTREE_SCAN_NOT_POSITIONED = XSCB4.S;
public static final String BTREE_ROW_NOT_FOUND_DURING_UNDO = XSCB5.S;
public static final String BTREE_NO_SPACE_FOR_KEY = XSCB6.S;
public static final String BTREE_SCAN_INTERNAL_ERROR = XSCB7.S;
public static final String BTREE_IS_CLOSED = XSCB8.S;
public static final String BTREE_ABORT_THROUGH_TRACE = XSCB9.S;
public static final String SORT_IMPROPER_SCAN_METHOD = XSAS0.S;
public static final String SORT_SCAN_NOT_POSITIONED = XSAS1.S;
public static final String SORT_TYPE_MISMATCH = XSAS3.S;
public static final String SORT_COULD_NOT_INIT = XSAS6.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_NESTED_FREEZE = XSRS0.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_ERROR_RENAMING_FILE = XSRS4.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_ERROR_COPYING_FILE = XSRS5.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = XSRS7.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_CANNOT_CHANGE_LOGDEVICE = XSRS8.S;
public static final String RAWSTORE_RECORD_VANISHED = XSRS9.S;
public static final String BACKUP_OPERATIONS_NOT_ALLOWED = XSRSB.S;
public static final String LOG_WRITE_LOG_RECORD = XSLB1.S;
public static final String LOG_BUFFER_FULL = XSLB2.S;
public static final String LOG_TRUNC_LWM_ILLEGAL = XSLB5.S;
public static final String LOG_ZERO_LENGTH_LOG_RECORD = XSLB6.S;
public static final String LOG_RESET_BEYOND_SCAN_LIMIT = XSLB8.S;
public static final String LOG_FACTORY_STOPPED = XSLB9.S;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_FLUSH = XSLA0.D;
public static final String LOG_DO_ME_FAIL = XSLA1.D;
public static final String LOG_IO_ERROR = XSLA2.D;
public static final String LOG_CORRUPTED = XSLA3.D;
public static final String LOG_FULL = XSLA4.D;
public static final String LOG_READ_LOG_FOR_UNDO = XSLA5.D;
public static final String LOG_RECOVERY_FAILED = XSLA6.D;
public static final String LOG_REDO_FAILED = XSLA7.D;
public static final String LOG_UNDO_FAILED = XSLA8.D;
public static final String LOG_STORE_CORRUPT = XSLAA.D;
public static final String LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND = XSLAB.D;
public static final String LOG_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT = XSLAC.D;
public static final String LOG_RECORD_CORRUPTED = XSLAD.D;
public static final String LOG_CONTROL_FILE = XSLAE.D;
public static final String LOG_READ_ONLY_DB_NEEDS_UNDO = XSLAF.D;
public static final String LOG_READ_ONLY_DB_UPDATE = XSLAH.D;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_LOG_CHECKPOINT = XSLAI.D;
public static final String LOG_NULL = XSLAJ.D;
public static final String LOG_EXCEED_MAX_LOG_FILE_NUMBER = XSLAK.D;
public static final String LOG_EXCEED_MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE = XSLAL.D;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_VERIFY_LOG_FORMAT = XSLAM.D;
public static final String LOG_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION = XSLAN.D;
public static final String LOG_CANNOT_UPGRADE_BETA = XSLAP.D;
public static final String LOG_SEGMENT_NOT_EXIST = XSLAQ.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_COPY_LOG_FILE = XSLAR.D;
public static final String LOG_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND_IN_BACKUP = XSLAS.D;
public static final String LOG_SEGMENT_EXIST = XSLAT.D;
public static final String XACT_MAX_SAVEPOINT_LEVEL_REACHED = 3B002.S;
public static final String XACT_SAVEPOINT_EXISTS = 3B501.S;
public static final String XACT_SAVEPOINT_NOT_FOUND = 3B001.S;
public static final String XACT_SAVEPOINT_RELEASE_ROLLBACK_FAIL = 3B502.S;
public static final String XACT_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE = XSTA2.S;
public static final String TRANSACTION_PREFIX = 40;
public static final String XACT_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION = 40XT0;
public static final String XACT_COMMIT_EXCEPTION = 40XT1;
public static final String XACT_ROLLBACK_EXCEPTION = 40XT2;
public static final String XACT_TRANSACTION_NOT_IDLE = 40XT4;
public static final String XACT_INTERNAL_TRANSACTION_EXCEPTION = 40XT5;
public static final String XACT_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_TRANSACTION = 40XT6;
public static final String XACT_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_INTERNAL_XACT = 40XT7;
public static final String XACT_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_DETAILED = 40XT8;
public static final String XACT_ABORT_EXCEPTION = XSTB0.M;
public static final String XACT_CANNOT_LOG_CHANGE = XSTB2.M;
public static final String XACT_CANNOT_ABORT_NULL_LOGGER = XSTB3.M;
public static final String XACT_CREATE_NO_LOG = XSTB5.M;
public static final String XACT_TRANSACTION_TABLE_IN_USE = XSTB6.M;
public static final String DATA_SLOT_NOT_ON_PAGE = XSDA1.S;
public static final String DATA_UPDATE_DELETED_RECORD = XSDA2.S;
public static final String DATA_NO_SPACE_FOR_RECORD = XSDA3.S;
public static final String DATA_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = XSDA4.S;
public static final String DATA_UNDELETE_RECORD = XSDA5.S;
public static final String DATA_NULL_STORABLE_COLUMN = XSDA6.S;
public static final String DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISMATCH = XSDA7.S;
public static final String DATA_STORABLE_READ_EXCEPTION = XSDA8.S;
public static final String DATA_STORABLE_READ_MISSING_CLASS = XSDA9.S;
public static final String DATA_TIME_STAMP_ILLEGAL = XSDAA.S;
public static final String DATA_TIME_STAMP_NULL = XSDAB.S;
public static final String DATA_DIFFERENT_CONTAINER = XSDAC.S;
public static final String DATA_NO_ROW_COPIED = XSDAD.S;
public static final String DATA_CANNOT_MAKE_RECORD_HANDLE = XSDAE.S;
public static final String DATA_INVALID_RECORD_HANDLE = XSDAF.S;
public static final String DATA_ALLOC_NTT_CANT_OPEN = XSDAG.S;
public static final String DATA_CANNOT_GET_DEALLOC_LOCK = XSDAI.S;
public static final String DATA_STORABLE_WRITE_EXCEPTION = XSDAJ.S;
public static final String DATA_WRONG_PAGE_FOR_HANDLE = XSDAK.S;
public static final String DATA_UNEXPECTED_OVERFLOW_PAGE = XSDAL.S;
public static final String DATA_DOUBLE_LATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR = XSDAO.S;
public static final String DATA_UNEXPECTED_NO_SPACE_ON_PAGE = XSDAP.S;
public static final String DATA_CORRUPT_PAGE = XSDB0.D;
public static final String DATA_UNKNOWN_PAGE_FORMAT = XSDB1.D;
public static final String DATA_UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_FORMAT = XSDB2.D;
public static final String DATA_CHANGING_CONTAINER_INFO = XSDB3.D;
public static final String DATA_MISSING_LOG = XSDB4.D;
public static final String DATA_MISSING_PAGE = XSDB5.D;
public static final String DATA_MULTIPLE_JBMS_ON_DB = XSDB6.D;
public static final String DATA_MULTIPLE_JBMS_WARNING = XSDB7.D;
public static final String DATA_MULTIPLE_JBMS_FORCE_LOCK = XSDB8.D;
public static final String DATA_CORRUPT_STREAM_CONTAINER = XSDB9.D;
public static final String DATA_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILED = XSDBA.D;
public static final String DATA_UNKNOWN_PAGE_FORMAT_2 = XSDBB.D;
public static final String DATA_BAD_CONTAINERINFO_WRITE = XSDBC.D;
public static final String FILE_EXISTS = XSDF0.S;
public static final String FILE_CREATE = XSDF1.S;
public static final String FILE_CREATE_NO_CLEANUP = XSDF2.S;
public static final String FILE_CANNOT_CREATE_SEGMENT = XSDF3.S;
public static final String FILE_CANNOT_REMOVE_FILE = XSDF4.S;
public static final String FILE_NO_ALLOC_PAGE = XSDF6.S;
public static final String FILE_NEW_PAGE_NOT_LATCHED = XSDF7.S;
public static final String FILE_REUSE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND = XSDF8.S;
public static final String FILE_READ_ONLY = XSDFB.S;
public static final String FILE_IO_GARBLED = XSDFD.S;
public static final String FILE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = XSDFF.S;
public static final String BACKUP_FILE_IO_ERROR = XSDFH.S;
public static final String FILE_NEW_PAGE_DURING_RECOVERY = XSDFI.S;
public static final String FILE_CANNOT_REMOVE_ENCRYPT_FILE = XSDFJ.S;
public static final String FILE_CANNOT_REMOVE_JAR_FILE = XSDFK.S;
public static final String FILE_READ_PAGE_EXCEPTION = XSDG0.D;
public static final String FILE_WRITE_PAGE_EXCEPTION = XSDG1.D;
public static final String FILE_BAD_CHECKSUM = XSDG2.D;
public static final String FILE_CONTAINER_EXCEPTION = XSDG3.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_ARRAYCOPY = XSDG4.D;
public static final String FILE_DATABASE_NOT_IN_CREATE = XSDG5.D;
public static final String DATA_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND_IN_BACKUP = XSDG6.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_DATA_DIRECTORY = XSDG7.D;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_COPY_DATA_DIRECTORY = XSDG8.D;
public static final String FILE_IO_INTERRUPTED = XSDG9.D;
public static final String ID_PARSE_ERROR = XCXA0.S;
public static final String DB_CLASS_PATH_PARSE_ERROR = XCXB0.S;
public static final String ID_LIST_PARSE_ERROR = XCXC0.S;
public static final String NO_LOCALE = XCXE0.S;
public static final String DATA_CONTAINER_CLOSED = 40XD0;
public static final String DATA_CONTAINER_READ_ONLY = 40XD1;
public static final String DATA_CONTAINER_VANISHED = 40XD2;
public static final String CONNECTIVITY_PREFIX = 08;
public static final String LSE_COMPILATION_PREFIX = 42;
public static final String LANG_CONSTRAINT_DROPPED = 01500;
public static final String LANG_VIEW_DROPPED = 01501;
public static final String LANG_TRIGGER_DROPPED = 01502;
public static final String LANG_COL_NOT_NULL = 01503;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_DUPLICATE = 01504;
public static final String LANG_VALUE_TRUNCATED = 01505;
public static final String LANG_SYNONYM_UNDEFINED = 01522;
public static final String LANG_NULL_ELIMINATED_IN_SET_FUNCTION = 01003;
public static final String LANG_PRIVILEGE_NOT_REVOKED = 01006;
public static final String LANG_ROLE_NOT_REVOKED = 01007;
public static final String LANG_WITH_ADMIN_OPTION_NOT_REVOKED = 01008;
public static final String LANG_GEN_COL_DROPPED = 01009;
public static final String LANG_NO_ROW_FOUND = 02000;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_DYNAMIC_RESULTS_RETURNED = 0100E;
public static final String DATA_TRUNCATION_READ = 01004;
public static final String ROLE_INVALID_SPECIFICATION = 0P000;
public static final String ROLE_INVALID_SPECIFICATION_NOT_GRANTED = 0P000.S.1;
public static final String LANG_DEAD_STATEMENT = 40XC0;
public static final String SQL_DATA_PREFIX = 22;
public static final String LANG_MISSING_PARMS = 07000;
public static final String LANG_SCALAR_SUBQUERY_CARDINALITY_VIOLATION = 21000;
public static final String LANG_REDUNDANT_SUBJECT_ROW = 21000.S.1;
public static final String LANG_STRING_TRUNCATION = 22001;
public static final String LANG_CONCAT_STRING_OVERFLOW = 54006;
public static final String LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE = 22003;
public static final String YEAR_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM = 22003.S.1;
public static final String DECIMAL_TOO_MANY_DIGITS = 22003.S.2;
public static final String NUMERIC_OVERFLOW = 22003.S.3;
public static final String CLIENT_LENGTH_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE = 22003.S.4;
public static final String LANG_DATA_TYPE_GET_MISMATCH = 22005;
public static final String UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = 22005.S.1;
public static final String CHARACTER_CONVERTER_NOT_AVAILABLE = 22005.S.2;
public static final String CANT_CONVERT_UNICODE_TO_EBCDIC = 22005.S.3;
public static final String NET_UNRECOGNIZED_JDBC_TYPE = 22005.S.4;
public static final String NET_INVALID_JDBC_TYPE_FOR_PARAM = 22005.S.5;
public static final String UNRECOGNIZED_JAVA_SQL_TYPE = 22005.S.6;
public static final String CANT_CONVERT_UNICODE_TO_UTF8 = 22005.S.7;
public static final String LANG_DATE_RANGE_EXCEPTION = 22007.S.180;
public static final String LANG_DATE_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION = 22007.S.181;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT = 22008.S;
public static final String LANG_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR_EXHAUSTED = 2200H.S;
public static final String LANG_SUBSTR_START_OR_LEN_OUT_OF_RANGE = 22011;
public static final String LANG_SUBSTR_START_ADDING_LEN_OUT_OF_RANGE = 22011.S.1;
public static final String LANG_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = 22012;
public static final String LANG_SQRT_OF_NEG_NUMBER = 22013;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOR_SEARCH_POSITION = 22014;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_LOCATE_FUNCTION = 22015;
public static final String LANG_FORMAT_EXCEPTION = 22018;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = 22019;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_TRIM_CHARACTER = 22020;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE = 22025;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_TRIM_SET = 22027;
public static final String LANG_STRING_TOO_LONG = 22028;
public static final String LANG_ESCAPE_IS_NULL = 22501;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ROW_COUNT_FIRST = 2201W;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ROW_COUNT_OFFSET = 2201X;
public static final String LANG_ROW_COUNT_OFFSET_FIRST_IS_NULL = 2201Z;
public static final String INTEGRITY_VIOLATION_PREFIX = 23;
public static final String LANG_NULL_INTO_NON_NULL = 23502;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_KEY_CONSTRAINT = 23505;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_DUPLICATE_KEY_CONSTRAINT_T = 23506.T.1;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_DUPLICATE_KEY_CONSTRAINT_S = 23507.S.1;
public static final String LANG_FK_VIOLATION = 23503;
public static final String LANG_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED = 23513;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_T = 23514.T.1;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_S = 23515.S.1;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_FK_CONSTRAINT_T = 23516.T.1;
public static final String LANG_DEFERRED_FK_CONSTRAINT_S = 23517.S.1;
public static final String LANG_XML_QUERY_ERROR = 10000;
public static final String LANG_NOT_AN_XML_DOCUMENT = 2200L;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_XML_DOCUMENT = 2200M;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_XML_CONTEXT_ITEM = 2200V;
public static final String LANG_XQUERY_SERIALIZATION_ERROR = 2200W;
public static final String CANNOT_CLOSE_ACTIVE_CONNECTION = 25001;
public static final String INVALID_TRANSACTION_STATE_ACTIVE_CONNECTION = 25001.S.1;
public static final String LANG_UNEXPECTED_USER_EXCEPTION = 38000;
public static final String EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_NO_SQL = 38001;
public static final String EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_NO_MODIFIES_SQL = 38002;
public static final String EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_NO_READS_SQL = 38004;
public static final String LANG_NULL_TO_PRIMITIVE_PARAMETER = 39004;
public static final String LANG_SYNTAX_OR_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 42000;
public static final String AUTH_NO_TABLE_PERMISSION = 42500;
public static final String AUTH_NO_TABLE_PERMISSION_FOR_GRANT = 42501;
public static final String AUTH_NO_COLUMN_PERMISSION = 42502;
public static final String AUTH_NO_COLUMN_PERMISSION_FOR_GRANT = 42503;
public static final String AUTH_NO_GENERIC_PERMISSION = 42504;
public static final String AUTH_NO_GENERIC_PERMISSION_FOR_GRANT = 42505;
public static final String AUTH_NOT_OWNER = 42506;
public static final String AUTH_NO_ACCESS_NOT_OWNER = 42507;
public static final String AUTH_NOT_DATABASE_OWNER = 42508;
public static final String AUTH_GRANT_REVOKE_NOT_ALLOWED = 42509;
public static final String AUTH_NO_OBJECT_PERMISSION = 4250A;
public static final String AUTH_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_PROPERTY = 4250B;
public static final String AUTH_USER_IN_READ_AND_WRITE_LISTS = 4250C;
public static final String AUTH_DUPLICATE_USERS = 4250D;
public static final String AUTH_INTERNAL_BAD_UUID = 4250E;
public static final String AUTH_ROLE_DBO_ONLY = 4251A;
public static final String AUTH_PUBLIC_ILLEGAL_AUTHORIZATION_ID = 4251B;
public static final String AUTH_ROLE_GRANT_CIRCULARITY = 4251C;
public static final String DBO_ONLY = 4251D;
public static final String HIDDEN_COLUMN = 4251E;
public static final String CANT_DROP_DBO = 4251F;
public static final String WEAK_AUTHENTICATION = 4251G;
public static final String BAD_NATIVE_AUTH_SPEC = 4251H;
public static final String MISSING_CREDENTIALS_DB = 4251I;
public static final String BAD_PASSWORD_LIFETIME = 4251J;
public static final String DBO_FIRST = 4251K;
public static final String BAD_CREDENTIALS_DB_NAME = 4251L;
public static final String LANG_DB2_NOT_NULL_COLUMN_INVALID_DEFAULT = 42601;
public static final String LANG_DB2_INVALID_HEXADECIMAL_CONSTANT = 42606;
public static final String LANG_DB2_STRING_CONSTANT_TOO_LONG = 54002;
public static final String LANG_DB2_NUMBER_OF_ARGS_INVALID = 42605;
public static final String LANG_DB2_COALESCE_FUNCTION_ALL_PARAMS = 42610;
public static final String LANG_DB2_LENGTH_PRECISION_SCALE_VIOLATION = 42611;
public static final String LANG_DB2_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS = 42613;
public static final String LANG_DB2_INVALID_CHECK_CONSTRAINT = 42621;
public static final String LANG_DB2_DUPLICATE_NAMES = 42734;
public static final String LANG_DB2_INVALID_COLS_SPECIFIED = 42802;
public static final String LANG_DB2_INVALID_SELECT_COL_FOR_HAVING = 42803;
public static final String LANG_DB2_ADD_UNIQUE_OR_PRIMARY_KEY_ON_NULL_COLS = 42831;
public static final String LANG_ADD_PRIMARY_KEY_ON_NULL_COLS = 42831.S.1;
public static final String LANG_DB2_REPLACEMENT_ERROR = 42815.S.713;
public static final String LANG_DB2_COALESCE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH = 42815.S.171;
public static final String LANG_DB2_TOO_LONG_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL = 42820;
public static final String LANG_DB2_LIKE_SYNTAX_ERROR = 42824;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_COL_FOR_SETNULL = 42834;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ALTER_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES = 42837;
public static final String LANG_DB2_FUNCTION_INCOMPATIBLE = 42884;
public static final String LANG_DB2_PARAMETER_NEEDS_MARKER = 42886;
public static final String LANG_DB2_INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE = 42894;
public static final String LANG_NO_AGGREGATES_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE = 42903;
public static final String LANG_DB2_VIEW_REQUIRES_COLUMN_NAMES = 42908;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_REQUIRES_COLUMN_NAMES = 42909;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_VIOLATION = 42915;
public static final String LANG_SYNONYM_CIRCULAR = 42916;
public static final String LANG_SYNTAX_ERROR = 42X01;
public static final String LANG_LEXICAL_ERROR = 42X02;
public static final String LANG_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME = 42X03;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = 42X04;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_NOT_FOUND = 42X05;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_RESULT_COLUMNS = 42X06;
public static final String LANG_NULL_IN_VALUES_CLAUSE = 42X07;
public static final String LANG_DOES_NOT_IMPLEMENT = 42X08;
public static final String LANG_FROM_LIST_DUPLICATE_TABLE_NAME = 42X09;
public static final String LANG_EXPOSED_NAME_NOT_FOUND = 42X10;
public static final String LANG_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG = 42622;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_CREATE = 42X12;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE_OR_VIEW = 54011;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_INDEXES_ON_TABLE = 42Z9F;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_INSERT = 42X13;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_IN_TABLE = 42X14;
public static final String LANG_ILLEGAL_COLUMN_REFERENCE = 42X15;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_UPDATE = 42X16;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_JOIN_ORDER_SPEC = 42X17;
public static final String LANG_NOT_COMPARABLE = 42818;
public static final String LANG_NON_BOOLEAN_WHERE_CLAUSE = 42X19.S.1;
public static final String LANG_UNTYPED_PARAMETER_IN_WHERE_CLAUSE = 42X19.S.2;
public static final String LANG_INTEGER_LITERAL_EXPECTED = 42X20;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_NOT_UPDATABLE = 42X23;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COL_HAVING_CLAUSE = 42X24;
public static final String LANG_UNARY_FUNCTION_BAD_TYPE = 42X25;
public static final String LANG_TYPE_DOESNT_EXIST = 42X26;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_DELETE_MISMATCH = 42X28;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_UPDATE_MISMATCH = 42X29;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_NOT_FOUND = 42X30;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_NOT_UPDATABLE_IN_CURSOR = 42X31;
public static final String LANG_DERIVED_COLUMN_LIST_MISMATCH = 42X32;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_DERIVED = 42X33;
public static final String LANG_PARAM_IN_SELECT_LIST = 42X34;
public static final String LANG_BINARY_OPERANDS_BOTH_PARMS = 42X35;
public static final String LANG_UNARY_OPERAND_PARM = 42X36;
public static final String LANG_UNARY_ARITHMETIC_BAD_TYPE = 42X37;
public static final String LANG_CANT_SELECT_STAR_SUBQUERY = 42X38;
public static final String LANG_NON_SINGLE_COLUMN_SUBQUERY = 42X39;
public static final String LANG_UNARY_LOGICAL_NON_BOOLEAN = 42X40;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FROM_LIST_PROPERTY = 42X41;
public static final String LANG_NOT_STORABLE = 42821;
public static final String LANG_NULL_RESULT_SET_META_DATA = 42X43;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COLUMN_LENGTH = 42X44;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FUNCTION_ARG_TYPE = 42X45;
public static final String LANG_AMBIGUOUS_FUNCTION_NAME = 42X46;
public static final String LANG_AMBIGUOUS_PROCEDURE_NAME = 42X47;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_PRECISION = 42X48;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_INTEGER_LITERAL = 42X49;
public static final String LANG_NO_METHOD_FOUND = 42X50;
public static final String LANG_TYPE_DOESNT_EXIST2 = 42X51;
public static final String LANG_PRIMITIVE_RECEIVER = 42X52;
public static final String LANG_LIKE_BAD_TYPE = 42X53;
public static final String LANG_PARAMETER_RECEIVER = 42X54;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_NAME_MISMATCH = 42X55;
public static final String LANG_VIEW_DEFINITION_R_C_L_MISMATCH = 42X56;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_V_T_I_COLUMN_COUNT = 42X57;
public static final String LANG_UNION_UNMATCHED_COLUMNS = 42X58;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_INSERT_MODE = 42X60;
public static final String LANG_NOT_UNION_COMPATIBLE = 42X61;
public static final String LANG_NO_USER_DDL_IN_SYSTEM_SCHEMA = 42X62;
public static final String LANG_NO_ROWS_FROM_USING = 42X63;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_STATISTICS_SPEC = 42X64;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_NOT_FOUND = 42X65;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_CREATE_INDEX = 42X66;
public static final String LANG_NO_FIELD_FOUND = 42X68;
public static final String LANG_PRIMITIVE_REFERENCING_EXPRESSION = 42X69;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_DEFINITION_R_C_L_MISMATCH = 42X70;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COLUMN_TYPE_CREATE_TABLE = 42X71;
public static final String LANG_NO_STATIC_FIELD_FOUND = 42X72;
public static final String LANG_AMBIGUOUS_METHOD_INVOCATION = 42X73;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CALL_STATEMENT = 42X74;
public static final String LANG_NO_CONSTRUCTOR_FOUND = 42X75;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_OUT_OF_RANGE = 42X77;
public static final String LANG_ORDER_BY_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = 42X78;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_FOR_ORDER_BY = 42X79;
public static final String LANG_QUALIFIED_COLUMN_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED = 42877;
public static final String LANG_UNION_ORDER_BY = 42878;
public static final String LANG_DISTINCT_ORDER_BY = 42879;
public static final String LANG_DISTINCT_ORDER_BY_EXPRESSION = 4287A;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_VALUE_CTOR_RESTRICTION = 4287B;
public static final String LANG_EMPTY_VALUES_CLAUSE = 42X80;
public static final String LANG_EMPTY_COLUMN_LIST = 42X81;
public static final String LANG_USING_CARDINALITY_VIOLATION = 42X82;
public static final String LANG_CANT_DROP_BACKING_INDEX = 42X84;
public static final String LANG_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA_MISMATCH = 42X85;
public static final String LANG_DROP_OR_ALTER_NON_EXISTING_CONSTRAINT = 42X86;
public static final String LANG_ALL_RESULT_EXPRESSIONS_UNTYPED = 42X87;
public static final String LANG_CONDITIONAL_NON_BOOLEAN = 42X88;
public static final String LANG_NOT_TYPE_COMPATIBLE = 42X89;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINTS = 42X90;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINT_NAME_CREATE = 42X91;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_NAME = 42X92;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CREATE_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_LIST = 42X93;
public static final String LANG_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 42X94;
public static final String LANG_DB_CLASS_PATH_HAS_MISSING_JAR = 42X96;
public static final String LANG_NO_PARAMS_IN_VIEWS = 42X98;
public static final String LANG_NO_PARAMS_IN_TABLES = 42X99;
public static final String LANG_UNASSIGNABLE_GENERATION_CLAUSE = 42XA0;
public static final String LANG_AGGREGATE_IN_GENERATION_CLAUSE = 42XA1;
public static final String LANG_CANT_OVERRIDE_GENERATION_CLAUSE = 42XA3;
public static final String LANG_CANT_REFERENCE_GENERATED_COLUMN = 42XA4;
public static final String LANG_ROUTINE_CANT_PERMIT_SQL = 42XA5;
public static final String LANG_BAD_FK_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN = 42XA6;
public static final String LANG_GEN_COL_DEFAULT = 42XA7;
public static final String LANG_GEN_COL_BAD_RENAME = 42XA8;
public static final String LANG_NEEDS_DATATYPE = 42XA9;
public static final String LANG_GEN_COL_BEFORE_TRIG = 42XAA;
public static final String LANG_NOT_NULL_NEEDS_DATATYPE = 42XAB;
public static final String LANG_SEQ_INCREMENT_ZERO = 42XAC;
public static final String LANG_SEQ_ARG_OUT_OF_DATATYPE_RANGE = 42XAE;
public static final String LANG_SEQ_MIN_EXCEEDS_MAX = 42XAF;
public static final String LANG_SEQ_INVALID_START = 42XAG;
public static final String LANG_NEXT_VALUE_FOR_ILLEGAL = 42XAH;
public static final String LANG_SEQUENCE_REFERENCED_TWICE = 42XAI;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_CS_CLAUSE = 42XAJ;
public static final String LANG_TARGET_NOT_BASE_TABLE = 42XAK;
public static final String LANG_SOURCE_NOT_BASE_OR_VTI = 42XAL;
public static final String LANG_SAME_EXPOSED_NAME = 42XAM;
public static final String LANG_NOT_NULL_CHARACTERISTICS = 42XAN;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUBQUERIES_IN_MATCHED_CLAUSE = 42XAO;
public static final String LANG_NO_SYNONYMS_IN_MERGE = 42XAP;
public static final String LANG_NO_DCL_IN_MERGE = 42XAQ;
public static final String LANG_SYSTEM_SEQUENCE = 42XAR;
public static final String LANG_BAD_DISTINCT_AGG = 42XAS;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ROWID_SCOPE = 42XAT;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_INPUT_COLUMN_NAME = 42XAU;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_NUMBEROF_HEADER_LINES = 42XAV;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_USER_AGGREGATE_DEFINITION2 = 42Y00;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CHECK_CONSTRAINT = 42Y01;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUCH_METHOD_ALIAS = 42Y03.S.0;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUCH_PROCEDURE = 42Y03.S.1;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUCH_FUNCTION = 42Y03.S.2;
public static final String LANG_PROC_USED_AS_FUNCTION = 42Y03.S.3;
public static final String LANG_FUNCTION_USED_AS_PROC = 42Y03.S.4;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FULL_STATIC_METHOD_NAME = 42Y04;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUCH_FOREIGN_KEY = 42Y05;
public static final String LANG_SCHEMA_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 42Y07;
public static final String LANG_NO_FK_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA = 42Y08;
public static final String LANG_VOID_METHOD_CALL = 42Y09;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_ALL_PARAM_COLUMN = 42Y10;
public static final String LANG_MISSING_JOIN_SPECIFICATION = 42Y11;
public static final String LANG_NON_BOOLEAN_JOIN_CLAUSE = 42Y12;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_CREATE_VIEW = 42Y13;
public static final String LANG_NO_METHOD_MATCHING_ALIAS = 42Y16;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CAST = 42846;
public static final String LANG_USER_AGGREGATE_BAD_TYPE = 42Y22;
public static final String LANG_BAD_J_D_B_C_TYPE_INFO = 42Y23;
public static final String LANG_VIEW_NOT_UPDATEABLE = 42Y24;
public static final String LANG_UPDATE_SYSTEM_TABLE_ATTEMPTED = 42Y25;
public static final String LANG_AGGREGATE_IN_GROUPBY_LIST = 42Y26.S.0;
public static final String LANG_SUBQUERY_IN_GROUPBY_LIST = 42Y26.S.1;
public static final String LANG_NO_PARAMS_IN_TRIGGER_ACTION = 42Y27;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_NON_GROUPED_SELECT_LIST = 42Y29;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_GROUPED_SELECT_LIST = 42Y30;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS = 54004;
public static final String LANG_BAD_AGGREGATOR_CLASS2 = 42Y32;
public static final String LANG_USER_AGGREGATE_CONTAINS_AGGREGATE = 42Y33;
public static final String LANG_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME_IN_TABLE = 42Y34;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COL_REF_NON_GROUPED_SELECT_LIST = 42Y35;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COL_REF_GROUPED_SELECT_LIST = 42Y36;
public static final String LANG_TYPE_DOESNT_EXIST3 = 42Y37;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_BULK_INSERT_REPLACE = 42Y38;
public static final String LANG_UNRELIABLE_CHECK_CONSTRAINT = 42Y39;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_IN_TRIGGER_UPDATE = 42Y40;
public static final String LANG_TRIGGER_SPS_CANNOT_BE_EXECED = 42Y41;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_DECIMAL_SCALE = 42Y42;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_DECIMAL_PRECISION_SCALE = 42Y43;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FROM_TABLE_PROPERTY = 42Y44;
public static final String LANG_CANNOT_BIND_TRIGGER_V_T_I = 42Y45;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FORCED_INDEX1 = 42Y46;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FORCED_INDEX2 = 42Y48;
public static final String LANG_DUPLICATE_PROPERTY = 42Y49;
public static final String LANG_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 42Y55;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_JOIN_STRATEGY = 42Y56;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT_FOR_OVERRIDE = 42Y58;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_HASH_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 42Y59;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_HASH_LOAD_FACTOR = 42Y60;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_HASH_MAX_CAPACITY = 42Y61;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_OPERATION_ON_VIEW = 42Y62;
public static final String LANG_HASH_NO_EQUIJOIN_FOUND = 42Y63;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_BULK_FETCH_VALUE = 42Y64;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_BULK_FETCH_WITH_JOIN_TYPE = 42Y65;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_BULK_FETCH_UPDATEABLE = 42Y66;
public static final String LANG_CANNOT_DROP_SYSTEM_SCHEMAS = 42Y67;
public static final String LANG_NO_BEST_PLAN_FOUND = 42Y69;
public static final String LANG_ILLEGAL_FORCED_JOIN_ORDER = 42Y70;
public static final String LANG_CANNOT_DROP_SYSTEM_ALIASES = 42Y71;
public static final String LANG_CANNOT_DROP_TRIGGER_S_P_S = 42Y82;
public static final String LANG_USER_AGGREGATE_BAD_TYPE_NULL = 42Y83;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_DEFAULT_DEFINITION = 42Y84;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_USE_OF_DEFAULT = 42Y85;
public static final String LANG_STMT_NOT_UPDATABLE = 42Y90;
public static final String LANG_NO_SPS_USING_IN_TRIGGER = 42Y91;
public static final String LANG_TRIGGER_BAD_REF_MISMATCH = 42Y92;
public static final String LANG_TRIGGER_BAD_REF_CLAUSE_DUPS = 42Y93;
public static final String LANG_BINARY_LOGICAL_NON_BOOLEAN = 42Y94;
public static final String LANG_BINARY_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 42Y95;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_ESCAPE = 42Y97;
public static final String LANG_UNRELIABLE_QUERY_FRAGMENT = 42Y98;
public static final String LANG_JAVA_METHOD_CALL_OR_FIELD_REF = 42Z00.U;
public static final String LANG_UNTYPED = 42Z01.U;
public static final String LANG_USER_AGGREGATE_MULTIPLE_DISTINCTS = 42Z02;
public static final String LANG_NO_AGGREGATES_IN_ON_CLAUSE = 42Z07;
public static final String LANG_NO_BULK_INSERT_REPLACE_WITH_TRIGGER = 42Z08;
public static final String LANG_NO_AGGREGATES_IN_MERGE_MATCHING_CLAUSE = 42Z09;
public static final String LANG_UDT_BUILTIN_CONFLICT = 42Z10;
public static final String LANG_STREAM_INVALID_ACCESS = 42Z12.U;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_CHANGE_TYPE = 42Z15;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_INVALID_TYPE = 42Z16;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_INVALID_LENGTH = 42Z17;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_FKEY_CONSTRAINT = 42Z18;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_REFERENCED = 42Z19;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_EXISTING_CONSTRAINT = 42Z20;
public static final String LANG_MODIFY_COLUMN_EXISTING_PRIMARY_KEY = 42Z20.S.1;
public static final String LANG_AI_INVALID_INCREMENT = 42Z21;
public static final String LANG_AI_INVALID_TYPE = 42Z22;
public static final String LANG_AI_CANNOT_MODIFY_AI = 42Z23;
public static final String LANG_AI_OVERFLOW = 42Z24;
public static final String LANG_AI_COUNTER_ERROR = 42Z25;
public static final String LANG_AI_CANNOT_NULL_AI = 42Z26;
public static final String LANG_AI_CANNOT_ADD_AI_TO_NULLABLE = 42Z27;
public static final String LANG_AI_CANNOT_ALTER_IDENTITYNESS = 42Z29;
public static final String LANG_TIME_SPENT_THIS = 42Z30.U;
public static final String LANG_TIME_SPENT_THIS_AND_BELOW = 42Z31.U;
public static final String LANG_TOTAL_TIME_BREAKDOWN = 42Z32.U;
public static final String LANG_CONSTRUCTOR_TIME = 42Z33.U;
public static final String LANG_OPEN_TIME = 42Z34.U;
public static final String LANG_NEXT_TIME = 42Z35.U;
public static final String LANG_CLOSE_TIME = 42Z36.U;
public static final String LANG_NONE = 42Z37.U;
public static final String LANG_POSITION_NOT_AVAIL = 42Z38.U;
public static final String LANG_UNEXPECTED_EXC_GETTING_POSITIONER = 42Z39.U;
public static final String LANG_POSITIONER = 42Z40.U;
public static final String LANG_ORDERED_NULL_SEMANTICS = 42Z41.U;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_ID = 42Z42.U;
public static final String LANG_OPERATOR = 42Z43.U;
public static final String LANG_ORDERED_NULLS = 42Z44.U;
public static final String LANG_UNKNOWN_RETURN_VALUE = 42Z45.U;
public static final String LANG_NEGATE_COMPARISON_RESULT = 42Z46.U;
public static final String LANG_GQPT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 42Z47.U;
public static final String LANG_COLUMN_ID_ARRAY = 42Z48.U;
public static final String LANG_GRANT_REVOKE_WITH_LEGACY_ACCESS = 42Z60;
public static final String LANG_ATTEMPT_TO_BIND_XML = 42Z70;
public static final String LANG_ATTEMPT_TO_SELECT_XML = 42Z71;
public static final String LANG_XML_KEYWORD_MISSING = 42Z72;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_XMLSERIALIZE_TYPE = 42Z73;
public static final String LANG_UNSUPPORTED_XML_FEATURE = 42Z74;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_XML_QUERY_EXPRESSION = 42Z75;
public static final String LANG_MULTIPLE_XML_CONTEXT_ITEMS = 42Z76;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CONTEXT_ITEM_TYPE = 42Z77;
public static final String LANG_XMLPARSE_UNKNOWN_PARAM_TYPE = 42Z79;
public static final String LANG_SERIALIZABLE = 42Z80.U;
public static final String LANG_READ_COMMITTED = 42Z81.U;
public static final String LANG_EXCLUSIVE = 42Z82.U;
public static final String LANG_INSTANTANEOUS_SHARE = 42Z83.U;
public static final String LANG_SHARE = 42Z84.U;
public static final String LANG_TABLE = 42Z85.U;
public static final String LANG_ROW = 42Z86.U;
public static final String LANG_SHARE_TABLE = 42Z87.U;
public static final String LANG_SHARE_ROW = 42Z88.U;
public static final String LANG_UPDATABLE_VTI_NON_UPDATABLE_RS = 42Z90;
public static final String LANG_SUBQUERY = 42Z91;
public static final String LANG_REPEATABLE_READ = 42Z92;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_LITERAL_LENGTH = 42Z99;
public static final String LANG_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 42Z9A;
public static final String LANG_UNSUPPORTED_TRIGGER_STMT = 42Z9D;
public static final String LANG_UNSUPPORTED_TRIGGER_PROC = 42Z9D.S.1;
public static final String LANG_DROP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 42Z9E;
public static final String LANG_QUERY_TOO_COMPLEX = 42ZA0;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_SQL_IN_BATCH = 42ZA1;
public static final String LANG_LIKE_COLLATION_MISMATCH = 42ZA2;
public static final String LANG_CAN_NOT_CREATE_TABLE = 42ZA3;
public static final String LANG_NO_DJRS = 42ZB1;
public static final String LANG_MUST_BE_DJRS = 42ZB2;
public static final String LANG_XML_NOT_ALLOWED_DJRS = 42ZB3;
public static final String LANG_NOT_TABLE_FUNCTION = 42ZB4;
public static final String LANG_NO_COSTING_CONSTRUCTOR = 42ZB5;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_FUNCTION_NOT_ALLOWED = 42ZB6;
public static final String LANG_BAD_TABLE_FUNCTION_PARAM_REF = 42ZB7;
public static final String LANG_NO_SUCH_WINDOW = 42ZC0;
public static final String LANG_WINDOW_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 42ZC1;
public static final String LANG_WINDOW_FUNCTION_CONTEXT_ERROR = 42ZC2;
public static final String LANG_ILLEGAL_UDA_NAME = 42ZC3;
public static final String LANG_ILLEGAL_UDA_CLASS = 42ZC4;
public static final String LANG_UDA_WRONG_INPUT_TYPE = 42ZC6;
public static final String LANG_UDA_WRONG_RETURN_TYPE = 42ZC7;
public static final String LANG_UDA_INSTANTIATION = 42ZC8;
public static final String LANG_VARARGS_PARAMETER_STYLE = 42ZC9;
public static final String LANG_DERBY_PARAMETER_STYLE = 42ZCA;
public static final String LANG_VARARGS_RETURN_RESULT_SETS = 42ZCB;
public static final String LANG_BAD_ROW_SOURCE_COUNT = 42ZCC;
public static final String LANG_NOT_LEFT_DEEP = 42ZCD;
public static final String LANG_UNRESOLVED_ROW_SOURCE = 42ZCE;
public static final String LANG_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DECLARED_GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE = 42995;
public static final String LANG_LONG_DATA_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED = 42962;
public static final String LANG_MULTIPLE_AUTOINCREMENT_COLUMNS = 428C1;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MANY_INDEX_KEY_COLS = 54008;
public static final String LANG_TRIGGER_RECURSION_EXCEEDED = 54038;
public static final String LUCENE_NOT_A_STRING_TYPE = 42XBA;
public static final String LUCENE_NO_PRIMARY_KEY = 42XBB;
public static final String LUCENE_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 42XBC;
public static final String LUCENE_INVALID_CHARACTER = 42XBD;
public static final String LUCENE_INDEX_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 42XBE;
public static final String LUCENE_MUST_OWN_SCHEMA = 42XBF;
public static final String LUCENE_ALREADY_LOADED = 42XBG;
public static final String LUCENE_ALREADY_UNLOADED = 42XBH;
public static final String LUCENE_BAD_INDEX = 42XBI;
public static final String LUCENE_BAD_COLUMN_NAME = 42XBJ;
public static final String LUCENE_BAD_VERSION = 42XBK;
public static final String LUCENE_ENCRYPTED_DB = 42XBL;
public static final String ARGUMENT_MAY_NOT_BE_NULL = 42XBM;
public static final String LUCENE_FIELD_KEY_CONFLICT = 42XBN;
public static final String LUCENE_DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME = 42XBO;
public static final String RTS_ATTACHED_TO = 43X00.U;
public static final String RTS_BEGIN_SQ_NUMBER = 43X01.U;
public static final String RTS_ANY_RS = 43X02.U;
public static final String RTS_NUM_OPENS = 43X03.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_SEEN = 43X04.U;
public static final String RTS_SOURCE_RS = 43X05.U;
public static final String RTS_END_SQ_NUMBER = 43X06.U;
public static final String RTS_OPT_EST_RC = 43X07.U;
public static final String RTS_OPT_EST_COST = 43X08.U;
public static final String RTS_SECONDS = 43X09.U;
public static final String RTS_NODE = 43X11.U;
public static final String RTS_NOT_IMPL = 43X12.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE_RS_USING = 43X13.U;
public static final String RTS_TABLE_LOCKING = 43X14.U;
public static final String RTS_ROW_LOCKING = 43X15.U;
public static final String RTS_DEFERRED = 43X16.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_DELETED = 43X17.U;
