Does Need an HRIS? Jennifer was getting frustrated. With only a few employees, the company kept a paper-based file for each employee with personal information, benefits forms, and so...

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Does Need an HRIS?

Jennifer was getting frustrated. With only a few employees, the company kept a paper-based file for each employee with personal information, benefits forms, and so on. She and Pierre had decided to outsource payroll, but she still had to spend several hours every two weeks gathering payroll information, such as regular hours, overtime hours, vacation time and sick time that had been taken, and so on to send to the payroll company. The benefits information and calculations were supposed to be carried out by the payroll company, but there had been several instances where mistakes had been made.

Jennifer and Pierre discussed the issue and decided that, as a high-tech company, they should investigate the possibility of computerizing their employee files and information. Even with a very small number of employees, they both thought it might be easier for them to use some sort of HRIS. They have asked you, their management consultant, to provide answers to the following questions.


I What data should be stored for each employee? How would the company use these data?

II Conduct an HRIS needs analysis for the company. What are the results?

III Would you recommend an HRIS to Jennifer and Pierre? If so, what kind of system?

Answered 104 days AfterMay 05, 2022

Answer To: Does Need an HRIS? Jennifer was getting frustrated. With only a few employees, the...

Rinki answered on Aug 17 2022
76 Votes
Case Study Analysis        1
Data to be Stored for Each Employee
1. Internal Data which includes Employee residency, pay, prep
aring records, execution evaluation data, revealing design, subtleties on high-esteem representatives and any disciplinary move made against the worker.
2. External Data
By establishing communication with other organisational areas, external data can be gathered. Data from outside the company is particularly crucial because dealing with data from within the organisation limits access to a global viewpoint.
· Financial data: Any HR study should incorporate association wide monetary information to decide, for instance, the income per representative or the expense of recruit.
· Data particular to the association: The sort of data that HR expects to help examination will fluctuate contingent upon the kind of association and its essential contribution.
· Historical data: Patterns in employee behaviour are influenced by various national and international economic, political, and environmental events. These data can provide information that is not possible from restricted internal data.
As its quite evident that data is essential to the operations of HR departments, which is why it has evolved into a significant aspect of the culture. The gathering and analysis of data enables HR departments to make well-informed choices that are advantageous to the organisation as a whole....

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