Assignment 3 Engineering Write a C++ program to create a calculator using switch case the calculator has 4 operations (+,-,*, /) for example, when you enter +, the program will give the sum of two...

Assignment 3 Engineering<br>Write a C++ program to create a calculator using switch case<br>the calculator has 4 operations (+,-,*, /)<br>for example, when you enter +, the program will give the<br>sum of two numbers<br>when you enter * the program will give you<br>product of the two numbers<br>and so on for - and /<br>

Extracted text: Assignment 3 Engineering Write a C++ program to create a calculator using switch case the calculator has 4 operations (+,-,*, /) for example, when you enter +, the program will give the sum of two numbers when you enter * the program will give you product of the two numbers and so on for - and /

Jun 10, 2022

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