public static final String RTS_INDEXES_UPDATED = 43X18.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE = 43X19.U;
public static final String RTS_DSARS = 43X20.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_INPUT = 43X21.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_SCALAR_AGG = 43X22.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_SCAN_RS_USING = 43X23.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_SCAN_RS = 43X26.U;
public static final String RTS_LOCKING = 43X27.U;
public static final String RTS_SCAN_INFO = 43X28.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_COL = 43X29.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_COLS = 43X30.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 43X31.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_FILTERED = 43X32.U;
public static final String RTS_NEXT_TIME = 43X33.U;
public static final String RTS_START_POSITION = 43X34.U;
public static final String RTS_STOP_POSITION = 43X35.U;
public static final String RTS_SCAN_QUALS = 43X36.U;
public static final String RTS_NEXT_QUALS = 43X37.U;
public static final String RTS_ON_USING = 43X38.U;
public static final String RTS_DISTINCT_SCAN = 43X39.U;
public static final String RTS_SORT_INFO = 43X40.U;
public static final String RTS_GROUPED_AGG_RS = 43X41.U;
public static final String RTS_HAS_DISTINCT_AGG = 43X42.U;
public static final String RTS_IN_SORTED_ORDER = 43X43.U;
public static final String RTS_GROUPED_AGG = 43X44.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_EXISTS_JOIN = 43X45.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_EXISTS_JOIN_RS = 43X46.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_JOIN = 43X47.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_JOIN_RS = 43X48.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_LEFT_OJ = 43X49.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_LEFT_OJ_RS = 43X50.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_SCAN_RS_USING = 43X51.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_SCAN_RS = 43X52.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_KEY = 43X53.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_KEYS = 43X54.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_SCAN = 43X55.U;
public static final String RTS_ATTACHED_SQS = 43X56.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_TABLE_RS = 43X57.U;
public static final String RTS_HASH_TABLE = 43X58.U;
public static final String RTS_ALL = 43X59.U;
public static final String RTS_IRTBR_RS = 43X60.U;
public static final String RTS_COLS_ACCESSED_FROM_HEAP = 43X61.U;
public static final String RTS_FOR_TAB_NAME = 43X62.U;
public static final String RTS_IRTBR = 43X63.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_MODE_BULK = 43X64.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_MODE_NOT_BULK = 43X65.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_MODE_NORMAL = 43X66.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_USING = 43X67.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_INSERTED = 43X68.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT = 43X69.U;
public static final String RTS_JOIN = 43X70.U;
public static final String RTS_LKIS_RS = 43X71.U;
public static final String RTS_LOCKING_OPTIMIZER = 43X72.U;
public static final String RTS_TABLE_SCAN = 43X73.U;
public static final String RTS_INDEX_SCAN = 43X74.U;
public static final String RTS_ON = 43X75.U;
public static final String RTS_MATERIALIZED_RS = 43X76.U;
public static final String RTS_TEMP_CONGLOM_CREATE_TIME = 43X77.U;
public static final String RTS_TEMP_CONGLOM_FETCH_TIME = 43X78.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_SEEN_LEFT = 43X79.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_SEEN_RIGHT = 43X80.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_RETURNED = 43X81.U;
public static final String RTS_LEFT_RS = 43X82.U;
public static final String RTS_RIGHT_RS = 43X83.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_EXISTS_JOIN = 43X84.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_EXISTS_JOIN_RS = 43X85.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN = 43X86.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_JOIN_RS = 43X87.U;
public static final String RTS_EMPTY_RIGHT_ROWS = 43X88.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_LEFT_OJ = 43X89.U;
public static final String RTS_NESTED_LOOP_LEFT_OJ_RS = 43X90.U;
public static final String RTS_NORMALIZE_RS = 43X91.U;
public static final String RTS_ONCE_RS = 43X92.U;
public static final String RTS_PR_RS = 43X93.U;
public static final String RTS_RESTRICTION = 43X94.U;
public static final String RTS_PROJECTION = 43X95.U;
public static final String RTS_RESTRICTION_TIME = 43X96.U;
public static final String RTS_PROJECTION_TIME = 43X97.U;
public static final String RTS_PR = 43X98.U;
public static final String RTS_ROW_RS = 43X99.U;
public static final String RTS_RC = 43X9A.U;
public static final String RTS_RC_RS = 43X9B.U;
public static final String RTS_WINDOW_RS = 43X9C.U;
public static final String RTS_SCALAR_AGG_RS = 43Y00.U;
public static final String RTS_INDEX_KEY_OPT = 43Y01.U;
public static final String RTS_SCALAR_AGG = 43Y02.U;
public static final String RTS_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE_RS = 43Y03.U;
public static final String RTS_READS_FROM_HASH = 43Y04.U;
public static final String RTS_WRITES_TO_HASH = 43Y05.U;
public static final String RTS_SORT_RS = 43Y06.U;
public static final String RTS_ELIMINATE_DUPS = 43Y07.U;
public static final String RTS_SORT = 43Y08.U;
public static final String RTS_IS_RS_USING = 43Y09.U;
public static final String RTS_TS_RS_FOR = 43Y10.U;
public static final String RTS_ACTUAL_TABLE = 43Y11.U;
public static final String RTS_FETCH_SIZE = 43Y12.U;
public static final String RTS_QUALS = 43Y13.U;
public static final String RTS_UNION_RS = 43Y14.U;
public static final String RTS_UPDATE_RS_USING = 43Y16.U;
public static final String RTS_ROWS_UPDATED = 43Y17.U;
public static final String RTS_VTI_RS = 43Y19.U;
public static final String RTS_VTI = 43Y20.U;
public static final String RTS_MATERIALIZED_SUBQS = 43Y21.U;
public static final String RTS_STATEMENT_NAME = 43Y22.U;
public static final String RTS_STATEMENT_TEXT = 43Y23.U;
public static final String RTS_PARSE_TIME = 43Y24.U;
public static final String RTS_BIND_TIME = 43Y25.U;
public static final String RTS_OPTIMIZE_TIME = 43Y26.U;
public static final String RTS_GENERATE_TIME = 43Y27.U;
public static final String RTS_COMPILE_TIME = 43Y28.U;
public static final String RTS_EXECUTE_TIME = 43Y29.U;
public static final String RTS_BEGIN_COMP_TS = 43Y30.U;
public static final String RTS_END_COMP_TS = 43Y31.U;
public static final String RTS_BEGIN_EXE_TS = 43Y32.U;
public static final String RTS_END_EXE_TS = 43Y33.U;
public static final String RTS_STMT_EXE_PLAN_TXT = 43Y44.U;
public static final String RTS_RUN_TIME = 43Y45.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_VTI_RESULT_SET = 43Y46.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE_VTI_RESULT_SET = 43Y47.U;
public static final String RTS_INSERT_VTI = 43Y49.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE_VTI = 43Y50.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE_CASCADE = 43Y51.U;
public static final String RTS_DELETE_CASCADE_RS_USING = 43Y52.U;
public static final String RTS_REFACTION_DEPENDENT = 43Y53.U;
public static final String RTS_BEGIN_DEPENDENT_NUMBER = 43Y54.U;
public static final String RTS_END_DEPENDENT_NUMBER = 43Y55.U;
public static final String TI_SQL_TYPE_NAME = 44X00.U;
public static final String LANG_UNABLE_TO_GENERATE = 42Z50;
public static final String LANG_UNAVAILABLE_ACTIVATION_NEED = 42Z53;
public static final String LANG_PARSE_ONLY = 42Z54.U;
public static final String LANG_STOP_AFTER_PARSING = 42Z55.U;
public static final String LANG_STOP_AFTER_BINDING = 42Z56.U;
public static final String LANG_STOP_AFTER_OPTIMIZING = 42Z57.U;
public static final String LANG_STOP_AFTER_GENERATING = 42Z58.U;
public static final String LANG_UNBINDABLE_REWRITE = X0A00.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_LOCK_TABLE = X0X02.S;
public static final String LANG_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_DURING_EXECUTION = X0X05.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_ROWS_FROM_USING_DURING_EXECUTION = X0X11.S;
public static final String LANG_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = X0X13.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_CORRESPONDING_S_Q_L_TYPE = X0X57.S;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_ALREADY_EXISTS = X0X60.S;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_COLUMN_NOT_EQUAL = X0X61.S;
public static final String LANG_INCONSISTENT_ROW_LOCATION = X0X62.S;
public static final String LANG_IO_EXCEPTION = X0X63.S;
public static final String LANG_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_DURING_EXECUTION = X0X81.S;
public static final String LANG_NON_KEYED_INDEX = X0X85.S;
public static final String LANG_ZERO_INVALID_FOR_R_S_ABSOLUTE = X0X86.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_CURRENT_ROW_FOR_RELATIVE = X0X87.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_INVALIDATE_OPEN_RESULT_SET = X0X95.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_CHANGE_ISOLATION_HOLD_CURSOR = X0X03.S;
public static final String INVALID_COLUMN_ARRAY_LENGTH = X0X0D.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_AUTOGEN_COLUMN_POSITION = X0X0E.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_AUTOGEN_COLUMN_NAME = X0X0F.S;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_NOT_FOUND_DURING_EXECUTION = X0X99.S;
public static final String LANG_DROP_VIEW_ON_NON_VIEW = X0Y16.S;
public static final String LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_VIEW = X0Y23.S;
public static final String LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_S_P_S = X0Y24.S;
public static final String LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_OBJECT = X0Y25.S;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_AND_TABLE_IN_DIFFERENT_SCHEMAS = X0Y26.S;
public static final String LANG_CREATE_SYSTEM_INDEX_ATTEMPTED = X0Y28.S;
public static final String LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_TABLE = X0Y29.S;
public static final String LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_ALIAS = X0Y30.S;
public static final String LANG_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_OBJECT = X0Y32.S;
public static final String LANG_CREATE_INDEX_NO_TABLE = X0Y38.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_PK = X0Y41.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_COL_TYPES_DO_NOT_MATCH = X0Y42.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_DIFFERENT_COL_COUNT = X0Y43.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_REF_KEY = X0Y44.S;
public static final String LANG_ADD_FK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = X0Y45.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_REF_TAB = X0Y46.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_FK_REF_KEY = X0Y47.S;
public static final String LANG_SCHEMA_NOT_EMPTY = X0Y54.S;
public static final String LANG_INDEX_ROW_COUNT_MISMATCH = X0Y55.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_OPERATION_ON_SYSTEM_TABLE = X0Y56.S;
public static final String LANG_ADDING_NON_NULL_COLUMN_TO_NON_EMPTY_TABLE = X0Y57.S;
public static final String LANG_ADD_PRIMARY_KEY_FAILED1 = X0Y58.S;
public static final String LANG_ADD_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_FAILED = X0Y59.S;
public static final String LANG_NULL_DATA_IN_PRIMARY_KEY = X0Y63.S.1;
public static final String LANG_NO_COMMIT_IN_NESTED_CONNECTION = X0Y66.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_ROLLBACK_IN_NESTED_CONNECTION = X0Y67.S;
public static final String LANG_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS = X0Y68.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_DDL_IN_TRIGGER = X0Y69.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_DML_IN_TRIGGER = X0Y70.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_XACT_IN_TRIGGER = X0Y71.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_SET_TRAN_ISO_IN_GLOBAL_CONNECTION = X0Y77.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CALL_TO_EXECUTE_QUERY = X0Y78.S;
public static final String MULTIPLE_RESULTS_ON_EXECUTE_QUERY = X0Y78.S.1;
public static final String USE_EXECUTE_UPDATE_WITH_NO_RESULTS = X0Y78.S.2;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_CALL_TO_EXECUTE_UPDATE = X0Y79.S;
public static final String LANG_NULL_DATA_IN_NON_NULL_COLUMN = X0Y80.S;
public static final String LANG_TOO_MUCH_CONTENTION_ON_SEQUENCE = X0Y84.T;
public static final String LANG_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCE_PREALLOCATOR = X0Y85.S;
public static final String LANG_NOT_A_SEQUENCE_PREALLOCATOR = X0Y85.S.1;
public static final String LANG_CANT_FLUSH_PREALLOCATOR = X0Y86.S;
public static final String LANG_BAD_UDA_OR_FUNCTION_NAME = X0Y87.S;
public static final String LANG_UNKNOWN_TOOL_NAME = X0Y88.S;
public static final String LANG_UNKNOWN_CUSTOM_TOOL_NAME = X0Y88.S.1;
public static final String LANG_BAD_OPTIONAL_TOOL_ARGS = X0Y89.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_INSTANTIATE_CLASS = X0Y90.S;
public static final String LANG_SET_CONSTRAINT_NOT_DEFERRABLE = X0Y91.S;
public static final String LANG_CANNOT_CHANGE_COLUMN_NAMES = X0Y92.S;
public static final String LANG_DOES_NOT_RETURN_ROWS = XCL01.S;
public static final String LANG_ACTIVATION_CLOSED = XCL05.S;
public static final String LANG_CURSOR_CLOSED = XCL07.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_CURRENT_ROW = XCL08.S;
public static final String LANG_WRONG_ACTIVATION = XCL09.S;
public static final String LANG_OBSOLETE_PARAMETERS = XCL10.S;
public static final String LANG_DATA_TYPE_SET_MISMATCH = XCL12.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_PARAM_POSITION = XCL13.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COLUMN_POSITION = XCL14.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_COMPARE_TO = XCL15.S;
public static final String LANG_RESULT_SET_NOT_OPEN = XCL16.S;
public static final String LANG_STREAM_RETRIEVED_ALREADY = XCL18.S;
public static final String LANG_MISSING_ROW = XCL19.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_UPGRADE_CATALOGS = XCL20.S;
public static final String LANG_DDL_IN_BIND = XCL21.S;
public static final String LANG_NOT_OUT_PARAM = XCL22.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_S_Q_L_TYPE = XCL23.S;
public static final String LANG_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_OUTPUT = XCL24.S;
public static final String LANG_INVALID_OUT_PARAM_MAP = XCL25.S;
public static final String LANG_NOT_OUTPUT_PARAMETER = XCL26.S;
public static final String LANG_RETURN_OUTPUT_PARAM_CANNOT_BE_SET = XCL27.S;
public static final String LANG_STREAMING_COLUMN_I_O_EXCEPTION = XCL30.S;
public static final String LANG_STATEMENT_CLOSED_NO_REASON = XCL31.S;
public static final String LANG_STATEMENT_NEEDS_RECOMPILE = XCL32.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_BE_DEPENDENT_ESELF = XCL33.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_BE_DEPENDENT_ECYCLE = XCL34.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_BE_DEPENDENT_MPATH = XCL35.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_MUSTBE_ESELF = XCL36.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_MUSTBE_ECASCADE = XCL37.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_MUSTBE_MPATH = XCL38.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_CANT_BE_CASCADE_ESELF = XCL39.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_CANT_BE_CASCADE_ECYCLE = XCL40.S;
public static final String LANG_DELETE_RULE_CANT_BE_CASCADE_MPATH = XCL41.S;
public static final String LANG_STATEMENT_UPGRADE_REQUIRED = XCL47.S;
public static final String LANG_NO_TRUNCATE_ON_FK_REFERENCE_TABLE = XCL48.S;
public static final String LANG_CANT_UPGRADE_DATABASE = XCL50.S;
public static final String LANG_STATEMENT_CANCELLED_OR_TIMED_OUT = XCL52.S;
public static final String INVALID_SCHEMA_SYS = 42939;
public static final String INVALID_ROLE_SYS = 4293A;
public static final String UNSUPPORTED_PREFIX = 0A;
public static final String NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0A000.S;
public static final String JDBC_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0A000.S.1;
public static final String JDBC_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_SERVER = 0A000.S.2;
public static final String UNSUPPORTED_HOLDABILITY_PROPERTY = 0A000.S.3;
public static final String CANCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_SERVER = 0A000.S.4;
public static final String SECMECH_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0A000.S.5;
public static final String DRDA_COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0A000.C.6;
public static final String DATA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0A000.S.7;
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_SPEC_PREFIX = 28;
public static final String AUTH_SET_CONNECTION_READ_ONLY_IN_ACTIVE_XACT = 25501;
public static final String AUTH_WRITE_WITH_READ_ONLY_CONNECTION = 25502;
public static final String AUTH_DDL_WITH_READ_ONLY_CONNECTION = 25503;
public static final String AUTH_CANNOT_SET_READ_WRITE = 25505;
public static final String AUTH_INVALID_USER_NAME = 28502;
public static final String DEP_UNABLE_TO_STORE = XD004.S;
public static final String NO_CURRENT_ROW = 24000;
public static final String NO_INPUT_PARAMETERS = 07009;
public static final String NEED_TO_REGISTER_PARAM = 07004;
public static final String COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = S0022;
public static final String NO_SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK_OR_RELEASE_WHEN_AUTO = XJ008.S;
public static final String REQUIRES_CALLABLE_STATEMENT = XJ009.S;
public static final String NO_SAVEPOINT_WHEN_AUTO = XJ010.S;
public static final String NULL_NAME_FOR_SAVEPOINT = XJ011.S;
public static final String ALREADY_CLOSED = XJ012.S;
public static final String NO_ID_FOR_NAMED_SAVEPOINT = XJ013.S;
public static final String NO_NAME_FOR_UNNAMED_SAVEPOINT = XJ014.S;
public static final String NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT = XJ016.S;
public static final String NO_SAVEPOINT_IN_TRIGGER = XJ017.S;
public static final String NULL_COLUMN_NAME = XJ018.S;
public static final String TYPE_MISMATCH = XJ020.S;
public static final String UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = XJ021.S;
public static final String SET_STREAM_FAILURE = XJ022.S;
public static final String SET_STREAM_INEXACT_LENGTH_DATA = XJ023.S;
public static final String NEGATIVE_STREAM_LENGTH = XJ025.S;
public static final String NO_AUTO_COMMIT_ON = XJ030.S;
public static final String BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE = XJ042.S;
public static final String BAD_SCALE_VALUE = XJ044.S;
public static final String UNIMPLEMENTED_ISOLATION_LEVEL = XJ045.S;
public static final String RESULTSET_RETURN_NOT_ALLOWED = XJ04B.S;
public static final String OUTPUT_PARAMS_NOT_ALLOWED = XJ04C.S;
public static final String CANNOT_AUTOCOMMIT_XA = XJ056.S;
public static final String CANNOT_COMMIT_XA = XJ057.S;
public static final String CANNOT_ROLLBACK_XA = XJ058.S;
public static final String CANNOT_CLOSE_ACTIVE_XA_CONNECTION = XJ059.S;
public static final String CANNOT_HOLD_CURSOR_XA = XJ05C.S;
public static final String NOT_ON_FORWARD_ONLY_CURSOR = XJ061.S;
public static final String INVALID_FETCH_SIZE = XJ062.S;
public static final String INVALID_MAX_ROWS_VALUE = XJ063.S;
public static final String INVALID_FETCH_DIRECTION = XJ064.S;
public static final String INVALID_ST_FETCH_SIZE = XJ065.S;
public static final String INVALID_MAXFIELD_SIZE = XJ066.S;
public static final String NULL_SQL_TEXT = XJ067.S;
public static final String MIDDLE_OF_BATCH = XJ068.S;
public static final String NO_SETXXX_FOR_EXEC_USING = XJ069.S;
public static final String BLOB_BAD_POSITION = XJ070.S;
public static final String BLOB_NONPOSITIVE_LENGTH = XJ071.S;
public static final String BLOB_NULL_PATTERN_OR_SEARCH_STR = XJ072.S;
public static final String BLOB_ACCESSED_AFTER_COMMIT = XJ073.S;
public static final String INVALID_QUERYTIMEOUT_VALUE = XJ074.S;
public static final String BLOB_POSITION_TOO_LARGE = XJ076.S;
public static final String BLOB_UNABLE_TO_READ_PATTERN = XJ077.S;
public static final String BLOB_INVALID_OFFSET = XJ078.S;
public static final String BLOB_LENGTH_TOO_LONG = XJ079.S;
public static final String LANG_NUM_PARAMS_INCORRECT = XJ080.S;
public static final String INVALID_API_PARAMETER = XJ081.S;
public static final String LOB_AS_METHOD_ARGUMENT_OR_RECEIVER = XJ082.U;
public static final String UPDATABLE_RESULTSET_API_DISALLOWED = XJ083.U;
public static final String COLUMN_NOT_FROM_BASE_TABLE = XJ084.U;
public static final String STREAM_EOF = XJ085.S;
public static final String CURSOR_NOT_POSITIONED_ON_INSERT_ROW = XJ086.S;
public static final String POS_AND_LENGTH_GREATER_THAN_LOB = XJ087.S;
public static final String WASNULL_INVALID = XJ088.S;
public static final String CALENDAR_IS_NULL = XJ090.S;
public static final String PARAM_NOT_OUT_OR_INOUT = XJ091.S;
public static final String BLOB_TOO_LARGE_FOR_CLIENT = XJ093.S;
public static final String ERROR_PRIVILEGED_ACTION = XJ095.S;
public static final String SAVEPOINT_NOT_CREATED_BY_CONNECTION = XJ097.S;
public static final String BAD_AUTO_GEN_KEY_VALUE = XJ098.S;
public static final String READER_UNDER_RUN = XJ099.S;
public static final String REGOUTPARAM_SCALE_DOESNT_MATCH_SETTER = XJ100.S;
public static final String TABLE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL = XJ103.S;
public static final String SHARED_KEY_LENGTH_ERROR = XJ104.S;
public static final String DES_KEY_HAS_WRONG_LENGTH = XJ105.S;
public static final String CRYPTO_NO_SUCH_PADDING = XJ106.S;
public static final String CRYPTO_BAD_PADDING = XJ107.S;
public static final String CRYPTO_ILLEGAL_BLOCK_SIZE = XJ108.S;
public static final String PRIMARY_TABLE_NAME_IS_NULL = XJ110.S;
public static final String FOREIGN_TABLE_NAME_IS_NULL = XJ111.S;
public static final String SECURITY_EXCEPTION_ENCOUNTERED = XJ112.S;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE = XJ113.S;
public static final String CURSOR_INVALID_CURSOR_NAME = XJ114.S;
public static final String TOO_MANY_COMMANDS_FOR_BATCH = XJ116.S;
public static final String CANNOT_BATCH_QUERIES = XJ117.S;
public static final String QUERY_BATCH_ON_NON_QUERY_STATEMENT = XJ118.S;
public static final String CURSOR_NO_UPDATE_CALLS_ON_CURRENT_ROW = XJ122.S;
public static final String CURSOR_NOT_ON_CURRENT_OR_INSERT_ROW = XJ123.S;
public static final String CURSOR_COLUMN_NOT_UPDATABLE = XJ124.S;
public static final String CURSOR_MUST_BE_SCROLLABLE = XJ125.S;
public static final String CURSOR_INVALID_FOR_SENSITIVE_DYNAMIC = XJ126.S;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_UNWRAP = XJ128.S;
public static final String EXCEEDED_MAX_SECTIONS = XJ200.S;
public static final String CURSOR_INVALID_NAME = XJ202.S;
public static final String CURSOR_DUPLICATE_NAME = XJ203.S;
public static final String NO_TOKENS_IN_SQL_TEXT = XJ206.S;
public static final String CANT_USE_EXEC_QUERY_FOR_UPDATE = XJ207.S;
public static final String BATCH_NON_ATOMIC_FAILURE = XJ208.S;
public static final String STORED_PROC_NOT_INSTALLED = XJ209.S;
public static final String STORED_PROC_LOAD_MODULE_NOT_FOUND = XJ210.S;
public static final String BATCH_CHAIN_BREAKING_EXCEPTION = XJ211.S;
public static final String INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX = XJ212.S;
public static final String TRACELEVEL_FORMAT_INVALID = XJ213.C;
public static final String IO_ERROR_UPON_LOB_FREE = XJ214.S;
public static final String LOB_OBJECT_INVALID = XJ215.S;
public static final String LOB_OBJECT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN_YET = XJ216.S;
public static final String LOB_LOCATOR_INVALID = XJ217.S;
public static final String NET_SECKTKN_NOT_RETURNED = XN002.U;
public static final String NET_QUERY_PROCESSING_TERMINATED = XN008.S;
public static final String NET_ERROR_GETTING_BLOB_LENGTH = XN009.S;
public static final String NET_NULL_PROCEDURE_NAME = XN010.S;
public static final String NET_PROCEDURE_NAME_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE = XN011.S;
public static final String NET_WRONG_XA_VERSION = XN012.S;
public static final String NET_INVALID_SCROLL_ORIENTATION = XN013.S;
public static final String NET_EXCEPTION_ON_READ = XN014.S;
public static final String NET_INPUTSTREAM_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL = XN015.S;
public static final String NET_PREMATURE_EOS = XN017.S;
public static final String NET_READER_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL = XN018.S;
public static final String NET_XARETVAL_ERROR = XN019.S;
public static final String NET_MARSHALLING_UDT_ERROR = XN020.S;
public static final String NET_UDT_COERCION_ERROR = XN021.S;
public static final String NET_WRITE_CHAIN_IS_DIRTY = XN022.C;
public static final String NET_LOCATOR_STREAM_PARAMS_NOT_SUPPORTED = XN023.C;
public static final String NET_DISCONNECT_EXCEPTION_ON_READ = XN024.C;
public static final String LANG_MISSING_XML_CLASSES = XML00;
public static final String LANG_UNEXPECTED_XML_EXCEPTION = XML01;
public static final String ROW_UPDATED = rwupd;
public static final String ROW_DELETED = 02502;
public static final String DATABASE_NOT_FOUND = XJ004.C;
public static final String MALFORMED_URL = XJ028.C;
public static final String BOOT_DATABASE_FAILED = XJ040.C;
public static final String CREATE_DATABASE_FAILED = XJ041.C;
public static final String CONFLICTING_BOOT_ATTRIBUTES = XJ048.C;
public static final String CONFLICTING_CREATE_ATTRIBUTES = XJ049.C;
public static final String CONFLICTING_RESTORE_ATTRIBUTES = XJ081.C;
public static final String INVALID_ATTRIBUTE = XJ05B.C;
public static final String LOGIN_FAILED = 08004;
public static final String NET_CONNECT_AUTH_FAILED = 08004.C.1;
public static final String NET_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND = 08004.C.2;
public static final String AUTH_DATABASE_CONNECTION_REFUSED = 08004.C.3;
public static final String AUTH_SHUTDOWN_NOT_DB_OWNER = 08004.C.4;
public static final String AUTH_ENCRYPT_NOT_DB_OWNER = 08004.C.5;
public static final String AUTH_HARD_UPGRADE_NOT_DB_OWNER = 08004.C.6;
public static final String CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_DB_IN_SLAVE_MODE = 08004.C.7;
public static final String AUTH_REPLICATION_NOT_DB_OWNER = 08004.C.8;
public static final String AUTH_SHUTDOWN_MISSING_PERMISSION = 08004.C.9;
public static final String AUTH_DATABASE_CREATE_EXCEPTION = 08004.C.10;
public static final String AUTH_DATABASE_CREATE_MISSING_PERMISSION = 08004.C.11;
public static final String NET_CONNECT_SECMEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEME = 08004.C.12;
public static final String AUTH_EMPTY_CREDENTIALS = 08004.C.13;
public static final String AUTH_DECRYPT_NOT_DB_OWNER = 08004.C.14;
public static final String NO_CURRENT_CONNECTION = 08003;
public static final String NOGETCONN_ON_CLOSED_POOLED_CONNECTION = 08003.C.1;
public static final String LOB_METHOD_ON_CLOSED_CONNECTION = 08003.C.2;
public static final String PHYSICAL_CONNECTION_ALREADY_CLOSED = 08003.C.3;
public static final String DRDA_CONNECTION_TERMINATED = 08006.C;
public static final String CONNECTION_FAILED_ON_RESET = 08006.C.1;
public static final String SOCKET_EXCEPTION = 08006.C.2;
public static final String COMMUNICATION_ERROR = 08006.C.3;
public static final String CONNECTION_FAILED_ON_DEFERRED_RESET = 08006.C.4;
public static final String NET_INSUFFICIENT_DATA = 08006.C.5;
public static final String NET_LOB_DATA_TOO_LARGE_FOR_JVM = 08006.C.6;
public static final String CORE_JDBC_DRIVER_UNREGISTERED = 08006.C.8;
public static final String CONNECT_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET = 08001.C.1;
public static final String CONNECT_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_SERVER = 08001.C.2;
public static final String CONNECT_SOCKET_EXCEPTION = 08001.C.3;
public static final String CONNECT_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_SOCKET_STREAM = 08001.C.4;
public static final String CONNECT_USERID_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE = 08001.C.5;
public static final String CONNECT_PASSWORD_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE = 08001.C.6;
public static final String CONNECT_USERID_ISNULL = 08001.C.7;
public static final String CONNECT_PASSWORD_ISNULL = 08001.C.8;
public static final String NET_DBNAME_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.9;
public static final String NET_SECTKN_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.10;
public static final String NET_USERID_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.11;
public static final String NET_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.12;
public static final String NET_EXTNAM_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.13;
public static final String NET_SRVNAM_TOO_LONG = 08001.C.14;
public static final String SHUTDOWN_DATABASE = 08006.D;
public static final String DROP_DATABASE = 08006.D.1;
public static final String CLOSE_REQUEST = close.C.1;
public static final String NORMAL_CLOSE = XXXXX.C.6;
public static final String CLOUDSCAPE_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN = XJ015.M;
public static final String DATABASE_EXISTS = 01J01;
public static final String NO_SCROLL_SENSITIVE_CURSORS = 01J02;
public static final String LANG_TYPE_NOT_SERIALIZABLE = 01J04;
public static final String UPGRADE_SPSRECOMPILEFAILED = 01J05;
public static final String HOLDABLE_RESULT_SET_NOT_AVAILABLE = 01J07;
public static final String INVALID_RESULTSET_TYPE = 01J08;
public static final String SCROLL_SENSITIVE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 01J10;
public static final String UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_MESSAGE_TEXT_FROM_SERVER = 01J12;
public static final String NUMBER_OF_ROWS_TOO_LARGE_FOR_INT = 01J13;
public static final String SQL_AUTHORIZATION_WITH_NO_AUTHENTICATION = 01J14;
public static final String PASSWORD_EXPIRES_SOON = 01J15;
public static final String DBO_PASSWORD_EXPIRES_SOON = 01J16;
public static final String AUTH_ENCRYPT_ALREADY_BOOTED = 01J17;
public static final String CURSOR_OPERATION_CONFLICT = 01001;
public static final String JAVA_EXCEPTION = XJ001.U;
public static final String NO_UPGRADE = XJ050.U;
public static final String DRDA_NO_AUTOCOMMIT_UNDER_XA = 2D521.S.1;
public static final String DRDA_INVALID_XA_STATE_ON_COMMIT_OR_ROLLBACK = 2D521.S.2;
public static final String DRDA_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN = 24501.S;
public static final String NET_SQLCDTA_INVALID_FOR_RDBCOLID = 58009.C.7;
public static final String NET_SQLCDTA_INVALID_FOR_PKGID = 58009.C.8;
public static final String NET_PGNAMCSN_INVALID_AT_SQLAM = 58009.C.9;
public static final String NET_VCM_VCS_LENGTHS_INVALID = 58009.C.10;
public static final String NET_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58009.C.11;
public static final String NET_NOT_EXPECTED_CODEPOINT = 58009.C.12;
public static final String NET_DDM_COLLECTION_TOO_SMALL = 58009.C.13;
public static final String NET_COLLECTION_STACK_NOT_EMPTY = 58009.C.14;
public static final String NET_DSS_NOT_ZERO = 58009.C.15;
public static final String NET_DSS_CHAINED_WITH_SAME_ID = 58009.C.16;
public static final String NET_PREMATURE_EOS_DISCONNECT = 58009.C.17;
public static final String NET_INVALID_FDOCA_ID = 58009.C.18;
public static final String NET_SECTKN_NOT_RETURNED = 58009.C.19;
public static final String NET_NVCM_NVCS_BOTH_NON_NULL = 58009.C.20;
public static final String NET_SQLCDTA_INVALID_FOR_RDBNAM = 58009.C.21;
public static final String DRDA_MGRLVLRM = 58010.C;
public static final String DRDA_DDM_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58014.C;
public static final String DRDA_DDM_OBJECT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58015.C;
public static final String DRDA_DDM_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58016.C;
public static final String DRDA_DDM_PARAMVAL_NOT_SUPPORTED = 58017.C;
public static final String DRDA_NO_AVAIL_CODEPAGE_CONVERSION = 57017.C;
public static final String UU_UNKNOWN_PERMISSION = XCZ00.S;
public static final String UU_UNKNOWN_USER = XCZ01.S;
public static final String UU_INVALID_PARAMETER = XCZ02.S;
public static final String SQLJ_INVALID_JAR = 46001;
public static final String SQLJ_SIGNATURE_INVALID = 46J01;
public static final String SQLJ_SIGNATURE_PARAMETER_COUNT = 46J02;
public static final String CONNECTION_NULL = XIE01.S;
public static final String DATA_AFTER_STOP_DELIMITER = XIE03.S;
public static final String DATA_FILE_NOT_FOUND = XIE04.S;
public static final String DATA_FILE_NULL = XIE05.S;
public static final String ENTITY_NAME_MISSING = XIE06.S;
public static final String FIELD_IS_RECORD_SEPERATOR_SUBSET = XIE07.S;
public static final String INVALID_COLUMN_NAME = XIE08.S;
public static final String INVALID_COLUMN_NUMBER = XIE09.S;
public static final String UNSUPPORTED_COLUMN_TYPE = XIE0B.S;
public static final String RECORD_SEPERATOR_MISSING = XIE0D.S;
public static final String UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE = XIE0E.S;
public static final String ERROR_WRITING_DATA = XIE0I.S;
public static final String PERIOD_AS_CHAR_DELIMITER_NOT_ALLOWED = XIE0K.S;
public static final String TABLE_NOT_FOUND = XIE0M.S;
public static final String IMPORTFILE_HAS_INVALID_HEXSTRING = XIE0N.S;
public static final String LOB_DATA_FILE_NOT_FOUND = XIE0P.S;
public static final String LOB_DATA_FILE_NULL = XIE0Q.S;
public static final String UNEXPECTED_IMPORT_ERROR = XIE0R.S;
public static final String DATA_FILE_EXISTS = XIE0S.S;
public static final String LOB_DATA_FILE_EXISTS = XIE0T.S;
public static final String POLICY_NOT_RELOADED = XK000.S;
public static final String NO_SUCH_USER = XK001.S;
public static final String REPLICATION_LOG_CORRUPTED = XRE01;
public static final String REPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = XRE03;
public static final String REPLICATION_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION = XRE04.C.1;
public static final String REPLICATION_CONNECTION_LOST = XRE04.C.2;
public static final String REPLICATION_LOG_OUT_OF_SYNCH = XRE05.C;
public static final String REPLICATION_MASTER_TIMED_OUT = XRE06;
public static final String REPLICATION_NOT_IN_MASTER_MODE = XRE07;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_STARTED_OK = XRE08;
public static final String CANNOT_START_SLAVE_ALREADY_BOOTED = XRE09.C;
public static final String REPLICATION_DB_NOT_BOOTED = XRE11.C;
public static final String REPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGEID = XRE12;
public static final String REPLICATION_FAILOVER_SUCCESSFUL = XRE20.D;
public static final String REPLICATION_MASTER_ALREADY_BOOTED = XRE22.C;
public static final String REPLICATION_NOT_IN_SLAVE_MODE = XRE40;
public static final String REPLICATION_SLAVE_SHUTDOWN_OK = XRE42.C;
package org.apache.derby.tools;
public synchronized class sysinfo {
public static final String DBMS = DBMS;
public static final String TOOLS = tools;
public static final String NET = net;
public static final String CLIENT = dnc;
public static final String OPTIONALTOOLS = optionaltools;
public static void main(String[]);
private void sysinfo();
public static int getMajorVersion();
public static int getMajorVersion(String);
public static int getMinorVersion();
public static int getMinorVersion(String);
public static String getBuildNumber();
public static String getBuildNumber(String);
public static String getProductName();
public static String getProductName(String);
public static String getVersionString();
public static String getVersionString(String);
public static void getInfo(java.io.PrintWriter);
#Copyright 1997, 2018 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.
#Fri, 06 Apr 2018 18:10:16 -0700
derby.product.technology.name=Apache Derby Network Client
derby.product.external.name=Apache Derby
derby.product.vendor=The Apache Software Foundation
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=Unable to set stream\: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=End of stream prematurely reached while reading the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The remaining data expected by the server has been filled with 0x0.
XJ115.S=Unable to open resultSet with requested holdability {0}.
XJ04C.S=CallableStatement batch cannot contain output parameters.
XN013.S=Invalid scroll orientation.
XJ079.S=The length specified ''{0}'' exceeds the size of the BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=Foreign table name can not be null
XJ208.S=Non-atomic batch failure. The batch was submitted, but at least one exception occurred on an individual member of the batch. Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements.
XJ204.S=Unable to open result set with requested holdability {0}.
XJ071.S=Negative length argument ''{0}'' passed in a BLOB or CLOB method.
XJ200.S=Exceeded maximum number of sections {0}
22005.S.6=Unrecognized Java SQL type {0}.
22005.S.5=Invalid JDBC type for parameter {0}.
22005.S.4=Unrecognized JDBC type. Type\: {0}, columnCount\: {1}, columnIndex\: {2}.
22005.S.3=Unicode string cannot convert to Ebcdic string
22005.S.2=The required character converter is not available.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver is not registered with the JDBC driver manager
X0X0D.S=Invalid column array length ''{0}''. To return generated keys, column array must be of length 1 and contain only the identity column.
22005.S.1=Unable to convert a value of type ''{0}'' to type ''{1}'' \: the encoding is not supported.
58016.C=The DDM parameter 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.6=Attempt to fully materialize lob data that is too large for the JVM. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.5=Insufficient data while reading from the network - expected a minimum of {0} bytes and received only {1} bytes. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.4=An error occurred during a deferred connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
08006.C.3=A communications error has been detected\: {0}.
08006.C.2=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=An error occurred during connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
0A000.S.7=The data type ''{0}'' is not supported.
0A000.S.5=Security mechanism ''{0}'' is not supported.
0A000.S.4=cancel() not supported by the server.
XJ015.M=Derby system shutdown.
0A000.S.3=resultSetHoldability property {0} not supported
0A000.S.2=JDBC method {0} is not supported by the server. Please upgrade the server.
XJ011.S=Cannot pass null for SAVEPOINT name.
08001.C.14=A connection could not be established because the server name (SRVNAM) has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
0A000.S.1=JDBC method is not yet implemented.
08001.C.13=A connection could not be established because the external name (EXTNAM) has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
XJ108.S=Illegal Block Size
08001.C.12=A connection could not be established because the password has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.11=A connection could not be established because the user id has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.10=A connection could not be established because the security token is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
XJ104.S=Shared key length is invalid\: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN was not returned.
XJ068.S=Only executeBatch and clearBatch allowed in the middle of a batch.
XJ100.S=The scale supplied by the registerOutParameter method does not match with the setter method. Possible loss of precision\!
XJ064.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=The DRDA command {0} is not currently implemented. The connection has been terminated.
XJ008.S=Cannot rollback or release a savepoint when in auto-commit mode.
XJ125.S=This method should only be called on ResultSet objects that are scrollable (type TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ05C.S=Cannot set holdability ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT for a global transaction.
XJ121.S=Invalid operation at current cursor position.
XJ085.S=Stream has already been read and end-of-file reached and cannot be re-used.
XJ004.C=Database ''{0}'' not found.
XJ214.S=An IO Error occurred when calling free() on a CLOB or BLOB.
22003.S.3=Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion of ''{0}'' to {1}.
08004.C.9=Missing permission for user ''{0}'' to shutdown system [{1}].
22003.S.2=Decimal may only be up to 31 digits.
08004.C.8=User ''{0}'' cannot issue a replication operation on database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
XN023.C=The stream specified by parameter \#{0} is locator-based and requires a nested request on the same connection to be materialized. This is not supported.
22003.S.1=Year ({0}) exceeds the maximum ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=Connection refused to database ''{0}'' because it is in replication slave mode.
08004.C.6=User ''{0}'' cannot upgrade database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.5=User ''{0}'' cannot (re)encrypt database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.4=User ''{0}'' cannot shut down database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.3=Database connection refused.
08004.C.2=The connection was refused because the database {0} was not found.
XJ081.S=Invalid value ''{0}'' passed as parameter ''{1}'' to method ''{2}''
08004.C.1=Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason\: {0}.
XJ210.S=The load module name for the stored procedure on the server is not found.
