Create a function/program to sort 10 data struct mhs saved in array of structure, using insertion sort. Sort is based on gpa (ascending), for similar gpa then sort by name (ascending). struct mhs{ int...

Create a function/program to sort 10 data struct mhs saved in array of structure, using insertion sort.

Sort is based on gpa (ascending), for similar gpa then sort by name (ascending).

struct mhs{

int nim;

float gpa;

char name[20];


insertion sort

void Insertion(int *A, int n){

   int i, j, key;

   for(i=n; i; i++) {

       key = A[i];

       j = i-1;

       while (j>=0 && key

          A[j+1] = A[j];



       A[j+1] = key;



Jun 11, 2022

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