(funmi) Please follow project information and student want plagiarism report The Effect of Child labour in Nigeria (ECL) worksheet: PFF sections A – K Identify your analysis of the situation, using...

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The Effect of Child labour in Nigeria (ECL) worksheet: PFF sections A – K

Identify your analysis of the situation, using the PFF section definitions.

Title: The Effect of Child labour in Nigeria (ECL) worksheet: PFF sections A – K

The structure to follow with examples on portfolio

A1 Development problem at sectoral/sub-sectoral level

A2 Development at level where project can provide solution

B1 Who Identified the problem

B2 Target beneficiaries/Direct recipients

C1 Pre-project situation

C2 Pre-project situation

D Special consideration

E Other donors

F Development objective (Link objectives to national plan)

G Major elements (Activities leading to outputs)

H Project Strategy

(Who are the direct recipients who will benefit from the project activities?)

I Host country commitment

Indications that show that the government or other host country

institutions concerned/stakeholder will provide necessary

counterpart support

J Risks

Potential risk

· At the outset of the project

· During the project

K Inputs/Budget

SY7006 Project and Programme Design for Development CW2 portfolio Student The Effect of Child labour in Nigeria (ECL) worksheet: PFF sections A – K Identify your analysis of the situation, using the PFF section definitions. A1 Macro Level Development problem at sectoral/sub-sectoral level · Children from 5-17 years are economically and physically lured and forced into child labour · This interferes with their, health, psychosocial development and education · Suffer Injuries · Poverty A2 Micro level Development at level where project can provide solution · Unemployed parents · Poverty · Lack of education B1 Who Identified the problem Department of educational psychology report (2017) and International labour organisation reports (ILO: 2016) B2 Target beneficiaries/Direct recipients · Children ages from 5-17 years · Which group(s) are likely to benefit from the solution (Children and Parents) C1 Pre-project situation · Child labour is a result of poverty which is 70% · Come from uneducated parents · Cultural Background · Lack of knowledge regarding children’s health and rights C2 Post-project situation · Empowered parents with reliable source of income to care for family: this include entrepreneurial empowerment where the parents will be trained on various entrepreneurial ventures · Community policy against child labour which will entail having stringent legal measures against perpetrators. This will be effected through creating a child community policing centre. · Mandatory education to all children under the school going age: legislative law to be created to mandate all children under the school going age to be in school D Special consideration Project will address problem identified and align with SDGs sustainable goals in the following ways: Goal 1: No poverty Goal 2: Zero hunger Goal 3: Good health and well-being Goal 4: Quality education Strengthening on child education as a way of empowering the children for future opportunities. Elimination of child labour and acting for children rights & education · Universal primary and secondary · Equitable childhood development · Equal chances of attaining higher education · Gender equality inclusion in education provision · Impacting the youths with relevant skills for decent work E Other donors Check with other donors & Programmes, see what they have done and Partner with other agencies e.g. other NGOs/ Government F Development objective (Link objectives to national plan) State 3 objectives · To contribute and combat the worst forms of child labour and reduce vulnerability of adolescents to economic exploitation in Nigeria · To disseminate information on organisation, people and programmes working for the eradication of child labour · Campaign/Advocacy G Major elements Activities leading to outputs · Economic empowerment of the community members through entrepreneurial ventures · Use of religious and community leaders in mobilisation and sensitisation against child labour · Community involvement in designing child labour elimination strategies · Involve of the children in participating on peer counselling and speaking against child labour · Building community capacity to fight child labour through training and awareness campaigns · Using PRA method- enables communities to analyse their problem and conduct their own appraisal and analysis of the problem · Skill acquisitions H Project Strategy (Who are the direct recipients who will benefit from the project activities?) I Host country commitment Indications that show that the government or other host country institutions concerned/stakeholder will provide necessary counterpart support J Risks Potential risk · At the outset of the project · During the project K Inputs/Budget CW2 by ANTONIA NDU FILE TIME SUBMITTED 03-MAY-2016 07:58AM SUBMISSION ID 57038802 