XJ057.S=Cannot commit a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
XCL08.S=Cursor ''{0}'' is not on a row.
XJ081.C=Conflicting create/restore/recovery attributes specified.
J137=Could not deregister the JDBC driver when shutting down the Derby engine. Make sure SQLPermission("deregisterDriver") is granted to derby.jar.
J136=There was an XA transaction associated with the connection being closed. The transaction is going to be rolled back. The transaction Xid is {0}.
23502=Column ''{0}'' cannot accept a NULL value.
J135=The XA transaction timed out and is going to be rolled back. The transaction Xid is {0}.
J134=Negative values for the maxStatements property are not allowed\: {0}
J133=The user''s password for the connection
J132=The user name for the connection
J131=A protocol error (Data Stream Syntax Error) was detected. Reason\: 0x{0}. Perhaps this is an attempt to open a plaintext connection to an SSL enabled server.
J130=A protocol error (Invalid FDOCA Description Error) was detected.
22007.S.181=The syntax of the string representation of a date/time value is incorrect.
XJ025.S=Input stream cannot have negative length.
2D521.S.2=Commit or Rollback invalid for application execution environment.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) invalid during global transaction.
22028=The string exceeds the maximum length of {0}.
XJ021.S=Type is not supported.
XJ118.S=Query batch requested on a non-query statement.
58009.C.9=Network protocol exception\: PKGNAMCSN length, {0}, is invalid at SQLAM {1}. The connection has been terminated.
XN016.S=Encountered an Exception while trying to verify the length of the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The Exception had this message\: {1}.
58009.C.8=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for PKGID. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.7=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for RDBCOLID. The connection has been terminated.
J129=An Open Query command was issued for a query which was already open.
XJ114.S=Invalid cursor name ''{0}''
J128=The cursor is not open.
J126=A conversational protocol error was detected. Reason\: 0x{0}.
J125=A Data Descriptor Mismatch Error was detected.
XJ04B.S=Batch cannot contain a command that attempts to return a result set.
07000=At least one parameter to the current statement is uninitialized.
J124=The access relational database (ACCRDB) command cannot be issued because the database is already currently accessed.
XN012.S=On {0} platforms, XA supports version {1} and above, this is version {2}
J123=The requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message (additional information may be available in the derby.log file on the server).
08003.C.3=The underlying physical connection is stale or closed.
J122=A command requesting services of the database was issued prior to the command requesting access to database (ACCRDB).
08003.C.2=Lob method called after connection was closed
J121=The user is not authorized to access the database.
08003.C.1=getConnection() is not valid on a closed PooledConnection.
J120=Unspecified connection error
XJ110.S=Primary table name can not be null
XJ078.S=Offset ''{0}'' is either less than zero or is too large for the current BLOB/CLOB.
XJ207.S=executeQuery method can not be used for update.
24501.S=The identified cursor is not open.
X0X95.S=Operation ''{0}'' cannot be performed on object ''{1}'' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object.
22018=Invalid character string format for type {0}.
XJ074.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ203.S=Cursor name ''{0}'' is already in use
XJ070.S=Negative or zero position argument ''{0}'' passed in a Blob or Clob method.
J118=Password expired
J117=SECTKN missing on ACCSEC when it is required or it is invalid
J116=Local security service error for an operation which cannot be retried.
J115=New password invalid
J114=Userid revoked
J113=Userid or password invalid
J112=Userid missing
58015.C=The DDM object 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
J111=Password missing
J110=Security mechanism not supported
XJ042.S=''{0}'' is not a valid value for property ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=Column name cannot be null.
08006.D=Database ''{0}'' shutdown.
08006.C=A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated\: {0}
22005=An attempt was made to get a data value of type ''{0}'' from a data value of type ''{1}''.
XJ014.S=No name for un-named SAVEPOINTS.
22003=The resulting value is outside the range for the data type {0}.
XJ099.S=The Reader/Stream object does not contain length characters
XN009.S=Error obtaining length of BLOB/CLOB object, exception follows.
XJ010.S=Cannot issue SAVEPOINT when autoCommit is on.
J109=Detected an improper TCP/IP client configuration. Unable to determine the IP address of your local host\: ''{0}''. Make sure your client machine has a properly configured IP address.
XJ107.S=Bad Padding
J108=Security manager does not permit access to system property {0}.
XCY00.S=Invalid value for property ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Error for batch element \#
J105=Precision exceeds 31 digits\!
J104=The object is already closed.
XJ095.S=An attempt to execute a privileged action failed.
J103=An exception was thrown during network server shutdown. {0}
J102=An exception was thrown during network server startup. {0}
J101=Cannot load the network server class, {0}. {1} Check the integrity of your derbynet.jar file.
J100=Cannot find the network server class, {0}. Your class path should contain derbynet.jar.
XJ103.S=Table name can not be null
XBDA0.C.1=Login timeout exceeded.
XN001.S=Connection reset is not allowed when inside a unit of work.
XJ091.S=Invalid argument\: parameter index {0} is not an OUT or INOUT parameter.
XJ067.S=SQL text pointer is null.
XJ063.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Parameter value must be >\= 0.
XCL18.S=Stream or LOB value cannot be retrieved more than once
XCL14.S=The column position ''{0}'' is out of range. The number of columns for this ResultSet is ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=A connection could not be established because the database name ''{0}'' is larger than the maximum length allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.8=Password can not be null.
08001.C.7=User id can not be null.
08001.C.6=Password length ({0}) is outside the range of 1 to {1}.
08001.C.5=User id length ({0}) is outside the range of 1 to {1}.
08001.C.4=Unable to open stream on socket\: ''{0}''.
08001.C.3=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0} \: Error connecting to server {1} on port {2} with message {3}.
XJ128.S=Unable to unwrap for ''{0}''
08001.C.1=Required Derby DataSource property {0} not set.
XJ124.S=Column not updatable.
08004=Connection refused \: {0}
08003=No current connection.
08000=Connection closed by unknown interrupt.
XJ088.S=Invalid operation\: wasNull() called with no data retrieved.
XJ217.S=The locator that was supplied for this CLOB/BLOB is invalid
XJ084.U=Column does not correspond to a column in the base table. Cannot issue ''{0}'' on this column.
XJ05B.C=JDBC attribute ''{0}'' has an invalid value ''{1}'', valid values are ''{2}''.
XN022.C=A write chain that has transmitted data to the server cannot be reset until the request is finished and the chain terminated.
XJ080.S=USING execute statement passed {0} parameters rather than {1}.
XJ056.S=Cannot set Autocommit On when in an XA connection.
XJ213.C=The traceLevel connection property does not have a valid format for a number.
XCL31.S=Statement closed.
J031=Collation for character datatypes
J030=Backup path for restoring database from backup
22011.S.1=The range specified for the substring with offset {0} and len {1} is out of range for the String\: {2}.
XN019.S=Error executing a {0}, server returned {1}.
XJ028.C=The URL ''{0}'' is not properly formed.
XJ020.S=Object type not convertible to type ''{0}'', invalid java.sql.Types value, or object was null.
XJ117.S=Batching of queries not allowed by J2EE compliance.
XN015.S=Network protocol error\: the specified size of the InputStream, parameter \#{0}, is less than the actual InputStream length.
XJ113.S=Unable to open file {0} \: {1}
J029=Backup path for creating database from backup
J028=Backup path for roll-forward recovery
J025=Log directory path
XN011.S=Procedure name length {0} is not within the valid range of 1 to {1}.
J023=User password
J022=User name
J021=Locale for the database
XJ077.S=Got an exception when trying to read the first byte/character of the BLOB/CLOB pattern using getBytes/getSubString.
J020=Secret cryptographic key
XJ206.S=SQL text ''{0}'' has no tokens.
XJ073.S=The data in this BLOB or CLOB is no longer available. The BLOB/CLOB''s transaction may be committed, its connection closed or it has been freed.
XJ202.S=Invalid cursor name ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Feature not implemented\: {0}.
XJ045.S=Invalid or (currently) unsupported isolation level, ''{0}'', passed to Connection.setTransactionIsolation(). The currently supported values are java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, and java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=External cryptographic key
J018=Cryptographic key length
J017=Cryptographic algorithm
J016=Cryptographic service provider
J013=Upgrade database
58014.C=The DDM command 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
XJ049.C=Conflicting create attributes specified.
J010=Encrypt database on disk
XJ017.S=No savepoint command allowed inside the trigger code.
58010.C=A network protocol error was encountered. A connection could not be established because the manager {0} at level {1} is not supported by the server.
XJ013.S=No identifier for named SAVEPOINTS.
XJ041.C=Failed to create database ''{0}'', see the next exception for details.
XN008.S=Query processing has been terminated due to an error on the server.
XJ098.S=The auto-generated keys value {0} is invalid
42622=The name ''{0}'' is too long. The maximum length is ''{1}''.
J008=No details
XJ106.S=No such padding
J007=Create database
J006=Deregister AutoloadedDriver
J005=Shut down Derby
J004=Database identity
J003={0}\: Shutting down Derby engine
XJ090.S=Invalid parameter\: calendar is null.
XJ066.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=A Release or Rollback to Savepoint was specified, but the savepoint does not exist.
XJ062.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=The parameter position ''{0}'' is out of range. The number of parameters for this prepared statement is ''{1}''.
24000=Invalid cursor state - no current row.
XJ030.S=Cannot set Autocommit On when in a nested connection.
08004.C.14=User ''{0}'' cannot decrypt database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.13=Username or password is null or 0 length.
08004.C.12=Connection authentication failure occurred. Either the supplied credentials were invalid, or the database uses a password encryption scheme not compatible with the strong password substitution security mechanism. If this error started after upgrade, refer to the release note for DERBY-4483 for options.
08004.C.11=Missing permission for user ''{0}'' to create database ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=Cannot check system permission to create database ''{0}'' [{1}].
XJ123.S=This method must be called to update values in the current row or the insert row.
XN021.S=An object of type {0} cannot be cast to an object of type {1}.
XJ087.S=Sum of position(''{0}'') and length(''{1}'') is greater than the size of the LOB plus one.
XJ216.S=The length of this BLOB/CLOB is not available yet. When a BLOB or CLOB is accessed as a stream, the length is not available until the entire stream has been processed.
01J13=Number of rows returned ({0}) is too large to fit in an integer; the value returned will be truncated.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' not allowed because the ResultSet is not an updatable ResultSet.
01J12=Unable to obtain message text from server. See the next exception. The stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE is not installed on the server. Please contact your database administrator.
01J10=Scroll sensitive result sets are not supported by server; remapping to forward-only cursor
XJ212.S=Invalid attribute syntax\: {0}
XJ059.S=Cannot close a connection while a global transaction is still active.
01J08=Unable to open resultSet type {0}. ResultSet type {1} opened.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability restricted to ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT for a global transaction.
01J06=ResultSet not updatable. Query does not qualify to generate an updatable ResultSet.
XJ023.S=Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.
XBM0N.D=JDBC Driver registration with java.sql.DriverManager failed. See next exception for details.
XN018.S=Network protocol error\: the specified size of the Reader, parameter \#{0}, is less than the actual InputStream length.
58009.C.21=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for RDBNAM. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.20=Network protocol exception\: only one of NVCM, NVCS can be non-null. The connection has been terminated.
XJ116.S=No more than {0} commands may be added to a single batch.
XN014.S=Encountered an Exception while reading from the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The remaining data expected by the server has been filled with 0x0. The Exception had this message\: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2={0}.executeQuery() was called but no result set was returned. Use {1}.executeUpdate() for non-queries.
XJ112.S=Security exception encountered, see next exception for details.
X0Y78.S.1={0}.executeQuery() cannot be called because multiple result sets were returned. Use {1}.execute() to obtain multiple results.
XJ209.S=The required stored procedure is not installed on the server.
XN010.S=Procedure name can not be null.
XJ076.S=The position argument ''{0}'' exceeds the size of the BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Network protocol exception\: SECTKN was not returned. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.18=Network protocol exception\: invalid FDOCA LID. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.17=Network protocol exception\: end of stream prematurely reached while reading InputStream, parameter \#{0}. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.16=Network protocol exception\: DSS chained with same id at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.15=Network protocol exception\: DSS length not 0 at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.14=Network protocol exception\: collection stack not empty at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.13=Network protocol exception\: DDM collection contains less than 4 bytes of data. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.12=Network protocol exception\: actual code point, {0}, does not match expected code point, {1}. The connection has been terminated.
42X74=Invalid CALL statement syntax.
XJ072.S=Null pattern or searchStr passed in to a BLOB or CLOB position method.
58009.C.11=The connection was terminated because the encoding is not supported.
58009.C.10=Network protocol exception\: only one of the VCM, VCS length can be greater than 0. The connection has been terminated.
58017.C=The DDM parameter value 0x{0} is not supported. An input host variable may not be within the range the server supports. The connection has been terminated.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' is an invalid scale.
25001=Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.
08006.D.1=Database ''{0}'' dropped.
XJ048.C=Conflicting boot attributes specified\: {0}
XJ016.S=Method ''{0}'' not allowed on prepared statement.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' already closed.
XCY02.S=The requested property change is not supported ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=Failed to start database ''{0}'' with class loader {1}, see the next exception for details.
XJ097.S=Cannot rollback or release a savepoint that was not created by this connection.
XJ105.S=DES key has the wrong length, expected length {0}, got length {1}.
XIE08.S=There is no column named\: {0}.
XJ093.S=Length of BLOB/CLOB, {0}, is too large. The length cannot exceed {1}.
XJ069.S=No SetXXX methods allowed in case of USING execute statement.
XJ065.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=Statement.executeUpdate() cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet.
42ZA1=Invalid SQL in Batch\: ''{0}''.
XJ061.S=The ''{0}'' method is only allowed on scroll cursors.
XCL16.S=ResultSet not open. Operation ''{0}'' not permitted. Verify that autocommit is off.
XCL12.S=An attempt was made to put a data value of type ''{0}'' into a data value of type ''{1}''.
XJ009.S=Use of CallableStatement required for stored procedure call or use of output parameters\: {0}
XJ126.S=This method should not be called on sensitive dynamic cursors.
XJ122.S=No updateXXX methods were called on this row.
XJ001.U=Java exception\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
XN020.S=Error marshalling or unmarshalling a user defined type\: {0}
XJ086.S=This method cannot be invoked while the cursor is not on the insert row or if the concurrency of this ResultSet object is CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ215.S=You cannot invoke other java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob methods after calling the free() method or after the Blob/Clob''s transaction has been committed or rolled back.
XN024.C=Encountered an exception which terminated the connection, while reading from the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The Exception had this message\: ''{1}''.
XJ082.U=BLOB/CLOB values are not allowed as method parameters or receiver.
57017.C=There is no available conversion for the source code page, {0}, to the target code page, {1}. The connection has been terminated.
XJ211.S=Non-recoverable chain-breaking exception occurred during batch processing. The batch is terminated non-atomically.
XJ058.S=Cannot rollback a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
42X30=Cursor ''{0}'' not found. Verify that autocommit is off.
XJ050.U=Database requires upgrade from version {0}, set the attribute ''upgrade\=true'' on the JDBC connection URL to allow upgrade to version {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ111.S=Jm\u00E9no ciz\u00ED tabulky nem\u016F\u017Ee m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''
XJ020.S=Typ objektu nen\u00ED p\u0159evoditeln\u00FD na TYP ''{0}'', neplatn\u00E1 hodnota java.sql.Types nebo objekt m\u011Bl hodnotu ''null''.
XJ200.S=Byl p\u0159ekro\u010Den maxim\u00E1ln\u00ED po\u010Det sekc\u00ED {0}
XCL31.S=P\u0159\u00EDkaz byl uzav\u0159en.
58010.C=Byla zji\u0161t\u011Bna chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu. Spojen\u00ED nebylo ustanoveno, proto\u017Ee spr\u00E1vce {0} na \u00FArovni {1} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n serverem.
XJ091.S=Neplatn\u00FD argument\: index parametru {0} nen\u00ED parametrem OUT nebo INOUT.
XJ078.S=Odsazen\u00ED ''{0}'' je bu\u010F men\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E nula, nebo p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 velk\u00E9 pro aktu\u00E1ln\u00ED BLOB/CLOB.
XN009.S=Chyba p\u0159i z\u00EDsk\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED d\u00E9lky objektu BLOB/CLOB. N\u00E1sleduje v\u00FDjimka.
XCL16.S=Mno\u017Eina v\u00FDsledk\u016F nen\u00ED otev\u0159ena. Operace ''{0}'' nen\u00ED povolena. Ov\u011B\u0159te, \u017Ee automatick\u00E9 potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED je VYPNUTO.
XJ076.S=Argument pozice ''{0}'' p\u0159ekra\u010Duje velikost BLOB/CLOB.
XCL14.S=Pozice sloupce ''{0}'' je mimo rozsah. Po\u010Det sloupc\u016F pro tuto mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F je ''{1}''.
J109=Byla detekov\u00E1na nespr\u00E1vn\u00E1 konfigurace klienta TCP/IP. Nelze ur\u010Dit adresu IP va\u0161eho lok\u00E1ln\u00EDho hostitele\: ''{0}''. Ujist\u011Bte se, \u017Ee v\u00E1\u0161 klientsk\u00FD po\u010D\u00EDta\u010D m\u00E1 \u0159\u00E1dn\u011B konfigurovanou adresu IP.
XJ074.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
J108=Spr\u00E1vce zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED nepovoluje p\u0159\u00EDstup k vlastnosti syst\u00E9mu {0}.
J107=Chyba prvku d\u00E1vkov\u00E9ho zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED \#
XJ001.U=V\u00FDjimka Javy\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
J105=P\u0159esnost p\u0159ekra\u010Duje 31 \u010D\u00EDslic\!
J104=Objekt je ji\u017E zav\u0159en.
J103=Do\u0161lo k v\u00FDjimce b\u011Bhem vyp\u00EDn\u00E1n\u00ED s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho serveru. {0}
XCL12.S=Byl u\u010Din\u011Bn pokus o vlo\u017Een\u00ED hodnoty dat typu ''{0}'' do hodnoty dat typu ''{1}''.
J102=Do\u0161lo k v\u00FDjimce b\u011Bhem spou\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho serveru. {0}
XJ072.S=Metod\u011B pozice BLOB nebo CLOB byl p\u0159ed\u00E1n vzor s hodnotou ''null'' nebo searchStr.
J101=Nelze zav\u00E9st t\u0159\u00EDdu s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho serveru {0}. {1} Zkontrolujte integritu va\u0161eho souboru derbynet.jar.
XJ059.S=Nelze zav\u0159\u00EDt spojen\u00ED, kdy\u017E je glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakce st\u00E1le aktivn\u00ED.
J100=Nelze nal\u00E9zt t\u0159\u00EDdu s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho serveru {0}. Va\u0161e cesta ke t\u0159\u00EDd\u011B by m\u011Bla obsahovat soubor derbynet.jar.
08001.C.12=Spojen\u00ED nebylo ustanoveno, proto\u017Ee heslo m\u00E1 nulovou d\u00E9lku nebo je del\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E maximum povolen\u00E9 s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00FDm protokolem.
08001.C.11=Spojen\u00ED nebylo ustanoveno, proto\u017Ee ID u\u017Eivatele m\u00E1 nulovou d\u00E9lku nebo je del\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E maximum povolen\u00E9 s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00FDm protokolem.
08001.C.10=Spojen\u00ED nebylo ustanoveno, proto\u017Ee token zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED je v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E maximum povolen\u00E9 s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00FDm protokolem.
XJ070.S=Metod\u011B BLOB nebo CLOB byl p\u0159ed\u00E1n z\u00E1porn\u00FD nebo nulov\u00FD argument pozice ''{0}''.
XJ057.S=Nelze potvrdit glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakci pomoc\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED. Zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED potvrzen\u00ED mus\u00ED proj\u00EDt rozhran\u00EDm XAResource.
XBM0N.D=Registrace ovlada\u010De JDBC u java.sql.DriverManager selhala. Podrobnosti viz dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDjimka.
XN001.S=Resetov\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED nen\u00ED povoleno, kdy\u017E jste uvnit\u0159 jednotky pr\u00E1ce.
22028=\u0158et\u011Bzec p\u0159ekra\u010Duje maxim\u00E1ln\u00ED d\u00E9lku {0}.
42X30=Kurzor ''{0}'' nebyl nalezen. Ov\u011B\u0159te, \u017Ee automatick\u00E9 potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED je VYPNUTO.
08004.C.3=P\u0159ipojen\u00ED k datab\u00E1zi bylo odm\u00EDtnuto.
08004.C.2=P\u0159ipojen\u00ED bylo odm\u00EDtnuto, proto\u017Ee datab\u00E1ze {0} nebyla nalezena.
08004=P\u0159ipojen\u00ED bylo odm\u00EDtnuto\: {0}
08004.C.1=Vyskytlo se selh\u00E1n\u00ED ov\u011B\u0159en\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED. D\u016Fvod\: {0}.
08003=\u017D\u00E1dn\u00E9 aktu\u00E1ln\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED.
08000=Spojen\u00ED bylo zav\u0159eno nezn\u00E1m\u00FDm p\u0159eru\u0161en\u00EDm.
22003.S.3=Vyskytlo se p\u0159ete\u010Den\u00ED b\u011Bhem konverze \u010D\u00EDseln\u00E9ho datov\u00E9ho typu ''{0}'' na {1}.
22003.S.2=Des\u00EDtkov\u00E9 \u010D\u00EDslo m\u016F\u017Ee m\u00EDt maxim\u00E1ln\u011B 31 \u010D\u00EDslic.
22003.S.1=Rok ({0}) p\u0159ekra\u010Duje maximum ''{1}''.
XJ125.S=Tato metoda by m\u011Bla b\u00FDt vol\u00E1na pouze na objekty mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F, kter\u00E9 jsou posouvateln\u00E9 (typ TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
22018=Neplatn\u00FD form\u00E1t \u0159et\u011Bzce znak\u016F pro typ {0}.
XCY02.S=Po\u017Eadovan\u00E1 zm\u011Bna vlastnosti nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1na ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ214.S=Vyskytla se chyba I/O p\u0159i vol\u00E1n\u00ED free() na CLOB nebo BLOB.
0A000.S=Funkce nen\u00ED implementov\u00E1na\: {0}.
57017.C=Nen\u00ED k dispozici konverze ze zdrojov\u00E9 k\u00F3dov\u00E9 str\u00E1nky {0} do c\u00EDlov\u00E9 k\u00F3dov\u00E9 str\u00E1nky {1}. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ123.S=Tato metoda mus\u00ED b\u00FDt vol\u00E1na, aby se aktualizovaly hodnoty v aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDm \u0159\u00E1dku nebo \u0159\u00E1dku pro vlo\u017Een\u00ED.
XCY00.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota pro vlastnost ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ212.S=Neplatn\u00E1 syntaxe atributu\: {0}
XJ121.S=Neplatn\u00E1 operace na aktu\u00E1ln\u00ED pozici kurzoru.
XJ108.S=Neplatn\u00E1 velikost bloku
XJ030.S=Nelze zapnout automatick\u00E9 potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED ve vno\u0159en\u00E9m spojen\u00ED.
XJ210.S=Jm\u00E9no modulu zaveden\u00ED pro ulo\u017Eenou proceduru na serveru nebylo nalezeno.
X0Y79.S=Statement.executeUpdate() nelze volat s p\u0159\u00EDkazem, kter\u00FD vrac\u00ED mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F.
XJ017.S=V k\u00F3du triggeru nen\u00ED povolen \u017E\u00E1dn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDkaz bodu ulo\u017Een\u00ED.
XJ088.S=Neplatn\u00E1 operace\: bylo vol\u00E1no wasNull() bez na\u010Dten\u00FDch dat.
XJ106.S=Neexistuje takov\u00E1 vata
XN019.S=Chyba p\u0159i prov\u00E1d\u011Bn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDkazu {0}, server vr\u00E1til\: {1}.
XJ086.S=Tuto metodu nelze vyvolat, kdy\u017E kurzor nen\u00ED na \u0159\u00E1dku pro vlo\u017Een\u00ED nebo kdy\u017E soub\u011B\u017Enost tohoto objektu mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F je CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ104.S=D\u00E9lka sd\u00EDlen\u00E9ho kl\u00ED\u010De je neplatn\u00E1\: {0}.
XJ015.M=Vypnut\u00ED syst\u00E9mu Derby.
XN017.S=Chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: p\u0159ed\u010Dasn\u011B dosa\u017Een konec toku dat, parametr \#{0}. Zb\u00FDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED data byla vypln\u011Bna 0x0.
XJ013.S=\u017D\u00E1dn\u00E9 ID pro jmenovan\u00E9 body ulo\u017Een\u00ED.
XJ084.U=Sloupec neodpov\u00EDd\u00E1 sloupci v z\u00E1kladn\u00ED tabulce. Nelze vydat ''{0}'' na tento sloupec.
22005=Byl u\u010Din\u011Bn pokus o z\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED hodnoty dat typu ''{0}'' z hodnoty dat typu ''{1}''.
XJ04B.S=D\u00E1vka nem\u016F\u017Ee obsahovat p\u0159\u00EDkaz, kter\u00FD se pokou\u0161\u00ED vr\u00E1tit mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F.
22003=V\u00FDsledn\u00E1 hodnota je mimo rozsah pro datov\u00FD typ {0}.
XN015.S=Chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: uveden\u00E1 velikost InputStream, parametr \#{0}, je men\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E skute\u010Dn\u00E1 d\u00E9lka InputStream.
XJ011.S=Nelze p\u0159edat hodnotu ''null'' jm\u00E9nu bodu ulo\u017Een\u00ED.
XJ082.U=Hodnoty BLOB/CLOB nejsou povoleny jako parametry metody nebo z\u00E1sobn\u00EDky.
XJ069.S=V p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B p\u0159\u00EDkazu proveden\u00ED USING nejsou povoleny \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9 metody SetXXX.
XJ100.S=M\u011B\u0159\u00EDtko dodan\u00E9 metodou registerOutParameter neodpov\u00EDd\u00E1 metod\u011B setter. Mo\u017En\u00E1 ztr\u00E1ta p\u0159esnosti\!
XN013.S=Neplatn\u00E1 operace posuvu.
01J13=Vr\u00E1cen\u00FD po\u010Det \u0159\u00E1dk\u016F ({0}) je p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 velk\u00FD, aby se ve\u0161el do celo\u010D\u00EDseln\u00E9 prom\u011Bnn\u00E9; vr\u00E1cen\u00E1 hodnota bude oseknuta.
XJ080.S=P\u0159\u00EDkaz proveden\u00ED USING p\u0159edal {0} parametry sp\u00ED\u0161e ne\u017E {1}.
01J12=Nelze z\u00EDskat text zpr\u00E1vy ze serveru. Prohl\u00E9dn\u011Bte si dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDjimku. Ulo\u017Een\u00E1 procedura SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE nen\u00ED instalov\u00E1na na serveru. Obra\u0165te se na va\u0161eho administr\u00E1tora datab\u00E1ze, pros\u00EDm.
XJ067.S=Ukazatel na text SQL m\u00E1 hodnotu ''null''.
01J10=Mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F citliv\u00E9 na posuv nejsou podporov\u00E1ny serverem; p\u0159emapov\u00E1n\u00ED na kurzor, kter\u00FD se pohybuje pouze vp\u0159ed
XN011.S=D\u00E9lka jm\u00E9na procedury {0} nen\u00ED v platn\u00E9m rozsahu 1 a\u017E {1}.
58009.C.9=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: d\u00E9lka PKGNAMCSN, {0}, je neplan\u00E1 v SQLAM {1}. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.8=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: d\u00E9lka SCLDTA, {0}, je neplan\u00E1 pro PKGID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XIE08.S=Neexistuje jmenovan\u00FD sloupec\: {0}.
58009.C.7=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: d\u00E9lka SCLDTA, {0}, je neplan\u00E1 pro RDBCOLID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ065.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
XJ063.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Hodnota parametru mus\u00ED b\u00FDt >\= 0.
X0Y78.S.2=Bylo vol\u00E1no {0}.executeQuery(), ale nebyla vr\u00E1cena \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E1 mno\u017Eina v\u00FDsledk\u016F. Pokud se nejedn\u00E1 o dotazy, pou\u017Eijte p\u0159\u00EDkaz {1}.executeUpdate().
X0Y78.S.1={0}.executeQuery() nelze volat, proto\u017Ee bylo vr\u00E1ceno n\u011Bkolik mno\u017Ein v\u00FDsledk\u016F. Pou\u017Eijte p\u0159\u00EDkaz {1}.execute(), abyste z\u00EDskali n\u011Bkolik v\u00FDsledk\u016F.
XJ061.S=Metoda ''{0}'' je povolena pouze u posuvn\u00FDch kurzor\u016F.
01J08=Nelze otev\u0159\u00EDt typ mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F {0}. Byl otev\u0159en typ mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F {1}.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability omezeno na ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT pro glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakci.
01J06=Mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F nelze aktualizovat. Dotaz se nekvalifikuje pro generov\u00E1n\u00ED mno\u017Einy v\u00FDsledk\u016F, kterou lze aktualizovat.
J028=cesta k z\u00E1loze pro n\u00E1pravu rolov\u00E1n\u00EDm vp\u0159ed
XJ044.S=''{0}'' je neplatn\u00FDm m\u011B\u0159\u00EDtkem.
J025=cesta k adres\u00E1\u0159i protokolu
J023=heslo u\u017Eivatele
08003.C.3=Z\u00E1kladn\u00ED fyzick\u00E9 p\u0159ipojen\u00ED je zastaral\u00E9 nebo zav\u0159en\u00E9.
J022=jm\u00E9no u\u017Eivatele
08003.C.2=Metoda protokolu byla vol\u00E1na pro zav\u0159en\u00ED spojen\u00ED
J021=oblast pro datab\u00E1zi
08003.C.1=Metoda getConnection() nen\u00ED platn\u00E1 v zav\u0159en\u00E9m shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00E9m p\u0159ipojen\u00ED.
J020=tajn\u00FD \u0161ifrovac\u00ED kl\u00ED\u010D
XJ042.S=''{0}'' nen\u00ED platnou hodnotou pro vlastnost ''{1}''.
XJ209.S=Po\u017Eadovan\u00E1 ulo\u017Een\u00E1 procedura nen\u00ED instalov\u00E1na na serveru.
XJ118.S=Bylo po\u017Eadov\u00E1no d\u00E1vkov\u00E9 zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED dotazu u p\u0159\u00EDkazu, kter\u00FD nen\u00ED dotazem.
XJ207.S=Metodu executeQuery nelze pou\u017E\u00EDt pro aktualizaci.
58017.C=Hodnota parametru DDM 0x{0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1na. Vstupn\u00ED prom\u011Bnn\u00E1 hostitele nemus\u00ED b\u00FDt v rozsahu, kter\u00FD server podporuje. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ098.S=Hodnota automaticky generovan\u00FDch kl\u00ED\u010D\u016F {0} je neplatn\u00E1
XJ116.S=Do jedin\u00E9 d\u00E1vky nelze p\u0159idat v\u00EDce ne\u017E {0} p\u0159\u00EDkaz\u016F.
XJ025.S=Vstupn\u00ED tok dat nem\u016F\u017Ee m\u00EDt z\u00E1pornou d\u00E9lku.
XJ096.S=Bal\u00EDk prost\u0159edk\u016F nebyl nalezen v bal\u00EDku {0} pro {1}
58015.C=Objekt DDM 0x{0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ114.S=Neplatn\u00E9 jm\u00E9no kurzoru ''{0}''
XJ023.S=Vstupn\u00ED tok dat nem\u011Bl p\u0159esn\u00E9 mno\u017Estv\u00ED dat jako po\u017Eadovan\u00E1 d\u00E9lka.
J019=vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED \u0161ifrovac\u00ED kl\u00ED\u010D
XJ203.S=Jm\u00E9no kurzoru ''{0}'' je ji\u017E pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1no
J018=d\u00E9lka \u0161ifrovac\u00EDho kl\u00ED\u010De
XJ040.C=Selh\u00E1n\u00ED spu\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED datab\u00E1ze ''{0}''; podrobnosti viz dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDjimka.
J017=\u0161ifrovac\u00ED algoritmus
J016=poskytovatel \u0161ifrovac\u00ED slu\u017Eby
XJ112.S=Byla zji\u0161t\u011Bna v\u00FDjimka zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED; podrobnosti viz dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDjimka.
J013=p\u0159ej\u00EDt na vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED verzi datab\u00E1ze
42622=Jm\u00E9no ''{0}'' je p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 dlouh\u00E9. Maxim\u00E1ln\u00ED d\u00E9lka je ''{1}''.
XJ021.S=Typ nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n.
22007.S.181=Syntaxe zn\u00E1zorn\u011Bn\u00ED \u0159et\u011Bzce hodnoty data/\u010Dasu je nespr\u00E1vn\u00E1.
XJ008.S=Nelze rolovat zp\u011Bt nebo uvolnit bod ulo\u017Een\u00ED, kdy\u017E jste v re\u017Eimu automatick\u00E9ho potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED.
J010=za\u0161ifrovat datab\u00E1zi na disku
XJ110.S=Jm\u00E9no prim\u00E1rn\u00ED tabulky nem\u016F\u017Ee m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''
XJ079.S=Uveden\u00E1 d\u00E9lka ''{0}'' p\u0159ekra\u010Duje velikost BLOB/CLOB.
2D521.S.2=Operace COMMIT nebo ROLOV\u00C1N\u00CD ZP\u011AT jsou neplatn\u00E9 pro prost\u0159ed\u00ED prov\u00E1d\u011Bn\u00ED aplikace.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) je neplatn\u00E9 b\u011Bhem glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakce.
XJ090.S=Neplatn\u00FD parametr\: kalend\u00E1\u0159 m\u00E1 hodnotu ''null''.
XJ077.S=Do\u0161lo k v\u00FDjimce p\u0159i pokusu o na\u010Dten\u00ED prvn\u00EDho bajtu/znaku vzoru BLOB/CLOB pomoc\u00ED getBytes/getSubString.
58009.C.21=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: d\u00E9lka SCLDTA, {0}, je neplan\u00E1 pro RDBNAM. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.20=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: pouze jedna z hodnot NVCM a NVCS m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt nenulov\u00E1. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ05B.C=Atribut JDBC ''{0}'' m\u00E1 neplatnou hodnotu ''{1}''. Platn\u00E9 hodnoty jsou ''{2}''.
XN008.S=Zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED dotazu bylo ukon\u010Deno kv\u016Fli chyb\u011B na serveru.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver nen\u00ED registrov\u00E1n ve spr\u00E1vci ovlada\u010D\u016F JDBC
XCL13.S=Pozice parametru ''{0}'' je mimo rozsah. Po\u010Det parametr\u016F pro tento p\u0159ipraven\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDkaz je ''{1}''.
08006.C.6=Pokus o \u00FApln\u00E9 uskute\u010Dn\u011Bn\u00ED dat protokolu, kter\u00E1 jsou p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 velk\u00E1 pro JVM. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
08006.C.5=Nedostatek dat p\u0159i na\u010D\u00EDt\u00E1n\u00ED ze s\u00EDt\u011B - o\u010Dek\u00E1valo se minim\u00E1ln\u011B {0} bajt\u016F a bylo p\u0159ijato pouze {1} bajt\u016F. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
J008=\u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9 podrobnosti
XJ073.S=Data v t\u00E9to metod\u011B BLOB nebo CLOB ji\u017E nejsou k dispozici. Transakce metody BLOB/CLOB m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt potvrzena, nebo je jej\u00ED spojen\u00ED zav\u0159eno.
08006.C.4=Vyskytla se chyba b\u011Bhem odlo\u017Een\u00E9ho resetov\u00E1n\u00ED spojen\u00ED a spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno. Podrobnosti viz z\u0159et\u011Bzen\u00E9 v\u00FDjimky.
J007=vytvo\u0159it datab\u00E1zi
08006.C.3=Byla detekov\u00E1na chyba komunikac\u00ED\: {0}.
08006.C.2=V\u00FDjimka soketu\: ''{0}''
J005=vypnout server Derby
08006.C.1=Vyskytla se chyba b\u011Bhem resetov\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED a p\u0159ipojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno. Podrobnosti viz z\u0159et\u011Bzen\u00E9 v\u00FDjimky.
J004=toto\u017Enost datab\u00E1ze
XJ004.C=Datab\u00E1ze ''{0}'' nebyla nalezena.
XJ071.S=Metod\u011B BLOB nebo CLOB byl p\u0159ed\u00E1n argument se z\u00E1pornou d\u00E9lkou ''{0}''.
22005.S.6=Nerozpoznan\u00FD typ SQL Javy {0}.
22005.S.5=Neplatn\u00FD typ JDBC pro parametr {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN nebylo vr\u00E1ceno.
XJ058.S=Nelze rolovat zp\u011Bt glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakci pomoc\u00ED p\u0159ipojen\u00ED. Zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED potvrzen\u00ED mus\u00ED proj\u00EDt rozhran\u00EDm XAResource.
22005.S.4=Nerozpoznan\u00FD typ JDBC. Typ\: {0}, po\u010DetSloupc\u016F\: {1}, indexSloupce\: {2}.
58009.C.19=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: nebylo vr\u00E1ceno SECTKN. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
22005.S.3=\u0158et\u011Bzec Unicode nelze konvertovat na \u0159et\u011Bzec EBCDIC
58009.C.18=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: neplatn\u00FD FDOCA LID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
22005.S.2=Po\u017Eadovan\u00FD konvertor znak\u016F nen\u00ED k dispozici.
58009.C.17=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: byl p\u0159ed\u010Dasn\u011B dosa\u017Een konec toku dat p\u0159i \u010Dten\u00ED vstupn\u00EDho toku, parametr \#{0}. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
22005.S.1=Nelze konvertovat hodnotu typu ''{0}'' na typ ''{1}'' \: zak\u00F3dov\u00E1n\u00ED nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1no.
58009.C.16=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: DSS je z\u0159et\u011Bzeno se stejn\u00FDm ID na konci anal\u00FDzy \u0159et\u011Bzu stejn\u00E9ho ID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.15=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: d\u00E9lka DSS nen\u00ED 0 na konci anal\u00FDzy \u0159et\u011Bzu stejn\u00E9ho ID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.14=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: z\u00E1sobn\u00EDk kolekce nen\u00ED pr\u00E1zdn\u00FD na konci anal\u00FDzy \u0159et\u011Bzu stejn\u00E9ho ID. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ056.S=Nelze zapnout automatick\u00E9 potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED v p\u0159ipojen\u00ED XA.
58009.C.13=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: kolekce DDM obsahuje m\u00E9n\u011B ne\u017E 4 bajty dat. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.12=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: aktu\u00E1ln\u00ED identifika\u010Dn\u00ED bod {0} neodpov\u00EDd\u00E1 o\u010Dek\u00E1van\u00E9mu identifika\u010Dn\u00EDmu bodu {1}. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
58009.C.11=Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno, proto\u017Ee zak\u00F3dov\u00E1n\u00ED nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1no.
58009.C.10=V\u00FDjimka s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: pouze jedna z d\u00E9lek VCM a VCS m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt v\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E 0. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ050.U=Datab\u00E1ze po\u017Eaduje upgrade z verze {0}. Nastavte atribut ''upgrade\=true'' adresy URL p\u0159ipojen\u00ED JDBC, abyste povolili upgrade na verzi {1}.
XJ128.S=Nelze rozbalit pro ''{0}''
XJ126.S=Tato metoda by nem\u011Bla b\u00FDt vol\u00E1na na citliv\u00E9 dynamick\u00E9 kurzory.
XJ215.S=Po vyvol\u00E1n\u00ED metody free() nem\u016F\u017Eete vyvolat jin\u00E9 metody java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob.
XJ124.S=Sloupec nelze aktualizovat.
XJ122.S=Nebyly vol\u00E1ny \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9 metody updateXXX na tomto \u0159\u00E1dku.
24000=Neplatn\u00FD stav kurzoru - \u017E\u00E1dn\u00FD aktu\u00E1ln\u00ED \u0159\u00E1dek.
XJ018.S=Jm\u00E9no sloupce nem\u016F\u017Ee m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''.
XJ211.S=Vyskytla se neopraviteln\u00E1 v\u00FDjimka b\u011Bhem d\u00E1vkov\u00E9ho zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED, kter\u00E1 p\u0159eru\u0161uje \u0159et\u011Bzec. D\u00E1vkov\u00E9 zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED je neatomicky ukon\u010Deno.
XJ107.S=Chybn\u00E1 vata
XJ016.S=Metoda ''{0}'' nen\u00ED povolena v p\u0159ipraven\u00E9m p\u0159\u00EDkazu.
XJ213.C=Vlastnost p\u0159ipojen\u00ED traceLevel nem\u00E1 platn\u00FD form\u00E1t \u010D\u00EDsla.
XJ105.S=Kl\u00ED\u010D DES m\u00E1 chybnou d\u00E9lku. O\u010Dek\u00E1van\u00E1 d\u00E9lka {0}, obdr\u017Een\u00E1 d\u00E9lka {1}.
XN018.S=Chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: uveden\u00E1 velikost Reader, parametr \#{0}, je men\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E skute\u010Dn\u00E1 d\u00E9lka InputStream.
XJ014.S=\u017D\u00E1dn\u00E9 jm\u00E9no pro nejmenovan\u00E9 body ulo\u017Een\u00ED.
