2135 O Determine the output of the following C++ .program void addOne(int ref) { ref=ref+1; } int main() { int value=7; cout 1%TV lI. 3 21 3.5 Determine the output of the following C++ program void...

2135 O Determine the output of the following C++ .program void addOne(int ref) { ref=ref+1; } int main() { int value=7; cout < value="">< '="" ';="" addone(value);="" cout="">< value="">< '="" ';="" return="" 0;="" }="" 7="" 0="" 88="" o="" 78="" o="" 770="" determine="" the="" output="" of="" the="" following="" c++="" .program="" int="" mult(int,="" int,="" int="2," int="2);" int="" main()="" (="" 7="" int="">
1%TV lI. 3<br>21 3.5<br>Determine the output of the following C++<br>program<br>void addOne(int ref)<br>{<br>ref = ref + 1;<br>}<br>int main()<br>{<br>int value=7;<br>cout << value <« '\t';<br>addOne(value);<br>cout <« value < '\n';<br>return 0;<br>}<br>87 O<br>88<br>78<br>77 O<br>Determine the output of the following C++<br>program<br>int mult(int, int, int=2, int=2);<br>int main()<br>int x,y,z,W;<br>II<br>

Extracted text: 1%TV lI. 3 21 3.5 Determine the output of the following C++ program void addOne(int ref) { ref = ref + 1; } int main() { int value=7; cout < value=""><« '\t';="" addone(value);="" cout=""><« value="">< '\n';="" return="" 0;="" }="" 87="" o="" 88="" 78="" 77="" o="" determine="" the="" output="" of="" the="" following="" c++="" program="" int="" mult(int,="" int,="" int="2," int="2);" int="" main()="" int="" x,y,z,w;="">

Jun 11, 2022

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