1IntroductionThis project will feel somewhat familiar in that it is nearly identical to the preceding project: there is a coding problem and a puzzle-solving problem. The major change is that...


This project will feel somewhat familiar in that it is nearly identical to the preceding project: there is a coding problem and a puzzle-solving problem. The major change is that everything is at the assembly level:

  • Problem 1 re-works the LCD Clock functions from the previous project in x86-64 Assembly rather than C

  • Problem 2 involves analyzing a binary executable to provide it with the correct input to "defuse" the executable much like the previous project's Puzzlebox problem

Working with assembly will get you a much more acquainted with the low-level details of the x86-64 platform and give you a greater appreciation for "high-level" languages (like C).


Download Code and Setup

Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.



ProvidedProblem 1 Build file


ProvidedProblem 1 header file


ProvidedProblem 1 main() function


ProvidedProblem 1 clock simulator functions


CREATEProblem 1 Assembly functions, re-code C in x86-64,main file to edit for problem 1


CREATEProblem 1 C functions, COPY from Project 2 or see a staff member to discuss


TestingProblem 1 testing program forclock_update_asm.c


TestingProblem 1 testing data file


TestingProblem 1 testing data file for mixed C/Assembly


TestingProblem 1 test running script


ProvidedProblem 2 script used to download a bomb from the server


DownloadProblem 2 Debugging problem,download from serveror usebomb_download.sh


DirectoryCreated byunzip bombNN.zipand contains the below files


UnpackProblem 2main()forbomb


UnpackProblem 2 Executable to debug: this is the important one


UnpackProblem 2 Describes "owner" of the bomb


EditProblem 2 Input forbomb, fill this in to defuse stages


Problem 1: Clock Display Assembly Functions

The functions in this problem are identical to a previous project in which code to support an LCD clock display was written. These functions are:

int set_tod_from_ports(tod_t *tod)

Retrieves valueTIME_OF_DAY_PORTand converts this to number of seconds from the beginning of the day with rounding via bit shifts and masking. Then sets the fields of the struct pointed to bytodto have the correct hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM indication.

int set_display_from_tod(tod_t tod, int *display)

Given atod_tstruct, reset and alter the bits pointed to bydisplayto cause a proper clock display.

int clock_update()

Update globalCLOCK_DISPLAY_PORTusing theTIME_OF_DAY_PORT. Call the previous two functions.

The big change in this iteration will be thatthe functions must be written in x86-64 assembly code. As C functions each of these is short, up to 85 lines maximum. The assembly versions will be somewhat longer as each C line typically needs 1-4 lines of assembly code to implement fully. Coding these functions in assembly give you real experience writing working assembly code and working with it in combination with C.

The code setup and tests are mostly identicalfor this problem as for the previous C version of the problem.Refer to original Clock LCD Display Problem descriptionfor a broad overview of the simulator and files associated with it.

3.1Hand-Code Your Assembly

As discussed in class, one can generate assembly code from C code with appropriate compiler flags. This can be useful for getting oriented and as a beginning to the code your assembly versions of the functions. However, this exercise is about writing assembly yourself to gain a deeper understanding of it.

Code that is clearly compiler-generated with no hand coding will receive 0 credit.

  • No credit will be given on manual inspection

  • Penalties will be assessed for Automated Tests which lower credit to 0

Do not let that dissuade you from looking at compiler-generated assembly code from you C solution to the functions. Make sure that you take the following steps which are part of the manual inspection criteria.

Base your Assembly code on your C code

The files to be submitted for this problem include

  • clock_update.c: C version of the functions

  • clock_update_asm.s: Assembly version of the functions

Graders may examine these for a correspondence between to the algorithm used in the C version to the Assembly version. Compiler generated assembly often does significant re-arrangements of assembly code with many intermediate labels that hand-written code will not have.

If you were not able to complete the C functions for the Project 2 or were not confident in your solutions,

see a course staff member who will help you get them up and running quickly.

Annotate your Assembly Thoroughly

Comment your assembly code A LOT. While good C code can be quite self-explanatory with descriptive variable names and clear control structures, assembly is rarely so easy to understand. Include clear commentary on your assembly. This should include

  • Subdividing functions into smaller blocks with comments describing what the blocks accomplish.

  • Descriptions of which "variables" from the C side are held in which registers.