XJ085.S=Tok dat ji\u017E byl p\u0159e\u010Dten, byl dosa\u017Een konec souboru a tok dat nelze pou\u017E\u00EDt znovu.
XJ103.S=Jm\u00E9no tabulky nesm\u00ED m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''
XJ04C.S=D\u00E1vka CallableStatement nem\u016F\u017Ee obsahovat v\u00FDstupn\u00ED parametry.
XN016.S=Chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: byla zji\u0161t\u011Bna chyba v ov\u011B\u0159en\u00ED d\u00E9lky toku dat, parametr \#{0}. Zpr\u00E1va\: {1}.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' je ji\u017E zav\u0159eno.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' nen\u00ED povoleno, proto\u017Ee mno\u017Eina v\u00FDsledk\u016F nen\u00ED mno\u017Einou v\u00FDsledk\u016F, kterou lze aktualizovat.
42X74=Neplatn\u00E1 syntaxe p\u0159\u00EDkazu CALL.
XN014.S=Chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu\: byla zji\u0161t\u011Bna v\u00FDjimka I/O, parametr \#{0}. Zb\u00FDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED data byla vypln\u011Bna 0x0. Zpr\u00E1va\: {1}.
XJ010.S=Nelze zadat bod ulo\u017Een\u00ED, kdy\u017E je zapnuto automatick\u00E9 potvrzov\u00E1n\u00ED.
XCL08.S=Kurzor ''{0}'' nen\u00ED na \u0159\u00E1dku.
XJ081.S=Byla p\u0159ed\u00E1na neplatn\u00E1 hodnota ''{0}'' jako parametr ''{1}'' metod\u011B ''{2}''
XJ068.S=Uprost\u0159ed d\u00E1vky je povoleno pouze executeBatch a clearBatch.
XN012.S=Na platform\u00E1ch {0} podporuje XA verzi {1} a vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED. Toto je verze {2}
XJ066.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
XN010.S=Jm\u00E9no procedury nesm\u00ED m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''.
J133=Heslo u\u017Eivatele pro p\u0159ipojen\u00ED
J132=Jm\u00E9no u\u017Eivatele pro p\u0159ipojen\u00ED
J130=Byla detekov\u00E1na chyba neplatn\u00E9ho popisu FDOCA PROTOKOLU
XJ064.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.S.7=Datov\u00FD typ ''{0}'' nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n.
XJ081.C=Byly uvedeny konfliktn\u00ED atributy vytvo\u0159en\u00ED/obnovy/n\u00E1pravy.
0A000.S.5=Mechanizmus zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED ''{0}'' nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n.
0A000.S.4=Metoda cancel() nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1na serverem.
08006.D=Vypnut\u00ED datab\u00E1ze ''{0}''.
0A000.S.3=Vlastnost resultSetHoldability {0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1na
08006.C=Byla zji\u0161t\u011Bna chyba s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E9ho protokolu a spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno\: {0}
0A000.S.2=Metoda JDBC {0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1na serverem. Povy\u0161te server, pros\u00EDm.
24501.S=Ozna\u010Den\u00FD kurzor nen\u00ED otev\u0159en.
0A000.S.1=Metoda JDBC zat\u00EDm nen\u00ED implementov\u00E1na.
XJ062.S=Neplatn\u00E1 hodnota parametru ''{0}'' pro ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
J129=byl vyd\u00E1n p\u0159\u00EDkaz Open Query pro dotaz, kter\u00FD ji\u017E byl otev\u0159en
J128=kurzor nen\u00ED otev\u0159en
XJ045.S=Metod\u011B Connection.setTransactionIsolation() byla p\u0159ed\u00E1na neplatn\u00E1 nebo (moment\u00E1ln\u011B) nepodporovan\u00E1 \u00FArove\u0148 izolace ''{0}''. Moment\u00E1ln\u011B podporovan\u00FDmi hodnotami jsou java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED a java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J127=parseSQLDIAGGRP dosud nen\u00ED implementov\u00E1n
J126=Byla detekov\u00E1na chyba interak\u010Dn\u00EDho protokolu. P\u0159\u00ED\u010Dina\: 0x{0}.
XJ049.C=Byly uvedeny konfliktn\u00ED atributy vytvo\u0159en\u00ED.
J125=Byla detekov\u00E1na neshoda popisova\u010De dat.
J124=p\u0159\u00EDkaz pro p\u0159\u00EDstup k rela\u010Dn\u00ED datab\u00E1zi (ACCRDB) nelze zadat, proto\u017Ee k datab\u00E1zi ji\u017E existuje p\u0159\u00EDstup
J123=po\u017Eadovan\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDkaz narazil na architektonicky nevy\u0159e\u0161enou a implementa\u010Dn\u011B z\u00E1vislou podm\u00EDnku, pro kterou nebyla vytvo\u0159ena \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E1 zpr\u00E1va
J122=byl vyd\u00E1n p\u0159\u00EDkaz po\u017Eaduj\u00EDc\u00ED slu\u017Eby datab\u00E1ze p\u0159ed p\u0159\u00EDkazem po\u017Eaduj\u00EDc\u00EDm p\u0159\u00EDstup k datab\u00E1zi (ACCRDB)
J121=u\u017Eivatel nen\u00ED autorizov\u00E1n pro p\u0159\u00EDstup k datab\u00E1zi
07000=Alespo\u0148 jeden parametr aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDho p\u0159\u00EDkazu nen\u00ED inicializov\u00E1n.
25001=Nelze zav\u0159\u00EDt spojen\u00ED, kdy\u017E je transakce st\u00E1le aktivn\u00ED.
XJ208.S=Neatomick\u00E9 selh\u00E1n\u00ED d\u00E1vky. D\u00E1vka byla zad\u00E1na, ale vyskytla se alespo\u0148 jedna v\u00FDjimka u jednotliv\u00E9ho \u010Dlenu d\u00E1vky. Pou\u017Eijte p\u0159\u00EDkaz getNextException(), abyste na\u010Detli v\u00FDjimky pro ur\u010Dit\u00E9 prvky d\u00E1vky.
XJ099.S=Objekt Reader/Stream neobsahuje znaky d\u00E9lky
XJ117.S=D\u00E1vkov\u00E9 zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED dotaz\u016F nen\u00ED povoleno slu\u010Ditelnost\u00ED J2EE.
23502=Sloupec ''{0}'' nem\u016F\u017Ee p\u0159ij\u00EDmat hodnotu ''null''.
XJ206.S=Text SQL ''{0}'' nem\u00E1 \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9 tokeny.
42ZA1=Neplatn\u00E9 SQL v d\u00E1vce\: ''{0}''.
58016.C=Parametr DDM 0x{0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ097.S=Nelze rolovat zp\u011Bt nebo uvolnit bod ulo\u017Een\u00ED, kter\u00FD nebyl vytvo\u0159en t\u00EDmto spojen\u00EDm.
08001.C.9=Spojen\u00ED nebylo ustanoveno, proto\u017Ee jm\u00E9no datab\u00E1ze ''{0}'' je del\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E maxim\u00E1ln\u00ED d\u00E9lka povolen\u00E1 s\u00ED\u0165ov\u00FDm protokolem.
XJ115.S=Nelze otev\u0159\u00EDt mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F s po\u017Eadovanou zadr\u017Eitelnost\u00ED {0}.
08001.C.8=Heslo nesm\u00ED m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''.
08001.C.7=ID u\u017Eivatele nesm\u00ED m\u00EDt hodnotu ''null''.
08001.C.6=D\u00E9lka hesla ({0}) je mimo rozsah 1 a\u017E {1}.
XJ041.C=Selh\u00E1n\u00ED vytvo\u0159en\u00ED datab\u00E1ze ''{0}''; podrobnosti viz dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDjimka.
3B502.S=Bylo uvedeno RELEASE nebo ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, ale bod ulo\u017Een\u00ED neexistuje.
08001.C.5=D\u00E9lka ID u\u017Eivatele ({0}) je mimo rozsah 1 a\u017E {1}.
J118=heslo vypr\u0161elo
XJ204.S=Nelze otev\u0159\u00EDt mno\u017Einu v\u00FDsledk\u016F s po\u017Eadovanou zadr\u017Eitelnost\u00ED {0}.
08001.C.4=Nelze otev\u0159\u00EDt tok dat v soketu\: ''{0}''.
XJ028.C=Adresa URL ''{0}'' nen\u00ED \u0159\u00E1dn\u011B formov\u00E1na.
J117=Chyb\u011Bj\u00EDc\u00ED SECTKN u ACCSEC, kdy\u017E je po\u017Eadov\u00E1n, nebo je neplatn\u00FD
58014.C=P\u0159\u00EDkaz DDM 0x{0} nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
08001.C.3=V\u00FDjimka soketu\: ''{0}''
XJ095.S=Selh\u00E1n\u00ED pokusu o proveden\u00ED p\u0159ednostn\u00ED akce.
J116=chyba lok\u00E1ln\u00ED slu\u017Eby zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED, kterou nelze znovu zkusit
X0X95.S=Operaci ''{0}'' nelze prov\u00E9st na objektu ''{1}'', proto\u017Ee existuje otev\u0159en\u00E1 mno\u017Eina v\u00FDsledk\u016F, kter\u00E1 je z\u00E1visl\u00E1 na tomto objektu.
XJ113.S=Nelze otev\u0159\u00EDt soubor {0} \: {1}
08001.C.2={0} \: Chyba p\u0159i p\u0159ipojov\u00E1n\u00ED k serveru {1} na portu {2} se zpr\u00E1vou\: {3}.
J115=nov\u00E9 heslo je neplatn\u00E9
XJ05C.S=Nelze nastavit zadr\u017Eitelnost ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT pro glob\u00E1ln\u00ED transakci.
08001.C.1=Po\u017Eadovan\u00E1 vlastnost zdroje dat Derby {0} nen\u00ED nastavena.
J114=ID u\u017Eivatele bylo odvol\u00E1no
J113=neplatn\u00E9 ID u\u017Eivatele nebo heslo
0A000.C.6=P\u0159\u00EDkaz DRDA {0} moment\u00E1ln\u011B nen\u00ED implementov\u00E1n. Spojen\u00ED bylo ukon\u010Deno.
XJ022.S=Nelze nastavit tok dat\: ''{0}''.
J112=chyb\u011Bj\u00EDc\u00ED ID u\u017Eivatele
XJ202.S=Neplatn\u00E9 jm\u00E9no kurzoru ''{0}''.
XJ009.S=Je po\u017Eadov\u00E1no pou\u017Eit\u00ED CallableStatement pro vol\u00E1n\u00ED ulo\u017Een\u00E9 procedury nebo pou\u017Eit\u00ED v\u00FDstupn\u00EDch parametr\u016F\: {0}
J111=chyb\u011Bj\u00EDc\u00ED heslo
J110=mechanizmus zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED nen\u00ED podporov\u00E1n
XJ093.S=D\u00E9lka BLOB/CLOB {0} je p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 velk\u00E1. D\u00E9lka nem\u016F\u017Ee p\u0159ekro\u010Dit {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=Folgender Stream kann nicht eingerichtet werden\: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=Beim Lesen eines durch den Parameter \#{0} festgelegten Streams wurde das Ende des Streams zu fr\u00FCh erreicht. Die verbleibenden vom Server erwarteten Daten wurden mit 0x0 aufgef\u00FCllt.
XJ115.S=ResultSet kann nicht mit der angeforderten Holdability {0} ge\u00F6ffnet werden.
XJ04C.S=Batch "CallableStatement" darf keine Outputparameter enthalten.
XN013.S=Ung\u00FCltige Scrollrichtung
XJ079.S=Die angegebene L\u00E4nge ''{0}'' \u00FCberschreitet die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe des BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=Name der Prim\u00E4rtabelle darf nicht leer sein.
XJ208.S=Fehler bei nicht atomarem Batchvorgang. Der Batch wurde \u00FCbergeben. Bei einem Batch-Member ist jedoch mindestens eine Ausnahme eingetreten. Mit getNextException() k\u00F6nnen Sie die Ausnahmen f\u00FCr bestimmte Batchelemente abrufen.
XJ204.S=Ergebnismenge kann nicht mit der angeforderten Holdability {0} ge\u00F6ffnet werden.
XJ071.S=An eine BLOB- oder CLOB-Methode wurde das negative L\u00E4ngenargument ''{0}'' \u00FCbergeben.
XJ200.S=Maximale Anzahl der Abschnitte {0} wurde \u00FCberschritten.
22005.S.6=Nicht erkannter Java-SQL-Typ {0}
22005.S.5=Ung\u00FCltiger JDBC-Typ f\u00FCr den Parameter {0}
22005.S.4=Nicht erkannter JDBC-Typ. Typ\: {0}, Spaltennummer\: {1}, Spaltenindex\: {2}
22005.S.3=Eine Unicode-Zeichenfolge kann nicht in eine EBCDIC-Zeichenfolge konvertiert werden.
22005.S.2=Der erforderliche Zeichenconverter ist nicht verf\u00FCgbar.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver wurde nicht im JDBC-Treibermanager registriert.
X0X0D.S=Ung\u00FCltige L\u00E4nge f\u00FCr Spaltenarray ''{0}''. Um generierte Schl\u00FCssel zur\u00FCckzugeben, muss das Spaltenarray die L\u00E4nge 1 haben und darf nur die Identit\u00E4tsspalte enthalten.
22005.S.1=Ein Wert des Typs ''{0}'' kann nicht in den Typ ''{1}'' konvertiert werden. Die Codierung wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
58016.C=Der DDM-Parameter 0x{0} wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
08006.C.6=Es wurde versucht, LOB-Daten vollst\u00E4ndig zu speichern, die f\u00FCr die JVM zu umfangreich sind. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
08006.C.5=Unzureichende Daten beim Lesen aus dem Netz. Erwartet wurden mindestens {0} Byte, empfangen wurden jedoch nur {1} Byte. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
08006.C.4=W\u00E4hrend des verz\u00F6gerten Zur\u00FCcksetzens einer Verbindung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Verbindung wurde beendet. Details finden Sie in den zugeh\u00F6rigen Ausnahmen.
08006.C.3=Es wurde ein Kommunikationsfehler festgestellt. {0}
08006.C.2=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=W\u00E4hrend des Zur\u00FCcksetzens einer Verbindung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Verbindung wurde beendet. Details finden Sie in den zugeh\u00F6rigen Ausnahmen.
0A000.S.7=Der Datentyp ''{0}'' wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
0A000.S.5=Sicherheitsmechanismus ''{0}'' wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
0A000.S.4=cancel() wird nicht vom Server unterst\u00FCtzt.
XJ015.M=Derby-System wird heruntergefahren.
0A000.S.3=resultSetHoldability-Eigenschaft {0} wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
0A000.S.2=JDBC-Methode {0} wird nicht vom Server unterst\u00FCtzt. F\u00FChren Sie ein Serverupgrade durch.
XJ011.S=Null kann nicht als Name f\u00FCr den SAVEPOINT \u00FCbergeben werden.
08001.C.14=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Servername (SRVNAM) eine L\u00E4nge von null hat oder l\u00E4nger als die vom Netzwerkprotokoll zugelassene maximale L\u00E4nge ist.
0A000.S.1=JDBC-Methode noch nicht implementiert.
08001.C.13=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der externe Name (EXTNAM) eine L\u00E4nge von null hat oder l\u00E4nger als die vom Netzwerkprotokoll zugelassene maximale L\u00E4nge ist.
XJ108.S=Nicht zul\u00E4ssige Blockgr\u00F6\u00DFe
08001.C.12=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, weil das Kennwort die L\u00E4nge null hat oder l\u00E4nger als f\u00FCr das Netzwerkprotokoll maximal zul\u00E4ssig ist.
08001.C.11=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, weil die Benutzer-ID die L\u00E4nge null hat oder l\u00E4nger als f\u00FCr das Netzwerkprotokoll maximal zul\u00E4ssig ist.
08001.C.10=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, weil das Sicherheitstoken gr\u00F6\u00DFer als f\u00FCr das Netzwerkprotokoll maximal zul\u00E4ssig ist.
XJ104.S=Ung\u00FCltige L\u00E4nge des gemeinsamen Schl\u00FCssels\: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN wurde nicht zur\u00FCckgegeben.
XJ068.S=In der Mitte eines Batches sind nur executeBatch und clearBatch zul\u00E4ssig.
XJ100.S=Die von der Methode registerOutParameter angegebene Anzahl der Nachkommastellen stimmt nicht mit der setter-Methode \u00FCberein. Genauigkeitsverlust ist m\u00F6glich.
XJ064.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=Der DRDA-Befehl {0} ist aktuell nicht implementiert. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XJ008.S=Ein Savepoint kann im Autocommit-Modus nicht zur\u00FCckgesetzt oder freigegeben werden.
XJ125.S=Diese Methode sollte nur f\u00FCr ResultSet-Objekte vom Typ TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE aufgerufen werden.
XJ05C.S=Holdability f\u00FCr ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT kann f\u00FCr eine globale Transaktion nicht eingerichtet werden.
XJ121.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Vorgang bei aktueller Cursorposition.
XJ085.S=Stream wurde bereits gelesen. Das Dateiende ist erreicht und kann nicht erneut verwendet werden.
XJ004.C=Datenbank ''{0}'' wurde nicht gefunden.
XJ214.S=Beim Aufrufen von free() f\u00FCr ein CLOB oder BLOB ist ein I/O-Fehler aufgetreten.
22003.S.3=Bei der Konvertierung eines numerischen Datentyps von ''{0}'' in {1} ist es zu einem \u00DCberlauf gekommen.
08004.C.9=Benutzer ''{0}'' hat keine Berechtigung zum Herunterfahren des Systems [{1}].
22003.S.2=Dezimalzahlen d\u00FCrfen nicht mehr als 31 Stellen haben.
08004.C.8=Benutzer ''{0}'' kann keinen Replikationsvorgang auf Datenbank ''{1}'' ausl\u00F6sen. Hierzu ist nur der Datenbankeigent\u00FCmer berechtigt.
XN023.C=Der Stream, der von Parameter \#{0} angegeben wird, ist locator-basiert und erfordert, dass eine verschachtelte Anforderung auf derselben Verbindung materialisiert wird. Dies wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
22003.S.1=Jahr ({0}) \u00FCberschreitet den Maximalwert ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=Verbindung mit Datenbank ''{0}'' verweigert. Die Datenbank befindet sich im Replikationsslave-Modus.
08004.C.6=Benutzer ''{0}'' kann kein Upgrade der Datenbank ''{1}'' durchf\u00FChren. Hierzu ist nur der Datenbankeigent\u00FCmer berechtigt.
08004.C.5=Benutzer ''{0}'' kann die Datenbank ''{1}'' nicht (neu) verschl\u00FCsseln. Hierzu ist nur der Datenbankeigent\u00FCmer berechtigt.
08004.C.4=Benutzer ''{0}'' kann die Datenbank ''{1}'' nicht herunterfahren. Hierzu ist nur der Datenbankeigent\u00FCmer berechtigt.
08004.C.3=Datenbankverbindung wurde verweigert.
08004.C.2=Die Verbindung wurde zur\u00FCckgewiesen, weil die Datenbank {0} nicht gefunden wurde.
XJ081.S=An die Methode ''{2}'' wurde der ung\u00FCltige Wert ''{0}'' als Parameter ''{1}'' \u00FCbergeben.
08004.C.1=Verbindung konnte nicht authentifiziert werden. Grund\: {0}.
XJ210.S=Der Name des Lademoduls f\u00FCr die gespeicherte Prozedur auf dem Server wurde nicht gefunden.
XJ057.S=Eine globale Transaktion kann nicht \u00FCber die Verbindung festgeschrieben werden. Die COMMIT-Verarbeitung muss \u00FCber die Schnittstelle XAResource erfolgen.
XCL08.S=Cursor ''{0}'' befindet sich nicht in einer Zeile.
XJ081.C=Es wurden Konflikte verursachende Erstellungs-/Wiederherstellungsattribute angegeben.
J137=Registrierung des JDBC-Treibers kann beim Herunterfahren der Derby-Engine nicht aufgehoben werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass SQLPermission("deregisterDriver") derby.jar erteilt ist.
J136=Mit der zu schlie\u00DFenden Verbindung ist eine XA-Transaktion verkn\u00FCpft. Die Transaktion wird zur\u00FCckgesetzt. Die Transaktions-XID lautet {0}.
23502=Die Spalte ''{0}'' akzeptiert keinen Nullwert.
J135=Bei der XA-Transaktion ist ein Timeout aufgetreten, und sie wird zur\u00FCckgesetzt. Die Transaktions-XID lautet {0}.
J134=Negative Werte sind f\u00FCr die Eigenschaft "maxStatements" nicht zul\u00E4ssig\: {0}
J133=Kennwort des Benutzers f\u00FCr die Verbindung
J132=Benutzername f\u00FCr die Verbindung
J131=Ein Protokollfehler (Daten-Stream-Syntaxfehler) wurde ermittelt. Ursache\: 0x{0}. M\u00F6glicherweise ist dies ein Versuch, eine Nur-Textverbindung zu einem SSL-f\u00E4higen Server herzustellen.
J130=Es wurde ein Protokollfehler (Ung\u00FCltige FDOCA-Beschreibung) festgestellt.
22007.S.181=Die Syntax der Zeichenfolgendarstellung eines Datum-/Uhrzeitwertes ist fehlerhaft.
XJ025.S=Input Stream kann keine negative L\u00E4nge haben.
2D521.S.2=Commit oder Rollback ist f\u00FCr eine Anwendungsausf\u00FChrungsumgebung ung\u00FCltig.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) ist f\u00FCr eine globale Transaktion ung\u00FCltig.
22028=Die Zeichenfolge \u00FCberschreitet die maximale L\u00E4nge von {0}.
XJ021.S=Typ wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt.
XJ118.S=F\u00FCr eine Nicht-Abfrageanweisung wurde eine Abfragebatchverarbeitung angefordert.
58009.C.9=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Die SCLDTA-L\u00E4nge {0} ist f\u00FCr SQLAM {1} ung\u00FCltig. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XN016.S=Beim Versuch, die L\u00E4nge des durch den Parameter \#{0} festgelegten Streams zu verifizieren, wurde eine Ausnahme festgestellt. Die Ausnahme generierte folgende Meldung\: {1}.
58009.C.8=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Die SCLDTA-L\u00E4nge {0} ist f\u00FCr PKGID ung\u00FCltig. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.7=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Die SCLDTA-L\u00E4nge {0} ist f\u00FCr RDBCOLID ung\u00FCltig. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
J129=F\u00FCr eine bereits ge\u00F6ffnete Abfrage wurde ein Befehl "Open Query" abgesetzt.
XJ114.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Cursorname ''{0}''
J128=Der Cursor ist nicht offen.
J126=Es wurde ein Dialogprotokollfehler festgestellt. Grund\: 0x{0}.
J125=Es wurde ein Fehler durch einen abweichenden Datendeskriptor festgestellt.
XJ04B.S=Batch darf keinen Befehl enthalten, der versucht, eine Ergebnismenge zur\u00FCckzugeben.
07000=Mindestens ein Parameter der aktuellen Anweisung wurde nicht initialisiert.
J124=Der Befehl f\u00FCr den Zugriff auf die relationale Datenbank (ACCRDB) kann nicht abgesetzt werden, weil der Zugriff auf die Datenbank bereits erfolgte.
XN012.S=Auf {0}-Plattformen unterst\u00FCtzt XA Version {1} und h\u00F6her. Dies ist Version {2}.
J123=Der angeforderte Befehl hat eine implementierungsspezifische, nicht in der Spezifikation enthaltene Bedingung festgestellt, f\u00FCr die keine Meldung implementiert ist (weitere Informationen finden Sie ggf. in der Datei derby.log auf dem Server).
08003.C.3=Die zugrunde liegende physische Verbindung ist veraltet oder beendet.
J122=Vor dem Befehl, mit dem der Zugriff auf die Datenbank angefordert wird (ACCRDB), wurde ein Befehl abgesetzt, der Services der Datenbank anfordert.
08003.C.2=Eine LOB-Methode wurde aufgerufen, nachdem die Verbindung beendet wurde.
J121=Der Benutzer ist nicht berechtigt, auf die Datenbank zuzugreifen.
08003.C.1=getConnection() ist f\u00FCr eine geschlossene Verbindung im Pool ung\u00FCltig.
J120=Nicht angegebener Verbindungsfehler
XJ110.S=Name der Prim\u00E4rtabelle darf nicht leer sein.
XJ078.S=Die relative Position ''{0}'' ist entweder kleiner als null oder f\u00FCr das aktuelle BLOB/CLOB zu gro\u00DF.
XJ207.S=Methode executeQuery kann nicht f\u00FCr ein Update verwendet werden.
24501.S=Der angegebene Cursor ist nicht ge\u00F6ffnet.
X0X95.S=Vorgang ''{0}'' kann f\u00FCr das Objekt ''{1}'' nicht ausgef\u00FChrt werden, weil es ein offenes ResultSet gibt, das von diesem Objekt abh\u00E4ngig ist.
22018=Ung\u00FCltiges Zeichenfolgenformat f\u00FCr den Typ {0}
XJ074.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
XJ203.S=Cursorname ''{0}'' wird bereits verwendet.
XJ070.S=In einer BLOB- oder CLOB-Methode wurde das Argument ''{0}'' mit negativer oder Nullposition \u00FCbergeben.
J118=Kennwort abgelaufen
J117=Im ACCSEC-Befehl fehlt das erforderliche Sicherheitstoken (SECTKN) oder das Token ist ung\u00FCltig
J116=Fehler bei lokalem Sicherheitsservice bei einem Vorgang, der nicht wiederholt werden kann.
J115=Neues Kennwort ung\u00FCltig
J114=Benutzer-ID entzogen
J113=Benutzer-ID oder Kennwort ung\u00FCltig
J112=Benutzer-ID fehlt
58015.C=Das DDM-Objekt 0x{0} wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
J111=Kennwort fehlt
J110=Sicherheitsverfahren wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt
XJ042.S=''{0}'' ist kein g\u00FCltiger Wert f\u00FCr Eigenschaft ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=Spaltenname muss ungleich null sein.
08006.D=Datenbank ''{0}'' wird heruntergefahren.
08006.C=Es wurde ein Netzwerkprotokollfehler festgestellt. Die Verbindung wurde beendet. {0}
22005=Es wurde versucht, einen Datenwert des Typs ''{0}'' aus einem Datenwert des Typs ''{1}'' abzurufen.
XJ014.S=Kein Name f\u00FCr nicht benannte SAVEPOINTS.
22003=Der resultierende Wert liegt au\u00DFerhalb des Bereichs f\u00FCr den Datentyp {0}.
XJ099.S=Das Reader-/Stream-Objekt enth\u00E4lt keine L\u00E4ngenzeichen
XN009.S=Fehler beim Abrufen der L\u00E4nge des BLOB/CLOB. Die Ausnahme folgt.
XJ010.S=Savepoint kann nicht abgesetzt werden, wenn autoCommit aktiviert ist.
J109=Es wurde eine inkorrekte TCP/IP-Clientkonfiguration festgestellt. Die IP-Adresse Ihres lokalen Hosts kann nicht bestimmt werden\: ''{0}''. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die IP-Adresse Ihres Clientrechners ordnungsgem\u00E4\u00DF konfiguriert ist.
XJ107.S=Falsches Padding
J108=Security Manager erlaubt nicht den Zugriff auf Systemeigenschaft {0}.
XCY00.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Wert f\u00FCr Eigenschaft ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Fehler bei Batchelement
J105=Gesamtstellenzahl \u00FCberschreitet 31 Stellen.
J104=Das Objekt ist bereits geschlossen.
XJ095.S=Der Versuch, eine Aktion mit erforderlicher Berechtigung auszuf\u00FChren, war nicht erfolgreich.
J103=Beim Herunterfahren des Netzwerkservers wurde eine Ausnahme ausgel\u00F6st. {0}
J102=Beim Starten des Netzwerkservers wurde eine Ausnahme ausgel\u00F6st. {0}
J101=Die Netzserverklasse {0} konnte nicht geladen werden. {1}. \u00DCberpr\u00FCfen Sie die Integrit\u00E4t Ihrer Datei derbynet.jar.
J100=Die Netzserverklasse {0} wurde nicht gefunden. Ihr Classpath muss derbynet.jar enthalten.
XJ103.S=Tabellenname muss ungleich null sein.
XBDA0.C.1=Anmeldetimeout \u00FCberschritten
XN001.S=Innerhalb einer Arbeitseinheit ist eine Zur\u00FCcksetzung der Verbindung nicht zul\u00E4ssig.
XJ091.S=Ung\u00FCltiges Argument\: Parameterindex {0} ist kein OUT- oder INOUT-Parameter.
XJ067.S=SQL-Textzeiger ist null.
XJ063.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Der Parameterwert muss >\= 0 sein.
XCL18.S=Stream oder LOB-Wert kann nicht mehrmals abgerufen werden
XCL14.S=Die Spaltenposition ''{0}'' befindet sich au\u00DFerhalb des Bereichs. Die Anzahl der Spalten f\u00FCr dieses ResultSet liegt bei ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, weil der Datenbankname {0} l\u00E4nger als f\u00FCr das Netzwerkprotokoll maximal zul\u00E4ssig ist.
08001.C.8=Kennwort muss ungleich null sein.
08001.C.7=Benutzer-ID muss ungleich null sein.
08001.C.6=L\u00E4nge des Kennworts ({0}) liegt au\u00DFerhalb des g\u00FCltigen Bereichs von 1 bis {1}.
08001.C.5=L\u00E4nge der Benutzer-ID ({0}) liegt au\u00DFerhalb des g\u00FCltigen Bereichs von 1 bis {1}.
08001.C.4=Auf Socket ''{0}'' kann kein Stream ge\u00F6ffnet werden.
08001.C.3=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0}\: Fehler beim Herstellen der Verbindung zu Server {1} auf Port {2} mit Meldung {3}.
XJ128.S=F\u00FCr ''{0}'' konnte kein unwrap ausgef\u00FChrt werden.
08001.C.1=Die erforderliche Derby-DataSource-Eigenschaft {0} ist nicht eingerichtet.
XJ124.S=Spalte kann nicht aktualisiert werden.
08004=Abgelehnte Verbindung\: {0}
08003=Keine aktuelle Verbindung.
08000=Verbindung wurde von einer unbekannten Unterbrechung beendet.
XJ088.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Vorgang\: wasNull() wurde ohne abgerufene Daten aufgerufen.
XJ217.S=Der f\u00FCr dieses CLOB/BLOB angegebene Locator ist ung\u00FCltig
XJ084.U=Spalte entspricht keiner Spalte in der Basistabelle. ''{0}'' kann nicht f\u00FCr diese Spalte abgesetzt werden.
XJ05B.C=JDBC-Attribut ''{0}'' hat einen ung\u00FCltigen Wert ''{1}''. G\u00FCltige Werte sind\: ''{2}''.
XN022.C=Eine Schreibkette, die Daten an den Server \u00FCbertragen hat, kann erst zur\u00FCckgesetzt werden, nachdem die Anforderung abgeschlossen und die Kette beendet ist
XJ080.S=Die Ausf\u00FChrungsanweisung USING hat an Stelle von {1} Parametern {0} Parameter \u00FCbergeben.
XJ056.S=In einer XA-Verbindung kann Autocommit On nicht festgelegt werden.
XJ213.C=Die Verbindungseigenschaft "traceLevel" hat kein g\u00FCltiges Format f\u00FCr eine Zahl.
XCL31.S=Anweisung geschlossen.
J031=Sortierung f\u00FCr Zeichendatentypen
J030=Backuppfad f\u00FCr die Wiederherstellung der Datenbank aus Backup
22011.S.1=Der Bereich f\u00FCr die Unterzeichenfolge mit der relativen Position {0} und der L\u00E4nge {1} liegt au\u00DFerhalb des g\u00FCltigen Bereichs f\u00FCr die Zeichenfolge\: {2}.
XN019.S=Fehler beim Ausf\u00FChren von {0}. Der Server hat Folgendes zur\u00FCckgegeben\: {1}
XJ028.C=Die URL ''{0}'' hat nicht das richtige Format.
XJ020.S=Objekttyp kann nicht in Typ ''{0}'' konvertiert werden. Der Wert f\u00FCr java.sql.Types ist ung\u00FCltig oder das Objekt war null.
XJ117.S=Gem\u00E4\u00DF J2EE-Compliance k\u00F6nnen Abfragen nicht im Batchmodus verarbeitet werden.
XN015.S=Netzwerkprotokollfehler\: Die angegebene Gr\u00F6\u00DFe des Input-Streams, Parameter {0}, unterschreitet die tats\u00E4chliche InputStream-L\u00E4nge.
XJ113.S=Datei {0} kann nicht ge\u00F6ffnet werden. {1}
J029=Backuppfad f\u00FCr die Erstellung der Datenbank aus Backup
J028=Backuppfad f\u00FCr Rollforward Recovery
XN011.S=L\u00E4nge {0} des Prozedurnamens liegt au\u00DFerhalb des g\u00FCltigen Bereichs von 1 bis {1}.
J021=Gebietsschema f\u00FCr die Datenbank
XJ077.S=Bei dem Versuch, mit getBytes/getSubString das erste Byte/Zeichen des BLOB/CLOB-Musters zu lesen, wurde eine Ausnahme empfangen.
J020=Geheimer Verschl\u00FCsselungsschl\u00FCssel
XJ206.S=SQL-Text ''{0}'' enth\u00E4lt keine Token.
XJ073.S=Die Daten in diesem BLOB oder CLOB sind nicht mehr verf\u00FCgbar. M\u00F6glicherweise wurde die Transaktion des BLOB/CLOB festgeschrieben, die Verbindung geschlossen oder freigegeben.
XJ202.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Cursorname ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Nicht implementiertes Feature\: {0}.
XJ045.S=An Connection.setTransactionIsolation() wurde die ung\u00FCltige oder (derzeit) nicht unterst\u00FCtzte Isolationsebene ''{0}'' \u00FCbergeben. Derzeit unterst\u00FCtzte Werte sind java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED und java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=Externer Verschl\u00FCsselungsschl\u00FCssel
J018=L\u00E4nge des Verschl\u00FCsselungsschl\u00FCssels
J013=Datenbank upgraden
58014.C=Der DDM-Befehl 0x{0} wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XJ049.C=Es wurden Konflikte verursachende Erstellungsattribute angegeben.
J010=Datenbank auf Datentr\u00E4ger verschl\u00FCsseln
XJ017.S=Innerhalb des Triggercodes ist ein Savepoint-Befehl nicht zul\u00E4ssig.
58010.C=Es wurde ein Netzwerkprotokollfehler festgestellt. Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, weil der Manager {0} auf Ebene {1} vom Server nicht unterst\u00FCtzt wird.
XJ013.S=Keine ID f\u00FCr benannte SAVEPOINTS.
XJ041.C=Datenbank ''{0}'' konnte nicht erstellt werden. Details k\u00F6nnen Sie der n\u00E4chsten Ausnahme entnehmen.
XN008.S=Abfrageverarbeitung wurde wegen eines Fehlers auf dem Server abgebrochen.
XJ098.S=Der automatisch generierte Schl\u00FCsselwert {0} ist ung\u00FCltig
42622=Der Name ''{0}'' ist zu lang. Die maximale L\u00E4nge liegt bei ''{1}''.
J008=Keine Details
XJ106.S=Kein derartiges Padding
J007=Datenbank erstellen
J006=Registrierung von AutoloadedDriver aufheben
J005=Derby herunterfahren
J003={0}\: Derby-Engine wird heruntergefahren
XJ090.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameter\: calendar ist null.
XJ066.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=Es wurde "Release oder Rollback to Savepoint" angegeben. Der Savepoint ist jedoch nicht vorhanden.
XJ062.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=Die Parameterposition ''{0}'' liegt au\u00DFerhalb des Bereichs. Die Parameteranzahl f\u00FCr diese vorbereitete Anweisung ist ''{1}''.
24000=Ung\u00FCltiger Cursorstatus; keine aktuelle Zeile.
XJ030.S=In einer verschachtelten Verbindung kann Autocommit On nicht festgelegt werden.
08004.C.14=Benutzer ''{0}'' kann Datenbank ''{1}'' nicht entschl\u00FCsseln. Hierzu ist nur der Datenbankeigent\u00FCmer berechtigt.
08004.C.13=Benutzername oder Kennwort ist leer oder hat eine 0-L\u00E4nge.
08004.C.12=Verbindung konnte nicht authentifiziert werden. Entweder sind die eingegebenen Zugangsdaten ung\u00FCltig oder die Datenbank verwendet ein Kennwortverschl\u00FCsselungsschema, das mit dem starken Kennwortsubstitutions-Sicherheitsmechanismus nicht kompatibel ist. Wenn dieser Fehler nach dem Upgrade auftritt, erhalten Sie im Versionshinweis f\u00FCr DERBY-4483 Informationen zu Ihren M\u00F6glichkeiten.
08004.C.11=Keine Berechtigung des Benutzers ''{0}'' zum Erstellen von Datenbank ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=Systemberechtigung zum Erstellen von Datenbank ''{0}'' [{1}] kann nicht \u00FCberpr\u00FCft werden.
XJ123.S=Diese Methode muss aufgerufen werden, um Werte in der aktuellen Zeile oder der Einf\u00FCgezeile zu aktualisieren.
XN021.S=Ein Objekt des Typs {0} kann nicht in ein Objekt des Typs {1} umgeformt werden.
XJ087.S=Summe von position(''{0}'') und length(''{1}'') ist gr\u00F6\u00DFer als die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe der LOB plus eins.
XJ216.S=Die L\u00E4nge dieses BLOB/CLOB ist noch nicht verf\u00FCgbar. Wenn ein BLOB oder CLOB als ein Stream zug\u00E4nglich ist, wird die L\u00E4nge erst verf\u00FCgbar, nachdem der gesamte Stream verarbeitet wurde.
01J13=Es wurden zu viele Zeilen ({0}) f\u00FCr eine Ganzzahl zur\u00FCckgegeben. Der zur\u00FCckgegebene Wert wird abgeschnitten.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' ist nicht zul\u00E4ssig, weil das ResultSet nicht aktualisierbar ist.
01J12=Vom Server kann kein Meldungstext abgerufen werden. Lesen Sie die n\u00E4chste Ausnahme. Die gespeicherte Prozedur SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE ist nicht auf dem Server installiert. Wenden Sie sich an den Datenbankadministrator.
01J10=Scroll-sensitive Ergebnismengen werden vom Server nicht unterst\u00FCtzt. Erneute Zuordnung zu einem Vorw\u00E4rtscursor.
XJ212.S=Ung\u00FCltige Attributsyntax\: {0}
XJ059.S=Eine Verbindung kann nicht beendet werden, solange noch eine globale Transaktion aktiv ist.
01J08=Der ResultSet-Typ {0} kann nicht ge\u00F6ffnet werden. Es wurde der ResultSet-Typ {1} ge\u00F6ffnet.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability wurde f\u00FCr eine globale Transaktion auf ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT eingeschr\u00E4nkt.
01J06=ResultSet kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die Abfrage wurde nicht f\u00FCr die Generierung eines aktualisierbaren ResultSet qualifiziert.
XJ023.S=Datenmenge des Input Streams entspricht nicht exakt der angeforderten L\u00E4nge.
XBM0N.D=JDBC-Treiberregistrierung mit java.sql.DriverManager war nicht erfolgreich. Weitere Details finden Sie in der n\u00E4chsten Ausnahme.
XN018.S=Netzwerkprotokollfehler\: Die angegebene Reader-Gr\u00F6\u00DFe (Parameter {0}) liegt unter der tats\u00E4chlichen InputStream-L\u00E4nge.
58009.C.21=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Die SCLDTA-L\u00E4nge {0} ist f\u00FCr RDBNAM ung\u00FCltig. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.20=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Nur NVCM oder nur NVCS darf ungleich null sein. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XJ116.S=Zu einem Batch k\u00F6nnen nicht mehr als {0} Befehle hinzugef\u00FCgt werden.
XN014.S=Beim Lesen aus einem durch den Parameter \#{0} festgelegten Stream ist eine Ausnahme aufgetreten. Die verbleibenden vom Server erwarteten Daten wurden mit 0x0 aufgef\u00FCllt. Die Ausnahme generierte folgende Meldung\: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2={0}.executeQuery() wurde aufgerufen, aber keine Ergebnismenge zur\u00FCckgegeben. Verwenden Sie f\u00FCr Nicht-Abfragen {1}.executeUpdate().
XJ112.S=Es wurde eine Sicherheitsausnahme festgestellt. Weitere Details finden Sie in der n\u00E4chsten Ausnahme.
X0Y78.S.1={0}.executeQuery() kann nicht aufgerufen werden, weil mehrere Ergebnismengen zur\u00FCckgegeben wurden. Verwenden Sie zum Abrufen mehrerer Ergebnisse {1}.execute().
XJ209.S=Die erforderliche gespeicherte Prozedur ist nicht auf dem Server installiert.
XN010.S=Prozedurname muss ungleich null sein.