WORD COUNT 7387 CHARACTER COUNT 50129 CW2_460655_376018711.DOCX (1.51M) susannahpickering-saqqa Typewritten Text XXXXXXXXXXXXX susannahpickering-saqqa Typewritten Text susannahpickering-saqqa Typewritten Text XXXXXXXXXXXXX susannahpickering-saqqa Typewritten Text XXXXXXXXXXXXX susannahpickering-saqqa Typewritten Text G oo d ov er vi ew o f t he p ro bl em , i ts s ig ni fic an ce a nd is su es of p ow er . A n om is si on is h ow th es e id en tif ie d po w er is su es w ill be a dd re ss ed to a ch ie ve th e po w er p os t pr oj ec t. G oo d un de rs ta n di ng Very good identification of the stakeholders and their interests. Some participation issues need to be more specific particularly for the primary stakeholders. It would have been effective to use some statistics to demonstrate the extent of the problem Good understanding and analysis of A1 and A2 problems Good background information. How many is the project actually going to target? incom plete sente nce Good and compelling case for support. The intervention is and appropriate and novel idea for a social enterprise Very good analysis of the the special considerations which need to be incorporated in the project design. Good. This complements the stakeholder analysis. Good clarity on the development objective and immediate objective. very good and well planned section G. Very good evidence for the rationale of the project strategy. Good Good risk assessment. Th e bu dg et is ra th er h ig h fo r a n in iti al in ve st m en t. W ha t w ou ld h av e m ad e it ev en m or e fe as ib le w ou ld b e th e pr oj ec tio ns o n th e in co m e fro m s al e of th e fo od a nd h ow th is w ou ld b e re in ve st ed b ac k in to th e pr oj ec t. FINAL GRADE 74/100 CW2 GRADEMARK REPORT GENERAL COMMENTS Instructor This is an excellent portf olio with evidence of understanding the PFF methodology and it is clear that this is an issue you are passionate about. You have demonstrated very good understanding of the problem complexity and multiple causation. The identif ied intervention is novel and appropriate f or the context. You have considered issues of sustainability by adopting a social enterprise model with collaboration f rom multiple stakeholders. The project design and section G has been well planned and proposed activit ies f ully mapped. This is certainly a project that could be f unded. On the f inancial side, it is rather costly and perhaps this is so because the budget does not take into account how much income will be generated f rom the sale of the f ood to assess the viability and sustainability of the project. This could perhaps be piloted on a smaller scale. It is not clear how many people will directly benef it f rom this project to assess the value f or money. Overall, well done. PAGE 1 Comment 1 spelling PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 Text Comment. Good overview of the problem, its signif icance and issues of power. An omission is how these identif ied power issues will be addressed to achieve the power post project. PAGE 7 Text Comment. Good understanding of the problem complexity and multiple causation. Also good use of hierarchical relationships of cause and ef f ect. PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 Text Comment. Very good identif ication of the stakeholders and their interests. Some participation issues need to be more specif ic particularly f or the primary stakeholders. PAGE 15 PAGE 16 PAGE 17 PAGE 18 PAGE 19 Text Comment. It would have been ef f ective to use some statistics to demonstrate the extent of the problem Text Comment. Good understanding and analysis of A1 and A2 problems PAGE 20 Comment 2 brought Text Comment. Good background inf ormation. PAGE 21 Text Comment. How many is the project actually going to target? Text Comment. incomplete sentence PAGE 22 PAGE 23 Text Comment. Good and compelling case f or support. PAGE 24 Strikethrough. Strikethrough. Strikethrough. Strikethrough. Text Comment. The intervention is and appropriate and novel idea f or a social enterprise PAGE 25 PAGE 26 Text Comment. Very good analysis of the the special considerations which need to be incorporated in the project design. PAGE 27 Text Comment. Good. This complements the stakeholder analysis. PAGE 28 Text Comment. Good clarity on the development objective and immediate objective. PAGE 29 PAGE 30 PAGE 31 PAGE 32 PAGE 33 PAGE 34 PAGE 35 PAGE 36 PAGE 37 PAGE 38 Text Comment. very good and well planned section G. PAGE 39 PAGE 40 PAGE 41 Text Comment. Very good evidence f or the rationale of the project strategy. PAGE 42 Text Comment. Good PAGE 43 PAGE 44 PAGE 45 Text Comment. Good risk assessment. PAGE 46 PAGE 47 PAGE 48 PAGE 49 PAGE 50 PAGE 51 PAGE 52 PAGE 53 Text Comment. The budget is rather high f or an init ial investment. What would have made it even more f easible would be the projections on the income f rom sale of the f ood and how this would be reinvested back into the project. PAGE 54 PAGE 55 PAGE 56 CW2 by ANTONIA NDU CW2 GRADEMARK REPORT FINAL GRADE GENERAL COMMENTS Instructor
Answered 33 days AfterMay 19, 2021

