Design a program using a console application in java NetBeans, named studentMarksReport that will print the final result obtained by a student with the weighting of each module. Make use of a class...

Design a program using a console application in java NetBeans, named studentMarksReport that
will print the final result obtained by a student with the weighting of each module. Make use of a
class named Student that contains variables to store the student number, test result, assignment
result and exam. Create a constructor that accepts the student number, test result, assignment
result and the exam result as parameters and create get methods for the variables
(UseJOptionePane to get variable from the user). Create a subclass called Student_Report that
extends the Student class. The Student_Report overrides all getter methods and the constructor
from Students. Write code for the print_report method which calculates each assessment
weighting as follows:

Sep 04, 2022

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