XJ076.S=Das Positionsargument ''{0}'' \u00FCberschreitet die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe des BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: SECTKN wurde nicht zur\u00FCckgegeben. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.18=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Ung\u00FCltiges FDOCA-LID. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.17=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Beim Lesen des InputStreams, Parameter {0}, wurde das Ende des Daten-Streams vorzeitig erreicht. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.16=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Das n\u00E4chste DSS-Segment der Kette hat dieselbe ID wie das aktuelle Segment. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.15=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: DSS-L\u00E4nge ist beim Beenden des Parsingvorgangs der ID-Kette gr\u00F6\u00DFer als 0. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.14=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Collection-Stack ist beim Beenden des Parsingvorgangs der ID-Kette nicht leer. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.13=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Die DDM-Objektgruppe enth\u00E4lt weniger als 4 Byte Daten. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58009.C.12=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Der tats\u00E4chliche Codepunkt {0} stimmt nicht mit dem erwarteten Codepunkt {1} \u00FCberein. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
42X74=Ung\u00FCltige Syntax f\u00FCr Anweisung CALL.
XJ072.S=An eine BLOB- oder CLOB-Methode wurde ein Nullmuster oder eine Nullsuchzeichenfolge \u00FCbergeben.
58009.C.11=Die Verbindung wurde beendet, weil die Codierung nicht unterst\u00FCtzt wird.
58009.C.10=Netzwerkprotokollausnahme\: Nur die VCM-L\u00E4nge oder nur die VCS-L\u00E4nge darf gr\u00F6\u00DFer als 0 sein. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
58017.C=Der DDM-Parameterwert 0x{0} wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt. M\u00F6glicherweise liegt eine Input-Hostvariable nicht in dem vom Server unterst\u00FCtzten Bereich. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' ist eine ung\u00FCltige Nachkommastellenangabe.
25001=Eine Verbindung kann nicht beendet werden, solange noch eine Transaktion aktiv ist.
08006.D.1=Datenbank ''{0}'' wurde gel\u00F6scht.
XJ048.C=Es wurden Konflikte verursachende Boot-Attribute angegeben\: {0}
XJ016.S=Methode ''{0}'' ist in einer vorbereiteten Anweisung nicht zul\u00E4ssig.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' ist bereits geschlossen.
XCY02.S=Die angeforderte Eigenschafts\u00E4nderung wird nicht unterst\u00FCtzt; ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=Datenbank ''{0}'' konnte nicht mit dem Class Loader {1} gestartet werden. Details k\u00F6nnen Sie der n\u00E4chsten Ausnahme entnehmen.
XJ097.S=Ein Savepoint, der nicht von dieser Verbindung erstellt wurde, kann nicht zur\u00FCckgesetzt oder freigegeben werden.
XJ105.S=DES-Schl\u00FCssel hat die falsche L\u00E4nge. Erwartete L\u00E4nge\: {0}, empfangene L\u00E4nge\: {1}
XIE08.S=Es gibt keine Spalte mit dem Namen {0}.
XJ093.S=Das BLOB/CLOB {0} ist zu lang. Die L\u00E4nge darf {1} nicht \u00FCberschreiten.
XJ069.S=F\u00FCr die Ausf\u00FChrungsanweisung USING sind keine SetXXX-Methoden zul\u00E4ssig.
XJ065.S=Ung\u00FCltiger Parameterwert ''{0}'' f\u00FCr Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=Statement.executeUpdate() kann nicht mit einer Anweisung ausgef\u00FChrt werden, die ein ResultSet zur\u00FCckgibt.
42ZA1=Ung\u00FCltige SQL in Batch\: ''{0}''
XJ061.S=Methode ''{0}'' ist nur f\u00FCr Scroll-Cursor zul\u00E4ssig.
XCL16.S=ResultSet nicht ge\u00F6ffnet. Vorgang ''{0}'' nicht zul\u00E4ssig. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Autocommit deaktiviert ist.
XCL12.S=Es wurde versucht, einen Datenwert des Typs ''{0}'' in einen Datenwert des Typs ''{1}'' aufzunehmen.
XJ009.S=F\u00FCr das Aufrufen einer gespeicherten Prozedur ist die Verwendung von CallableStatement oder von Outputparametern erforderlich\: {0}
XJ126.S=Diese Methode sollte nicht f\u00FCr sensitive dynamische Cursor aufgerufen werden.
XJ122.S=F\u00FCr diese Zeile wurden keine updateXXX-Methoden aufgerufen.
XJ001.U=Java-Ausnahme\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
XN020.S=Fehler beim Marshalling oder Unmarshalling eines benutzerdefinierten Typs\: {0}
XJ086.S=Wenn der Cursor nicht in der Einf\u00FCgezeile steht oder der gemeinsame Zugriff f\u00FCr dieses ResultSet-Objekt auf CONCUR_READ_ONLY festgelegt ist, kann diese Methode nicht aufgerufen werden.
XJ215.S=Es k\u00F6nnen keine weiteren java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob-Methoden aufgerufen werden, nachdem die free()-Methode aufgerufen oder nachdem die Blob/Clob-Transaktion ausgef\u00FChrt oder zur\u00FCckgerollt wurde.
XN024.C=Es ist eine Exception aufgetreten, die die Verbindung beendet hat, w\u00E4hrend aus dem Stream gelesen wurde, der von Parameter \#{0} angegeben wird. Die Meldung dieser Exception\: ''{1}''.
XJ082.U=BLOB-/CLOB-Werte sind als Methodenparameter oder Empf\u00E4nger nicht zul\u00E4ssig.
57017.C=Eine Konvertierung von der Quell-Codepage {0} in die Ziel-Codepage {1} ist nicht verf\u00FCgbar. Die Verbindung wurde beendet.
XJ211.S=W\u00E4hrend der Batchverarbeitung ist eine Kettenunterbrechungsausnahme eingetreten, nach der keine Wiederherstellung m\u00F6glich ist. Der Batch wird nicht atomar beendet.
XJ058.S=Eine globale Transaktion kann nicht \u00FCber die Verbindung zur\u00FCckgesetzt werden. Die COMMIT-Verarbeitung muss \u00FCber die Schnittstelle XAResource erfolgen.
42X30=Cursor ''{0}'' wurde nicht gefunden. Pr\u00FCfen Sie, ob das automatische Festschreiben deaktiviert ist.
XJ050.U=F\u00FCr die Datenbankversion {0} ist ein Upgrade erforderlich. Setzen Sie f\u00FCr die JDBC-Verbindungs-URL das Attribut "upgrade\\\=true", um ein Upgrade auf Version {1} zu erm\u00F6glichen.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=Unable to set stream\: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=End of stream prematurely reached while reading the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The remaining data expected by the server has been filled with 0x0.
XJ115.S=Unable to open resultSet with requested holdability {0}.
XJ04C.S=CallableStatement batch cannot contain output parameters.
XN013.S=Invalid scroll orientation.
XJ079.S=The length specified ''{0}'' exceeds the size of the BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=Foreign table name can not be null
XJ208.S=Non-atomic batch failure. The batch was submitted, but at least one exception occurred on an individual member of the batch. Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements.
XJ204.S=Unable to open result set with requested holdability {0}.
XJ071.S=Negative length argument ''{0}'' passed in a BLOB or CLOB method.
XJ200.S=Exceeded maximum number of sections {0}
22005.S.6=Unrecognized Java SQL type {0}.
22005.S.5=Invalid JDBC type for parameter {0}.
22005.S.4=Unrecognized JDBC type. Type\: {0}, columnCount\: {1}, columnIndex\: {2}.
22005.S.3=Unicode string cannot convert to Ebcdic string
22005.S.2=The required character converter is not available.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver is not registered with the JDBC driver manager
X0X0D.S=Invalid column array length ''{0}''. To return generated keys, column array must be of length 1 and contain only the identity column.
22005.S.1=Unable to convert a value of type ''{0}'' to type ''{1}'' \: the encoding is not supported.
58016.C=The DDM parameter 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.6=Attempt to fully materialize lob data that is too large for the JVM. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.5=Insufficient data while reading from the network - expected a minimum of {0} bytes and received only {1} bytes. The connection has been terminated.
08006.C.4=An error occurred during a deferred connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
08006.C.3=A communications error has been detected\: {0}.
08006.C.2=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=An error occurred during connect reset and the connection has been terminated. See chained exceptions for details.
0A000.S.7=The data type ''{0}'' is not supported.
0A000.S.5=Security mechanism ''{0}'' is not supported.
0A000.S.4=cancel() not supported by the server.
XJ015.M=Derby system shutdown.
0A000.S.3=resultSetHoldability property {0} not supported
0A000.S.2=JDBC method {0} is not supported by the server. Please upgrade the server.
XJ011.S=Cannot pass null for SAVEPOINT name.
08001.C.14=A connection could not be established because the server name (SRVNAM) has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
0A000.S.1=JDBC method is not yet implemented.
08001.C.13=A connection could not be established because the external name (EXTNAM) has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
XJ108.S=Illegal Block Size
08001.C.12=A connection could not be established because the password has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.11=A connection could not be established because the user id has a length of zero or is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.10=A connection could not be established because the security token is larger than the maximum allowed by the network protocol.
XJ104.S=Shared key length is invalid\: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN was not returned.
XJ068.S=Only executeBatch and clearBatch allowed in the middle of a batch.
XJ100.S=The scale supplied by the registerOutParameter method does not match with the setter method. Possible loss of precision\!
XJ064.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=The DRDA command {0} is not currently implemented. The connection has been terminated.
XJ008.S=Cannot rollback or release a savepoint when in auto-commit mode.
XJ125.S=This method should only be called on ResultSet objects that are scrollable (type TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ05C.S=Cannot set holdability ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT for a global transaction.
XJ121.S=Invalid operation at current cursor position.
XJ085.S=Stream has already been read and end-of-file reached and cannot be re-used.
XJ004.C=Database ''{0}'' not found.
XJ214.S=An IO Error occurred when calling free() on a CLOB or BLOB.
22003.S.3=Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion of ''{0}'' to {1}.
08004.C.9=Missing permission for user ''{0}'' to shutdown system [{1}].
22003.S.2=Decimal may only be up to 31 digits.
08004.C.8=User ''{0}'' cannot issue a replication operation on database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
XN023.C=The stream specified by parameter \#{0} is locator-based and requires a nested request on the same connection to be materialized. This is not supported.
22003.S.1=Year ({0}) exceeds the maximum ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=Connection refused to database ''{0}'' because it is in replication slave mode.
08004.C.6=User ''{0}'' cannot upgrade database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.5=User ''{0}'' cannot (re)encrypt database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.4=User ''{0}'' cannot shut down database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.3=Database connection refused.
08004.C.2=The connection was refused because the database {0} was not found.
XJ081.S=Invalid value ''{0}'' passed as parameter ''{1}'' to method ''{2}''
08004.C.1=Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason\: {0}.
XJ210.S=The load module name for the stored procedure on the server is not found.
XJ057.S=Cannot commit a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
XCL08.S=Cursor ''{0}'' is not on a row.
XJ081.C=Conflicting create/restore/recovery attributes specified.
J137=Could not deregister the JDBC driver when shutting down the Derby engine. Make sure SQLPermission("deregisterDriver") is granted to derby.jar.
J136=There was an XA transaction associated with the connection being closed. The transaction is going to be rolled back. The transaction Xid is {0}.
23502=Column ''{0}'' cannot accept a NULL value.
J135=The XA transaction timed out and is going to be rolled back. The transaction Xid is {0}.
J134=Negative values for the maxStatements property are not allowed\: {0}
J133=The user''s password for the connection
J132=The user name for the connection
J131=A protocol error (Data Stream Syntax Error) was detected. Reason\: 0x{0}. Perhaps this is an attempt to open a plaintext connection to an SSL enabled server.
J130=A protocol error (Invalid FDOCA Description Error) was detected.
22007.S.181=The syntax of the string representation of a date/time value is incorrect.
XJ025.S=Input stream cannot have negative length.
2D521.S.2=Commit or Rollback invalid for application execution environment.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) invalid during global transaction.
22028=The string exceeds the maximum length of {0}.
XJ021.S=Type is not supported.
XJ118.S=Query batch requested on a non-query statement.
58009.C.9=Network protocol exception\: PKGNAMCSN length, {0}, is invalid at SQLAM {1}. The connection has been terminated.
XN016.S=Encountered an Exception while trying to verify the length of the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The Exception had this message\: {1}.
58009.C.8=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for PKGID. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.7=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for RDBCOLID. The connection has been terminated.
J129=An Open Query command was issued for a query which was already open.
XJ114.S=Invalid cursor name ''{0}''
J128=The cursor is not open.
J126=A conversational protocol error was detected. Reason\: 0x{0}.
J125=A Data Descriptor Mismatch Error was detected.
XJ04B.S=Batch cannot contain a command that attempts to return a result set.
07000=At least one parameter to the current statement is uninitialized.
J124=The access relational database (ACCRDB) command cannot be issued because the database is already currently accessed.
XN012.S=On {0} platforms, XA supports version {1} and above, this is version {2}
J123=The requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message (additional information may be available in the derby.log file on the server).
08003.C.3=The underlying physical connection is stale or closed.
J122=A command requesting services of the database was issued prior to the command requesting access to database (ACCRDB).
08003.C.2=Lob method called after connection was closed
J121=The user is not authorized to access the database.
08003.C.1=getConnection() is not valid on a closed PooledConnection.
J120=Unspecified connection error
XJ110.S=Primary table name can not be null
XJ078.S=Offset ''{0}'' is either less than zero or is too large for the current BLOB/CLOB.
XJ207.S=executeQuery method can not be used for update.
24501.S=The identified cursor is not open.
X0X95.S=Operation ''{0}'' cannot be performed on object ''{1}'' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object.
22018=Invalid character string format for type {0}.
XJ074.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ203.S=Cursor name ''{0}'' is already in use
XJ070.S=Negative or zero position argument ''{0}'' passed in a Blob or Clob method.
J118=Password expired
J117=SECTKN missing on ACCSEC when it is required or it is invalid
J116=Local security service error for an operation which cannot be retried.
J115=New password invalid
J114=Userid revoked
J113=Userid or password invalid
J112=Userid missing
58015.C=The DDM object 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
J111=Password missing
J110=Security mechanism not supported
XJ042.S=''{0}'' is not a valid value for property ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=Column name cannot be null.
08006.D=Database ''{0}'' shutdown.
08006.C=A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated\: {0}
22005=An attempt was made to get a data value of type ''{0}'' from a data value of type ''{1}''.
XJ014.S=No name for un-named SAVEPOINTS.
22003=The resulting value is outside the range for the data type {0}.
XJ099.S=The Reader/Stream object does not contain length characters
XN009.S=Error obtaining length of BLOB/CLOB object, exception follows.
XJ010.S=Cannot issue SAVEPOINT when autoCommit is on.
J109=Detected an improper TCP/IP client configuration. Unable to determine the IP address of your local host\: ''{0}''. Make sure your client machine has a properly configured IP address.
XJ107.S=Bad Padding
J108=Security manager does not permit access to system property {0}.
XCY00.S=Invalid value for property ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Error for batch element \#
J105=Precision exceeds 31 digits\!
J104=The object is already closed.
XJ095.S=An attempt to execute a privileged action failed.
J103=An exception was thrown during network server shutdown. {0}
J102=An exception was thrown during network server startup. {0}
J101=Cannot load the network server class, {0}. {1} Check the integrity of your derbynet.jar file.
J100=Cannot find the network server class, {0}. Your class path should contain derbynet.jar.
XJ103.S=Table name can not be null
XBDA0.C.1=Login timeout exceeded.
XN001.S=Connection reset is not allowed when inside a unit of work.
XJ091.S=Invalid argument\: parameter index {0} is not an OUT or INOUT parameter.
XJ067.S=SQL text pointer is null.
XJ063.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Parameter value must be >\= 0.
XCL18.S=Stream or LOB value cannot be retrieved more than once
XCL14.S=The column position ''{0}'' is out of range. The number of columns for this ResultSet is ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=A connection could not be established because the database name ''{0}'' is larger than the maximum length allowed by the network protocol.
08001.C.8=Password can not be null.
08001.C.7=User id can not be null.
08001.C.6=Password length ({0}) is outside the range of 1 to {1}.
08001.C.5=User id length ({0}) is outside the range of 1 to {1}.
08001.C.4=Unable to open stream on socket\: ''{0}''.
08001.C.3=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0} \: Error connecting to server {1} on port {2} with message {3}.
XJ128.S=Unable to unwrap for ''{0}''
08001.C.1=Required Derby DataSource property {0} not set.
XJ124.S=Column not updatable.
08004=Connection refused \: {0}
08003=No current connection.
08000=Connection closed by unknown interrupt.
XJ088.S=Invalid operation\: wasNull() called with no data retrieved.
XJ217.S=The locator that was supplied for this CLOB/BLOB is invalid
XJ084.U=Column does not correspond to a column in the base table. Cannot issue ''{0}'' on this column.
XJ05B.C=JDBC attribute ''{0}'' has an invalid value ''{1}'', valid values are ''{2}''.
XN022.C=A write chain that has transmitted data to the server cannot be reset until the request is finished and the chain terminated.
XJ080.S=USING execute statement passed {0} parameters rather than {1}.
XJ056.S=Cannot set Autocommit On when in an XA connection.
XJ213.C=The traceLevel connection property does not have a valid format for a number.
XCL31.S=Statement closed.
J031=Collation for character datatypes
J030=Backup path for restoring database from backup
22011.S.1=The range specified for the substring with offset {0} and len {1} is out of range for the String\: {2}.
XN019.S=Error executing a {0}, server returned {1}.
XJ028.C=The URL ''{0}'' is not properly formed.
XJ020.S=Object type not convertible to type ''{0}'', invalid java.sql.Types value, or object was null.
XJ117.S=Batching of queries not allowed by J2EE compliance.
XN015.S=Network protocol error\: the specified size of the InputStream, parameter \#{0}, is less than the actual InputStream length.
XJ113.S=Unable to open file {0} \: {1}
J029=Backup path for creating database from backup
J028=Backup path for roll-forward recovery
J025=Log directory path
XN011.S=Procedure name length {0} is not within the valid range of 1 to {1}.
J023=User password
J022=User name
J021=Locale for the database
XJ077.S=Got an exception when trying to read the first byte/character of the BLOB/CLOB pattern using getBytes/getSubString.
J020=Secret cryptographic key
XJ206.S=SQL text ''{0}'' has no tokens.
XJ073.S=The data in this BLOB or CLOB is no longer available. The BLOB/CLOB''s transaction may be committed, its connection closed or it has been freed.
XJ202.S=Invalid cursor name ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Feature not implemented\: {0}.
XJ045.S=Invalid or (currently) unsupported isolation level, ''{0}'', passed to Connection.setTransactionIsolation(). The currently supported values are java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, and java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=External cryptographic key
J018=Cryptographic key length
J017=Cryptographic algorithm
J016=Cryptographic service provider
J013=Upgrade database
58014.C=The DDM command 0x{0} is not supported. The connection has been terminated.
XJ049.C=Conflicting create attributes specified.
J010=Encrypt database on disk
XJ017.S=No savepoint command allowed inside the trigger code.
58010.C=A network protocol error was encountered. A connection could not be established because the manager {0} at level {1} is not supported by the server.
XJ013.S=No identifier for named SAVEPOINTS.
XJ041.C=Failed to create database ''{0}'', see the next exception for details.
XN008.S=Query processing has been terminated due to an error on the server.
XJ098.S=The auto-generated keys value {0} is invalid
42622=The name ''{0}'' is too long. The maximum length is ''{1}''.
J008=No details
XJ106.S=No such padding
J007=Create database
J006=Deregister AutoloadedDriver
J005=Shut down Derby
J004=Database identity
J003={0}\: Shutting down Derby engine
XJ090.S=Invalid parameter\: calendar is null.
XJ066.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=A Release or Rollback to Savepoint was specified, but the savepoint does not exist.
XJ062.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=The parameter position ''{0}'' is out of range. The number of parameters for this prepared statement is ''{1}''.
24000=Invalid cursor state - no current row.
XJ030.S=Cannot set Autocommit On when in a nested connection.
08004.C.14=User ''{0}'' cannot decrypt database ''{1}''. Only the database owner can perform this operation.
08004.C.13=Username or password is null or 0 length.
08004.C.12=Connection authentication failure occurred. Either the supplied credentials were invalid, or the database uses a password encryption scheme not compatible with the strong password substitution security mechanism. If this error started after upgrade, refer to the release note for DERBY-4483 for options.
08004.C.11=Missing permission for user ''{0}'' to create database ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=Cannot check system permission to create database ''{0}'' [{1}].
XJ123.S=This method must be called to update values in the current row or the insert row.
XN021.S=An object of type {0} cannot be cast to an object of type {1}.
XJ087.S=Sum of position(''{0}'') and length(''{1}'') is greater than the size of the LOB plus one.
XJ216.S=The length of this BLOB/CLOB is not available yet. When a BLOB or CLOB is accessed as a stream, the length is not available until the entire stream has been processed.
01J13=Number of rows returned ({0}) is too large to fit in an integer; the value returned will be truncated.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' not allowed because the ResultSet is not an updatable ResultSet.
01J12=Unable to obtain message text from server. See the next exception. The stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE is not installed on the server. Please contact your database administrator.
01J10=Scroll sensitive result sets are not supported by server; remapping to forward-only cursor
XJ212.S=Invalid attribute syntax\: {0}
XJ059.S=Cannot close a connection while a global transaction is still active.
01J08=Unable to open resultSet type {0}. ResultSet type {1} opened.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability restricted to ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT for a global transaction.
01J06=ResultSet not updatable. Query does not qualify to generate an updatable ResultSet.
XJ023.S=Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.
XBM0N.D=JDBC Driver registration with java.sql.DriverManager failed. See next exception for details.
XN018.S=Network protocol error\: the specified size of the Reader, parameter \#{0}, is less than the actual InputStream length.
58009.C.21=Network protocol exception\: SCLDTA length, {0}, is invalid for RDBNAM. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.20=Network protocol exception\: only one of NVCM, NVCS can be non-null. The connection has been terminated.
XJ116.S=No more than {0} commands may be added to a single batch.
XN014.S=Encountered an Exception while reading from the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The remaining data expected by the server has been filled with 0x0. The Exception had this message\: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2={0}.executeQuery() was called but no result set was returned. Use {1}.executeUpdate() for non-queries.
XJ112.S=Security exception encountered, see next exception for details.
X0Y78.S.1={0}.executeQuery() cannot be called because multiple result sets were returned. Use {1}.execute() to obtain multiple results.
XJ209.S=The required stored procedure is not installed on the server.
XN010.S=Procedure name can not be null.
XJ076.S=The position argument ''{0}'' exceeds the size of the BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Network protocol exception\: SECTKN was not returned. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.18=Network protocol exception\: invalid FDOCA LID. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.17=Network protocol exception\: end of stream prematurely reached while reading InputStream, parameter \#{0}. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.16=Network protocol exception\: DSS chained with same id at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.15=Network protocol exception\: DSS length not 0 at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.14=Network protocol exception\: collection stack not empty at end of same id chain parse. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.13=Network protocol exception\: DDM collection contains less than 4 bytes of data. The connection has been terminated.
58009.C.12=Network protocol exception\: actual code point, {0}, does not match expected code point, {1}. The connection has been terminated.
42X74=Invalid CALL statement syntax.
XJ072.S=Null pattern or searchStr passed in to a BLOB or CLOB position method.
58009.C.11=The connection was terminated because the encoding is not supported.
58009.C.10=Network protocol exception\: only one of the VCM, VCS length can be greater than 0. The connection has been terminated.
58017.C=The DDM parameter value 0x{0} is not supported. An input host variable may not be within the range the server supports. The connection has been terminated.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' is an invalid scale.
25001=Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.
08006.D.1=Database ''{0}'' dropped.
XJ048.C=Conflicting boot attributes specified\: {0}
XJ016.S=Method ''{0}'' not allowed on prepared statement.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' already closed.
XCY02.S=The requested property change is not supported ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=Failed to start database ''{0}'' with class loader {1}, see the next exception for details.
XJ097.S=Cannot rollback or release a savepoint that was not created by this connection.
XJ105.S=DES key has the wrong length, expected length {0}, got length {1}.
XIE08.S=There is no column named\: {0}.
XJ093.S=Length of BLOB/CLOB, {0}, is too large. The length cannot exceed {1}.
XJ069.S=No SetXXX methods allowed in case of USING execute statement.
XJ065.S=Invalid parameter value ''{0}'' for Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=Statement.executeUpdate() cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet.
42ZA1=Invalid SQL in Batch\: ''{0}''.
XJ061.S=The ''{0}'' method is only allowed on scroll cursors.
XCL16.S=ResultSet not open. Operation ''{0}'' not permitted. Verify that autocommit is off.
XCL12.S=An attempt was made to put a data value of type ''{0}'' into a data value of type ''{1}''.
XJ009.S=Use of CallableStatement required for stored procedure call or use of output parameters\: {0}
XJ126.S=This method should not be called on sensitive dynamic cursors.
XJ122.S=No updateXXX methods were called on this row.
XJ001.U=Java exception\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
XN020.S=Error marshalling or unmarshalling a user defined type\: {0}
XJ086.S=This method cannot be invoked while the cursor is not on the insert row or if the concurrency of this ResultSet object is CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ215.S=You cannot invoke other java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob methods after calling the free() method or after the Blob/Clob''s transaction has been committed or rolled back.
XN024.C=Encountered an exception which terminated the connection, while reading from the stream specified by parameter \#{0}. The Exception had this message\: ''{1}''.
XJ082.U=BLOB/CLOB values are not allowed as method parameters or receiver.
57017.C=There is no available conversion for the source code page, {0}, to the target code page, {1}. The connection has been terminated.
XJ211.S=Non-recoverable chain-breaking exception occurred during batch processing. The batch is terminated non-atomically.
XJ058.S=Cannot rollback a global transaction using the Connection, commit processing must go thru XAResource interface.
42X30=Cursor ''{0}'' not found. Verify that autocommit is off.
XJ050.U=Database requires upgrade from version {0}, set the attribute ''upgrade\=true'' on the JDBC connection URL to allow upgrade to version {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=No se ha podido definir el flujo\: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=Se ha alcanzado el final del flujo antes de tiempo al leer el flujo especificado por el par\u00E1metro \#{0}. Los datos restantes esperados por el servidor se han rellenado con 0x0.
XJ115.S=No se ha podido abrir resultSet con la capacidad de retenci\u00F3n solicitada {0}.
XJ04C.S=El lote CallableStatement no puede contener par\u00E1metros de salida.
XN013.S=Orientaci\u00F3n de desplazamiento no v\u00E1lida.
XJ079.S=La longitud ''{0}'' especificada excede el tama\u00F1o del BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=El nombre de tabla ajena no puede ser nulo
XJ208.S=Fallo del lote no at\u00F3mico. El lote se ha enviado pero al menos se ha producido una excepci\u00F3n en un miembro individual del lote. Utilice getNextException() para recuperar las excepciones para los elementos por lotes espec\u00EDficos.
XJ204.S=No se ha podido abrir el juego de resultados con la capacidad de retenci\u00F3n solicitada {0}.
XJ071.S=Se ha transferido un argumento de longitud negativo ''{0}'' en un m\u00E9todo BLOB o CLOB.
XJ200.S=Se ha excedido el n\u00FAmero m\u00E1ximo de secciones {0}
22005.S.6=Tipo SQL Java no reconocido {0}.
22005.S.5=Tipo JDBC no v\u00E1lido para el par\u00E1metro {0}.
22005.S.4=Tipo JDBC no reconocido. Tipo\: {0}, columnCount\: {1}, columnIndex\: {2}.
22005.S.3=La cadena Unicode no se puede convertir a la cadena Ebcdic
22005.S.2=El convertidor de caracteres necesario no est\u00E1 disponible.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver no se ha registrado con el gestor de controladores JDBC
X0X0D.S=Longitud de matriz de columna no v\u00E1lida ''{0}''. Para devolver claves generadas, la matriz de columna debe ser de longitud 1 y contener solo la columna de identidad.
22005.S.1=No se ha podido convertir un valor del tipo ''{0}'' al tipo ''{1}'' \: la codificaci\u00F3n no est\u00E1 soportada.
58016.C=No est\u00E1 soportado el par\u00E1metro DDM 0x{0}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
08006.C.6=Se ha intentado materializar por completo datos lob demasiado grandes para JVM. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
08006.C.5=No hay suficientes datos durante la lectura desde la red\: se esperaba un m\u00EDnimo de {0} y s\u00F3lo se han recibido {1} bytes. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
08006.C.4=Se ha producido un error durante un restablecimiento de conexi\u00F3n diferido y la conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado. Consulte las excepciones encadenadas para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
08006.C.3=Se ha detectado un error de comunicaciones\: {0}.
08006.C.2=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=Se ha producido un error durante el restablecimiento de la conexi\u00F3n y \u00E9sta se ha terminado. Consulte las excepciones encadenadas para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
0A000.S.7=El tipo de dato ''{0}'' no est\u00E1 soportado.
0A000.S.5=El mecanismo de seguridad ''{0}'' no est\u00E1 soportado.
0A000.S.4=cancel() no est\u00E1 soportado por el servidor.
XJ015.M=Cierre del sistema Derby.
0A000.S.3=La propiedad resultSetHoldability {0} no est\u00E1 soportada
0A000.S.2=El m\u00E9todo JDBC {0} no est\u00E1 soportado por el servidor. Actualice el servidor.
XJ011.S=No se puede transferir un valor nulo como nombre de SAVEPOINT.
08001.C.14=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque el nombre de servidor (SRVNAM) tiene una longitud de cero o es mayor que el m\u00E1ximo permitido por el protocolo de red.
0A000.S.1=El m\u00E9todo JDBC a\u00FAn no se ha implantado.
08001.C.13=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque el nombre externo (EXTNAM) tiene una longitud de cero o es mayor que el m\u00E1ximo permitido por el protocolo de red.
XJ108.S=Tama\u00F1o de bloque no v\u00E1lido
08001.C.12=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque la contrase\u00F1a tiene una longitud de cero o es mayor que el m\u00E1ximo permitido por el protocolo de red.
08001.C.11=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque el ID de usuario tiene una longitud de cero o es mayor que el m\u00E1ximo permitido por el protocolo de red.
08001.C.10=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque el token de seguridad es mayor que el m\u00E1ximo permitido por el protocolo de red.
XJ104.S=La longitud de clave compartida no es v\u00E1lida\: {0}.
XN002.U=No se ha devuelto SECTKN.
XJ068.S=S\u00F3lo est\u00E1n permitidos executeBatch y clearBatch en mitad de un lote.
XJ100.S=La escala proporcionada por el m\u00E9todo registerOutParameter no coincide con el m\u00E9todo setter. Puede que se pierda la precisi\u00F3n.
XJ064.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=El comando DRDA {0} no est\u00E1 implantado actualmente. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XJ008.S=No se ha podido realizar un rollback o liberar un punto de grabaci\u00F3n en modo de confirmaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica.
XJ125.S=S\u00F3lo se debe llamar a este m\u00E9todo en objetos ResultSet que sean desplazables (tipo TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ05C.S=No se puede definir la constante de retenci\u00F3n ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT para una transacci\u00F3n global.
XJ121.S=Operaci\u00F3n no v\u00E1lida en la posici\u00F3n actual del cursor.
XJ085.S=El flujo ya se ha le\u00EDdo, se ha alcanzado el fin de archivo y no se puede volver a utilizar.
XJ004.C=No se ha encontrado la base de datos ''{0}''.
XJ214.S=Se ha producido un error de E/S al llamar a free() en un CLOB o BLOB.
22003.S.3=Se ha producido un desbordamiento durante la conversi\u00F3n del tipo de dato num\u00E9rico de ''{0}'' a {1}.
08004.C.9=Falta el permiso para que usuario ''{0}'' cierre el sistema [{1}].
22003.S.2=El decimal s\u00F3lo puede tener un m\u00E1ximo de 31 d\u00EDgitos.
08004.C.8=El usuario ''{0}'' no puede emitir una operaci\u00F3n de replicaci\u00F3n en la base de datos ''{1}''. S\u00F3lo el propietario de la base de datos puede realizar esta operaci\u00F3n.
XN023.C=El flujo especificado por el par\u00E1metro \#{0} est\u00E1 basado en un localizador y requiere una solicitud anidada en la misma conexi\u00F3n para materializarse. Esto no est\u00E1 soportado.
22003.S.1=El a\u00F1o ({0}) excede el m\u00E1ximo ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=La conexi\u00F3n con la base de datos ''{0}'' ha sido rechazada porque est\u00E1 en modo esclavo de replicaci\u00F3n.
08004.C.6=El usuario ''{0}'' no puede realizar una actualizaci\u00F3n de la base de datos ''{1}''. Solo el propietario de la base de datos puede realizar esta operaci\u00F3n.
08004.C.5=El usuario ''{0}'' no puede volver a cifrar la base de datos ''{1}''. S\u00F3lo el propietario de la base de datos puede realizar esta operaci\u00F3n.
08004.C.4=El usuario ''{0}'' no puede cerrar la sesi\u00F3n de la base de datos ''{1}''. S\u00F3lo el propietario de la base de datos puede realizar esta operaci\u00F3n.
08004.C.3=Conexi\u00F3n de base de datos rechazada.
08004.C.2=Se ha rechazado la conexi\u00F3n porque no se ha encontrado la base de datos {0}.
XJ081.S=Se ha transferido el valor ''{0}'' no v\u00E1lido como par\u00E1metro ''{1}'' al m\u00E9todo ''{2}''
08004.C.1=Se ha producido un fallo de autenticaci\u00F3n de conexi\u00F3n. Motivo\: {0}.
XJ210.S=No se ha encontrado el nombre del m\u00F3dulo de carga para el procedimiento almacenado en el servidor.
XJ057.S=No se puede confirmar una transacci\u00F3n global mediante la conexi\u00F3n, el proceso de confirmaci\u00F3n debe ir a trav\u00E9s de la interfaz XAResource.
XCL08.S=El cursor ''{0}'' no est\u00E1 en una fila.
XJ081.C=Se han especificado atributos de creaci\u00F3n/restauraci\u00F3n/recuperaci\u00F3n que entran en conflicto.
J137=No se ha podido anular el registro del controlador JDBC al cerrar el motor de Derby. Aseg\u00FArese de que SQLPermission ("deregisterDriver") se otorga a derby.jar.
J136=Exist\u00EDa una transacci\u00F3n XA asociada a la conexi\u00F3n que se cierra. Se va a realizar un rollback en la transacci\u00F3n. El Xid de transacci\u00F3n es {0}.
23502=La columna ''{0}'' no acepta un valor NULL.
J135=Se ha producido un timeout en la transacci\u00F3n XA y se va a realizar un rollback. El Xid de transacci\u00F3n es {0}.
J134=No se permiten valores negativos para la propiedad maxStatements\: {0}
J133=Contrase\u00F1a de usuario para la conexi\u00F3n
J132=Nombre de usuario para la conexi\u00F3n
J131=Se ha detectado un error de protocolo (error de sintaxis de la flujo de datos). Motivo\: 0x{0}. Es posible que se haya intentado abrir una conexi\u00F3n no cifrada con un servidor SSL activado.
J130=Se ha detectado un error de protocolo (error de descripci\u00F3n de FDOCA no v\u00E1lida).
22007.S.181=La sintaxis de la representaci\u00F3n de cadena de un valor de fecha y hora es incorrecta.
XJ025.S=El flujo de entrada no puede tener una longitud negativa.
2D521.S.2=Rollback o confirmaci\u00F3n no v\u00E1lida para el entorno de ejecuci\u00F3n de la aplicaci\u00F3n.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) no v\u00E1lido durante una transacci\u00F3n global.
22028=La cadena excede la longitud m\u00E1xima de {0}.
XJ021.S=El tipo no est\u00E1 soportado.
XJ118.S=Se ha solicitado un lote de consultas en una sentencia que no es de consulta.
58009.C.9=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la longitud PKGNAMCSN, {0}, no es v\u00E1lida en SQLAM {1}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XN016.S=Se ha encontrado una excepci\u00F3n al intentar verificar la longitud del flujo especificado por el par\u00E1metro \#{0}. La excepci\u00F3n ten\u00EDa el siguiente mensaje\: {1}.
58009.C.8=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la longitud de SCLDTA, {0}, no es v\u00E1lida para PKGID. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.7=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la longitud de SCLDTA, {0}, no es v\u00E1lida para RDBCOLID. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
J129=Se ha emitido un comando de apertura de consulta para una consulta que ya estaba abierta
XJ114.S=Nombre de cursor no v\u00E1lido ''{0}''
J128=El cursor no est\u00E1 abierto
J126=Se ha detectado un error de protocolo de conversaci\u00F3n. Motivo\: 0x{0}.
J125=Se ha detectado un error de no coincidencia de descriptor de datos.
XJ04B.S=El lote no puede contener un comando que intente devolver un juego de resultados.
07000=Al menos un par\u00E1metro de la sentencia actual no est\u00E1 inicializado.
J124=El comando de acceso a base de datos relacional (ACCRDB) no se puede emitir porque ya se ha accedido actualmente a la base de datos
XN012.S=En plataformas {0}, XA soporta la versi\u00F3n {1} y superiores, \u00E9sta es la versi\u00F3n {2}
J123=El comando solicitado ha encontrado una condici\u00F3n no estructurada y espec\u00EDfica de la implantaci\u00F3n para la que no hab\u00EDa ning\u00FAn mensaje estructurado (puede encontrar m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n en el archivo derby.log del servidor)
08003.C.3=La conexi\u00F3n f\u00EDsica subyacente est\u00E1 anticuada o cerrada.
J122=Se ha emitido un comando que solicita servicios de la base de datos antes del comando que solicita acceso a la base de datos (ACCRDB)
08003.C.2=El m\u00E9todo lob llamado despu\u00E9s de una conexi\u00F3n se ha cerrado
J121=El usuario no tiene autorizaci\u00F3n para acceder a la base de datos
08003.C.1=getConnection() no v\u00E1lido en PooledConnection cerrado.
J120=Error de conexi\u00F3n no especificado
XJ110.S=El nombre de tabla primaria no puede ser nulo
XJ078.S=El desplazamiento ''{0}'' es inferior a cero o es demasiado grande para el BLOB/CLOB actual.
XJ207.S=No se puede utilizar el m\u00E9todo executeQuery para la actualizaci\u00F3n.
24501.S=El cursor identificado no est\u00E1 abierto.
X0X95.S=No se puede realizar la operaci\u00F3n ''{0}'' en el objeto ''{1}'' porque existe un ResultSet abierto que depende de ese objeto.
22018=Formato de cadena de caracteres no v\u00E1lido para el tipo {0}.
XJ074.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ203.S=El nombre de cursor ''{0}'' ya est\u00E1 en uso
XJ070.S=Se ha transferido un argumento de posici\u00F3n negativo o cero ''{0}'' en un m\u00E9todo Blob o Clob.
J118=Contrase\u00F1a caducada
J117=Falta SECTKN en ACCSEC cuando es necesario o no es v\u00E1lido
J116=Error de servicio de seguridad local para una operaci\u00F3n que no se puede reintentar.
J115=Contrase\u00F1a nueva no v\u00E1lida
J114=ID de usuario revocado
J113=ID de usuario o contrase\u00F1a no v\u00E1lidos
J112=Falta el ID de usuario
58015.C=No est\u00E1 soportado el objeto DDM 0x{0}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
J111=Falta la contrase\u00F1a
J110=Mecanismo de seguridad no soportado
XJ042.S=''{0}'' no es un valor v\u00E1lido para la propiedad ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=El nombre de columna no puede ser nulo.
08006.D=Cierre de la base de datos ''{0}''.
08006.C=Se ha encontrado un error de protocolo de red y se ha terminado la conexi\u00F3n\: {0}
22005=Se ha intentado obtener un valor de datos de tipo ''{0}'' de un valor de datos de tipo ''{1}''.
XJ014.S=No hay nombre para SAVEPOINT sin nombre.
22003=El valor resultante queda fuera del rango para el tipo de dato {0}.
XJ099.S=El objeto lector/flujo no contiene caracteres de longitud
XN009.S=Error al obtener la longitud del objeto BLOB/CLOB, a continuaci\u00F3n se obtiene una excepci\u00F3n.
XJ010.S=No se puede emitir un SAVEPOINT cuando la validaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica est\u00E1 activada.
J109=Se ha detectado una configuraci\u00F3n de cliente TCP/IP incorrecto. No se ha podido determinar la direcci\u00F3n IP del host local\: ''{0}''. Aseg\u00FArese de que la m\u00E1quina cliente tiene configurada correctamente una direcci\u00F3n IP.
XJ107.S=Relleno incorrecto
J108=El gestor de seguridad no permite acceder a la propiedad del sistema {0}.
XCY00.S=Valor no v\u00E1lido para la propiedad ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Error para el elemento del lote \#
J105=La precisi\u00F3n excede de 31 d\u00EDgitos.
J104=El objeto ya est\u00E1 cerrado.
XJ095.S=Fallo al intentar ejecutar una acci\u00F3n con privilegios.
J103=Se ha generado una excepci\u00F3n al cerrar el servidor de red. {0}
J102=Se ha generado una excepci\u00F3n al iniciar el servidor de red. {0}
J101=No se puede cargar la clase del servidor de red, {0}. {1} Compruebe la integridad del archivo derbynet.jar.
J100=No se ha encontrado la clase del servidor de red, {0}. La classpath debe contener derbynet.jar.
XJ103.S=El nombre de tabla no puede ser nulo
XBDA0.C.1=Se ha excedido el timeout de conexi\u00F3n.
XN001.S=No se permite un restablecimiento de la conexi\u00F3n dentro de una unidad de trabajo.
XJ091.S=Argumento no v\u00E1lido\: el \u00EDndice de par\u00E1metro {0} no es un par\u00E1metro OUT o INOUT.