  • Descriptions of most assembly lines and their effect on the variables held in the registers.

  • Descriptions of any data such as bitmasks stored in the assembly code.

  • Use informative label names like.ROUNDING_UPto convey further meaning about what goals certain positions in code are accomplishing.

Use Division

While it is a slow instruction that is cumbersome to set up, usingidivXdivision instruction is the most human-readable means to compute several results needed in the required functions. Compiler generated code uses many tricks to avoid integer division so a lack ofidivXinstructions along this line will be a clear sign little effort has been put into the assembly code.

3.2General Cautions when coding Assembly

  1. Get your editor set up to make coding assembly easier. If you are using VS Code, the following video will show you how to install an extension to do syntax highlighting and block comment/uncomment operations in assembly:https://youtu.be/AgmXUFOEgIw

  2. Be disciplined about your register use: comment what "variables" are in which registers as it is up to you to keep track. The #1 advice from past students to future students is "Comment the Crap out of your assembly code" on this project.

  3. Be Careful with constants: forgetting a$in constants will lead to a bare, absolute memory address which will likely segfault your program. Contrast:

    movq $0,%rax # rax = 0 movq 0, %rax # rax = *(0): segfault # bare 0 is memory address 0 - out of bounds

    Running your programs, assembly code included, in Valgrind can help to identify these problems. In Valgrind output, look for a line number in the assembly code which has absolute memory addresses or a register that has an invalid address.

  4. Recognize that in x86-64 function parameters are passed in registers for up to 6 arguments. These are arranged as follows

    1. rdi / edi / di(arg 1)

    2. rsi / esi / si(arg 2)

    3. rdx / edx / dx(arg 3)

    4. rcx / ecx / cx(arg 4)

    5. r8 / r8d / r8w(arg 5)

    6. r9 / r9d / r9w(arg 6)

    and the specific register corresponds to how argument sizes (64 bit args inrdi, 32 bit inedi, etc). The functions you will write have few arguments so they will all be in registers.

  5. Use registers sparingly. The following registers (64-bit names) are "scratch" registers or "caller save." Functions may alter them freely (though some may contain function arguments).

    rax rcx rdx rdi rsi r8 r9 r10 r11  # Caller save registers

    No special actions need to be taken at the end of the function regarding these registers except thatraxshould contain the function return value.

    Remaining registers are "callee save": if used, their original values must be restored before returning from the function.

    rbx rbp r12 r13 r14 r15            # Callee save registers

    This is typically done by pushing the callee registers to be used on the stack, using them, them popping them off the stack in reverse order. Avoid this if you can (and you probably can in our case).

  6. Be careful to adjust the stack pointer usingpushX/popXorsubq/addq. Keep in mind the stack must be aligned to 16-byte boundaries for function calls to work correctly. Above all, don't treatrspas a general purpose register.

3.3Register Summary Diagram

For reference, here is a picture that appears in the lecture slides that summarizes the names and special uses for the registers in x86-64.


Figure 1:Summary of general purpose register usages in x86-64.

3.4Structure ofclock_update_asm.s

Below is a rough outline of the structure of required assmebly file. Consider copying this file as you get started and commenting parts of it out as needed.

.text                           # IMPORTANT: subsequent stuff is executable .global  set_tod_from_ports          ## ENTRY POINT FOR REQUIRED FUNCTION set_tod_from_ports:         ## assembly instructions here          ## a useful technique for this problem         movX    SOME_GLOBAL_VAR(%rip), %reg  # load global variable into register                                              # use movl / movq / movw / movb                                              # and appropriately sized destination register  ### Data area associated with the next function .data                           # IMPORTANT: use .data directive for data section  my_int:                         # declare location an single int         .int 1234               # value 1234  other_int:                      # declare another accessible via name 'other_int'         .int 0b0101             # binary value as per C '0b' convention  my_array:                       # declare multiple ints in a row          .int 10                 # for an array. Each are spaced         .int 20                 # 4 bytes from each other         .int 30   .text                           # IMPORTANT: switch back to executable code after .data section .global  set_display_from_tod  ## ENTRY POINT FOR REQUIRED FUNCTION set_display_from_tod:         ## assembly instructions here  ## two useful techniques for this problem         movl    my_int(%rip),%eax    # load my_int into register eax         leaq    my_array(%rip),%rdx  # load pointer to beginning of my_array into rdx   .text .global clock_update          ## ENTRY POINT FOR REQUIRED FUNCTION clock_update: ## assembly instructions here



