Discuss the Credit Suisse’s working capital practices and current issues/problems.Give suggestions or recommendations to the Credit Suisse in terms on how they can manage their working capital.

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Discuss the Credit Suisse’s working capital practices and current issues/problems.Give suggestions or recommendations to the Credit Suisse in terms on how they can

manage their working capital.

Instructions for Submission Please state the following details on your cover page of your assignment: Module Leader: Navin Kumar Module title: Financial Management Module Number: PSB6005CL Word limit: Maximum 1,500 words Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with university and faculty policy. Learning Outcomes Assessed The following learning outcomes are being assessed. 1. Critically discuss the role and purpose of the financial management function. 2. Examine and apply working capital management techniques and to advise on the profitable and efficient utilisation of the company's assets. COURSEWORK QUESTION: (1) Discuss the Credit Suisse’s working capital practices and current issues/problems. address 1 working capital problem will do. Credit suisse used far too much capital for far too little return and dragged down the whole group's profits. It consistently destroyed value for investors. This is part of the working capital issue, can discuss and evaluate this point and provide the relevant information. a) need to have at least 3 years of financial report to discuss/evaluate. b) maybe can apply ROA formula in the report (2) Give suggestions or recommendations to the company in terms on how they can manage their working capital. Annual Report 2022 - Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) 429 VIII – Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) Controls and procedures 431 Report of the Statutory Auditor 432 Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 432-IV Consolidated financial statements 433 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 440 430 Consolidated financial statements – Credit Suisse (Bank) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 1 Summary of significant accounting policies ...........................................................................440 2 Recently issued accounting standards...................................................................................440 3 Business developments, significant shareholders and subsequent events ................................441 4 Segment information ...........................................................................................................441 5 Net interest income .............................................................................................................442 6 Commissions and fees.........................................................................................................442 7 Trading revenues .................................................................................................................442 8 Other revenues ...................................................................................................................442 9 Provision for credit losses ....................................................................................................442 10 Compensation and benefits .................................................................................................443 11 General and administrative expenses ....................................................................................443 12 Restructuring expenses .......................................................................................................443 13 Revenue from contracts with customers ...............................................................................444 14 Securities borrowed, lent and subject to repurchase agreements ............................................445 15 Trading assets and liabilities .................................................................................................445 16 Investment securities ...........................................................................................................445 17 Other investments ...............................................................................................................447 18 Loans.................................................................................................................................448 19 Financial instruments measured at amortized cost and credit losses .......................................449 20 Goodwill .............................................................................................................................456 21 Other intangible assets ........................................................................................................457 22 Other assets and other liabilities ...........................................................................................457 23 Leases .........
Answered 12 days AfterAug 08, 2024

Answer To: Discuss the Credit Suisse’s working capital practices and current issues/problems.Give suggestions...

Khushboo answered on Aug 18 2024
3 Votes
Module Leader: Navin Kumar
Module title: Financial Management
Module Number: PSB6005CL
Brief introduction about Credit Suisse
Credit Sussie Group AG is a global financial services and investment banking firm and it was founded in 1856. The company is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland and has been acquired by UBS group in June 2023 to avoid bankruptcy. The company is mainly
providing services related to private and investment banking, shared services and assets management. The group was also a primary dealer and forex counterparty of the Federal Reserve of United States. The company was also least affected bank in world at the time of global crisis and it had CHF 1.3 trillions assets under management by end of year 2022.
Detailed analysis of working capital crisis and history
Credit Sussie was the second largest global financial services and investment banking firm in Switzerland after UBS group. The main reason for distressed sale of Sussie was withdrawal of $10 billion approximately by investors or depositors in year 2023. The bank was facing financial crisis from last 2-3 years and its audited financial statements were also under scrutiny. The bank also announced its material weakness in financial reporting and Saudi National Bank (SNB) one of largest investor of bank also ruled out to provide further financial assistance due to regulatory issues (Axhelm, Min 2023). The cost of insuring Credit Sussie Group’s bonds also put bank in lot of stress and it was not able to manage its working capital in efficient manner. The working capital management of the entity was very poor and it has put lot of funds in risky ventures which resulted in facing issues related to short-term liquidity and poor working capital position (Rossi S 2023). The detailed working capital analysis and efficiency of the entity to generate revenue by utilizing the assets can understood from below ratios:
    Ratio Name
    Total assets to liabilities
    Total assets
    Total liabilities
    Debt Equity ratio
    Total Liabilities
    Total equity
    Return on Assets
    Net income
    Total assets
    Return on capital employed
    Operating income
    Total liabilities and equity
    Net income margin
    Net income
    Net revenue
    Operating margin
    Operating profit
    Net revenue
The business is having high total assets to liabilities ratio in all the years which states that it is having huge amount of debt. It is indicative of fact that the business has taken huge amount of loan and made risky investment with very low or no return. Further, the business is also having high debt-equity ratio which indicates that the business is having high proposition of liabilities as compared to equity of the entity (FINMA, 2023). The entity is having such working capital practice which lead to non-availability of the funds in the business as they have invested in non-value-added activities which is not producing return to the business. Furthermore, return on assets shows the return...

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