XJ067.S=El puntero de texto SQL es nulo.
XJ063.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). El valor del par\u00E1metro debe ser >\= 0.
XCL18.S=El valor LOB o flujo no se puede recuperar m\u00E1s de una vez
XCL14.S=La posici\u00F3n de la columna ''{0}'' est\u00E1 fuera de rango. El n\u00FAmero de columnas de esta sentencia ResultSet es ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n porque el nombre de la base de datos ''{0}'' es mayor que la longitud m\u00E1xima permitida por el protocolo de red.
08001.C.8=La contrase\u00F1a no puede ser nula.
08001.C.7=El ID de usuario no puede ser nulo.
08001.C.6=La longitud de la contrase\u00F1a ({0}) est\u00E1 fuera del rango entre 1 y {1}.
08001.C.5=La longitud del ID de usuario ({0}) est\u00E1 fuera del rango entre 1 y {1}.
08001.C.4=No se ha podido abrir el flujo en el socket\: ''{0}''.
08001.C.3=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0}\: Error al conectarse al servidor {1} en el puerto {2} con el mensaje {3}.
XJ128.S=No se ha podido desajustar para ''{0}''
08001.C.1=La propiedad Derby DataSource {0} necesaria no est\u00E1 definida.
XJ124.S=Columna no actualizable.
08004=Conexi\u00F3n rechazada\: {0}
08003=Sin conexi\u00F3n actual.
08000=Conexi\u00F3n cerrada por una interrupci\u00F3n desconocida.
XJ088.S=Operaci\u00F3n no v\u00E1lida\: se ha llamado a wasNull() sin datos recuperados.
XJ217.S=El localizador proporcionado para este CLOB/LOB no es v\u00E1lido.
XJ084.U=La columna no corresponde a una columna de la tabla base. No se puede emitir ''{0}'' en esta columna.
XJ05B.C=El atributo de JDBC ''{0}'' tiene un valor ''{1}'' no v\u00E1lido, los valores v\u00E1lidos son ''{2}''.
XN022.C=Una cadena de escritura que ha transmitido datos al servidor no se puede restablecer hasta que finalice la solicitud y termine la cadena.
XJ080.S=La sentencia de ejecuci\u00F3n USING ha transferido {0} par\u00E1metros en lugar de {1}.
XJ056.S=No puede definir la activaci\u00F3n de la confirmaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica si est\u00E1 en una conexi\u00F3n XA.
XJ213.C=La propiedad de conexi\u00F3n traceLevel no tiene un formato v\u00E1lido para un n\u00FAmero.
XCL31.S=Sentencia cerrada.
J031=Ordenaci\u00F3n para tipos de dato de caracteres
J030=Ruta de acceso de copia de seguridad para restaurar base de datos a partir de copia de seguridad
22011.S.1=El rango especificado para la subcadena con el desplazamiento {0} y la longitud {1} est\u00E1 fuera de rango para la cadena\: {2}.
XN019.S=Error al ejecutar {0}, el servidor ha devuelto {1}.
XJ028.C=La URL ''{0}'' no tiene el formato correcto.
XJ020.S=El tipo de objeto no es convertible al tipo ''{0}'', valor java.sql.Types no v\u00E1lido o el objeto es nulo.
XJ117.S=El proceso por lotes de consultas no est\u00E1 permitido seg\u00FAn el cumplimiento con J2EE.
XN015.S=Error de protocolo de red\: el tama\u00F1o especificado de InputStream, par\u00E1metro \#{0}, es inferior a la longitud real de InputStream.
XJ113.S=No se ha podido abrir el archivo {0} \: {1}
J029=Ruta de acceso de copia de seguridad para crear base de datos a partir de copia de seguridad
J028=Ruta de acceso de copia de seguridad para la recuperaci\u00F3n en avance
J025=Ruta de acceso del directorio de log
XN011.S=La longitud del nombre de procedimiento {0} no est\u00E1 dentro del rango v\u00E1lido entre 1 y {1}.
J023=Contrase\u00F1a de usuario
J022=Nombre de usuario
J021=Configuraci\u00F3n regional de la base de datos
XJ077.S=Se ha obtenido una excepci\u00F3n al intentar leer el primer byte/car\u00E1cter del patr\u00F3n BLOB/CLOB mediante getBytes/getSubString.
J020=Clave de cifrado secreta
XJ206.S=El texto SQL ''{0}'' no contiene se\u00F1ales.
XJ073.S=Los datos de este BLOB o CLOB ya no est\u00E1n disponibles. La transacci\u00F3n de BLOB / CLOB se puede confirmar, su conexi\u00F3n se ha cerrado o se ha liberado.
XJ202.S=Nombre de cursor no v\u00E1lido ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Funci\u00F3n no implantada\: {0}.
XJ045.S=Se ha pasado a un nivel de aislamiento no v\u00E1lido o no soportado (actualmente), ''{0}'', a Connection.setTransactionIsolation(). Los valores soportados actualmente son java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED y java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=Clave de cifrado externa
J018=Longitud de clave de cifrado
J017=Algoritmo de cifrado
J016=Proveedor de servicio de cifrado
J013=Actualizar base de datos
58014.C=No est\u00E1 soportado el comando DDM 0x{0}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XJ049.C=Se han especificado atributos de creaci\u00F3n que entran en conflicto.
J010=Cifrar base de datos en disco
XJ017.S=No se permite el comando de punto de grabaci\u00F3n dentro de un c\u00F3digo de disparador.
58010.C=Se ha encontrado un error de protocolo de red. No se ha podido establecer una conexi\u00F3n debido a que el gestor {0} en el nivel {1} no est\u00E1 soportado en el servidor.
XJ013.S=No hay identificador para los SAVEPOINT con nombre.
XJ041.C=No se ha podido crear la base de datos ''{0}'', consulte la excepci\u00F3n siguiente para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
XN008.S=El proceso de consulta se ha terminado debido a un error en el servidor.
XJ098.S=El valor de claves generadas autom\u00E1ticamente {0} no es v\u00E1lido
42622=El nombre ''{0}'' es demasiado largo. La longitud m\u00E1xima es ''{1}''.
J008=Sin detalles
XJ106.S=No existe dicho relleno
J007=Crear base de datos
J006=Anular registro de AutoloadedDriver
J005=Cerrar Derby
J004=Identidad de base de datos
J003={0}\: cerrando motor de Derby
XJ090.S=Par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido\: el calendario es nulo.
XJ066.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=Se ha especificado una versi\u00F3n o la realizaci\u00F3n de un rollback en un punto de grabaci\u00F3n, pero no existe ning\u00FAn punto de grabaci\u00F3n.
XJ062.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=La posici\u00F3n del par\u00E1metro ''{0}'' est\u00E1 fuera de rango. El n\u00FAmero de par\u00E1metros de esta sentencia preparada es ''{1}''.
24000=Estado del cursor no v\u00E1lido\: sin fila actual.
XJ030.S=No se puede definir la activaci\u00F3n de la confirmaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica si est\u00E1 en una conexi\u00F3n anidada.
08004.C.14=El usuario ''{0}'' no puede descifrar la base de datos ''{1}''. Solo el propietario de la base de datos puede realizar esta operaci\u00F3n.
08004.C.13=El nombre de usuario o la contrase\u00F1a es nula o tiene una longitud 0.
08004.C.12=Se ha producido un fallo en la autenticaci\u00F3n de la conexi\u00F3n. Las credenciales proporcionadas no son v\u00E1lidas o la base de datos utiliza un esquema de cifrado de contrase\u00F1as incompatible con el mecanismo de seguridad de contrase\u00F1as seguras de sustituci\u00F3n. Si este error se inici\u00F3 despu\u00E9s de la actualizaci\u00F3n, consulte la nota t\u00E9cnica obre la versi\u00F3n de DERBY-4483 para consultar las posibles opciones.
08004.C.11=Falta el permiso para que el usuario ''{0}'' cree la base de datos ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=No se pueden comprobar los permisos del sistema para crear la base de datos ''{0}'' [{1}].
XJ123.S=Se debe llamar a este m\u00E9todo para actualizar los valores de la fila actual o de la fila de inserci\u00F3n.
XN021.S=Un objeto de tipo {0} no se puede convertir en un objeto de tipo {1}.
XJ087.S=La suma de la posici\u00F3n(''{0}'') y la longitud(''{1}'') es mayor que el tama\u00F1o del LOB m\u00E1s uno.
XJ216.S=La longitud de este BLOB/CLOB a\u00FAn no est\u00E1 disponible. Cuando se accede a BLOB o CLOB como un flujo, la longitud no est\u00E1 disponible hasta que se ha procesado el flujo completo.
01J13=El n\u00FAmero de filas devueltas ({0}) es demasiado grande para un entero; el valor devuelto se truncar\u00E1.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' no permitido porque el ResultSet no es un ResultSet actualizable.
01J12=No se ha podido obtener el texto del mensaje del servidor. Consulte la siguiente excepci\u00F3n. El procedimiento almacenado SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE no est\u00E1 instalado en el servidor. P\u00F3ngase en contacto con el administrador de la base de datos.
01J10=Los juegos de resultados sensibles al desplazamiento no est\u00E1n soportados por el servidor; se realizar\u00E1 una nueva asignaci\u00F3n al cursor de s\u00F3lo avance
XJ212.S=Sintaxis de atributo no v\u00E1lida\: {0}
XJ059.S=No se puede cerrar una conexi\u00F3n mientras siga activa una transacci\u00F3n global.
01J08=No se ha podido abrir el tipo resultSet {0}. Se ha abierto el tipo ResultSet {1}.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability est\u00E1 restringido a ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT para una transacci\u00F3n global.
01J06=No se puede actualizar ResultSet. La consulta no es v\u00E1lida para generar un ResultSet actualizable.
XJ023.S=El flujo de entrada no conten\u00EDa la cantidad exacta de datos que la longitud solicitada.
XBM0N.D=No se ha podido registrar el controlador JDBC con java.sql.DriverManager. Consulte la excepci\u00F3n siguiente para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
XN018.S=Error de protocolo de red\: el tama\u00F1o especificado del lector par\u00E1metro \#{0}, es inferior a la longitud real de InputStream.
58009.C.21=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la longitud de SCLDTA, {0}, no es v\u00E1lida para RDBNAM. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.20=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: s\u00F3lo uno de NVCM o NVCS puede ser no nulo. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XJ116.S=No se pueden agregar m\u00E1s de {0} comandos a un \u00FAnico lote.
XN014.S=Se ha encontrado una excepci\u00F3n al leer en el flujo especificado por el par\u00E1metro \#{0}. Los datos restantes esperados por el servidor se han rellenado con 0x0. La excepci\u00F3n ten\u00EDa el mensaje siguiente\: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2=Se ha llamado a {0}.executeQuery() pero no se ha devuelto ning\u00FAn juego de resultados. Utilice {1}.executeUpdate() si no se trata de consultas.
XJ112.S=Se ha encontrado una excepci\u00F3n de seguridad, consulte la excepci\u00F3n siguiente para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
X0Y78.S.1=No se puede llamar a {0}.executeQuery() porque se han devuelto m\u00FAltiples juegos de resultados. Utilice {1}.execute() para obtener m\u00FAltiples resultados.
XJ209.S=El proceso almacenado necesario no est\u00E1 instalado en el servidor.
XN010.S=El nombre del procedimiento no puede ser nulo.
XJ076.S=El argumento de posici\u00F3n ''{0}'' excede el tama\u00F1o del BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: no se ha devuelto SECTKN. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.18=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: FDOCA LID no v\u00E1lido. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.17=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: se ha alcanzado anticipadamente el final del flujo al leer InputStream, par\u00E1metro \#{0}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.16=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: DSS encadenado con el mismo ID al final del mismo an\u00E1lisis de cadena de ID. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.15=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la longitud de DSS no es 0 al final del mismo an\u00E1lisis de cadena de ID. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.14=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la pila de recopilaci\u00F3n no est\u00E1 vac\u00EDa al final del mismo an\u00E1lisis de cadena de ID. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.13=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: la recopilaci\u00F3n DDM contiene menos de 4 bytes de datos. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58009.C.12=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: el punto de c\u00F3digo real, {0}, no coincide con el punto de c\u00F3digo esperado, {1}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
42X74=Sintaxis de la sentencia CALL no v\u00E1lida.
XJ072.S=Se ha transferido un patr\u00F3n o searchStr nulo a un m\u00E9todo de posici\u00F3n BLOB o CLOB.
58009.C.11=La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado porque la codificaci\u00F3n no est\u00E1 soportada.
58009.C.10=Excepci\u00F3n de protocolo de red\: s\u00F3lo una longitud de VCM o VCS puede ser mayor que 0. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
58017.C=No est\u00E1 soportado el valor del par\u00E1metro DDM 0x{0}. Puede que una variable de host de entrada no est\u00E9 en el rango soportado por el servidor. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' no es una escala v\u00E1lida.
25001=No se puede cerrar una conexi\u00F3n mientras todav\u00EDa siga activa una transacci\u00F3n.
08006.D.1=Base de datos ''{0}'' borrada.
XJ048.C=Se han especificado atributos de inicio que entran en conflicto\: {0}
XJ016.S=El m\u00E9todo ''{0}'' no est\u00E1 permitido en una sentencia preparada.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' ya est\u00E1 cerrado.
XCY02.S=El cambio de propiedad solicitado no est\u00E1 soportado ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=No se ha podido iniciar la base de datos ''{0}'' con el cargador de clases {1}, consulte la excepci\u00F3n siguiente para obtener m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n.
XJ097.S=No se puede realizar un rollback o liberar un punto de grabaci\u00F3n que no haya sido creado por esta conexi\u00F3n.
XJ105.S=La clave DES tiene una longitud incorrecta; longitud esperada {0}, longitud obtenida {1}.
XIE08.S=No existe una columna denominada\: {0}.
XJ093.S=La longitud de BLOB/CLOB, {0}, es demasiado grande. La longitud no puede exceder de {1}.
XJ069.S=No se permiten m\u00E9todos SetXXX en el caso de la sentencia de ejecuci\u00F3n USING.
XJ065.S=Valor del par\u00E1metro no v\u00E1lido ''{0}'' para Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=No se puede llamar a Statement.executeUpdate() con una sentencia que devuelve un ResultSet.
42ZA1=SQL no v\u00E1lido en el lote\: ''{0}''.
XJ061.S=El m\u00E9todo ''{0}'' s\u00F3lo est\u00E1 permitido en cursores de desplazamiento.
XCL16.S=ResultSet no se ha abierto. La operaci\u00F3n ''{0}'' no est\u00E1 permitida. Verifique que la confirmaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica est\u00E9 desactivada.
XCL12.S=Se ha intentado ubicar un valor de datos de tipo ''{0}'' en un valor de datos de tipo ''{1}''.
XJ009.S=Es necesario utilizar CallableStatement con llamadas de procedimientos almacenados o utilizar par\u00E1metros de salida\: {0}
XJ126.S=No se debe llamar a este m\u00E9todo en cursores din\u00E1micos sensibles.
XJ122.S=No se han llamado a m\u00E9todos updateXXX en esta fila.
XJ001.U=Excepci\u00F3n de Java\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
XN020.S=Error al canalizar o anular la canalizaci\u00F3n de un tipo definido por el usuario\: {0}
XJ086.S=No se puede llamar a este m\u00E9todo mientras el cursor no est\u00E9 en la fila de inserci\u00F3n o si la simultaneidad de este objeto ResultSet sea CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ215.S=No puede llamar a otro m\u00E9todo java.sql.Clob o java.sql.Blob despu\u00E9s de haber llamado al m\u00E9todo free() ni despu\u00E9s de haber confirmado o realizado un rollback en la transacci\u00F3n de Blob/Clob.
XN024.C=Se ha encontrado una excepci\u00F3n que ha terminado la conexi\u00F3n al leer del flujo especificado por el par\u00E1metro \#{0}. La excepci\u00F3n ten\u00EDa el siguiente mensaje\: ''{1}''.
XJ082.U=No se permiten los valores BLOB/CLOB como receptor o par\u00E1metros de m\u00E9todo.
57017.C=No existe ninguna conversi\u00F3n disponible para la p\u00E1gina de c\u00F3digo de origen, {0}, a la p\u00E1gina de c\u00F3digo de destino, {1}. La conexi\u00F3n se ha terminado.
XJ211.S=Se ha producido una excepci\u00F3n de ruptura de cadena no recuperable durante el proceso por lotes. El lotes termina de manera no at\u00F3mica.
XJ058.S=No se puede realizar un rollback de una transacci\u00F3n global mediante la conexi\u00F3n, el proceso de confirmaci\u00F3n debe ir a trav\u00E9s de la interfaz XAResource.
42X30=No se ha encontrado el cursor ''{0}''. Verifique que la confirmaci\u00F3n autom\u00E1tica est\u00E1 desactivada.
XJ050.U=La base de datos necesita actualizarse desde la versi\u00F3n {0}, defina el atributo ''upgrade\=true'' en el URL de conexi\u00F3n JDBC para permitir la actualizaci\u00F3n a la versi\u00F3n {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=Impossible de d\u00E9finir le flux \: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=La fin du flux a \u00E9t\u00E9 atteinte pr\u00E9matur\u00E9ment lors de la lecture du flux sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9 par le param\u00E8tre n\u00B0{0}. Les donn\u00E9es restantes attendues par le serveur ont \u00E9t\u00E9 remplies avec 0x0.
XJ115.S=Impossible d''ouvrir resultSet avec la fonction holdability demand\u00E9e {0}.
XJ04C.S=Le batch CallableStatement ne peut pas contenir de param\u00E8tres de sortie.
XN013.S=Orientation de d\u00E9filement non valide.
XJ079.S=La longueur ''{0}'' indiqu\u00E9e d\u00E9passe la taille du BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=Le nom de la table \u00E9trang\u00E8re ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL
XJ208.S=Echec de batch non atomique. Le batch a \u00E9t\u00E9 soumis, mais au moins une exception s''est produite sur un membre individuel du batch. Utilisez la m\u00E9thode getNextException() pour extraire les exceptions pour des \u00E9l\u00E9ments sp\u00E9cifiques trait\u00E9s par batch.
XJ204.S=Impossible d''ouvrir l''ensemble de r\u00E9sultats avec la fonction holdability demand\u00E9e {0}.
XJ071.S=Un argument de longueur n\u00E9gatif ''{0}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 transmis dans une m\u00E9thode BLOB ou CLOB.
XJ200.S=Nombre maximal de sections {0} d\u00E9pass\u00E9
22005.S.6=Type de langage SQL Java {0} non reconnu.
22005.S.5=Type JDBC non valide pour le param\u00E8tre {0}.
22005.S.4=Type JDBC non reconnu. Type \: {0}, columnCount \: {1}, columnIndex \: {2}.
22005.S.3=Impossible de convertir une cha\u00EEne Unicode en cha\u00EEne Ebcdic
22005.S.2=Le convertisseur de caract\u00E8res requis n''est pas disponible.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver n''est pas inscrit aupr\u00E8s du gestionnaire de pilotes JDBC.
X0X0D.S=Longueur du tableau de colonnes ''{0}'' non valide. Pour renvoyer les cl\u00E9s g\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9es, le tableau de colonnes doit avoir une longueur de 1 et ne doit contenir que la colonne d''identit\u00E9.
22005.S.1=Impossible de convertir une valeur de type ''{0}'' vers le type ''{1}'' \: l''encodage n''est pas pris en charge.
58016.C=Le param\u00E8tre DDM 0x{0} n''est pas pris en charge. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
08006.C.6=Tentative de mat\u00E9rialisation totale de donn\u00E9es LOB trop importantes pour la JVM. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
08006.C.5=Donn\u00E9es insuffisantes lors de la lecture depuis le r\u00E9seau \: {0} octets \u00E9taient attendus, mais seulement {1} octets ont \u00E9t\u00E9 re\u00E7us. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
08006.C.4=Une erreur s''est produite au cours d''une r\u00E9initialisation de connexion diff\u00E9r\u00E9e et la connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue. Pour plus d''informations, consultez les exceptions cha\u00EEn\u00E9es.
08006.C.3=Une erreur de communication a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e \: {0}.
08006.C.2=Exception SocketException \: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=Une erreur s''est produite au cours de la r\u00E9initialisation de la connexion et la connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 arr\u00EAt\u00E9e. Pour plus d''informations, consultez les exceptions cha\u00EEn\u00E9es.
0A000.S.7=Le type de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' n''est pas pris en charge.
0A000.S.5=Le m\u00E9canisme de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 ''{0}'' n''est pas pris en charge.
0A000.S.4=La commande cancel() n''est pas prise en charge par le serveur.
XJ015.M=Arr\u00EAt du syst\u00E8me Derby.
0A000.S.3=La propri\u00E9t\u00E9 resultSetHoldability {0} n''est pas prise en charge
0A000.S.2=La m\u00E9thode JDBC {0} n''est pas prise en charge par le serveur. Mettez le serveur \u00E0 niveau.
XJ011.S=Impossible de transmettre une valeur NULL comme nom de SAVEPOINT.
08001.C.14=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car le nom de serveur (SRVNAM) a une longueur \u00E9gale \u00E0 z\u00E9ro ou est plus long que le maximum autoris\u00E9 par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
0A000.S.1=La m\u00E9thode JDBC n''est pas encore impl\u00E9ment\u00E9e.
08001.C.13=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car le nom externe (EXTNAM) a une longueur \u00E9gale \u00E0 z\u00E9ro ou est plus long que le maximum autoris\u00E9 par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
XJ108.S=Taille de bloc interdite
08001.C.12=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car le mot de passe a une longueur \u00E9gale \u00E0 z\u00E9ro ou est plus long que le maximum autoris\u00E9 par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
08001.C.11=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car l''ID utilisateur a une longueur \u00E9gale \u00E0 z\u00E9ro ou est plus long que le maximum autoris\u00E9 par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
08001.C.10=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car le jeton de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 est plus grand que la taille maximale autoris\u00E9e par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
XJ104.S=La longueur de cl\u00E9 partag\u00E9e n''est pas valide \: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN non renvoy\u00E9.
XJ068.S=Seuls executeBatch et clearBatch sont autoris\u00E9s au milieu d''un batch.
XJ100.S=L''\u00E9chelle fournie par la m\u00E9thode registerOutParameter ne correspond pas \u00E0 la m\u00E9thode d''acc\u00E8s setter. Perte possible de pr\u00E9cision.
XJ064.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=La commande DRDA {0} n''est pas impl\u00E9ment\u00E9e actuellement. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XJ008.S=Impossible d''annuler (rollback) ou de lib\u00E9rer un point de sauvegarde en mode de validation automatique.
XJ125.S=Cette m\u00E9thode doit \u00EAtre appel\u00E9e uniquement sur les objets ResultSet avec d\u00E9filement (type TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ05C.S=Impossible de d\u00E9finir la fonction holdability ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT pour une transaction globale.
XJ121.S=Op\u00E9ration non valide \u00E0 l''emplacement actuel du curseur.
XJ085.S=Le flux a d\u00E9j\u00E0 \u00E9t\u00E9 lu et la fin du fichier atteinte, donc le flux ne peut pas \u00EAtre r\u00E9utilis\u00E9.
XJ004.C=Base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' introuvable.
XJ214.S=Une erreur d''E/S s''est produite lors de l''appel de m\u00E9thode free() sur un objet CLOB ou BLOB.
22003.S.3=Un d\u00E9bordement s''est produit au cours de la conversion du type de donn\u00E9es num\u00E9riques de ''{0}'' vers {1}.
08004.C.9=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne dispose pas des droits d''acc\u00E8s requis pour arr\u00EAter le syst\u00E8me [{1}].
22003.S.2=Les nombres d\u00E9cimaux ne peuvent comporter que 31 d\u00E9cimales maximum.
08004.C.8=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne peut pas \u00E9mettre une op\u00E9ration de r\u00E9plication sur la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}''. Seul le propri\u00E9taire de la base de donn\u00E9es peut effectuer cette op\u00E9ration.
XN023.C=Le flux sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9 par le param\u00E8tre n\u00B0 {0} est bas\u00E9 sur le localisateur et n\u00E9cessite la mat\u00E9rialisation d''une demande imbriqu\u00E9e sur la m\u00EAme connexion. Ceci n''est pas pris en charge.
22003.S.1=L''ann\u00E9e ({0}) d\u00E9passe la valeur maximale ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=La connexion \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 refus\u00E9e, car celle-ci est en mode esclave de r\u00E9plication.
08004.C.6=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne peut pas effectuer une mise \u00E0 niveau de la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}''. Seul le propri\u00E9taire de la base de donn\u00E9es peut effectuer cette op\u00E9ration.
08004.C.5=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne peut pas (re)crypter la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}''. Seul le propri\u00E9taire de la base de donn\u00E9es peut effectuer cette op\u00E9ration.
08004.C.4=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne peut pas arr\u00EAter la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}''. Seul le propri\u00E9taire de la base de donn\u00E9es peut effectuer cette op\u00E9ration.
08004.C.3=Connexion \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es refus\u00E9e.
08004.C.2=La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 refus\u00E9e car la base de donn\u00E9es {0} est introuvable.
XJ081.S=Valeur non valide ''{0}'' transmise en tant que param\u00E8tre ''{1}'' \u00E0 la m\u00E9thode ''{2}''
08004.C.1=Echec de l''authentification de la connexion. Cause \: {0}.
XJ210.S=Le nom du module de chargement pour la proc\u00E9dure stock\u00E9e sur le serveur est introuvable.
XJ057.S=Impossible de valider (commit) une transaction globale qui utilise la connexion ; le traitement de la validation doit passer par l''interface XAResource.
XCL08.S=Le curseur ''{0}'' ne se trouve pas sur une ligne.
XJ081.C=Des attributs de cr\u00E9ation/restauration/r\u00E9cup\u00E9ration en conflit ont \u00E9t\u00E9 sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9s.
J137=Impossible de d\u00E9sinscrire le pilote JDBC lors de l''arr\u00EAt du moteur Derby. Assurez-vous que SQLPermission("deregisterDriver") est accord\u00E9 \u00E0 derby.jar.
J136=Une transaction XA \u00E9tait associ\u00E9e \u00E0 la connexion en cours de fermeture. La transaction va \u00EAtre annul\u00E9e (rollback). Le XID de transaction est {0}.
23502=La colonne ''{0}'' ne peut pas accepter la valeur NULL.
J135=La transaction XA a expir\u00E9 et va \u00EAtre annul\u00E9e (rollback). Le XID de transaction est {0}.
J134=La propri\u00E9t\u00E9 maxStatements ne peut pas avoir de valeurs n\u00E9gatives \: {0}
J133=Mot de passe de l''utilisateur pour la connexion
J132=Nom utilisateur pour la connexion
J131=Une erreur de protocole (erreur de syntaxe du flux de donn\u00E9es) a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e. Cause \: 0x{0}. Il s''agit peut-\u00EAtre d''une tentative de connexion en texte brut \u00E0 un serveur avec SSL activ\u00E9.
J130=Une erreur de protocole (description FDOCA non valide) a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e.
22007.S.181=La syntaxe de la repr\u00E9sentation de cha\u00EEne d''une valeur date/heure n''est pas correcte.
XJ025.S=La longueur du flux en entr\u00E9e ne peut pas \u00EAtre n\u00E9gative.
2D521.S.2=Validation (commit) ou annulation (rollback) non valide pour l''environnement d''ex\u00E9cution de l''application.
2D521.S.1=Commande setAutoCommit(true) non valide au cours de la transaction globale.
22028=La cha\u00EEne d\u00E9passe la longueur maximale de {0}.
XJ021.S=Ce type n''est pas pris en charge.
XJ118.S=Le traitement par batch des requ\u00EAtes est demand\u00E9 sur une instruction qui n''est pas une requ\u00EAte.
58009.C.9=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la longueur PKGNAMCSN {0} n''est pas valide pour SQLAM {1}. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XN016.S=Une exception a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e lors de la tentative de v\u00E9rification de la longueur du flux sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9 par le param\u00E8tre n\u00B0{0}. L''exception pr\u00E9sente ce message \: {1}.
58009.C.8=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la longueur SCLDTA {0} n''est pas valide pour PKGID. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.7=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la longueur SCLDTA {0} n''est pas valide pour RDBCOLID. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
J129=Une commande Open Query a \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9mise pour une requ\u00EAte d\u00E9j\u00E0 ouverte.
XJ114.S=Nom de curseur non valide ''{0}''
J128=Le curseur n''est pas ouvert.
J126=Une erreur de protocole de conversation a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e. Motif \: 0x{0}.
J125=Une erreur de non-concordance de descripteur de donn\u00E9es a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e.
XJ04B.S=Le batch ne peut pas contenir de commande tentant de renvoyer un ensemble de r\u00E9sultats.
07000=Au moins un param\u00E8tre de l''instruction en cours n''est pas initialis\u00E9.
J124=La commande d''acc\u00E8s \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es relationnelle (ACCRDB) ne peut \u00EAtre \u00E9mise car un acc\u00E8s \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es est en cours.
XN012.S=Sur les plates-formes {0}, XA prend en charge la version {1} et les versions ult\u00E9rieures ; il s''agit de la version {2}
J123=La commande demand\u00E9e a rencontr\u00E9 une condition non structur\u00E9e propre \u00E0 l''impl\u00E9mentation pour laquelle aucun message structur\u00E9 n''existe (des informations suppl\u00E9mentaires sont peut-\u00EAtre disponibles dans le fichier derby.log enregistr\u00E9 sur le serveur).
08003.C.3=La connexion physique sous-jacente est obsol\u00E8te ou ferm\u00E9e.
J122=Une commande demandant des services de la base de donn\u00E9es a \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9mise avant celle demandant un acc\u00E8s \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es (ACCRDB)
08003.C.2=Appel de m\u00E9thode LOB apr\u00E8s fermeture de la connexion
J121=L''utilisateur n''est pas autoris\u00E9 \u00E0 acc\u00E9der \u00E0 la base de donn\u00E9es.
08003.C.1=getConnection() n''est pas valide sur un \u00E9l\u00E9ment PooledConnection ferm\u00E9.
J120=Erreur de connexion non sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9e
XJ110.S=Le nom de la table principale ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL
XJ078.S=La position ''{0}'' est soit inf\u00E9rieure \u00E0 z\u00E9ro, soit trop importante pour le BLOB/CLOB en cours.
XJ207.S=La m\u00E9thode executeQuery ne peut pas \u00EAtre utilis\u00E9e pour la mise \u00E0 jour.
24501.S=Le curseur identifi\u00E9 n''est pas ouvert.
X0X95.S=L''op\u00E9ration ''{0}'' ne peut pas \u00EAtre ex\u00E9cut\u00E9e sur l''objet ''{1}'' car il existe un \u00E9l\u00E9ment ResultSet ouvert d\u00E9pendant de cet objet.
22018=Le format de la cha\u00EEne de caract\u00E8res n''est pas valide pour le type {0}.
XJ074.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ203.S=Le nom de curseur ''{0}'' est d\u00E9j\u00E0 utilis\u00E9
XJ070.S=Un argument de position n\u00E9gatif ou \u00E9gal \u00E0 z\u00E9ro ''{0}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 transmis dans une m\u00E9thode BLOB ou CLOB.
J118=Mot de passe arriv\u00E9 \u00E0 expiration
J117=SECTKN manquant sur ACCSEC alors qu''il est obligatoire, ou non valide
J116=Erreur du service de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 locale pour une op\u00E9ration qui ne peut pas \u00EAtre retent\u00E9e.
J115=Nouveau mot de passe non valide
J114=ID utilisateur r\u00E9voqu\u00E9
J113=ID utilisateur ou mot de passe non valide
J112=ID utilisateur manquant
58015.C=L''objet DDM 0x{0} n''est pas pris en charge. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
J111=Mot de passe manquant
J110=M\u00E9canisme de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 non pris en charge
XJ042.S=''{0}'' n''est pas une valeur valide pour la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=Le nom de colonne ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL.
08006.D=Arr\u00EAt de la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}''.
08006.C=Une erreur de protocole r\u00E9seau s''est produite et la connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 ferm\u00E9e \: {0}
22005=Une tentative d''obtention d''une valeur de donn\u00E9es de type ''{0}'' \u00E0 partir d''une valeur de donn\u00E9es de type ''{1}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 effectu\u00E9e.
XJ014.S=Aucun nom pour les SAVEPOINTS dont le nom n''est pas indiqu\u00E9.
22003=La valeur r\u00E9sultante se situe hors de la plage autoris\u00E9e pour le type de donn\u00E9es {0}.
XJ099.S=L''objet Reader/Stream ne contient pas de caract\u00E8re de longueur
XN009.S=Erreur lors de l''obtention de la longueur de l''objet BLOB/CLOB, l''exception est la suivante.
XJ010.S=Impossible de g\u00E9n\u00E9rer un SAVEPOINT lorsque autoCommit est activ\u00E9e.
J109=Configuration client TCP/IP incorrecte d\u00E9tect\u00E9e. Impossible de d\u00E9terminer l''adresse IP de l''h\u00F4te local \: ''{0}''. Assurez-vous que la machine client poss\u00E8de une adresse IP correctement configur\u00E9e.
XJ107.S=Remplissage incorrect
J108=Le gestionnaire de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 n''autorise pas l''acc\u00E8s \u00E0 la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 syst\u00E8me {0}.
XCY00.S=Valeur non valide pour la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Erreur pour l''\u00E9l\u00E9ment de batch n\u00B0
J105=La pr\u00E9cision d\u00E9passe 31 chiffres.
J104=Cet objet est d\u00E9j\u00E0 ferm\u00E9.
XJ095.S=Echec de la tentative d''ex\u00E9cution d''une action privil\u00E9gi\u00E9e.
J103=Une exception a \u00E9t\u00E9 g\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9e lors de l''arr\u00EAt du serveur r\u00E9seau. {0}
J102=Une exception a \u00E9t\u00E9 g\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9e lors du d\u00E9marrage du serveur r\u00E9seau. {0}
J101=Impossible de charger la classe de serveur r\u00E9seau, {0}. {1} V\u00E9rifiez l''int\u00E9grit\u00E9 du fichier derbynet.jar.
J100=Classe de serveur r\u00E9seau {0} introuvable. Le classpath doit contenir le fichier derbynet.jar.
XJ103.S=Le nom de table ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL
XBDA0.C.1=D\u00E9lai d''expiration de connexion d\u00E9pass\u00E9.
XN001.S=La r\u00E9initialisation de la connexion n''est pas autoris\u00E9e \u00E0 l''int\u00E9rieur d''une unit\u00E9 de travail.
XJ091.S=Argument non valide \: l''index de param\u00E8tre {0} n''est pas un param\u00E8tre OUT ou INOUT.
XJ067.S=Le pointeur de texte SQL est NULL.
XJ063.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). La valeur du param\u00E8tre doit \u00EAtre >\= 0.
XCL18.S=Impossible d''extraire le flux ou la valeur LOB plusieurs fois
XCL14.S=La position de colonne ''{0}'' est en dehors des limites. Le nombre de colonnes de ce ResultSet est ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=Aucune connexion n''a pu \u00EAtre \u00E9tablie car le nom de la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' est plus grand que la longueur maximale autoris\u00E9e par le protocole r\u00E9seau.
08001.C.8=Le mot de passe ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL.
08001.C.7=L''ID utilisateur ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL.
08001.C.6=La longueur du mot de passe ({0}) se situe hors de la plage comprise entre 1 et {1}.
08001.C.5=La longueur de l''ID utilisateur ({0}) se situe hors de la plage comprise entre 1 et {1}.
08001.C.4=Impossible d''ouvrir le flux sur le socket \: ''{0}''.
08001.C.3=Exception SocketException \: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0} \: erreur lors de la connexion au serveur {1} sur le port {2} avec le message {3}.
XJ128.S=D\u00E9sencapsulation impossible pour ''{0}''
08001.C.1=La propri\u00E9t\u00E9 de source de donn\u00E9es Derby requise {0} n''a pas \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9finie.
XJ124.S=La colonne ne peut pas \u00EAtre mise \u00E0 jour.
08004=Connexion refus\u00E9e \: {0}
08003=Aucune connexion en cours.
08000=Connexion ferm\u00E9e par une interruption inconnue.
XJ088.S=Op\u00E9ration non valide \: m\u00E9thode wasNull() appel\u00E9e sans donn\u00E9es extraites.
XJ217.S=Le localisateur fourni pour cet objet CLOB/BLOB n''est pas valide
XJ084.U=La colonne ne correspond pas \u00E0 une colonne de la table de base. Impossible d''\u00E9mettre {0} sur cette colonne.
XJ05B.C=L''attribut JDBC ''{0}'' a une valeur non valide ''{1}'' ; les valeurs valides sont ''{2}''.
XN022.C=Une cha\u00EEne d''\u00E9criture qui a transmis des donn\u00E9es au serveur ne peut pas \u00EAtre r\u00E9initialis\u00E9e si la demande n''est pas termin\u00E9e et si la cha\u00EEne n''est pas interrompue.
XJ080.S=L''instruction d''ex\u00E9cution USING a transmis {0} param\u00E8tres et non {1}.
XJ056.S=Impossible d''activer la validation automatique dans une connexion XA.
XJ213.C=Le format d''un nombre de la propri\u00E9t\u00E9 de connexion traceLevel est incorrect.
XCL31.S=Instruction ferm\u00E9e.
J031=Classement pour les types de donn\u00E9es alphanum\u00E9riques
J030=Chemin de sauvegarde pour la restauration de base de donn\u00E9es \u00E0 partir de la sauvegarde
22011.S.1=La plage sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9e pour la sous-cha\u00EEne avec la position {0} et la longueur {1} est hors plage pour la cha\u00EEne \: {2}.
XN019.S=Erreur lors de l''ex\u00E9cution de {0}, le serveur a renvoy\u00E9 {1}.
XJ028.C=Le format de l''URL ''{0}'' n''est pas correct.
XJ020.S=Le type d''objet n''est pas convertible vers le type ''{0}'', la valeur java.sql.Types est incorrecte ou l''objet est NULL.
XJ117.S=Le traitement par batch des requ\u00EAtes n''est pas autoris\u00E9 par la conformit\u00E9 J2EE.
XN015.S=Erreur de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la taille d\u00E9finie pour InputStream, param\u00E8tre n\u00B0{0}, est inf\u00E9rieure \u00E0 la longueur r\u00E9elle d''InputStream.
XJ113.S=Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier {0} \: {1}
J029=Chemin de sauvegarde pour la cr\u00E9ation de base de donn\u00E9es \u00E0 partir de la sauvegarde
J028=Chemin de sauvegarde pour la r\u00E9cup\u00E9ration en aval
J025=Chemin du r\u00E9pertoire du journal
XN011.S=La longueur du nom de la proc\u00E9dure {0} ne se situe pas dans la plage valide comprise entre 1 et {1}.
J023=Mot de passe de l''utilisateur
J022=Nom utilisateur
J021=Param\u00E8tres r\u00E9gionaux pour la base de donn\u00E9es
XJ077.S=Une exception s''est produite lors de la tentative de lecture du premier octet/caract\u00E8re du mod\u00E8le BLOB/CLOB \u00E0 l''aide de getBytes/getSubString.
J020=Cl\u00E9 de cryptographie secr\u00E8te
XJ206.S=Le texte SQL ''{0}'' ne contient aucun jeton.
XJ073.S=Les donn\u00E9es de BLOB ou CLOB ne sont plus disponibles. La transaction BLOB/CLOB est peut \u00EAtre valid\u00E9e (commit), sa connexion est peut \u00EAtre ferm\u00E9e ou a \u00E9t\u00E9 lib\u00E9r\u00E9e.
XJ202.S=Nom de curseur non valide ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Fonctionnalit\u00E9 non impl\u00E9ment\u00E9e \: {0}.
XJ045.S=Un niveau d''isolement non valide ou non pris en charge (actuellement) ''{0}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 transmis \u00E0 Connection.setTransactionIsolation(). Les valeurs actuellement prises en charge sont java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED et java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=Cl\u00E9 de cryptographie externe
J018=Longueur de la cl\u00E9 de cryptographie
J017=Algorithme de cryptographie
J016=Fournisseur de services cryptographiques
J013=Mettre \u00E0 niveau la base de donn\u00E9es
58014.C=La commande DDM 0x{0} n''est pas prise en charge. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XJ049.C=Conflit d''attributs de cr\u00E9ation sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9s.
J010=Crypter la base de donn\u00E9es sur le disque
XJ017.S=Aucune commande savepoint autoris\u00E9e dans le code de d\u00E9clenchement.
58010.C=Une erreur de protocole r\u00E9seau s''est produite. Impossible d''\u00E9tablir une connexion car le gestionnaire {0} de niveau {1} n''est pas pris en charge par le serveur.
XJ013.S=Aucun identificateur pour les \u00E9l\u00E9ments SAVEPOINTS nomm\u00E9s.
XJ041.C=Echec de la cr\u00E9ation de la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' ; pour plus de d\u00E9tails, consultez l''exception suivante.
XN008.S=Le traitement de la requ\u00EAte a \u00E9t\u00E9 arr\u00EAt\u00E9 en raison d''une erreur sur le serveur.
XJ098.S=La valeur des cl\u00E9s g\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9es automatiquement {0} n''est pas valide
42622=Le nom ''{0}'' est trop long. La longueur maximale est ''{1}''.