int set_tod_from_ports(tod_t *tod); // Reads the time of day from the TIME_OF_DAY_PORT global variable. If // the port's value is invalid (negative or larger than 16 times the // number of seconds in a day) does nothing to tod and returns 1 to // indicate an error. Otherwise, this function uses the port value to // calculate the number of seconds from start of day (port value is // 16*number of seconds from midnight). Rounds seconds up if there at // least 8/16 have passed. Uses shifts and masks for this calculation // to be efficient. Then uses division on the seconds since the // begining of the day to calculate the time of day broken into hours, // minutes, seconds, and sets the AM/PM designation with 1 for AM and // 2 for PM. By the end, all fields of the `tod` struct are filled in // and 0 is returned for success.  //  // CONSTRAINT: Uses only integer operations. No floating point // operations are used as the target machine does not have a FPU.

Note that this function uses atod_tstruct which is inclock.hdescribed here:

// Breaks time down into 12-hour format typedef struct{   int   day_secs;    // seconds from start of day   short time_secs;   // seconds in current hour   short time_mins;   // minutes in current hour   short time_hours;  // current hour of day   char  ampm;        // 1 for am, 2 for pm } tod_t;

Assembly Implementation Notesset_tod_from_ports

  1. The function one argument: a pointer to a struct which will be in registerrdi.

  2. Return values or functions are to be placedeaxfor 32 bit quantities as is the case here (int).

  3. To access a global variable and copy it into a register, use the following assembly syntax

    movl TIME_OF_DAY_PORT(%rip), %ecx # copy global var to reg ecx

    The function should not changeTIME_OF_DAY_PORTso copying it to a register is among the first steps to perform.

  4. Use comparisons and jump to a separate section of code that is clearly marked as "error" if you detect a bad arguments.

  5. Make use of shift / mask operations to convert the port value to the number of seconds from the beginning of the day. Use the remainder value to determine if seconds should round up or not.

  6. Make use of division to "break down" the argumenttime_secs. Keep in mind that theidivlinstruction must haveeaxas the dividend,edxzeroed out via acqtoinstruction. Any 32-bit register can contain thedivisor. After the instruction,eaxwill hold thequotientandedxthe remainder. With cleverness, you'll only need to do a couple divisions.

  7. A pointer to atod_tstruct can access its fields using the following offset table which assume that%regholds a pointer to the struct (substitute an actual register name).

    C Field AccessOffsetSizeAssign 5 to field


    0 bytes4 bytes

    movl $5, 0(%reg)


    4 bytes2 bytes

    movw $5, 4(%reg)


    6 bytes2 bytes

    movw $5, 6(%reg)


    8 bytes2 bytes

    movw $5, 8(%reg)


    10 bytes1 byte

    movb $5,10(%reg)

    You will need to use these offsets to set the fields of the struct near the end of the routine.



int set_display_from_tod(tod_t tod, int *display); // Accepts a tod and alters the bits in the int pointed at by display // to reflect how the LCD clock should appear. If any time_** fields // of tod are negative or too large (e.g. bigger than 12 for hours, // bigger than 59 for min/sec) or if the AM/PM is not 1 or 2, no // change is made to display and 1 is returned to indicate an // error. The display pattern is constructed via shifting bit patterns // representing digits and using logical operations to combine them. // May make use of an array of bit masks corresponding to the pattern // for each digit of the clock to make the task easier.  Returns 0 to // indicate success. This function DOES NOT modify any global // variables

Assembly Implementation Notesset_display_from_tod

  1. Arguments will be

    • a packedtod_tstruct in%rdiand%rsi

    • an integer pointer in%rdx

  2. The packedtod_tstruct is spread across two registers,%rdiand%rsiso will have the following layout.

    C Field AccessRegisterin regRequiredSize



    0-31None4 bytes



    32-47Right by 322 bytes



    48-63Right by 482 bytes



    0-15None2 bytes



    16-23Right by 161 bytes

    To access individual fields of the struct, you will need to do shifting and masking to extract the values from the%rdi / %rsiregisters.

  3. Use comparisons and jump to a separate section of code that is clearly marked as "error" if you detect bad fields in thetodstruct argument.