Answer To: (funmi) Please follow project information and student want plagiarism report The Effect of Child...

Somprikta answered on May 26 2021
138 Votes
Table of Contents
A.    Development Problems    3
A1. Macro Level    3
Development Problem at Sectoral/Sub Sectoral Level    3
A2. Micro Level    3
Development at Level where Project can Provide Solution    3
B.    Target Beneficiaries    4
B1. Who identified the development problem?    4
B2. Target Beneficiaries    5
C.    Pre and Post Project Situations    5
C1. Pre Project Situation    5
C2. Post Project Situation    6
D.    Special Considerations    7
E.    Other Donors    8
F.    Development Objective    9
G.    Major Elements    9
Activities    9
Outputs    9
H.    Project Strategy    11
Direct Recipients Benefitting from the Programme    11
I.    Host Country Commitment    11
J.    Potential Risks    11
At the Outset of the Programme    11
Likelihood    11
During the Programme    11
Likelihood    11
K.    Inputs/ Budget    12
References    13
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A. Development Problems
A1. Macro Level
Development Problem at Sectoral/Sub Sectoral Level
The problem of child abuse and exploitation by parents or other adults has taken the form of child labour in Nigeria. The children belonging to the urban regions of the country are exposed to the problems of child labour in Nigeria where the problem is more prevalent due to a number of reasons. Absence of proper schooling and lack of effective child care are contributary causes of streetism, one of the most common consequences of streetism being child labour. According to Loewenberg (2018), it is important that every child is protected against every form of exploitation, indecent or degrading treatment which is inclusive of child labour, abduction and sales. It has been observed, however, that children between the age group of 5 to 17 years are being lured and compelled economically and physically to be a part of child labour. According to UNICEF (2020), nearly 1 in 10 children are subjected to child labour worldwide, that amounts to around 152 million children across the world. In most of the cases the children are exposed to hazardous tasks.
In the suburb of Agege, a local governmental area in the Ikeja division of Lagos State, Nigeria, the problem of child labour is highly prevalent. As a result of financial challenges and uncertainties such as, sudden illness of a caregiver or loss of employment of the primary wage earner in a family, the children of the suburb have been driven towards child labour. Health issues have been observed in the children who work tirelessly in the various child labour centres. Child labour has also shown to interfere with psychosocial development as well as education in children. Moreover, as previously mentioned, child labour can inflict extreme bodily harm and injuries as a result of the hazardous forms of work to which the children are exposed. In addition to that, according to Adonteng-Kissi (2018) children also suffer from mental illness as well as are restricted from healthcare benefits, thereby limiting their fundamental rights and threatens their future.
A2. Micro Level
Development at Level where Project can Provide Solution
The various socio-economic problems that are leading to the prevalent issue of child labour are lack of employment of the parents, poverty as well as lack of education. The project aims to bring together a certain number of local members, that is, families of the community residing in the Agege region in order to bring about a change. The basic lookout of the programme is intended to help the parents gain economic independence and become empowered so that they are capable of providing for their families rather than sending their children for labour. In the programme, 500 local families will be selected among the different communities in Agege region where they will be offered various skill-based training as well as entrepreneurial education. In addition to that, the selected families of the communities will be funded with a certain amount of money so that they are able to start small businesses for establishing their financial independence. The programme aims to deal with the various factors leading to child labour such as unemployment and lack of education through the means of training and a comprehensive and detailed knowledge regarding the ways to avoid sending children for labour. The worst sort of child labour occurs in various forms such as street hawking, drug peddling, slavery practices in child domestic servitude and other industries. Awareness, education and financial support can help families deal with the issue of child labour.
B. Target Beneficiaries
B1. Who identified the development problem?