J008=Aucun d\u00E9tail
XJ106.S=Pas de remplissage
J007=Cr\u00E9er une base de donn\u00E9es
J006=D\u00E9sinscription d''AutoloadedDriver
J005=Arr\u00EAter Derby
J004=Identit\u00E9 de la base de donn\u00E9es
J003={0} \: fermeture du moteur Derby
XJ090.S=Param\u00E8tre incorrect \: le calendrier est NULL.
XJ066.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=Une lib\u00E9ration ou une annulation (rollback) jusqu''au point de sauvegarde a \u00E9t\u00E9 indiqu\u00E9e mais le point de sauvegarde n''existe pas.
XJ062.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=La position de param\u00E8tre ''{0}'' est en dehors des limites. Le nombre de param\u00E8tres pour cette instruction pr\u00E9par\u00E9e est ''{1}''.
24000=Etat du curseur non valide. Aucune ligne en cours.
XJ030.S=Impossible d''activer la validation automatique dans une connexion imbriqu\u00E9e.
08004.C.14=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne peut pas d\u00E9crypter la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}''. Seul le propri\u00E9taire de la base de donn\u00E9es peut effectuer cette op\u00E9ration.
08004.C.13=Le nom utilisateur ou le mot de passe est NULL ou de longueur 0.
08004.C.12=Echec de l''authentification de la connexion. Les informations d''identification fournies ne sont pas valides ou la base de donn\u00E9es utilise un mod\u00E8le de cryptage de mot de passe non compatible avec le m\u00E9canisme de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 renforc\u00E9 de substitution des mots de passe. Si cette erreur s''est produite \u00E0 la suite de la mise \u00E0 niveau, reportez-vous \u00E0 la note sur la version relative \u00E0 DERBY-4483 pour consulter les options disponibles.
08004.C.11=L''utilisateur ''{0}'' ne dispose pas des droits d''acc\u00E8s requis pour cr\u00E9er la base de donn\u00E9es ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=Impossible de v\u00E9rifier les droits d''acc\u00E8s syst\u00E8me pour cr\u00E9er la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' [{1}].
XJ123.S=Cette m\u00E9thode doit \u00EAtre appel\u00E9e pour mettre \u00E0 jour les valeurs de la ligne actuelle ou de la ligne d''insertion.
XN021.S=Un objet de type {0} ne peut pas \u00EAtre converti en objet de type {1}.
XJ087.S=La somme des valeurs position(''{0}'') et length(''{1}'') est sup\u00E9rieure \u00E0 la taille de l''objet LOB plus un.
XJ216.S=La longueur de cet objet BLOB/CLOB n''est pas encore disponible. Lorsque vous acc\u00E9dez \u00E0 un objet BLOB ou CLOB en tant que flux, sa longueur est disponible uniquement apr\u00E8s le traitement complet du flux.
01J13=Le nombre de lignes renvoy\u00E9 ({0}) est trop important pour correspondre \u00E0 un entier ; la valeur renvoy\u00E9e sera tronqu\u00E9e.
XJ083.U=L''op\u00E9ration ''{0}'' n''est pas autoris\u00E9e car le ResultSet n''est pas un ResultSet pouvant \u00EAtre mis \u00E0 jour.
01J12=Impossible d''obtenir un texte de message du serveur. Consultez l''exception suivante. La proc\u00E9dure stock\u00E9e SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE n''est pas install\u00E9e sur le serveur. Contactez l''administrateur de base de donn\u00E9es.
01J10=Les ensembles de r\u00E9sultats sensibles au d\u00E9filement ne sont pas pris en charge par le serveur ; nouvelle mise en correspondance avec le curseur de type forward-only
XJ212.S=Syntaxe d''attribut non valide \: {0}
XJ059.S=Impossible de fermer une connexion lorsqu''une transaction globale est toujours active.
01J08=Impossible d''ouvrir l''\u00E9l\u00E9ment resultSet de type {0}. L''\u00E9l\u00E9ment resultSet de type {1} a \u00E9t\u00E9 ouvert.
01J07=L''\u00E9l\u00E9ment ResultSetHoldability est limit\u00E9 \u00E0 ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT dans le cadre d''une transaction globale.
01J06=L''\u00E9l\u00E9ment ResultSet ne peut pas \u00EAtre mis \u00E0 jour. La requ\u00EAte n''est pas qualifi\u00E9e pour g\u00E9n\u00E9rer un \u00E9l\u00E9ment ResultSet pouvant \u00EAtre mis \u00E0 jour.
XJ023.S=Le flux en entr\u00E9e ne comprenait pas exactement la m\u00EAme quantit\u00E9 de donn\u00E9es que la longueur requise.
XBM0N.D=Echec de l''inscription du pilote JDBC aupr\u00E8s de java.sql.DriverManager. Pour plus de d\u00E9tails, reportez-vous \u00E0 l''exception suivante.
XN018.S=Erreur de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la taille d\u00E9finie de l''objet Reader, param\u00E8tre n\u00B0{0}, est inf\u00E9rieure \u00E0 la longueur r\u00E9elle d''InputStream.
58009.C.21=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la longueur SCLDTA {0} n''est pas valide pour RDBNAM. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.20=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: seule l''une des valeurs NVCM ou NVCS peut \u00EAtre non NULL. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XJ116.S=Impossible d''ajouter plus de {0} commandes \u00E0 un batch unique.
XN014.S=Une exception a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e lors de la lecture \u00E0 partir du flux sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9 par le param\u00E8tre \#{0}. Les donn\u00E9es restantes attendues par le serveur ont \u00E9t\u00E9 remplies avec 0x0. L''exception pr\u00E9sente ce message \: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2=La commande {0}.executeQuery() a \u00E9t\u00E9 appel\u00E9e, mais aucun ensemble de r\u00E9sultats n''a \u00E9t\u00E9 renvoy\u00E9. Utilisez {1}.executeUpdate() pour les \u00E9l\u00E9ments qui ne sont pas des requ\u00EAtes.
XJ112.S=Exception de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 rencontr\u00E9e \: pour plus d''informations, consultez l''exception suivante.
X0Y78.S.1=La commande {0}.executeQuery() ne peut \u00EAtre appel\u00E9e car plusieurs ensembles de r\u00E9sultats ont \u00E9t\u00E9 renvoy\u00E9s. Utilisez {1}.execute() pour obtenir plusieurs r\u00E9sultats.
XJ209.S=La proc\u00E9dure stock\u00E9e requise n''est pas install\u00E9e sur le serveur.
XN010.S=Le nom de la proc\u00E9dure ne peut pas \u00EAtre NULL.
XJ076.S=L''argument de position ''{0}'' d\u00E9passe la taille du BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: SECTKN non renvoy\u00E9. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.18=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: FDOCA LID non valide. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.17=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: fin de flux pr\u00E9matur\u00E9e lors de la lecture d''InputStream, param\u00E8tre n\u00B0{0}. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.16=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: DDS cha\u00EEn\u00E9 avec le m\u00EAme ID \u00E0 la fin de l''analyse syntaxique de la cha\u00EEne d''ID identiques. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.15=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: longueur DSS non nulle \u00E0 la fin de l''analyse syntaxique de la cha\u00EEne d''ID identiques. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.14=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: pile de collecte non vide \u00E0 la fin de l''analyse syntaxique de la cha\u00EEne d''ID identiques. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.13=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: la collection DDM contient moins de 4 octets de donn\u00E9es. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58009.C.12=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: le point de code r\u00E9el {0} ne correspond pas au point de code pr\u00E9vu {1}. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
42X74=Syntaxe de l''instruction CALL non valide.
XJ072.S=Un mod\u00E8le ou searchStr NULL a \u00E9t\u00E9 transmis dans une m\u00E9thode de position BLOB ou CLOB.
58009.C.11=La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue car l''encodage n''est pas pris en charge.
58009.C.10=Exception de protocole r\u00E9seau \: seule l''une des longueurs VCM ou VCS peut \u00EAtre sup\u00E9rieure \u00E0 0. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
58017.C=La valeur de param\u00E8tre DDM 0x{0} n''est pas prise en charge. Une variable h\u00F4te d''entr\u00E9e ne se situe peut-\u00EAtre pas dans la plage prise en charge par le serveur. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' est une \u00E9chelle non valide.
25001=Impossible de fermer une connexion pendant qu''une transaction est toujours active.
08006.D.1=Base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' supprim\u00E9e.
XJ048.C=Conflit d''attributs d''amor\u00E7age sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9s \: {0}
XJ016.S=La m\u00E9thode ''{0}'' n''est pas autoris\u00E9e sur une instruction pr\u00E9par\u00E9e.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' est d\u00E9j\u00E0 ferm\u00E9.
XCY02.S=La modification de propri\u00E9t\u00E9 demand\u00E9e n''est pas prise en charge ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=Echec du d\u00E9marrage de la base de donn\u00E9es ''{0}'' avec le chargeur de classe {1} ; pour plus de d\u00E9tails, consultez l''exception suivante.
XJ097.S=Impossible d''annuler (rollback) ou de lib\u00E9rer un point de sauvegarde qui n''a pas \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9 par cette connexion.
XJ105.S=La longueur de la cl\u00E9 DES est incorrecte \: longueur attendue {0}, longueur obtenue {1}.
XIE08.S=Il n''existe aucune colonne nomm\u00E9e \: {0}.
XJ093.S=La longueur de BLOB/CLOB, {0}, est trop importante. La longueur ne peut pas d\u00E9passer {1}.
XJ069.S=Aucune m\u00E9thode SetXXX autoris\u00E9e avec l''instruction d''ex\u00E9cution USING.
XJ065.S=Valeur de param\u00E8tre non valide ''{0}'' pour Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=La commande Statement.executeUpdate() ne peut pas \u00EAtre appel\u00E9e avec une instruction qui renvoie un ResultSet.
42ZA1=Langage SQL non valide dans le batch \: ''{0}''.
XJ061.S=La m\u00E9thode ''{0}'' est uniquement autoris\u00E9e sur les curseurs de d\u00E9filement.
XCL16.S=ResultSet n''est pas ouvert. Op\u00E9ration ''{0}'' non autoris\u00E9e. V\u00E9rifiez que la validation automatique est d\u00E9sactiv\u00E9e.
XCL12.S=Une tentative de placement d''une valeur de donn\u00E9es de type ''{0}'' dans une valeur de donn\u00E9es de type ''{1}'' a \u00E9t\u00E9 effectu\u00E9e.
XJ009.S=Utilisation de CallableStatement requise pour un appel de proc\u00E9dure stock\u00E9e ou l''utilisation de param\u00E8tres de sortie \: {0}
XJ126.S=Cette m\u00E9thode ne doit pas \u00EAtre appel\u00E9e sur les curseurs dynamiques sensibles.
XJ122.S=Aucune m\u00E9thode updateXXX n''a \u00E9t\u00E9 appel\u00E9e sur cette ligne.
XJ001.U=Exception Java \: ''{1} \: {0}''.
XN020.S=Une erreur s''est produite lors de la s\u00E9rialisation ou d\u00E9s\u00E9rialisation d''un type d\u00E9fini par l''utilisateur \: {0}
XJ086.S=Impossible d''appeler cette m\u00E9thode lorsque le curseur n''est pas sur la ligne d''insertion ou si l''acc\u00E8s simultan\u00E9 de cet objet ResultSet est CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ215.S=Impossible d''appeler les autres m\u00E9thodes java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob apr\u00E8s avoir appel\u00E9 la m\u00E9thode free() ou apr\u00E8s avoir valid\u00E9 (commit) ou annul\u00E9 (rollback) la transaction BLOB/CLOB.
XN024.C=Une exception a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9tect\u00E9e et a interrompu la connexion, lors de la lecture \u00E0 partir d''un flux sp\u00E9cifi\u00E9 par le param\u00E8tre n\u00B0 {0}. L''exception pr\u00E9sente ce message \: ''{1}''.
XJ082.U=Les valeurs BLOB/CLOB ne sont pas autoris\u00E9es en tant que param\u00E8tres de m\u00E9thode ou r\u00E9cepteur.
57017.C=Aucune conversion n''est disponible pour la page de code source {0} vers la page de code cible {1}. La connexion a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompue.
XJ211.S=Une exception de rupture de cha\u00EEne irr\u00E9cup\u00E9rable s''est produite au cours du traitement par batch. Le batch a \u00E9t\u00E9 interrompu de mani\u00E8re non atomique.
XJ058.S=Impossible d''annuler (rollback) une transaction globale qui utilise la connexion ; le traitement de la validation doit passer par l''interface XAResource.
42X30=Le curseur ''{0}'' est introuvable. V\u00E9rifiez que la fonction de validation automatique est d\u00E9sactiv\u00E9e.
XJ050.U=La base de donn\u00E9es n\u00E9cessite une mise \u00E0 niveau de la version {0}. D\u00E9finissez l''attribut ''upgrade\=true'' sur l''URL de connexion JDBC pour permettre une mise \u00E0 niveau vers la version {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ111.S=Az idegen t\u00E1blan\u00E9v nem lehet \u00FCres
XJ020.S=Az objektumt\u00EDpus nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 ''{0}'' t\u00EDpuss\u00E1. \u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen java.sql.Types \u00E9rt\u00E9k vagy az objektum null\u00E9rt\u00E9k\u0171.
XJ200.S=A szakaszok maxim\u00E1lis {0} sz\u00E1ma t\u00FAll\u00E9pve
XCL31.S=Az utas\u00EDt\u00E1s le van z\u00E1rva.
58010.C=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollhiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. Nem hozhat\u00F3 l\u00E9tre kapcsolat, mivel a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 nem t\u00E1mogatja a(z) {0} kezel\u0151t a(z) {1} szinten.
XJ091.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen argumentum\: a(z) {0} param\u00E9terindex nem kimen\u0151 (OUT) vagy bej\u00F6v\u0151 (INOUT) param\u00E9ter.
XJ078.S=A(z) ''{0}'' eltol\u00E1s null\u00E1n\u00E1l kisebb, vagy t\u00FAl nagy az aktu\u00E1lis BLOB/CLOB met\u00F3dushoz.
XN009.S=Hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a BLOB/CLOB objektum hossz\u00E1nak lek\u00E9r\u00E9se sor\u00E1n. Kiv\u00E9tel k\u00F6vetkezik.
XCL16.S=A ResultSet nincs megnyitva. A(z) ''{0}'' m\u0171velet nem megengedett. Ellen\u0151rizze, hogy az autocommit ki van-e kapcsolva (OFF).
XJ076.S=A(z) ''{0}'' poz\u00EDci\u00F3argumentum meghaladja a BLOB/CLOB m\u00E9ret\u00E9t.
XCL14.S=A(z) ''{0}'' oszloppoz\u00EDci\u00F3 k\u00EDv\u00FCl van a megengedett tartom\u00E1nyon. A ResultSet oszlopainak sz\u00E1ma ''{1}''.
J109=A rendszer helytelen TCP/IP \u00FCgyf\u00E9lkonfigur\u00E1ci\u00F3t \u00E9szlelt. A helyi gazda IP c\u00EDme nem hat\u00E1rozhat\u00F3 meg\: ''{0}''. Gy\u0151z\u0151dj\u00F6n meg r\u00F3la, hogy az \u00FCgyf\u00E9lg\u00E9p megfelel\u0151en be\u00E1ll\u00EDtott IP c\u00EDmmel rendelkezik.
XJ074.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds) met\u00F3dushoz.
J108=A biztons\u00E1gkezel\u0151 nem enged\u00E9lyezi a(z) {0} rendszertulajdons\u00E1g el\u00E9r\u00E9s\u00E9t.
J107=Hiba a k\u00F6teg elemhez \#
XJ001.U=Java kiv\u00E9tel\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
J105=A pontoss\u00E1g meghaladja a 31 sz\u00E1mjegyet\!
J104=Az objektum m\u00E1r be van z\u00E1rva.
J103=A h\u00E1l\u00F3zati kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 le\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1sa sor\u00E1n kiv\u00E9tel t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. {0}
XCL12.S=''{0}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FA adat\u00E9rt\u00E9k ''{1}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FA adat\u00E9rt\u00E9kbe helyez\u00E9s\u00E9re t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt k\u00EDs\u00E9rlet.
J102=A h\u00E1l\u00F3zati kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 ind\u00EDt\u00E1sa sor\u00E1n kiv\u00E9tel t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. {0}
XJ072.S=\u00DCres minta vagy searchStr ker\u00FClt \u00E1tad\u00E1sra a BLOB vagy CLOB poz\u00EDci\u00F3met\u00F3dusnak.
J101=A h\u00E1l\u00F3zati kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3oszt\u00E1ly nem t\u00F6lthet\u0151 be, {0}. {1} Ellen\u0151rizze a derbynet.jar f\u00E1jl integrit\u00E1s\u00E1t.
XJ059.S=A glob\u00E1lis kapcsolat nem z\u00E1rhat\u00F3 le, am\u00EDg van akt\u00EDv tranzakci\u00F3.
J100=A h\u00E1l\u00F3zati kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3oszt\u00E1ly nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3, {0}. Az oszt\u00E1ly\u00FAtvonalnak tartalmaznia kell a derbynet.jar f\u00E1jlt.
08001.C.12=Nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 ki kapcsolat, mivel a jelsz\u00F3 hossza nulla vagy a h\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll \u00E1ltal megengedett maximumn\u00E1l nagyobb.
08001.C.11=Nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 ki kapcsolat, mivel a felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3 hossza nulla vagy a h\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll \u00E1ltal megengedett maximumn\u00E1l nagyobb.
08001.C.10=Nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 ki kapcsolat, mivel a biztons\u00E1gi jelsor nagyobb a h\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll \u00E1ltal megengedett maximumn\u00E1l.
XJ070.S=Negat\u00EDv vagy nulla poz\u00EDci\u00F3argumentum (''{0}'') ker\u00FClt \u00E1tad\u00E1sra a Blob vagy Clob met\u00F3dusban.
XJ057.S=Glob\u00E1lis tranzakci\u00F3 a kapcsolattal nem v\u00E9gleges\u00EDthet\u0151. A v\u00E9gleges\u00EDt\u00E9si feldolgoz\u00E1snak XAResource fel\u00FCleten kell v\u00E9gigmennie.
XBM0N.D=A JDBC illeszt\u0151program regisztr\u00E1ci\u00F3ja meghi\u00FAsult a java.sql.DriverManagerhez. R\u00E9szletek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 kiv\u00E9telt.
XN001.S=A kapcsolat-vissza\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s munkaegys\u00E9gen bel\u00FCl nem enged\u00E9lyezett.
22028=A karaktersorozat meghaladja a maxim\u00E1lis hosszt ({0}).
42X30=A(z) ''{0}'' nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3. Ellen\u0151rizze, hogy az autocommit ki van-e kapcsolva (OFF).
08004.C.3=Az adatb\u00E1zis-kapcsolat visszautas\u00EDt\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
08004.C.2=A kapcsolat visszautas\u00EDt\u00E1sra ker\u00FCl, mivel a(z) {0} adatb\u00E1zis nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3.
08004=Visszautas\u00EDtott kapcsolat\: {0}
08004.C.1=Kapcsolathiteles\u00EDt\u00E9si hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. Ok\: {0}.
08003=Nincs aktu\u00E1lis kapcsolat.
08000=A kapcsolatot ismeretlen megszak\u00EDt\u00E1s lez\u00E1rta.
22003.S.3=T\u00FAlcsordul\u00E1s t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a(z) ''{0}'' numerikus adatt\u00EDpus \u00E1talak\u00EDt\u00E1sa sor\u00E1n a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151re\: {1}.
22003.S.2=A decim\u00E1lis \u00E9rt\u00E9k legfeljebb 31 sz\u00E1mjegy\u0171 lehet.
22003.S.1=A(z) {0} \u00E9v meghaladja a maxim\u00E1lis ''{1}'' \u00E9rt\u00E9ket.
XJ125.S=A met\u00F3dus csak g\u00F6rgethet\u0151 ResultSet objektumon h\u00EDvhat\u00F3 meg (TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE t\u00EDpus).
22018=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen karaktersorozat-form\u00E1tum a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 t\u00EDpushoz\: {0}.
XCY02.S=A k\u00E9rt tulajdons\u00E1gm\u00F3dos\u00EDt\u00E1s nem t\u00E1mogatott\: ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ214.S=IO hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a free() f\u00FCggv\u00E9ny CLOB vagy BLOB met\u00F3duson megh\u00EDv\u00E1sa sor\u00E1n.
0A000.S=A szolg\u00E1ltat\u00E1s nem ker\u00FClt megval\u00F3s\u00EDt\u00E1sra\: {0}.
57017.C=Nem \u00E9rhet\u0151 el \u00E1talak\u00EDt\u00E1s a forr\u00E1s k\u00F3dlapr\u00F3l ({0}) a c\u00E9l k\u00F3dlapra ({1}). A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ123.S=A met\u00F3dust meg kell h\u00EDvni az aktu\u00E1lis vagy besz\u00FAr\u00E1s sorban l\u00E9v\u0151 \u00E9rt\u00E9kek friss\u00EDt\u00E9s\u00E9hez.
XCY00.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen \u00E9rt\u00E9k a tulajdons\u00E1ghoz\: ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ212.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen attrib\u00FAtumszintaxis\: {0}
XJ121.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen m\u0171velet az aktu\u00E1lis kurzorpoz\u00EDci\u00F3n.
XJ108.S=Illeg\u00E1lis blokkm\u00E9ret
XJ030.S=Az AUTOCOMMIT ON be\u00E1gyazott kapcsolatban nem \u00E1ll\u00EDthat\u00F3 be.
XJ210.S=A t\u00E1rolt elj\u00E1r\u00E1s bet\u00F6lt\u0151 modulj\u00E1nak neve a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3n nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3.
X0Y79.S=A Statement.executeUpdate() nem h\u00EDvhat\u00F3 meg ResultSet fel\u00FCletet visszaad\u00F3 utas\u00EDt\u00E1ssal.
XJ017.S=A trigger k\u00F3dban ment\u00E9si pont parancs nem enged\u00E9lyezett.
XJ088.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen m\u0171velet\: a wasNull() adatok lek\u00E9r\u00E9se n\u00E9lk\u00FCl ker\u00FCl megh\u00EDv\u00E1sra.
XJ106.S=Nincs ilyen kit\u00F6lt\u00E9s
XN019.S=A(z) {0} v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1s\u00E1hoz a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 {1} \u00E9rt\u00E9ket adott vissza.
XJ086.S=A met\u00F3dus nem h\u00EDvhat\u00F3 meg, am\u00EDg a kurzor nem a k\u00E9rd\u00E9ses soron van, vagy ha a ResultSet objektum p\u00E1rhuzamoss\u00E1ga CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ104.S=A megosztott kulcshossz \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen\: {0}.
XJ015.M=A Derby rendszer le\u00E1ll.
XN017.S=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll hiba\: a folyam v\u00E9ge t\u00FAl kor\u00E1n lett el\u00E9rve, \#{0} param\u00E9ter. A marad\u00E9k adatok 0x0 \u00E9rt\u00E9kkel lettek kit\u00F6ltve.
XJ013.S=A megnevezett ment\u00E9si pontokhoz nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3 azonos\u00EDt\u00F3.
XJ084.U=Az oszlop nem felel meg az alapt\u00E1bla oszlop\u00E1nak. Az oszlopon ''{0}'' nem adhat\u00F3 ki.
22005=K\u00EDs\u00E9rlet t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt ''{0}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FA adat\u00E9rt\u00E9k lek\u00E9r\u00E9s\u00E9re egy ''{1}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FA adat\u00E9rt\u00E9kb\u0151l.
XJ04B.S=A k\u00F6teg nem tartalmazhat olyan parancsot, amely eredm\u00E9nyhalmazt pr\u00F3b\u00E1l visszaadni.
22003=Az eredm\u00E9ny\u00FCl kapott \u00E9rt\u00E9k k\u00EDv\u00FCl esik a(z) {0} adatt\u00EDpus tartom\u00E1ny\u00E1n.
XN015.S=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll hiba\: az InputStream megadott m\u00E9rete (\#{0} param\u00E9ter) az aktu\u00E1lis InputStream hosszn\u00E1l kisebb.
XJ011.S=Null\u00E9rt\u00E9k nem adhat\u00F3 \u00E1t a ment\u00E9si pont nevek\u00E9nt.
XJ082.U=A BLOB/CLOB \u00E9rt\u00E9kek met\u00F3dusparam\u00E9terk\u00E9nt vagy fogad\u00F3k\u00E9nt nem megengedettek.
XJ069.S=USING v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1si utas\u00EDt\u00E1s eset\u00E9n a SetXXX met\u00F3dus nem enged\u00E9lyezett.
XJ100.S=A registerOutParameter met\u00F3dus \u00E1ltal biztos\u00EDtott sk\u00E1la nem felel meg a setter met\u00F3dusnak. Pontoss\u00E1gveszt\u00E9s l\u00E9phet fel\!
XN013.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen g\u00F6rget\u00E9si t\u00E1jol\u00E1s.
01J13=A visszaadott sorok sz\u00E1ma ({0}) t\u00FAl nagy ahhoz, hogy eg\u00E9sz (integer) \u00E9rt\u00E9knek megfeleljen; a visszaadott \u00E9rt\u00E9k csonkol\u00E1sra ker\u00FCl.
XJ080.S=A USING v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1si utas\u00EDt\u00E1s {1} helyett {0} param\u00E9tert adott \u00E1t.
01J12=A kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3r\u00F3l nem k\u00E9rdezhet\u0151 le sz\u00F6veg. Tekintse meg a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 kiv\u00E9telt. A SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE t\u00E1rolt elj\u00E1r\u00E1s a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3n nem t\u00E1mogatott. L\u00E9pjen kapcsolatba az adatb\u00E1zis-adminisztr\u00E1torral.
XJ067.S=Az SQL sz\u00F6vegmutat\u00F3 null.
01J10=A g\u00F6rget\u00E9s ig\u00E9nyes eredm\u00E9nyhalmazokat a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 nem t\u00E1mogatja; \u00FAjb\u00F3li lek\u00E9pez\u00E9s a csak el\u0151re kurzorra
XN011.S=Az elj\u00E1r\u00E1sn\u00E9v {0} hossza nem esik az 1 - {1} \u00E9rv\u00E9nyes tartom\u00E1nyba.
58009.C.9=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: Az PKGNAMCSN hossz ({0}) \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen az SQLAM {1} eset\u00E9n. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.8=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: Az SCLDTA hossz ({0}) \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen a PKGID eset\u00E9n. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XIE08.S=Nincs {0} nev\u0171 oszlop.
58009.C.7=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: Az SCLDTA hossz ({0}) \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen az RDBCOLID eset\u00E9n. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ065.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a Statement.setFetchSize(int rows) met\u00F3dushoz.
XJ063.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows) met\u00F3dushoz. A param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k >\= 0 kell legyen.
X0Y78.S.2=A(z) {0}.executeQuery() megh\u00EDv\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt, de nem adott vissza eredm\u00E9nyt. A(z) {1}.executeUpdate() met\u00F3dust ne haszn\u00E1lja lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9sekhez.
X0Y78.S.1=A(z) {0}.executeQuery() nem h\u00EDvhat\u00F3 meg, mivel t\u00F6bb eredm\u00E9nyhalmaz ker\u00FClt visszaad\u00E1sra. A(z) {1}.execute() seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel t\u00F6bb eredm\u00E9nyt is lek\u00E9rhet.
XJ061.S=A(z) ''{0}'' met\u00F3dus csak g\u00F6rgethet\u0151 kurzorokon enged\u00E9lyezett.
01J08=A(z) {0} resultSet t\u00EDpus nem nyithat\u00F3 meg. A(z) {1} ResultSet t\u00EDpus meg van nyitva.
01J07=A ResultSetHoldability ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT-ra korl\u00E1tozott egy glob\u00E1lis tranzakci\u00F3 eset\u00E9n.
01J06=A ResultSet nem friss\u00EDthet\u0151. A lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9s nem k\u00E9pes friss\u00EDthet\u0151 ResultSet el\u0151\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ra.
J028=ment\u00E9si el\u00E9r\u00E9si \u00FAt a visszag\u00F6rget\u00E9ses helyre\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1shoz
XJ044.S=A(z) ''{0}'' \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen sk\u00E1l\u00E1j\u00FA.
J025=napl\u00F3k\u00F6nyvt\u00E1r el\u00E9r\u00E9si \u00FAtja
J023=felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i jelsz\u00F3
08003.C.3=Az alapul szolg\u00E1l\u00F3 fizikai kapcsolat el\u00E9v\u00FClt vagy bez\u00E1rt.
08003.C.2=A Lob met\u00F3dus a kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sa ut\u00E1n ker\u00FClt megh\u00EDv\u00E1sra
J021=az adatb\u00E1zis ter\u00FClete
08003.C.1=A getConnection() a bez\u00E1rt PooledConnection kapcsolaton nem \u00E9rv\u00E9nyes.
J020=titkos kriptogr\u00E1fiai kulcs
XJ042.S=A(z) ''{0}'' a(z) ''{1}'' tulajdons\u00E1g \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen \u00E9rt\u00E9k.
XJ209.S=A k\u00EDv\u00E1nt t\u00E1rolt elj\u00E1r\u00E1s nincs telep\u00EDtve a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3n.
XJ118.S=A lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9s k\u00F6tegel\u00E9st nem lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9s utas\u00EDt\u00E1son k\u00E9rt\u00E9k.
XJ207.S=Az executeQuery met\u00F3dus friss\u00EDt\u00E9shez nem haszn\u00E1lhat\u00F3.
58017.C=A 0x{0} DDM param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k nem t\u00E1mogatott. Elk\u00E9pzelhet\u0151, hogy a bemeneti gazda v\u00E1ltoz\u00F3 nem a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 \u00E1ltal t\u00E1mogatott tartom\u00E1nyba esik. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ098.S=Az automatikusan el\u0151\u00E1ll\u00EDtott kulcsok {0} \u00E9rt\u00E9ke \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen
XJ116.S=Egy k\u00F6teghez maximum {0} parancs adhat\u00F3 hozz\u00E1.
XJ025.S=A bemen\u0151 folyam hossza nem lehet negat\u00EDv.
XJ096.S=A(z) {0} csomagban a(z) {1} elemhez nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3 er\u0151forr\u00E1sk\u00F6teg
58015.C=A 0x{0} DDM objektum nem t\u00E1mogatott. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ114.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen kurzorn\u00E9v\: ''{0}''
XJ023.S=A bemen\u0151 folyam nem pontosan a k\u00E9rt hossznyi mennyis\u00E9g\u0171 adattal rendelkezik.
J019=k\u00FCls\u0151 kriptogr\u00E1fiai kulcs
XJ203.S=A(z) ''{0}'' kurzor m\u00E1r haszn\u00E1latban van
J018=kriptogr\u00E1fiai kulcs hossza
XJ040.C=A(z) ''{0}'' adatb\u00E1zis ind\u00EDt\u00E1sa meghi\u00FAsult, r\u00E9szlek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 kiv\u00E9telt.
J017=kriptogr\u00E1fiai algoritmus
J016=kriptogr\u00E1fiai szolg\u00E1ltat\u00F3
XJ112.S=Biztons\u00E1gi kiv\u00E9tel t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. R\u00E9szletek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a kiv\u00E9telt.
J013=adatb\u00E1zis friss\u00EDt\u00E9se
42622=A(z) ''{0}'' n\u00E9v t\u00FAl hossz\u00FA. A maxim\u00E1lis hossz ''{1}''.
XJ021.S=A t\u00EDpus nem t\u00E1mogatott.
22007.S.181=A d\u00E1tum/id\u0151pont \u00E9rt\u00E9k karaktersorozat \u00E1br\u00E1zol\u00E1s\u00E1nak szintaxisa helytelen.
XJ008.S=Automatikus v\u00E9gleges\u00EDt\u00E9s m\u00F3dban a ment\u00E9si pont nem g\u00F6rgethet\u0151 vissza vagy szabad\u00EDthat\u00F3 fel.
J010=adatb\u00E1zis titkos\u00EDt\u00E1sa a lemezen
XJ110.S=Az els\u0151dleges t\u00E1blan\u00E9v nem lehet \u00FCres
XJ079.S=A(z) ''{0}'' megadott hossz t\u00FAll\u00E9pi a BLOB/CLOB m\u00E9ret\u00E9t.
2D521.S.2=A COMMIT vagy ROLLBACK \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen alkalmaz\u00E1sv\u00E9grehajt\u00E1si k\u00F6rnyezetben.
2D521.S.1=A setAutoCommit(true) \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen glob\u00E1lis tranzakci\u00F3 sor\u00E1n.
XJ090.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen param\u00E9ter\: a napt\u00E1r null\u00E9rt\u00E9k\u0171.
XJ077.S=Kiv\u00E9tel \u00E9rkezett a BLOB/CLOB minta els\u0151 byte-j\u00E1nak/karakter\u00E9nek getBytes/getSubString paranccsal val\u00F3 olvas\u00E1sa sor\u00E1n.
58009.C.21=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: Az SCLDTA hossz ({0}) \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen az RDBNAMhoz. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.20=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: az NVCM \u00E9s NVCS k\u00F6z\u00FCl csak az egyik lehet nem null \u00E9rt\u00E9k\u0171. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ05B.C=A(z) ''{0}'' JDBC \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{1}'' \u00E9rt\u00E9kkel rendelkezik. \u00C9rv\u00E9nyes \u00E9rt\u00E9kek\: ''{2}''.
XN008.S=A lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9sfeldolgoz\u00E1s a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 hib\u00E1ja miatt lez\u00E1rult.
08006.C.8=Az org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver nincs bejegyezve a JDBC illeszt\u0151program-kezel\u0151h\u00F6z
XCL13.S=A(z) ''{0}'' param\u00E9terpoz\u00EDci\u00F3 k\u00EDv\u00FCl van a megengedett tartom\u00E1nyon. Az el\u0151k\u00E9sz\u00EDtett utas\u00EDt\u00E1s param\u00E9tereinek sz\u00E1ma ''{1}''.
08006.C.6=A lob adatok teljes megval\u00F3sul\u00E1s\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ra t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt k\u00EDs\u00E9rlet, amely a JVM-hez t\u00FAl nagy. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
08006.C.5=Nem \u00E9rkezett elegend\u0151 adat a h\u00E1l\u00F3zatr\u00F3l olvas\u00E1s k\u00F6zben - a minim\u00E1lisan v\u00E1rt {0} byte helyett csak {1} byte \u00E9rkezett. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
J008=nincsenek r\u00E9szletek
XJ073.S=A BLOB vagy CLOB adatai m\u00E1r nem el\u00E9rhet\u0151k. A BLOB/CLOB tranzakci\u00F3ja v\u00E9gleges\u00EDtve lett, vagy kapcsolata lez\u00E1rult.
08006.C.4=Hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt egy visszautas\u00EDtott csatlakoz\u00E1s alaphelyzetbe \u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s sor\u00E1n \u00E9s a kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt. R\u00E9szletek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a l\u00E1ncolt kiv\u00E9teleket.
J007=adatb\u00E1zis l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1sa
08006.C.3=Kommunik\u00E1ci\u00F3s hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt\: {0}.
08006.C.2=SocketException kiv\u00E9tel\: ''{0}''
J005=Derby le\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1sa
08006.C.1=Hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt egy kapcsolat alaphelyzetbe \u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s sor\u00E1n \u00E9s a kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt. R\u00E9szletek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a l\u00E1ncolt kiv\u00E9teleket.
XJ004.C=A(z) ''{0}'' adatb\u00E1zis nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3.
XJ071.S=''{0}'' negat\u00EDv hosszargumentum ker\u00FClt \u00E1tad\u00E1sra a BLOB vagy CLOB met\u00F3dusban.
22005.S.6=Ismeretlen Java SQL t\u00EDpus\: {0}.
22005.S.5=A k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 param\u00E9ter JDBC t\u00EDpusa \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen\: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN ker\u00FClt visszaad\u00E1sra.
XJ058.S=Glob\u00E1lis tranzakci\u00F3 a kapcsolattal nem g\u00F6rgethet\u0151 vissza. A v\u00E9gleges\u00EDt\u00E9si feldolgoz\u00E1snak XAResource fel\u00FCleten kell v\u00E9gigmennie.
22005.S.4=Ismeretlen JDBC t\u00EDpus. T\u00EDpus\: {0}, columnCount\: {1}, columnIndex\: {2}.
58009.C.19=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a SECTKN nem ker\u00FClt visszaad\u00E1sra. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
22005.S.3=Unicode karaktersorozat nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 \u00E1t Ebcdic karaktersorozatt\u00E1
58009.C.18=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen FDOCA LID. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
22005.S.2=A sz\u00FCks\u00E9ges karakter\u00E1talak\u00EDt\u00F3 nem \u00E9rhet\u0151 el.
58009.C.17=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: az adatfolyam v\u00E9ge t\u00FAl kor\u00E1n el\u00E9rve az InputStream {0}. param\u00E9ter\u00E9nek olvas\u00E1sa k\u00F6zben. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
22005.S.1=Nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 \u00E1t a(z) ''{0}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FA \u00E9rt\u00E9k ''{1}'' t\u00EDpus\u00FAv\u00E1\: a k\u00F3dol\u00E1s nem t\u00E1mogatott.
58009.C.16=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: ugyanazon azonos\u00EDt\u00F3l\u00E1nc elemz\u00E9se v\u00E9g\u00E9re egyez\u0151 azonos\u00EDt\u00F3j\u00FA DSS van l\u00E1ncolva. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.15=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a DSS hossza nem 0 ugyanazon azonos\u00EDt\u00F3l\u00E1nc elemz\u00E9se v\u00E9g\u00E9n. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.14=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a gy\u0171jtem\u00E9ny verme nem \u00FCres ugyanazon azonos\u00EDt\u00F3l\u00E1nc elemz\u00E9se v\u00E9g\u00E9n. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ056.S=Az AUTOCOMMIT ON XA kapcsolatban nem \u00E1ll\u00EDthat\u00F3 be.
58009.C.13=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a DDM gy\u0171jtem\u00E9ny kevesebb, mint 4 byte adatot tartalmaz. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.12=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a jelenlegi k\u00F3dpont ({0}) nem egyezik a v\u00E1rt k\u00F3dponttal ({1}). A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
58009.C.11=A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt, mivel a k\u00F3dol\u00E1s nem t\u00E1mogatott.
58009.C.10=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollkiv\u00E9tel\: a VCM \u00E9s VCS hosszak k\u00F6z\u00FCl csak egy lehet nagyobb, mint 0. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ050.U=Az adatb\u00E1zis {0} v\u00E1ltozatr\u00F3l friss\u00EDteni kell. \u00C1ll\u00EDtsa be az ''upgrade\=true'' attrib\u00FAtumot a JDBC kapcsolat URL c\u00EDmben a(z) {1} v\u00E1ltozatra val\u00F3 friss\u00EDt\u00E9s enged\u00E9lyez\u00E9se \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben.
XJ128.S=Nem siker\u00FClt kicsomagolni ''{0}'' sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra
XJ126.S=A met\u00F3dus nem h\u00EDvhat\u00F3 meg \u00E9rz\u00E9keny dinamikus kurzorokon.
XJ215.S=A free() met\u00F3dus ut\u00E1n m\u00E1s java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob met\u00F3dusok nem h\u00EDvhat\u00F3k meg.
XJ124.S=Az oszlop nem friss\u00EDthet\u0151.
XJ122.S=A soron nem ker\u00FCl megh\u00EDv\u00E1sra updateXXX met\u00F3dus.
24000=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen kurzor\u00E1llapot - nincs aktu\u00E1lis sor.
XJ018.S=Az oszlopn\u00E9v nem lehet null\u00E9rt\u00E9k\u0171.
XJ211.S=Nem vissza\u00E1ll\u00EDthat\u00F3 l\u00E1ncmegszak\u00EDt\u00F3 kiv\u00E9tel t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a k\u00F6tegelt feldolgoz\u00E1s sor\u00E1n. A k\u00F6teg nem atomi m\u00F3don z\u00E1rult le.
XJ107.S=Rossz kit\u00F6lt\u00E9s
XJ016.S=A(z) ''{0}'' met\u00F3dus el\u0151k\u00E9sz\u00EDtett \u00E1llapotban nem megengedett.
XJ213.C=A traceLevel kapcsolattulajdons\u00E1g \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen sz\u00E1mform\u00E1tummal rendelkezik.
XJ105.S=A DES kulcs rossz hosszal rendelkezik. A v\u00E1rt hossz {0}, a kapott pedig {1}.
XN018.S=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll hiba\: az olvas\u00F3 megadott m\u00E9rete ( \#{0} param\u00E9ter) az aktu\u00E1lis InputStream hosszn\u00E1l kisebb.
XJ014.S=A n\u00E9vtelen ment\u00E9si pontokhoz nem tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3 n\u00E9v.
XJ085.S=A folyamot a rendszer m\u00E1r beolvasta, el\u00E9rte a f\u00E1jl v\u00E9ge jelet \u00E9s nem haszn\u00E1lhat\u00F3 \u00FAjra.
XJ103.S=A t\u00E1blan\u00E9v nem lehet \u00FCres
XJ04C.S=A CallableStatement k\u00F6teg nem tartalmazhat kimen\u0151 param\u00E9tereket.
XN016.S=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll hiba\: a folyamhossz-ellen\u0151rz\u00E9s sor\u00E1n hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt, \#{0} param\u00E9ter. \u00DCzenet\: {1}.
XJ012.S=A(z) ''{0}'' m\u00E1r be van z\u00E1rva.
XJ083.U=A(z) ''{0}'' nem enged\u00E9lyezett, mivel a ResultSet nem friss\u00EDthet\u0151 ResultSet.