  4. As was the case in the C version of the problem, it is useful to create a table of bit masks corresponding to the bits that should be set for each clock digit (e.g. digit "1" has bit patter0b0000110). In assembly this is easiest to do by using a data section with successive integers. An example of how this can be done is below.

    .section .data array: # an array of 3 ints .int 200 # array[0] = 200 .int 300 # array[1] = 300 .int 400 # array[3] = 400 const: .int 17 # special constant .section .text .globl func func: leaq array(%rip),%r8 # r8 points to array, rip used to enable relocation movq $2,%r9 # r9 = 2, index into array movl (%r8,%r9,4),%r10d # r10d = array[2], note 32-bit movl and dest reg movl const(%rip),%r11d # r11d = 17 (const), rip used to enable relocation

    Adapt this example to create a table of useful bit masks for digits. The GCC assembler understands binary constants specified with the0b0011011style syntax.

  5. Make use of division again to compute "digits" for the ones and tens place of the hours and minutes for the clock. Use these digits to reference into the table of digit bit masks you create to progressively build up the correct bit pattern for the clock display.

  6. Use shifts and ORs to combine the digit bit patterns to create the final clock display bit pattern.



int clock_update(); // Examines the TIME_OF_DAY_PORT global variable to determine hour, // minute, and am/pm.  Sets the global variable CLOCK_DISPLAY_PORT bits // to show the proper time.  If TIME_OF_DAY_PORT appears to be in error // (to large/small) makes no change to CLOCK_DISPLAY_PORT and returns 1 // to indicate an error. Otherwise returns 0 to indicate success. // // Makes use of the previous two functions: set_tod_from_ports() and // set_display_from_tod(). //  // CONSTRAINT: Does not allocate any heap memory as malloc() is NOT // available on the target microcontroller.  Uses stack and global // memory only.

Assembly Implementation Notes forclock_update

  1. No arguments come into the function.

  2. Call the two previous functions to create the struct and manipulate the bits of an the display. Calling a function requires that the stack be aligned to 16-bytes; there is always an 8-byte quantity on the stack (previous value of therspstack pointer). This means the stack must be extended with apushqinstruction before any calls. A typical sequence is

    subq $8,%rsp # extend the stack by 8 bytes call some_func # stack aligned, call function ## return val from func in rax or eax addq $8,Rsp # restore the stack ## NOTE: the above provides 8 bytes on the stack for local ## variables; in the likely event that more space in stack is ## needed, a bigger stack extension should be done but the stack ## should always be grown by 16*N+8 bytes if calling another ## function as this ensures proper alignment.

  3. If several function calls will be made, a single stack extension is all that is needed. needed as in the below

    subq $8,%rsp # extend once call some_func1 # stack aligned, call function ## return val from func in rax or eax ## do some more stuff call some_func2 # stack aligned, call function ## return val from func in rax or eax addq $8,%rsp # restore the stack

  4. In order to call theset_tod_from_ports()function, this function will need to allocate space on the stack for atod_t. This struct is 12 bytes big so at least that amount of memory will need be available in the stack for use. Since there are also function calls required, grow the stack by16*N+8bytes for a non-negative value ofN.

  5. Similarly, to call theset_display_from_tod()function, one will need a packedtod_tin a register. If the precedingset_tod_from_ports()call succeeded, this packed struct can be read from memory into registers with severalmovqinstructions. That stack space can re-used if needed.

  6. Keep in mind that you will need to do error checking of the return values from the two functions: if they return non-zero values jump to a clearly marked "error" section and return a 1. If an error occurs,don't forget to pop restore registers and the stack pointer before returning.

3.8Grading Criteria for Problem 1




make test-prob1which uses programstest_clock_updateandclock_main

Provides 35 tests for functions inclock_update_asm.s

1 point per test passed
5General Criteria for all Functions
Clear signs of hand-crafted assembly are present.
Detailed documentation/comments are provided showing the algorithm used in the assembly
There is a clear relation of the code to the C algorithm used inclock_update.c

Use of good label names to indicate jump targets:.NEG_PORTis good,.L32is bad
High-level variables and registers they occupy are documented in comments
Error checking on the input values is done with a clear "Error" section/label for each function
Any callee save registers used (rbx rbp r12 r13 r14 r15) are pushed at the top of functions and popped at the end


Clear use of shift / mask instructions to convertTIME_OF_DAY_PORTto seconds with rounding
Clear use of the division instruction to compute the seconds, minutes, hours
Clear section or lines which write fields oftod_tstruct to memory
TheidivXinstruction is used to compute quotients and remainders that are needed.