The development problem of child labour has been identified by the reports produced by Department of Educational Psychology (2017) and the reports of International Labour Organisation (2017). According to the report produced by International Labour Office (2017), out of 152 million children engaged in child labour, 73 million were working in the hazardous field. In addition to that, 19.6% children in Africa are undergoing child labour (International Labour Office, 2017). From the reports provided by International Labour Office (2017), it has been observed that globally 58% boys and 42% girls are experiencing child labour, which amounts to 88 million boys and 64 million girls respectively. The laws are extremely effective in safeguarding the children from exposing in street hawking, drug peddling and other offences.
Of the entire aggregate, 48% children belong to the age group of 5 to 11 years, 28% to the age group of 12 to 14 years and 24% to the age group of 15 to 17 years. Based on the reports of International Labour Office (2017), it has been observed that child labour in Africa has witnessed a rise from 2012 to 2016 in stark contrast to other areas where the instances of child has effectively diminished due to the implementation of laws, regulations and policies. In Africa, despite the implementation of stringent targeted policies by the African government, the prevalence of child labour has increased over time. According to Uyanga, Ekpo and Udim (2019), child labour often denies children the opportunity of being educationally developed as they are unable to attend school punctually and on a regular basis. The authors are of the opinion that education ought to be valued in Nigeria as it can act as an instrument of national, developmental and social change.
B2. Target Beneficiaries
The target beneficiaries in this programme would be the selected 500 families of the Agege region of Nigeria. To be more specific, the children belonging to the age group of 5 to 17 years will be benefited as a result of this programme. In addition to that, the parents of the selected families will also be benefited as they will be offered training based on their specific skills as well as provided entrepreneurial education. Along with training and education, the parents of the selected families will also receive a definite amount of payment so that they are capable of starting small businesses in an individual manner to become self-sustaining as well as able to provide for their families. Other beneficiaries of the programme will include the different communities of the Agege region of Nigeria who will be made aware of the issues and causes associated with child labour by the educated and trained members belonging to the selected 500 families.
C. Pre and Post Project Situations
C1. Pre Project Situation
The issue of poverty is one of the most significant underlying causes of child labour in Nigeria. According to Corral et al. (2020), increased poverty amounting to as much as 70% is responsible for various social and economic problems such as trafficking, child labour and so on. As a result of poverty, the parents who are unemployed or suffering from serious illnesses are unable to provide for their families and children, thereby forcing children between the age group of 5 to 17 years to perform child labour in a variety of forms such as hawkers, beggars, bus conductors and even in worst forms which includes street hawking, herding of livestock, drug peddling as well as child trafficking, child prostitution and so on.
In addition to that, children who work as child labour generally come from uneducated families where the parents are uneducated and unaware of the consequences and implications of child labour. According to Olagunju, Ogunniyi and Olufadewa (2018), lack of education among parents and children also makes the children prey to the problems of child labour. It has been observed by Mügge and No (2017), that 4.3 million children aged below 18 years are compelled to be a part of forced labour. This is intricately associated with lack of education on the part of both parents and children as they are unable to raise voice against the issue because of their shortcomings. The parents of the children undergoing child labour are also least informed about the rights and health aspects of children. As a result of their lack of knowledge, they are unable to exercise their rights. As a result of this, children who undergo tremendous physical ailments and mental problems to the extent that they even experience death as a result of child labour, are deemed to be the greatest sufferers in the entire cycle.
The cultural background of Nigeria is also responsible for the rise in the rates of child labour. According to Ganser (2020), cultural background has a huge role to play in case of...

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