
0 ) then write (*, *) "Error, can not open file." stop end if a) What is the name of the file being opened? b) What is the unit number that will be used for subsequent write operations? c) Does the error message get printed if the file does not exist (yes/no)? d) What does it mean when the status variable is > 0? 4) Assume the file answers.txt exists, has been successfully opened using unit number 20, and contains the following data: "line 1 datal=23 data2 =034 data3 =05123" What is the read statement required to get data1, data2, and data3 into the integer variables num1, num2, and num3 respectively? "/>
Extracted text: 1) What must occur before a file can be read or written? 2) What is the range of the valid unit numbers for a file open? 3) For the following statements: integer :: opnstat character(20) :: filename="file.txt" open (14, file-filename, status="old", action="read", position="rewind", iostat-opnstat) if ( opnstat >0 ) then write (*, *) "Error, can not open file." stop end if a) What is the name of the file being opened? b) What is the unit number that will be used for subsequent write operations? c) Does the error message get printed if the file does not exist (yes/no)? d) What does it mean when the status variable is > 0? 4) Assume the file answers.txt exists, has been successfully opened using unit number 20, and contains the following data: "line 1 datal=23 data2 =034 data3 =05123" What is the read statement required to get data1, data2, and data3 into the integer variables num1, num2, and num3 respectively?