There is a clearly documented.datasection in assembly setting up useful tables of bitmasks
Struct fields are unpacked from an argument register using shift operations
TheidivXinstruction is used to compute quotients and remainders that are needed.


The stack is extended to make space available for local variables (tod_tstruct)
Function calls to the earlier two functions are made with appropriate arguments passed
The stack is properly aligned at a 16-byte boundary for function calls, likely through asubq

Changes to the stack for local variables / alignment are undone via a complementaryaddqinstruction
There is a clear sequence of instructions that load a memory address for the first function call
There is a clear sequence of instructions that load a packed struct into registers for the second function call

NOTE: Passing all tests and earning all manual inspection criteria will earn up to10 Points of Project Makeup Creditwhich will offset past and future loss of credit on projects.


Problem 2: The Binary Bomb

4.1Quick Links

Available only on Lab Machines or Vole

Download Bombs

http://bomblab.cselabs.umn.edu:15213/or use./bomb_downlad.sh

Score Board


2021 GDB Quick Guide/Assembly


More details on these are described in subsequent sections.


The nature of this problem is similar to the previous project'spuzzlebox: there is a program calledbombwhich expects certain inputs from a parameter file or typed as input. If the inputs are "correct", a phase will be "defused" earning points and allowing access to a subsequent phases. The major change is that thebombprogram is in binary so must be debugged in assembly.

Below is a summary of useful information concerning the binary bomb.

Bombs are Individual

The bomb you will download contains subtle variations so that the solution to yours will not work on other bombs. Feel free to discuss general techniques with classmates but know that you'll need to ultimately defuse your own bomb.

Bombs are Binary

A small amount of C code with themain()function is included but the bulk of the code is binary which will require usinggdbto debug the assembly code.

Bombs only Run on Lab Machines

To stay in contact with the scoring server, bombs won't run on your laptop. You'll need to work on them on lab machines.

Bombs Take Input

Similar topuzzlebox, create aninput.txtfile which will contain your answers. Run bombs with this input file. Note that if the bomb runs out of input, you can type input directly into the bomb though this may look a little funny in the debugger.

Defusing Phases Earns Points

As with the earlierpuzzlebox, points for this problem are earned based on how many phases are completed. Each phase that is completed will automatically be logged with the scoring server

Bomb Explosions Lose Points

If incorrect input is entered and the bomb runs to completion, it will "explode" which causes credit to be deducted. See the scoring system for details. This can be prevented by setting breakpoints prior to the explosion sequence and restarting the bomb when those breakpoints are hit.

Use GDB to work with Bombs

The debugger is the best tool to work with running bombs. It may be tempting to try to brute force the bomb by trying many possible inputs but this may lead to many explosions or crashing the scoring server. Both of these are a bad idea so work with your bomb by hand.

4.3Machines on which bombs run

The binary bomb makes frequent contact with a scoring server so you can only run it on a list of prescribed machines. These comprise most of the valid CSELabs machines and are listed in the table below.

MachineLogin AddressLocation
login01login01.cselabs.umn.eduMachine Room
login07login07.cselabs.umn.eduMachine Room
atlascsel-atlas.cselabs.umn.eduMachine Room
apollocsel-apollo.cselabs.umn.eduMachine Room


1-250 Labcsel-kh1250-01.cselabs.umn.eduKeller 1-250
1-260 Labcsel-kh1260-01.cselabs.umn.eduKeller 1-260
Lind Labcsel-lind40-01.cselabs.umn.eduLind Hall 40
Walter Labcsel-wb28-01.cselabs.umn.eduWalter B28

Attempting to run a bomb on an un-authorized machine will error out immediately as in

> ./bomb Initialization error: illegal host 'ck-laptop'. Legal hosts are as follows:   csel-apollo   csel-atlas   csel-vole-01   csel-vole-02   ...


