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Dilpreet answered on Jun 27 2024
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Literature review
Article, Author, Date: title, Journal
Research Question
Type of Study
Sample, sample size
Instruments use, Reliability, validity, data collection method
Results including statistical analysis consistent with other literature
Veronese, N., Demurtas, J., Celotto, S., Caruso, M. G., Maggi, S., Bolzetta, F., ... & Stubbs, B. (2019). Is chocolate consumption associated with health outcomes? An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
What is the association between chocolate consumption with health outcomes?
Systematic review and meta-analysis
10 systematic reviews were included that incorporate a total of 84 studies. The authors have estimated 95% of the prediction interval and 95% confidence level for each association. In the meta-analysis, a total of 1,061,637 participants were included who continuously consumed chocolate. In this regard, the main databases that were searched are PubMes, Scopus, Cochrane and DARE databases.
To maintain the reliability and validity of the data, the researcher has assessed possible heterogeneity and significance bias. Moreover, a GRADE assessment was done by the researcher to maintain significant outcomes from the RCT.
The results showed that consumption of chocolate is highly associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases which can lead to death (n=4 studies). The researchers have also found through the meta-analysis that continuous chocolate consumption is positively associated with good health of the heart. Moreover, the results of two systematic reviews showed that chocolate consumption is not associated with cognitive function and depressive mood. However, as the GRADE assessment showed that strong evidence to support the outcomes is low.
However, the authors have identified the limitations of the study. The researchers have used credibility assessment criteria while assessing observational evidence. Although no significant proof has been identified by them regarding lack of reliability, the research might have been suspected to be biased and uncertain. Moreover, few studies in the meta-analysis were of low quality which may reduce the credibility of the results.
Sun, Y., Liu, B., Snetselaar, L. G., Wallace, R. B., Shadyab, A. H., Chen, G. C., ... & Bao, W. (2023). Chocolate consumption in relation to all-cause and cause-specific mortality in women: the women’s health initiative.
Is chocolate consumption associated with cause Specific mortality among women?
Longitudinal prospective cohort study.
The total sample size in this research was 84,709 women who were in their post-menopause age and free of cardiovascular diseases when the research started. Clinical trials and observational studies have been conducted on the cohort who were enrolled in 1993- 1998. The study participants will be followed till March 2018.
The Multivariable Cox proportional hazards model was used by the researchers to estimate the adjusted HRs.
The key finding of the study is that among all the women, a modest association between lower risk of all-cause mortality and higher chocolate consumption was observed. Apart from that, if chocolate is consumed 1 to 3 times per week then it is associated with lower CVD. Among all the participants, 7069 died from CVD as compared to 95% of HRs with no chocolate consumption. Thus, a modestly inverse association is observed between chocolate consumption and mortality due to cardiovascular disease. However, the high consumption of chocolate and its impact on mortality requires further investigation as it does not provide any strong evidence to support it.
However, the study has a few limitations such as no causal relationship could have been established by the researchers between mortality rate and chocolate consumption. Moreover, as only older women were taken into consideration the findings may not apply to younger men or women. Apart from that, there is a possibility of measurement error in covariates data and dietary assessment. Moreover, which types of chocolate were consumed by the participants were not identified in the study. Various types of chocolate can have different...