Consider the AR(1) model y t = XXXXXXXXXX y t-1 + ?? 1 .Assume that the variance of the white noise process is σ 2 = 10. a. Sketch the theoretical ACF and PACF for this model. b. Generate 50...

Consider the AR(1) model

= 25 + 0.75yt-1


.Assume that the variance of the white noise process is σ2
= 10.

a. Sketch the theoretical ACF and PACF for this model.

b. Generate 50 realizations of this AR(1) process and compute the sample ACF and PACF. Compare the sample ACF and the sample PACF to the theoretical ACF and PACF. How similar to the theoretical values are the sample values?

c. Compare the results from part b with the results from part b of Exercise 5.47. How much has changing the variance of the white noise process impacted the results?

d. Repeat part b using 200 realizations. How has increasing the sample size impacted the agreement between the sample and theoretical ACF and PACF? Does this give you any insight about the sample sizes required for model building, or the reliability of models built to short time series?

e. Compare the results from part d with the results from part c of Exercise 5.47. How much has changing the variance of the white noise process impacted the results?

Exercise 5.47
Consider the AR(1) model

= 25 + 0.75yt-1

+ ε1. Assume that the variance of the white noise process is σ2
= 1.

a. Sketch the theoretical ACF and PACF for this model.

b. Generate 50 realizations of this AR(1) process and compute the sample ACF and PACF. Compare the sample ACF and the sample PACF to the theoretical ACF and PACF. How similar to the theoretical values are the sample values?

c. Repeat part b using 200 realizations. How has increasing the sample size impacted the agreement between the sample and theoretical ACF and PACF? Does this give you any insight about the sample sizes required for model building, or the reliability of models built to short time series?

May 25, 2022

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