Bomb Download and Setup

  • Download your bomb by running the provided script

    p3-code>> ./bomb_download.sh

    or by visiting the following web address


  • Both the Script and the site must be accessed from CSE Labs Machinesas the server providing them is behind the campus firewall. Using a browser onVoleor aFASTX connectionis the easiest way get a bomb onto your CSELabs account when you are working remotely (and will let you tell friends "I've used a browser inside a browser.").

  • Your UMN X.500 information is used by the script and must be provided on the site. IDs that don't correspond to members of the class will be rejected.

  • The bomb will download as a.zipfile. On Unix machines, extract the contents using the commandunzipas in

    > ls bomb0013.zip > unzip bomb13.zip bomb0013/README bomb0013/bomb.c bomb0013/bomb > ls bomb0013.zip bomb0013/ > cd bomb0013 > ls bomb* bomb.c README

  • The resulting bomb is unique for the downloader and the owner is in theREADMEand logged on the download server.

  • The filebomb(sometimes listed with a*to indicate it is executable) is a compiled binary so employ your assemblygdbskills to cracking it.

  • Create a fileinput.txt. The bomb can be run with it as in

    > ./bomb input.txt

    but you'll likely want to do this ingdbto avoid exploding the bomb.

  • Unlike previous puzzles, ifinput.txtruns out of input, the bomb will prompt for you to type input. This can be a way to explore ahead a little bit in the bomb after solving a phase.

4.5Scoring and Scoreboard (40%)



Scoring is done according to the following table.

10Phase 1
10Phase 2
10Phase 3
5Phase 4
5Phase 5
5Phase 6Not Required
5BonusReduced when Explosions occur
4050 Max40 pts is full credit, 10 MAKEUP Credit available (and maybe more…)

Explosion Penalty: 0.5 points are deducted for each explosion up to 10 explosions. 5pt bonus is reduced for every 2 explosions.

On successfully defusing stages, the bomb will contact a server which tracks scores by number. The scoreboard is here:

You'll need to know your bomb number to see your score but can also see the scores of others.

Examples of Scoring

6145 + (5 - floor(0.5*1) )501 explosion for free
6445 + (5 - floor(0.5*4) )48
61045 + (5 - floor(0.5*10))45
62045 + (5 - floor(0.5*10))45Only count 10 explosions
5740 + (5 - floor(0.5*7))42Round down for explosion penalties
4435 + (5 - floor(0.5*4))38
1010 + (5 - floor(0.5*0))15
020 + (5 - floor(0.5*2))4Even trying with an explosion gets something
0100 + (5 - (floor(0.5*10)0

Getting Credit for the Problem

  • Ensure that the score listed on theScoreboard sitereflects your progress.

  • Ensure yourinput.txtalong with yourbombNN/directory are in your project directory with the rest of your code.

4.6WARNING on Downloading Multiple Bombs

It is possible to download multiple bombs but this will NOT reset your explosion count. Quite the opposite: the default scoring system for the server uses the following conventions.

  • Only the maximum phase defused in any bomb adds points

  • Total explosions across ALL bombs subtract pointswith each separately downloaded bomb contributing up to -5.

Since more bombs likely means more explosions, you are strongly advised to download a single bomb and work with it.


  • If you accidentally run the bomb from the command line, you can kill it with the Unix interrupt key sequenceCtrl-c(hold control, press C key).

    > ./bomb Welcome to my fiendish little bomb. You have 6 phases with which to blow yourself up. Have a nice day! ... >

  • Most of the time you should run the bomb ingdbas in

    > gdb ./bomb

    Refer to theQuick Guide to GDBif you have forgotten how to usegdband pay particular attention to the sections on debugging assembly.

  • Figure out what the explosion routine is called andalways set a breakpoint there. This will allow you to stop the bomb

  • Make use of other tools to analyze the binary bomb aside from the debugger. Some of these are described at the end of theQuick Guide to GDB. They will allow you to search for "interesting" data in the executablebomb. The author of the bomb is encoded in the binary as a string somewhere which may be relevant to inputs for some phases.

  • Disassemblethe executable to look at its entire source assembly code as a text file. The Quick Guide to GDB shows how to useobjdumpto do this. Looking at the whole source code reveals that one cannot hidesecretseasily in programs.

  • Feel free to do some internet research. The "bomb lab" assignment has a long history and there are some useful guides out there that can help you through rough patches. Keep in mind that your bomb will differ but the techniques to defuse it may be similar to others.

Mar 20, 2023

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