Purpose: This assignment is designed to reacquaint ourselves with C# by creating a simple application which scrapes web pages and builds an index. Components: 1. Using the Selenium package in C# to...

Hi is it possible to meet today? I am very basic in C# I really need your help with my homework not familiar with selenium and index at all

Purpose:  This assignment is designed to reacquaint ourselves with C# by creating a simple application which scrapes web pages and builds an index.   Components: 1. Using the Selenium package in C# to drive browser behavior and retrieve pieces of web pages 2. Design and implement an index on a topic of your choice 3. Build a console application and use GitHub as a repository for our project 4. (Optional as we are waiting for somewhere to do this) Store your data in a SQL database 5. Create a short (<4 min)="" video="" showing="" how="" your="" application="" works="" and="" what="" your="" index="" means=""  ="" in="" particular:="" 1.="" an="" index="" is="" an="" opinion. ="" see="" page="" 2="" for="" the="" “quarterback="" rating”="" as="" an="" example. ="" it="" should="" be="" designed="" for="" either="" attention="" and="" conversation="" or="" as="" an="" input="" to="" more="" sophisticated="" analytics. ="" create="" an="" index="" on="" a="" topic="" of="" your="" choice. ="" for="" example,="" i="" might="" want="" to="" create="" an="" index="" for="" blockchain="" and="" include="" a.="" market="" cap="" for="" all="" cryptos,="" which="" i="" could="" download="" from="" the="" internet. ="" however,="" this="" is="" just="" one="" number="" for="" example="" 1,800,000,000. ="" how="" might="" i="" turn="" this="" into="" a="" meaningful="" index="" component? ="" perhaps="" i="" could="" look="" at="" the="" average="" over="" the="" past="" 10="" days="" and="" determine="" if="" this="" is="" above="" (+1)="" or="" below="" (-1)="" that="" average.="" b.="" #="" transactions="" on="" ethereum="" during="" the="" last="" day. ="" i="" would="" have="" to="" find="" this="" manually="" on="" the="" internet,="" then="" perhaps="" do="" a="" similar="" calculation="" (is="" it="" above="" or="" below="" a="" moving="" average)="" c.="" #="" patents="" filed="" related="" to="" blockchain. ="" again,="" i’d="" have="" to="" find="" somewhere="" that="" was="" publishing="" this="" information="" and="" grab="" it="" with="" selenium,="" then="" look="" at="" whether="" or="" not="" the="" trend="" is="" going="" up="" or="" down…="" d.="" …="" e.="" …="" 2.="" after="" i="" calculate="" a="" number="" from="" each="" of="" the="" 5="" components,="" i="" combine="" them="" in="" some="" way,="" perhaps="" 20%="" *="" each="" if="" they="" are="" properly="" scaled. ="" think="" back="" to="" z-values="" for="" an="" example,="" or="" look="" at="" how="" other="" indexes="" might="" have="" basis. ="" for="" example,="" there="" are="" supply="" chain="" indexes="" that="" use="" 50="" as="" flat,="">50 as expansion, and <50 as contraction.  others like cpi that set a particular date (1982-1984) as “0” and then just add a bit each time period. 3. use visual studio to build and run your project and use git to upload it to github.  i should just need a link to your github site to pull it and run it locally. 4. create a short video of yourself explaining your index and where you retrieved the information.  the purpose of this video is to convince others that the index is meaningful.  for example, you might say what it means if the index goes up or down or hits a particular meaningful number.  have fun with this please. when you are convinced that it is all working, submit a link to your github site on blackboard so that i can find your video and your project.  who is the “best” quarterback? simple – use the quarterback rating: 1. first, one takes a quarterback’s completion percentage, then subtracts 0.3 from this number and divides by 0.2. 2. you then take yards per attempt subtract 3 and divide by 4. 3. after that, you divide touchdowns per attempt by 0.05. 