Microsoft Word - Lab#4.doc API Engineering XXXXXXXXXXCOMP306 Lab #4 XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 2 Lab#4 – Serverless Applications with AWS Step Functions Due Date: Midnight of December 12 (Sunday) Purpose:...

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Microsoft Word - Lab#4.doc API Engineering COMP306 Lab #4 Page 1 of 2 Lab#4 – Serverless Applications with AWS Step Functions Due Date: Midnight of December 12 (Sunday) Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to help you:  Understand Lambda functions  Understand serverless applications  Become familiar with serverless application implementation with step functions  Understand workflow automation Instructions: Be sure to read the following general instructions carefully: This lab should be completed individually. You can create a video to demonstrate your solution or demonstrate @Teams. Submit your solution through the dropbox. Your submission must contain C# solution, and it should be named following the pattern of studentID(yourlastname) e.g., 300123456(smith) Rubric Functionality Marks Lambda function to detect labels and write the labels and other corresponding image metadata to DynamoDB table 1. Create DynamoDB table via AWS Management console (1 mark) 2. Data model for input (1 mark) 3. Get newly uploaded image(s) object URL (1 mark) 4. Insert an item for each uploaded image object url and its corresponding labels to the DynamoDB table, use map attribute to store label name and confidence (2 marks) 5 Lambda function to generate thumbnail and store it to S3 1. Generate thumbnail (3 marks) 2. Save the thumbnail in the same bucket but different folder (2 marks) 5 AWS CloudFormation template 3 State machine 5 Publish to AWS Lambda 2 Automate your state machine (finish the tutorial) 5 Question 1[25 marks] You are asked to develop an AWS step function to build an image processing workflow. More specifically, your serverless application should be triggered when an image file has been uploaded to S3 bucket, and do following: 1. Use AWS Rekognition service to detect label and insert those labels with confidence greater than 90 to a specified DynamoDB table 2. Generate a thumbnail and store in the same S3 bucket with the uploaded image but different folder; you can find some code snippet to generate thumbnail at API Engineering COMP306 Lab #4 Page 2 of 2 Finish the tutorial ( s3.html) to help yourself become familiar with the process of Starting a State Machine Execution in Response to Amazon S3 Events. Then go through the whole process to ensure that after an image has been uploaded to the specified S3 bucket, your state machine will start to execute.
Dec 05, 2021

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