42X74=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen CALL utas\u00EDt\u00E1s szintaxis.
XN014.S=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll hiba\: IOException t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt, \#{0} param\u00E9ter. A marad\u00E9k adatok 0x0 \u00E9rt\u00E9kkel lettek kit\u00F6ltve. \u00DCzenet\: {1}.
XJ010.S=Nem adhat\u00F3 ki ment\u00E9si pont, ha az autoCommit be van kapcsolva.
XCL08.S=A(z) ''{0}'' kurzor nem soron \u00E1ll.
XJ081.S=''{0}'' \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen \u00E9rt\u00E9k ker\u00FClt \u00E1tad\u00E1sra ''{1}'' param\u00E9terk\u00E9nt a(z) ''{2}'' met\u00F3dusnak
XJ068.S=A k\u00F6teg k\u00F6zep\u00E9n csak executeBatch \u00E9s clearBatch megengedett.
XN012.S={0} platformokon az XA {1} \u00E9s \u00FAjabb v\u00E1ltozatokat t\u00E1mogat. Ez a v\u00E1ltozat {2}
XJ066.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max) met\u00F3dushoz.
XN010.S=Az elj\u00E1r\u00E1sn\u00E9v nem lehet \u00FCres.
J133=A kapcsolat felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i jelszava
J132=A kapcsolat felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3neve
J130=A PROTOCOL \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen FDOCA le\u00EDr\u00E1shiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt
XJ064.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a setFetchDirection(int direction) met\u00F3dushoz.
0A000.S.7=A(z) ''{0}'' adatt\u00EDpus nem t\u00E1mogatott.
XJ081.C=\u00DCtk\u00F6z\u0151 l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1s/vissza\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s/helyre\u00E1ll\u00EDt\u00E1s attrib\u00FAtumok lettek megadva.
0A000.S.5=A(z) ''{0}'' biztons\u00E1gi mechanizmus nem t\u00E1mogatott.
0A000.S.4=A cancel() f\u00FCggv\u00E9nyt a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 nem t\u00E1mogatja.
08006.D=A(z) ''{0}'' adatb\u00E1zis le\u00E1ll.
0A000.S.3=A(z) {0} resultSetHoldability tulajdons\u00E1g nem t\u00E1mogatott
08006.C=H\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokollhiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt \u00E9s a kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt\: {0}
0A000.S.2=A(z) {0} JDBC met\u00F3dust a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3 nem t\u00E1mogatja. Friss\u00EDtse a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3t.
24501.S=A megadott kurzor nincs megnyitva.
0A000.S.1=A JDBC met\u00F3dus m\u00E9g nem ker\u00FClt megval\u00F3s\u00EDt\u00E1sra.
XJ062.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen ''{0}'' param\u00E9ter\u00E9rt\u00E9k a ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows) met\u00F3dushoz.
J129=Lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9s megnyit\u00E1sa parancs ker\u00FClt kiad\u00E1sra egy m\u00E1r megnyitott lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9shez
J128=a kurzor nincs megnyitva
XJ045.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen vagy (jelenleg) nem t\u00E1mogatott ''{0}'' elk\u00FCl\u00F6n\u00EDt\u00E9si szint ker\u00FClt \u00E1tad\u00E1sra a Connection.setTransactionIsolation() met\u00F3dusnak. Jelenleg t\u00E1mogatott \u00E9rt\u00E9kek\: java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED \u00E9s java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J127=parseSQLDIAGGRP m\u00E9g nem ker\u00FClt megval\u00F3s\u00EDt\u00E1sra
J126=p\u00E1rbesz\u00E9des protokoll hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt. Ok\: 0x{0}.
XJ049.C=\u00DCtk\u00F6z\u0151 l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1s attrib\u00FAtumok lettek megadva.
J125=adatle\u00EDr\u00F3-elt\u00E9r\u00E9s hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt.
J124=a rel\u00E1ci\u00F3s adatb\u00E1zis el\u00E9r\u00E9se (ACCRDB) parancs nem adhat\u00F3 ki, mivel az adatb\u00E1zist \u00E9ppen haszn\u00E1lj\u00E1k
J123=a k\u00E9rt parancs nem tervezett \u00E9s megval\u00F3s\u00EDt\u00E1s specifikus felt\u00E9telt \u00E9szlelt, amelyhez nem voltak tervezett \u00FCzenetek
J122=az adatb\u00E1zis szolg\u00E1ltat\u00E1sait k\u00E9r\u0151 parancs ker\u00FClt kiad\u00E1sra az adatb\u00E1zis el\u00E9r\u00E9s\u00E9t k\u00E9r\u0151 parancs el\u0151tt (ACCRDB)
J121=a felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3 nem jogosult az adatb\u00E1zis el\u00E9r\u00E9sre
J120=nem megadott
07000=Az aktu\u00E1lis utas\u00EDt\u00E1s legal\u00E1bb egy param\u00E9tere nem lett inizializ\u00E1lva.
25001=A kapcsolat nem z\u00E1rhat\u00F3 le, am\u00EDg van akt\u00EDv tranzakci\u00F3.
XJ208.S=Nem atomi k\u00F6teghiba. A k\u00F6teg elk\u00FCld\u00E9sre ker\u00FClt, de legal\u00E1bb egy kiv\u00E9tel t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a k\u00F6teg egyik egyedi tagj\u00E1n. A getNextException() seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel lek\u00E9rheti a kiv\u00E9teleket az adott k\u00F6tegelt elemekhez.
XJ099.S=Az olvas\u00F3/folyam objektum nem tartalmaz hossz karaktereket
XJ117.S=A lek\u00E9rdez\u00E9sek k\u00F6tegel\u00E9se a J2EE megfelel\u00E9s \u00E1ltal nem enged\u00E9lyezett.
23502=A(z) ''{0}'' oszlop nem fogadhat el NULL \u00E9rt\u00E9ket.
XJ206.S=A(z) ''{0}'' SQL sz\u00F6veg nem rendelkezik jelsorokkal.
42ZA1=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen SQL a k\u00F6tegben\: ''{0}''.
58016.C=A 0x{0} DDM param\u00E9ter nem t\u00E1mogatott. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ097.S=A kapcsolat \u00E1ltal l\u00E9trehozott ment\u00E9si pont nem g\u00F6rgethet\u0151 vissza vagy szabad\u00EDthat\u00F3 fel.
08001.C.9=Nem alak\u00EDthat\u00F3 ki kapcsolat, mivel a(z) ''{0}'' adatb\u00E1zisn\u00E9v nagyobb, mint a h\u00E1l\u00F3zati protokoll \u00E1ltal megengedett maxim\u00E1lis hossz.
XJ115.S=A resultSet a k\u00E9rt {0} tarthat\u00F3s\u00E1ggal nem nyithat\u00F3 meg.
08001.C.8=A jelsz\u00F3 nem lehet \u00FCres.
08001.C.7=A felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3 nem lehet \u00FCres.
08001.C.6=A jelsz\u00F3hossz ({0}) az 1 - {1} tartom\u00E1nyon k\u00EDv\u00FCl esik.
XJ041.C=A(z) ''{0}'' adatb\u00E1zis l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1sa meghi\u00FAsult, r\u00E9szletek\u00E9rt tekintse meg a k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 kiv\u00E9telt.
3B502.S=RELEASE vagy ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ker\u00FClt megad\u00E1sra, de a ment\u00E9si pont nem l\u00E9tezik.
08001.C.5=A felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3 hossza ({0}) az 1 - {1} tartom\u00E1nyon k\u00EDv\u00FCl esik.
J118=lej\u00E1rt jelsz\u00F3
XJ204.S=Az eredm\u00E9nyhalmaz a k\u00E9rt {0} tarthat\u00F3s\u00E1ggal nem nyithat\u00F3 meg.
08001.C.4=A folyam a socketen nem nyithat\u00F3 meg\: ''{0}''.
XJ028.C=A(z) ''{0}'' URL nem megfelel\u0151en form\u00E1zott.
J117=SECTKN hi\u00E1nyzik az ACCSEC parancsban, ha az sz\u00FCks\u00E9ges vagy \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen
58014.C=A 0x{0} DDM parancs nem t\u00E1mogatott. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
08001.C.3=SocketException kiv\u00E9tel\: ''{0}''
XJ095.S=A privilegiz\u00E1lt tev\u00E9kenys\u00E9g v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1s\u00E1ra t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt k\u00EDs\u00E9rlet meghi\u00FAsult.
J116=helyi biztons\u00E1gi szolg\u00E1ltat\u00E1s nem \u00FAjrapr\u00F3b\u00E1lhat\u00F3 hiba
X0X95.S=''{0}'' m\u0171velet ''{1}'' objektumon nem hajthat\u00F3 v\u00E9gre, mivel az objektumt\u00F3l f\u00FCgg\u0151 megnyitott ResultSet tal\u00E1lhat\u00F3.
XJ113.S=A(z) {0} f\u00E1jl nem nyithat\u00F3 meg\: {1}
08001.C.2={0} \: Hiba t\u00F6rt\u00E9nt a(z) {1} kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3hoz val\u00F3 csatlakoz\u00E1s sor\u00E1n a(z) {2} porton {3} \u00FCzenettel.
J115=\u00FAj jelsz\u00F3 \u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen
XJ05C.S=A glob\u00E1lis tranzakci\u00F3hoz nem \u00E1ll\u00EDthat\u00F3 be tarthat\u00F3s\u00E1gi ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT.
08001.C.1=A(z) {0} sz\u00FCks\u00E9ges Derby DataSource tulajdons\u00E1g nincs be\u00E1ll\u00EDtva.
J114=visszavont felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3
J113=\u00E9rv\u00E9nytelen felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3 vagy jelsz\u00F3
0A000.C.6=A(z) {0} DRDA parancs jelenleg nincs megval\u00F3s\u00EDtva. A kapcsolat lez\u00E1r\u00E1sra ker\u00FClt.
XJ022.S=Folyamok nem \u00E1ll\u00EDthat\u00F3k be\: ''{0}''.
J112=hi\u00E1nyz\u00F3 felhaszn\u00E1l\u00F3i azonos\u00EDt\u00F3
XJ202.S=\u00C9rv\u00E9nytelen kurzorn\u00E9v\: ''{0}''.
XJ009.S=A t\u00E1rolt elj\u00E1r\u00E1sh\u00EDv\u00E1shoz vagy a kimen\u0151 param\u00E9terek haszn\u00E1lat\u00E1hoz CallableStatement alkalmaz\u00E1sa sz\u00FCks\u00E9ges\: {0}
J111=hi\u00E1nyz\u00F3 jelsz\u00F3
J110=biztons\u00E1gi mechanizmus nem t\u00E1mogatott
XJ093.S=A BLOB/CLOB hossza ({0}) t\u00FAl nagy. A hossz maximum {1} lehet.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=Impossibile impostare il flusso\: ''{0}''.
XN017.S=Interruzione del flusso anomala durante la lettura del flusso specificato dal parametro \#{0}. I dati restanti previsti dal server sono stati riempiti con 0x0.
XJ115.S=Impossibile aprire resultSet con holdability richiesto {0}.
XJ04C.S=Il batch CallableStatement non pu\u00F2 contenere i parametri di output.
XN013.S=Orientamento di scorrimento non valido.
XJ079.S=La lunghezza specificata ''{0}'' supera la dimensione di BLOB/CLOB.
XJ111.S=Il nome della tabella esterna non pu\u00F2 essere nullo
XJ208.S=Batch non atomico non riuscito. Il batch \u00E8 stato sottomesso, ma si \u00E8 verificata almeno un''eccezione su un membro singolo del batch. Utilizzare getNextException() per recuperare le eccezioni per gli elementi specifici di cui \u00E8 stato eseguito il batch.
XJ204.S=Impossibile aprire il set di risultati con holdability richiesto {0}.
XJ071.S=Argomento lunghezza negativo ''{0}'' passato a un metodo BLOB o CLOB.
XJ200.S=Numero massimo di sezioni {0} superato
22005.S.6=Tipo SQL Java {0} non riconosciuto.
22005.S.5=Tipo JDBC non valido per il parametro {0}.
22005.S.4=Tipo JDBC non riconosciuto. Tipo\: {0}, columnCount\: {1}, columnIndex\: {2}.
22005.S.3=Impossibile convertire la stringa Unicode nella stringa Ebcdic
22005.S.2=Il convertitore del carattere richiesto non \u00E8 disponibile.
08006.C.8=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver non registrato con JDBC Driver Manager
X0X0D.S=Lunghezza array colonna non valida ''{0}''. Per restituire chiavi generate, l''array colonna deve avere una lunghezza pari a 1 e deve contenere solo la colonna IDENTITY.
22005.S.1=Impossibile convertire un valore di tipo ''{0}'' nel tipo ''{1}''\: la codifica non \u00E8 supportata.
58016.C=Il parametro DDM 0x{0} non \u00E8 supportato. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
08006.C.6=Tentativo di materializzare in modo completo dati lob troppo grandi per la JVM. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
08006.C.5=Dati insufficienti durante la lettura dalla rete - previsto un minimo di {0} byte e ricevuti solo {1} byte. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
08006.C.4=Si \u00E8 verificato un errore durante la reimpostazione di una connessione rinviata e la connessione \u00E8 stata terminata. Per i dettagli, vedere le eccezioni correlate.
08006.C.3=\u00C8 stato rilevato un errore di comunicazione\: {0}.
08006.C.2=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08006.C.1=Si \u00E8 verificato un errore durante la reimpostazione della connessione e la connessione \u00E8 stata terminata. Per i dettagli, vedere le eccezioni correlate.
0A000.S.7=Tipo di dati ''{0}'' non supportato.
0A000.S.5=Meccanismo di sicurezza ''{0}'' non supportato.
0A000.S.4=cancel() non supportato dal server.
XJ015.M=Arresto sistema Derby.
0A000.S.3=Propriet\u00E0 resultSetHoldability {0} non supportata
0A000.S.2=Il metodo JDBC {0} non \u00E8 supportato dal server. Aggiornare il server.
XJ011.S=Impossibile passare un valore nullo per il nome di SAVEPOINT.
08001.C.14=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la lunghezza del nome server (SRVNAM) \u00E8 uguale a zero o maggiore della lunghezza massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
0A000.S.1=Il metodo JDBC non \u00E8 stato ancora implementato.
08001.C.13=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la lunghezza del nome esterno (EXTNAM) \u00E8 uguale a zero o maggiore della lunghezza massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
XJ108.S=Dimensione blocco non valida
08001.C.12=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la lunghezza della password \u00E8 uguale a zero o maggiore della lunghezza massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
08001.C.11=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la lunghezza dell''ID utente \u00E8 uguale a zero o maggiore della lunghezza massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
08001.C.10=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la dimensione del token di sicurezza supera la dimensione massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
XJ104.S=Lunghezza chiave condivisa non valida\: {0}.
XN002.U=SECTKN non restituito.
XJ068.S=Solo executeBatch e clearBatch sono consentiti durante un batch.
XJ100.S=La scala fornita dal metodo registerOutParameter non corrisponde al metodo setter. Possibile perdita di precisione.
XJ064.S=Valore parametro ''{0}'' non valido per setFetchDirection(int direction).
0A000.C.6=Il comando DRDA {0} non \u00E8 attualmente implementato. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XJ008.S=Impossibile eseguire il rollback o il rilascio di un savepoint in modalit\u00E0 di commit automatico.
XJ125.S=Questo metodo deve essere richiamato solo su oggetti ResultSet scorrevoli (tipo TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE).
XJ05C.S=Impossibile impostare holdability ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT per una transazione globale.
XJ121.S=Operazione non valida alla posizione del cursore corrente.
XJ085.S=Il flusso \u00E8 stato gi\u00E0 letto, \u00E8 stata raggiunta la fine del file e non \u00E8 possibile riutilizzarlo.
XJ004.C=Database ''{0}'' non trovato.
XJ214.S=Si \u00E8 verificato un errore IO durante la chiamata di free() su un CLOB o BLOB.
22003.S.3=Si \u00E8 verificato un overflow durante la conversione del tipo di dati numerici di ''{0}'' in {1}.
08004.C.9=Autorizzazione mancante per l''utente ''{0}'' per chiudere il sistema [{1}].
22003.S.2=Il numero decimale pu\u00F2 contenere 31 cifre.
08004.C.8=L''utente ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 eseguire un''operazione di replica nel database ''{1}''. Solo il proprietario del database pu\u00F2 eseguire questa operazione.
XN023.C=Il flusso specificato dal parametro \#{0} \u00E8 basato sul locator e richiede una richiesta nidificata nella stessa connessione da materializzare. Ci\u00F2 non \u00E8 supportato.
22003.S.1=L''anno ({0}) supera il massimo ''{1}''.
08004.C.7=Connessione rifiutata al database ''{0}'' perch\u00E9 il database \u00E8 in modalit\u00E0 slave di replica.
08004.C.6=L''utente ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 eseguire l''aggiornamento del database ''{1}''. Solo il proprietario del database pu\u00F2 eseguire questa operazione.
08004.C.5=L''utente ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 cifrare il database ''{1}''. Solo il proprietario del database pu\u00F2 eseguire questa operazione.
08004.C.4=L''utente ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 chiudere il database ''{1}''. Solo il proprietario del database pu\u00F2 eseguire questa operazione.
08004.C.3=Connessione al database rifiutata.
08004.C.2=La connessione \u00E8 stata rifiutata perch\u00E9 il database {0} non \u00E8 stato trovato.
XJ081.S=Valore ''{0}'' non valido inviato come parametro ''{1}'' al metodo ''{2}''
08004.C.1=Autenticazione della connessione non riuscita. Motivo\: {0}.
XJ210.S=Non \u00E8 stato trovato il nome del modulo di caricamento per la stored procedure sul server.
XJ057.S=Impossibile eseguire l''operazione di commit di una transazione globale utilizzando la Connessione;, l''elaborazione del commit deve essere eseguita attraverso l''interfaccia XAResource.
XCL08.S=Il cursore ''{0}'' non si trova su una riga.
XJ081.C=Sono stati specificati degli attributi di creazione/ripristino/recupero in conflitto.
J137=Impossibile annullare la registrazione del driver JDBC durante la chiusura del motore Derby. Assicurarsi che SQLPermission("deregisterDriver") sia stato concesso a derby.jar.
J136=Alla connessione chiusa era associata una transazione XA. La transazione verr\u00E0 sottoposta a rollback. La transazione Xid \u00E8 {0}.
23502=La colonna ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 accettare un valore NULL.
J135=Timeout della transazione XA e rollback in corso. La transazione Xid \u00E8 {0}.
J134=Valori negativi per la propriet\u00E0 maxStatements non consentiti\: {0}
J133=La password utente per la connessione
J132=Il nome utente per la connessione
J131=\u00C8 stato rilevato un errore di protocollo (errore di sintassi del datastream). Causa\: 0x{0}. Probabilmente si \u00E8 tentato di aprire una connessione di testo normale a un server abilitato per SSL.
J130=\u00C8 stato rilevato un errore di protocollo (errore di descrizione FDOCA non valida).
22007.S.181=La sintassi della rappresentazione della stringa di un valore data/ora non \u00E8 corretta.
XJ025.S=Il flusso di input non pu\u00F2 avere una lunghezza negativa.
2D521.S.2=Commit o Rollback non valido per l''ambiente di esecuzione dell''applicazione.
2D521.S.1=setAutoCommit(true) non valido durante la transazione globale.
22028=La stringa supera la lunghezza massima di {0}.
XJ021.S=Tipo non supportato.
XJ118.S=Batch di query richiesto su un''istruzione non di query.
58009.C.9=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: lunghezza PKGNAMCSN, {0}, non valida in SQLAM {1}. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XN016.S=Si \u00E8 verificata un''eccezione durante il tentativo di verificare la lunghezza del flusso specificato dal parametro \#{0}. \u00C8 stata visualizzata l''eccezione seguente\: {1}.
58009.C.8=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: lunghezza SCLDTA, {0}, non valida per PKGID. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.7=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: lunghezza SCLDTA, {0}, non valida per RDBCOLID. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
J129=\u00C8 stato eseguito un comando di apertura query per una query gi\u00E0 aperta.
XJ114.S=Nome cursore non valido ''{0}''
J128=Il cursore non \u00E8 aperto.
J126=\u00C8 stato rilevato un errore del protocollo interattivo. Causa\: 0x{0}.
J125=\u00C8 stato rilevato un errore di mancata corrispondenza del descrittore di dati.
XJ04B.S=Il batch non pu\u00F2 contenere un comando che tenti di restituire un set di risultati.
07000=Almeno un parametro sull''istruzione corrente non \u00E8 inizializzato.
J124=Non \u00E8 possibile eseguire il comando ACCRDB (access relational database) perch\u00E9 il database \u00E8 gi\u00E0 in uso.
XN012.S=Su piattaforme {0}, XA supporta la versione {1} e successive, questa \u00E8 la versione {2}
J123=Il comando richiesto ha riscontrato una condizione specifica dell''implementazione e priva di architettura per la quale non era presente alcun messaggio con architettura (ulteriori informazioni eventualmente disponibili nel file derby.log sul server).
08003.C.3=Connessione fisica di base non pi\u00F9 valida o chiusa.
J122=Un comando richiedente servizi del database \u00E8 stato eseguito prima della richiesta di accesso al database (ACCRDB)
08003.C.2=Metodo Lob richiamato dopo la chiusura della connessione
J121=L''utente non \u00E8 autorizzato ad accedere al database.
08003.C.1=getConnection() non valido su una PooledConnection chiusa.
J120=Errore di connessione non specificato
XJ110.S=Il nome della tabella primaria non pu\u00F2 essere nullo
XJ078.S=L''offset ''{0}'' \u00E8 inferiore a zero o troppo grande per il BLOB/CLOB corrente.
XJ207.S=Impossibile utilizzare il metodo executeQuery per l''aggiornamento.
24501.S=Il cursore identificato non \u00E8 aperto.
X0X95.S=Impossibile eseguire l''operazione ''{0}'' sull''oggetto ''{1}'' perch\u00E9 esiste un ResultSet aperto dipendente da tale oggetto.
22018=Formato stringa di caratteri non valido per il tipo {0}.
XJ074.S=Valore del parametro ''{0}'' non valido per Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds).
XJ203.S=Nome cursore ''{0}'' gi\u00E0 in uso
XJ070.S=Argomento posizione negativo o nullo ''{0}'' passato in un metodo Blob o Clob.
J118=Password scaduta
J117=SECTKN mancante su ACCSEC quando richiesto oppure non valido
J116=Errore del servizio di sicurezza locale per un''operazione che non \u00E8 possibile ritentare.
J115=Nuova password non valida
J114=ID utente revocato
J113=ID utente o password non validi
J112=ID utente mancante
58015.C=L''oggetto DDM 0x{0} non \u00E8 supportato. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
J111=Password mancante
J110=Meccanismo di sicurezza non supportato
XJ042.S=''{0}'' non \u00E8 un valore valido per la propriet\u00E0 ''{1}''.
XJ018.S=Il nome colonna non pu\u00F2 essere nullo.
08006.D=Chiusura del database ''{0}''.
08006.C=Si \u00E8 verificato un errore del protocollo di rete e la connessione \u00E8 stata terminata\: {0}
22005=\u00C8 stato effettuato un tentativo per recuperare un valore dati di tipo ''{0}'' da uno di tipo ''{1}''.
XJ014.S=Nessun nome per i SAVEPOINT non denominati.
22003=Il valore risultante non \u00E8 compreso nell''intervallo per il tipo di dati {0}.
XJ099.S=L''oggetto Reader/Stream non contiene i caratteri di lunghezza
XN009.S=Errore relativo alla lunghezza dell''oggetto BLOB/CLOB, segue eccezione.
XJ010.S=Impossibile eseguire SAVEPOINT quando autoCommit \u00E8 attivo.
J109=Rilevata una configurazione del client TCP/IP non corretta. Impossibile determinare l''indirizzo IP dell''host locale\: ''{0}''. Accertarsi che la macchina del client abbia un indirizzo IP correttamente configurato.
XJ107.S=Spaziatura interna non valida
J108=Il gestore della sicurezza non consente l''accesso alla propriet\u00E0 del sistema {0}.
XCY00.S=Valore non valido per la propriet\u00E0 ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
J107=Errore per l''elemento batch \#
J105=La precisione supera 31 cifre.
J104=L''oggetto \u00E8 stato gi\u00E0 chiuso.
XJ095.S=Tentativo di eseguire un''azione privilegiata non riuscito.
J103=\u00C8 stata restituita un''eccezione durante la chiusura del server di rete. {0}
J102=\u00C8 stata restituita un''eccezione durante l''avvio del server di rete. {0}
J101=Impossibile caricare la classe del server di rete, {0}. {1} Verificare l''integrit\u00E0 del file derbynet.jar.
J100=Impossibile trovare la classe del server di rete, {0}. Il percorso di classi deve contenere derbynet.jar.
XJ103.S=Il nome della tabella non pu\u00F2 essere nullo
XBDA0.C.1=Timeout di login superato.
XN001.S=Reimpostazione della connessione non consentita all''interno di un''unit\u00E0 di lavoro.
XJ091.S=Argomento non valido\: l''indice del parametro {0} non \u00E8 un parametro OUT o INOUT.
XJ067.S=Il puntatore di testo SQL \u00E8 nullo.
XJ063.S=Valore parametro ''{0}'' non valido per Statement.setMaxRows(int maxRows). Il valore del parametro deve essere >\= 0.
XCL18.S=Valore LOB o flusso non recuperabile pi\u00F9 di una volta
XCL14.S=La posizione della colonna ''{0}'' non \u00E8 compresa nell''intervallo. Il numero di colonne per ResultSet \u00E8 ''{1}''.
08001.C.9=Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 la lunghezza del nome del database ''{0}'' supera la lunghezza massima consentita dal protocollo di rete.
08001.C.8=La password non pu\u00F2 essere nulla.
08001.C.7=L''ID utente non pu\u00F2 essere nullo.
08001.C.6=Lunghezza password ({0}) fuori dall''intervallo da 1 a {1}.
08001.C.5=Lunghezza ID utente ({0}) fuori dall''intervallo da 1 a {1}.
08001.C.4=Impossibile aprire il flusso sul socket\: ''{0}''.
08001.C.3=SocketException\: ''{0}''
08001.C.2={0}\: Errore di connessione al server {1} sulla porta {2} con messaggio {3}.
XJ128.S=Impossibile annullare il ritorno a capo per ''{0}''
08001.C.1=Propriet\u00E0 Derby DataSource {0} richiesta non impostata.
XJ124.S=Colonna non aggiornabile.
08004=Connessione rifiutata\: {0}
08003=Nessuna connessione corrente.
08000=Connessione chiusa a causa di un''interruzione sconosciuta.
XJ088.S=Operazione non valida\: wasNull() \u00E8 stato chiamato senza alcun dato recuperato.
XJ217.S=Il locator fornito per questo oggetto CLOB/BLOB non \u00E8 valido
XJ084.U=La colonna non corrisponde a una colonna della tabella di database. Impossibile inoltrare ''{0}'' su questa colonna.
XJ05B.C=L''attributo JDBC ''{0}'' ha un valore non valido ''{1}'', i valori validi sono ''{2}''.
XN022.C=Impossibile reimpostare una catena di scritture che ha trasmesso dati al server finch\u00E9 la richiesta non sar\u00E0 finita e la catena terminata.
XJ080.S=USING execute statement ha passato {0} parametri invece di ''{1}''.
XJ056.S=Impossibile impostare Autocommit On in una connessione XA.
XJ213.C=La propriet\u00E0 di connessione traceLevel non dispone di un formato valido per un numero.
XCL31.S=Istruzione chiusa.
J031=Ordinamento per tipi di dati dei caratteri
J030=Percorso di backup per il ripristino di database dal backup
22011.S.1=L''intervallo di valori specificato per la sottostringa con offset {0} e len {1} \u00E8 stato superato per la stringa\: {2}.
XN019.S=Errore durante l''esecuzione di {0}, il server ha restituito {1}.
XJ028.C=URL ''{0}'' non formato correttamente.
XJ020.S=Tipo di oggetto non convertibile in tipo ''{0}'', valore java.sql.Types non valido o oggetto nullo.
XJ117.S=Batch di query non consentito dalla compatibilit\u00E0 J2EE.
XN015.S=Errore del protocollo di rete\: la dimensione specificata di InputStream, parametro \#{0}, \u00E8 inferiore alla lunghezza reale di InputStream.
XJ113.S=Impossibile aprire il file {0} \: {1}
J029=Percorso di backup per la creazione di database dal backup
J028=Percorso di backup per il recupero rollforward
J025=Percorso directory di log
XN011.S=La lunghezza del nome della procedura {0} non \u00E8 compresa nell''intervallo valido da 1 a {1}.
J023=Password utente
J022=Nome utente
J021=Impostazioni nazionali per il database
XJ077.S=\u00C8 stata riscontrata un''eccezione durante il tentativo di leggere il primo byte/carattere del pattern BLOB/CLOB utilizzando getBytes/getSubString.
J020=Chiave crittografica segreta
XJ206.S=Il testo SQL ''{0}'' non dispone di token.
XJ073.S=I dati presenti nel metodo BLOB o CLOB non sono pi\u00F9 disponibili. La transazione BLOB/CLOB potrebbe essere stata completata, la relativa connessione potrebbe essere chiusa oppure \u00E8 stata liberata.
XJ202.S=Nome cursore non valido ''{0}''.
0A000.S=Funzione non implementata\: {0}.
XJ045.S=Livello di isolamento non valido o attualmente non supportato, ''{0}'', passato a Connection.setTransactionIsolation(). I valori supportati sono java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED e java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
J019=Chiave crittografica esterna
J018=Lunghezza chiave crittografica
J017=Algoritmo crittografico
J016=Provider servizio crittografico
J013=Aggiorna database
58014.C=Il comando DDM 0x{0} non \u00E8 supportato. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XJ049.C=Conflitto durante la creazione degli attributi specificati.
J010=Cifra database su disco
XJ017.S=Nessun comando savepoint consentito all''interno del codice trigger.
58010.C=Si \u00E8 verificato un errore del protocollo di rete. Non \u00E8 stato possibile stabilire una connessione perch\u00E9 il gestore {0} a livello {1} non \u00E8 supportato dal server.
XJ013.S=Nessun identificativo per i SAVEPOINT denominati.
XJ041.C=Impossibile creare il database ''{0}''; per i dettagli, vedere l''eccezione successiva.
XN008.S=Elaborazione della query terminata a causa di un errore sul server.
XJ098.S=Valore delle chiavi generato automaticamente {0} non valido
42622=Il nome ''{0}'' \u00E8 troppo lungo. La lunghezza massima \u00E8 ''{1}''.
J008=Nessun dettaglio
XJ106.S=Nessuna spaziatura interna
J007=Crea database
J006=Annulla la registrazione di AutoloadedDriver
J005=Arresta Derby
J004=Identit\u00E0 database
J003={0}\: arresto in corso del motore di Derby
XJ090.S=Parametro non valido\: il calendario \u00E8 nullo.
XJ066.S=Valore parametro ''{0}'' non valido per Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max).
3B502.S=\u00C8 stato specificato Release o Rollback per un savepoint che non esiste.
XJ062.S=Valore parametro ''{0}'' non valido per ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows).
XCL13.S=La posizione del parametro ''{0}'' non \u00E8 compresa nell''intervallo. Il numero dei parametri per questa istruzione preparata \u00E8 ''{1}''.
24000=Stato cursore non valido - nessuna riga corrente.
XJ030.S=Impossibile impostare Autocommit On in una connessione nidificata.
08004.C.14=L''utente ''{0}'' non pu\u00F2 decifrare il database ''{1}''. Solo il proprietario del database pu\u00F2 eseguire questa operazione.
08004.C.13=Il nome utente o la password \u00E8 nullo o di lunghezza 0.
08004.C.12=Autenticazione della connessione non riuscita. Le credenziali fornite non erano valide oppure il database utilizza uno schema di cifratura della password non compatibile con il rigido meccanismo di sicurezza basato sulla sostituzione delle password. Se l''errore si \u00E8 verificato dopo l''aggiornamento, fare riferimento alle note di rilascio relative a DERBY-4483 per le opzioni disponibili.
08004.C.11=Autorizzazione mancante per l''utente ''{0}'' per creare il database ''{1}'' [{2}].
08004.C.10=Impossibile verificare le autorizzazioni di sistema per creare il database ''{0}'' [{1}].
XJ123.S=Questo metodo deve essere richiamato per aggiornare i valori nella riga corrente o nella riga di inserimento.
XN021.S=Impossibile associare un oggetto di tipo {0} a un oggetto di tipo {1}.
XJ087.S=La somma della posizione (''{0}'') e della lunghezza (''{1}'') produce un valore superiore alla dimensione del LOB pi\u00F9 uno.
XJ216.S=La lunghezza dell''oggetto BLOB/CLOB non \u00E8 ancora disponibile. Quando si accede a un oggetto BLOB o CLOB come flusso, la lunghezza non \u00E8 disponibile fino al termine dell''elaborazione dell''intero flusso.
01J13=Il numero di righe restituite ({0}) \u00E8 troppo grande per essere un numero intero; il valore restituito verr\u00E0 troncato.
XJ083.U=''{0}'' non consentito perch\u00E9 ResultSet non \u00E8 un ResultSet aggiornabile.
01J12=Impossibile acquisire il testo del messaggio dal server. Vedere l''eccezione successiva. La stored procedure SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGE non \u00E8 installata sul server. Contattare l''amministratore del database.
01J10=I set di risultati sensibili allo scorrimento non sono supportati dal server; eseguire un nuovo mapping al cursore di tipo forward-only
XJ212.S=Sintassi dell''attributo non valida\: {0}
XJ059.S=Impossibile chiudere una connessione mentre una transazione globale \u00E8 ancora attiva.
01J08=Impossibile aprire il tipo resultSet {0}. Tipo ResultSet {1} aperto.
01J07=ResultSetHoldability limitato a ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT per una transazione globale.
01J06=ResultSet non aggiornabile. La query non \u00E8 qualificata per la generazione di un ResultSet aggiornabile.
XJ023.S=Il flusso di input non disponeva della quantit\u00E0 esatta di dati della lunghezza richiesta.
XBM0N.D=Registrazione driver JDBC con java.sql.DriverManager non riuscita. Per i dettagli, vedere l''eccezione successiva.
XN018.S=Errore del protocollo di rete\: la dimensione specificata di Reader, parametro \#{0}, \u00E8 inferiore alla lunghezza reale di InputStream.
58009.C.21=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: lunghezza SCLDTA, {0}, non valida per RDBNAM. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.20=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: solo una lunghezza VCM, NVCS pu\u00F2 essere non nulla. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XJ116.S=Non \u00E8 possibile aggiungere pi\u00F9 di {0} comandi a un singolo batch.
XN014.S=Si \u00E8 verificata un''eccezione durante la lettura del flusso specificato dal parametro \#{0}. I dati restanti previsti dal server sono stati riempiti con 0x0. \u00C8 stata visualizzata l''eccezione seguente\: {1}.
X0Y78.S.2={0}.executeQuery() \u00E8 stato richiamato ma non \u00E8 stato restituito alcun set di risultati. Utilizzare {1}.executeUpdate() per non query.
XJ112.S=Si \u00E8 verificata un''eccezione di sicurezza; per i dettagli, vedere l''eccezione successiva.
X0Y78.S.1={0}.executeQuery() non pu\u00F2 essere richiamato poich\u00E9 sono stati restituiti pi\u00F9 set di risultati. Utilizzare {1}.execute() per acquisire pi\u00F9 risultati.
XJ209.S=La stored procedure richiesta non \u00E8 installata sul server.
XN010.S=Il nome della procedura non pu\u00F2 essere nullo.
XJ076.S=L''argomento posizione ''{0}'' supera la dimensione di BLOB/CLOB.
58009.C.19=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: SECTKN non restituito. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.18=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: FDOCA LID non valido. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.17=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: interruzione del flusso durante la lettura di InputStream, parametro \#{0}. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.16=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: DSS concatenato con lo stesso ID al termine della stessa analisi di catena ID. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.15=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: lunghezza DSS non 0 al termine della stessa analisi di catena ID. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.14=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: stack di raccolta non vuoto al termine della stessa analisi della catena ID. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.13=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: la raccolta DDM contiene meno di 4 byte di dati. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58009.C.12=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: il punto di codice reale, {0}, non corrisponde al punto di codice previsto, {1}. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
42X74=Sintassi dell''istruzione CALL non valida.
XJ072.S=Pattern nullo o searchStr passato a un metodo di posizione BLOB o CLOB.
58009.C.11=La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata perch\u00E9 la codifica non \u00E8 supportata.
58009.C.10=Eccezione del protocollo di rete\: solo una lunghezza VCM, VCS pu\u00F2 essere maggiore di 0. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
58017.C=Il valore del parametro DDM 0x{0} non \u00E8 supportato. \u00C8 possibile che una variabile host di input non sia presente nell''intervallo che il server supporta. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XJ044.S=''{0}'' non \u00E8 una scala valida.
25001=Impossibile chiudere una connessione se una transazione \u00E8 ancora attiva.
08006.D.1=Database ''{0}'' eliminato.
XJ048.C=Sono stati specificati attributi di avvio in conflitto\: {0}
XJ016.S=Metodo ''{0}'' non consentito sull''istruzione preparata.
XJ012.S=''{0}'' gi\u00E0 chiuso.
XCY02.S=La modifica della propriet\u00E0 richiesta non \u00E8 supportata ''{0}''\=''{1}''.
XJ040.C=Impossibile avviare il database ''{0}'' con il caricatore di classi {1}. Per i dettagli, vedere l''eccezione successiva.
XJ097.S=Impossibile eseguire il rollback o il rilascio di un savepoint creato da questa connessione.
XJ105.S=La lunghezza della chiave DES non \u00E8 corretta, lunghezza prevista {0}, lunghezza acquisita {1}.
XIE08.S=Non esiste alcuna colonna denominata\: {0}.
XJ093.S=La lunghezza di BLOB/CLOB, {0}, \u00E8 troppo grande. Non pu\u00F2 superare {1}.
XJ069.S=Nessun metodo SetXXX consentito in caso di USING execute statement.
XJ065.S=Valore parametro ''{0}'' non valido per Statement.setFetchSize(int rows).
X0Y79.S=Impossibile chiamare Statement.executeUpdate() tramite un''istruzione che restituisce ResultSet.
42ZA1=SQL non valido in batch\: ''{0}''.
XJ061.S=Il metodo ''{0}'' \u00E8 consentito solo sui cursori di scorrimento.
XCL16.S=ResultSet non aperto. L''operazione ''{0}'' non \u00E8 consentita. Verificare che il commit automatico sia inattivo.
XCL12.S=\u00C8 stato effettuato un tentativo di inserire un valore dati di tipo ''{0}'' in uno di tipo ''{1}''.
XJ009.S=Utilizzo di CallableStatement richiesto per la chiamata della stored procedure o utilizzo dei parametri di output\: {0}
XJ126.S=Questo metodo non deve essere richiamato su cursori dinamici sensibili.
XJ122.S=Nessun metodo updateXXX \u00E8 stato richiamato su questa riga.
XJ001.U=Eccezione Java\: ''{1}\: {0}''.
XN020.S=Errore durante il marshalling o l''unmarshalling di un tipo definito dall''utente\: {0}
XJ086.S=Non \u00E8 possibile richiamare questo metodo mentre il cursore non si trova sulla riga di inserimento oppure se la simultaneit\u00E0 di questo oggetto ResultSet \u00E8 CONCUR_READ_ONLY.
XJ215.S=Non \u00E8 possibile richiamare altri metodi java.sql.Clob/java.sql.Blob dopo una chiamata al metodo free() oppure dopo che la transazione Blob/Clob \u00E8 stata confermata o che ne \u00E8 stato eseguito il rollback.
XN024.C=Si \u00E8 verificata un''eccezione che ha interrotto la connessione durante la lettura dal flusso specificato dal parametro \#{0}. Messaggio dell''eccezione\: {1}.
XJ082.U=I valori BLOB/CLOB non sono consentiti come parametri di metodo o destinatari.
57017.C=Non esiste una conversione disponibile per la pagina del codice di origine, {0}, alla pagina del codice di destinazione, {1}. La connessione \u00E8 stata terminata.
XJ211.S=Si \u00E8 verificata un''eccezione di interruzione della catena irreversibile durante l''elaborazione batch. L''elaborazione batch \u00E8 stata interrotta non atomicamente.
XJ058.S=Impossibile eseguire l''operazione di rollback di una transazione globale utilizzando la Connessione; l''elaborazione del commit deve essere eseguita attraverso l''interfaccia XAResource.
42X30=Cursore ''{0}'' non trovato. Verificare che il commit automatico sia inattivo.
XJ050.U=\u00C8 necessario aggiornare il database dalla versione {0}; impostare l''attributo ''upgrade\=true sull''URL della connessione JDBC per consentire l''aggiornamento alla versione {1}.
#Fri Apr 06 18:09:33 PDT 2018
XJ022.S=\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30FC\u30E0\u3092\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093\: ''{0}''\u3002
22005.S.6=\u8A8D\u8B58\u3055\u308C\u306A\u3044Java SQL\u578B{0}\u3067\u3059\u3002
22005.S.4=\u8A8D\u8B58\u3055\u308C\u306A\u3044JDBC\u578B\u3067\u3059\u3002\u578B\: {0}\u3001columnCount\: {1}\u3001columnIndex\:...

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