4. for interceptions per attempt, you start with 0.095, subtract from this number interceptions per attempt, and then divide this result by 0.04. to get the quarterback rating, you simply add the values created from your first four steps, multiply this sum by 100, and divide the result by 6. the sum from each of your first four steps cannot exceed 2.2375 or be less than zero. who is the “best” quarterback? simple –use the quarterback rating: 1.first, one takes a quarterback’s completion percentage, then subtracts 0.3 from this number and divides by 0.2. 2.you then take yards per attempt subtract 3 and divide by 4. 3.after that, you divide touchdowns per attempt by 0.05. 4.for interceptions per attempt, you start with 0.095, subtract from this number interceptions per attempt, and then divide this result by 0.04. to get the quarterback rating, you simply add the values created from your first four steps, multiply this sum by 100, and divide the result by 6. the sum from each of your first four steps cannot exceed 2.2375 or be less than zero. as="" contraction. ="" others="" like="" cpi="" that="" set="" a="" particular="" date="" (1982-1984)="" as="" “0”="" and="" then="" just="" add="" a="" bit="" each="" time="" period.="" 3.="" use="" visual="" studio="" to="" build="" and="" run="" your="" project="" and="" use="" git="" to="" upload="" it="" to="" github. ="" i="" should="" just="" need="" a="" link="" to="" your="" github="" site="" to="" pull="" it="" and="" run="" it="" locally.="" 4.="" create="" a="" short="" video="" of="" yourself="" explaining="" your="" index="" and="" where="" you="" retrieved="" the="" information. ="" the="" purpose="" of="" this="" video="" is="" to="" convince="" others="" that="" the="" index="" is="" meaningful. ="" for="" example,="" you="" might="" say="" what="" it="" means="" if="" the="" index="" goes="" up="" or="" down="" or="" hits="" a="" particular="" meaningful="" number. ="" have="" fun="" with="" this="" please.="" when="" you="" are="" convinced="" that="" it="" is="" all="" working,="" submit="" a="" link="" to="" your="" github="" site="" on="" blackboard="" so="" that="" i="" can="" find="" your="" video="" and="" your="" project. ="" who="" is="" the="" “best”="" quarterback?="" simple="" –="" use="" the="" quarterback="" rating:="" 1.="" first,="" one="" takes="" a="" quarterback’s="" completion="" percentage,="" then="" subtracts="" 0.3="" from="" this="" number="" and="" divides="" by="" 0.2.="" 2.="" you="" then="" take="" yards="" per="" attempt="" subtract="" 3="" and="" divide="" by="" 4.="" 3.="" after="" that,="" you="" divide="" touchdowns="" per="" attempt="" by="" 0.05.="" 4.="" for="" interceptions="" per="" attempt,="" you="" start="" with="" 0.095,="" subtract="" from="" this="" number="" interceptions="" per="" attempt,="" and="" then="" divide="" this="" result="" by="" 0.04.="" to="" get="" the="" quarterback="" rating,="" you="" simply="" add="" the="" values="" created="" from="" your="" first="" four="" steps,="" multiply="" this="" sum="" by="" 100,="" and="" divide="" the="" result="" by="" 6.="" the="" sum="" from="" each="" of="" your="" first="" four="" steps="" cannot="" exceed="" 2.2375="" or="" be="" less="" than="" zero.="" who="" is="" the="" “best”="" quarterback?="" simple="" –use="" the="" quarterback="" rating:="" 1.first,="" one="" takes="" a="" quarterback’s="" completion="" percentage,="" then="" subtracts="" 0.3="" from="" this="" number="" and="" divides="" by="" 0.2.="" 2.you="" then="" take="" yards="" per="" attempt="" subtract="" 3="" and="" divide="" by="" 4.="" 3.after="" that,="" you="" divide="" touchdowns="" per="" attempt="" by="" 0.05.="" 4.for="" interceptions="" per="" attempt,="" you="" start="" with="" 0.095,="" subtract="" from="" this="" number="" interceptions="" per="" attempt,="" and="" then="" divide="" this="" result="" by="" 0.04.="" to="" get="" the="" quarterback="" rating,="" you="" simply="" add="" the="" values="" created="" from="" your="" first="" four="" steps,="" multiply="" this="" sum="" by="" 100,="" and="" divide="" the="" result="" by="" 6.="" the="" sum="" from="" each="" of="" your="" first="" four="" steps="" cannot="" exceed="" 2.2375="" or="" be="" less="" than="">
Sep 22, 2021

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