Card The first thing to do is to implement a class to represent a playing card. Use the following UML diagram to guide you on what this class will need: UML for Card Card - value : char* - suit :...

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The first thing to do is to implement a class to represent a playing card. Use the following UML diagram to guide you on what this class will need:

UML for Card

- value : char*
- suit : char*
- playerId : unsigned*
- discard : bool*

+ Card(v : char, s : char)

+ ~Card()

+ getValue() const : char
+ getSuit() const : char
+ getPlayerId() const : unsigned
+ isDiscard() const : bool

+ setPlayerId(p : unsigned) : void
+ flipDiscard() : void

The following are implementation notes for the class:

  • You must separate the class into two files (specification and implementation)

  • All attributes are dynamic

    • Make sure to release their memory to avoid memory leaks

  • The value of the card is represented asacharso that it can be digits (2 through 9), as well as the (J)ack, (Q)ueen, (K)ing, and (A)ce; the 0 character represents the value 10

  • The suit of the card must take on the values (D)iamond, (H)eart, (C)lub, and (S)pade

  • Use 0 as the initial value for theplayerIdattribute; this will allow you to check if a player owns the card or not in other code later on

  • Thediscardflagis used to determine if the card is currently in the player's discard pile or is still active in the game

  • In the constructor, the first parameter represents the value of the card and the second parameter represents the suit of the card

    • Use a member initializer list to assign starting values to the attributes

  • TheflipDiscardmethod changes the value of thediscardflag toits opposite value


The second task to complete is to implement a class to represent a player in the game. Use the following UML diagram to guide you on what this class will need:

UML for Player

- id : unsigned*
- name : string*
- score : unsigned*

+ Player(n : string)

+ ~Player()

+ getId() const : unsigned
+ getName() const : string
+ getScore() const : unsigned

+ updateScore() : void
+ ask(deck : Card*[], DECK_SIZE : const unsigned) const : char
+ check(deck : Card*[], DECK_SIZE : const unsigned, value : char) const : bool

The following are implementation notes for the class:

  • You must separate the class into two files (specification and implementation)

  • All attributes are dynamic

    • Make sure to release their memory to avoid memory leaks

  • Theidmust be initialized to a random value between 1000 and 9999 (inclusive)

  • In the constructor, the parameter represents the name of the player

    • Use a member initializer list to assign starting values to the attributes

  • TheupdateScoremethod needs to increment the value that thescoreattribute is pointing to by 1

  • Theaskmethod allows the player to ask which card value they want

    • Use a loop to perform this so that the player must pick a card value that is currently in their hand

    • Return the valid card value

  • Thecheckmethod determines if the givenvalueparameter is for a card that is currently in the player's hand

    • Make sure to only consider non-discarded cards

    • Returntrueif one of the cards in the player's hand matchesvalue, otherwise returnfalse

bool isGameOver(Card*[], const unsigned)

The first parameter represents the total deck of cards in the game, while the second parameter is for the size of the array.

The Go Fish game is considered over when all the cards from the deck are in discard piles. You will need to use a loop to iterate over all theCardpointers and determine if they are all discarded.

Returntrueif the game is indeed over, otherwise returnfalse.

Card* assignRandomCard(Card*[], const unsigned, Player*)

The first parameter represents the total deck of cards in the game, the second parameter is for the size of the array, and the third parameter is a pointer to the current player.

One of the main aspects of the Go Fish game is having to constantly "go fish" for more cards from the "pond" (AKA, deck). We will simulate this behavior by randomly choosing a card from the deck that is available and assign the current player to the card as its owner.

Use a loop to randomly pick a valid card from the deck that is:

  1. Not owned by another player

  2. Not in a discard pile

Once a valid card has been found, update its player ID to the current player's ID. Finally, return the pointer to that valid card.

void checkScore(Card*[], const unsigned, Player*, char)

The first parameter represents the total deck of cards in the game, the second parameter is for the size of the array, the third parameter is a pointer to the current player, and the fourth parameter is the card value that the player just added to their hand.

This function needs to check if the player has 4 copies of the given card value in their hand. This is how points are scored in Go Fish. If the player has the 4 copies, that is called a book, and the player is awarded one point.

Use a loop to iterate over theCardpointers in the deck array to figure this out. If the player does have all the copies in their hand, then update their score. Don't forget that you also need to mark those 4 cards as discarded if they player gets the point! This is how we can "remove" those cards from the hand.


As mentioned, there are fourTODOtasks for you to complete in themainfunction.

  1. There is already adeckvariable, but you still need to actually create the 52 dynamicCardobjects for the array. You will need to think of a way of generating all the possible cards in a standard deck (except the Jokers, of course).

  2. Create two dynamicPlayerobjects calledplayer1andplayer2. You will need to get the names for the players from the user. Print out the ID of each player.

  3. Within the actual game loop, almost the logic is done for you except one. In the scenario where the other player has our desired card value, the code needs to reassign the ownership of those cards. If you did thecheckScorefunction correctly, you'll find this logic to be similar.

  4. Release all dynamic memory generated by themainfunction.

Answered 6 days AfterApr 08, 2022

Answer To: Card The first thing to do is to implement a class to represent a playing card. Use the following...

Vaibhav answered on Apr 14 2022
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