Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 1/8 Assignment 2 Instructions This document provides you with the information you need to be able to...

I need help with hypothesizes for 4 statements and writing a report and discussion onSchizophrenia

Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 1/8 Assignment 2 Instructions This document provides you with the information you need to be able to complete Assignment2. Please ensure that you read this document carefully and use this as your first point of reference. You must also ensure you engage in the tutorials for this assignment (see program in unit outline). It is YOUR responsibility to ensure you do not miss any information. Assignment title The impact of knowledge on stigma associated with mental illness Assignment Due Date Friday the 20th of November at 5:00pm AWST Assignment resources All the relevant materials for this assignment are in the folder Assignment 2 in the Assessment section on Blackboard. These include: 1. Instructions (this document) 2. Assignment Rubric (‘Assignment 2 Marking Rubric.pdf’) 3. Copy of the questionnaire used in the study (‘Assignment 2 Questionnaire.pdf’) 4. Copy of the output for Pearson’s correlations (‘Assignment 2 Pearson’s Output.pdf’) 5. Short video clip (Part 1 and 2) talking you through this output 6. Assignment submission points (Turnitin) About this assignment Two hundred and fifty nine people (259) completed an online questionnaire as part of a research project. This questionnaire asked about their knowledge and attitudes towards Schizophrenia. This assignment requires you to present the results of this questionnaire (which will be posted on Blackboard) and write an APA‐formatted Results and Discussion section. Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 2/8 This assignment requires you to: • Write an APA formatted Results section, in which you present the results of Pearson’s correlations relating to each of your 4 independent hypotheses • Write a Discussion section in which you interpret your findings and consider the role of knowledge/education in reducing stigma toward mental illness This assignment DOES NOT require you to: • Write an Abstract • Write an Introduction section • Write a Methods section Tutorials you MUST attend or complete by yourself Some of the tutorials in this unit are dedicated to the assignment. These include tutorials in weeks 7, 8, and 9 in the program. You must complete these tutorials to assist your understanding of the assignment, as you will be (i) working through the instructions, (ii) practicing writing results using fabricated data, and (iii) discussing interpretation of results. It is your responsibility to ensure that you participate in tutorials. About the questionnaire that this assignment is based on There is a PDF copy of the questionnaire that participants completed in the Assessment 2 folder entitled ‘Assignment 2 Questionnaire’. The questionnaire included 3 sections, as follows: Section 1 of the questionnaire asks about demographic information. The section comprised 4 questions. The first two were demographic (age, gender).The third question asked if the participant knows someone with Schizophrenia. The fourth question asked the participant to self‐ rate their knowledge of Schizophrenia using a scale of 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent). You will not be using any of the data from this section in your assignment, so you do not need to report on this. Section 2 of the questionnaire asked about the participant’s knowledge of Schizophrenia. This section comprised 18 questions asking the participant about their knowledge of Schizophrenia. This is the ‘Knowledge’ section. Participants responded by selecting the multiple choice answer they thought was correct. The total number of correct responses in this part indicates how much the participant knows about Schizophrenia. All the correct responses were summed (i.e. a total correct score was calculated) and the final score for this section can range between 0 and 18. If the participant got all the questions right, their score would be 18 for this section. If they got all of them wrong, their score would be 0 for this section. Higher scores indicate a higher knowledge of Schizophrenia. Section 3 of the questionnaire asked about the participant’s attitudes toward Schizophrenia. This section comprised 8 separate questions asking the participant about their attitudes towards those with Schizophrenia. This is the ‘Attitudes’ section. Participants responded to each question by selecting one of four possible responses, ranging from ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’. The data were coded as follows: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree. For each question, participants can score between 1 (strongly Disagree with the statement) and 4 (Strongly Agree with the statement). Therefore, for each question a higher mark indicates stronger Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 3/8 agreement with the statement. We cannot use the summed total of these 8 questions, as each question has to be analysed independently (i.e. it would not make sense to sum across the questions to provide a total score, as the questions ask about different beliefs). Please print off and read the questionnaire carefully, so that you understand how scores for knowledge were calculated and how scores for each of the attitudes questions were calculated. About the data (results) you are required to present in your assignment The ‘Assignment 2’ folder contains a PDF document entitled ‘Assignment 2 Analysis Output’. This document contains the information you need to write your results section – including the results of Pearson’s correlations (a correlation matrix) between the relevant variables. The variables were named as follows: ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE – is the score out of 18 that each participant demonstrated for the knowledge section of the questionnaire. Participants could score from 0 to 18 for this section, with higher scores indicating higher knowledge of Schizophrenia. DANGEROUS – is the rating that each participant gave in response to the statement ‘I think that people with Schizophrenia are dangerous’ (question 6 of the attitudes section). Participants could score from between 1 (Strongly Disagree) and 4 (Strongly Agree) for this item. A higher score would therefore indicate that the participant thinks people with Schizophrenia are dangerous. DARKER/VIOLENT SIDE – is the rating that each participant gave in response to the statement ‘A person with Schizophrenia has a 'darker, violent side' that emerges when they are stressed (question 8 of the attitudes section). Participants could score from between 1 (Strongly Disagree) and 4 (Strongly Agree) for this item. A higher score would therefore indicate that the participant thinks people with Schizophrenia have a darker, violent side. INTIMIDATED – is the rating that each participant gave in response to the statement ‘I would feel intimidated by someone with Schizophrenia’ (question 7 of attitudes section). Participants could score from between 1 (Strongly Disagree) and 4 (Strongly Agree) for this item. A higher score would therefore indicate that the participant feels intimidated by someone with Schizophrenia. AFRAID TO TALK – is the rating that each participant gave in response to the statement ‘I would be afraid to talk to someone with Schizophrenia’ (question 4 of the attitudes section). Participants could score from between 1 (Strongly Disagree) and 4 (Strongly Agree) for this item. A higher score would therefore indicate that the participant is afraid to talk to people with Schizophrenia. To make sense of the Pearson correlations provided in the document ‘Assignment 2 Analysis Output’, you MUST complete the relevant tutorial activities and you should listen to the short video clip on Blackboard. If you do not, you may miss vital information pertaining to this assignment. Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 4/8 The 4 statements you will be testing for your assignment For your results section, you must present results that test the following 4 statements: Statement 1: As actual knowledge increases, the belief that individuals with schizophrenia are dangerous will decrease Statement 2: As actual knowledge increases, the belief that individuals with schizophrenia have a darker, violent side that emerges when they are stressed will decrease Statement 3: As actual knowledge increases, feeling afraid to talk to someone with schizophrenia will decrease Statement 4: As actual knowledge increases, feeling intimidated by someone with schizophrenia will decrease Do not create your own hypotheses to test - you will not gain any marks for doing so and may lose marks. You must re-write the aforementioned 4 statements in a manner that specifies the predicted correlation. That is, you must write each one as a formal hypothesis. You will not be awarded any marks if you just copy and paste the statements above. Results section of your assignment Your results section is the presentation of your findings (Pearson’s test results) and should be written clearly and concisely. You should include information about how the relevant sections/ questions of the questionnaire were scored, as this helps the reader to understand what the ‘numbers’ actually mean. Part of the assessment is that you need to work out what you need to present in order for the reader to understand your findings. You should include descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations) for all of the relevant sections/questions of the questionnaire (i.e. those relevant to your hypotheses). You should also include the results of the Pearson’s correlation tests – one which tests each of your four hypotheses. You must ensure that all reporting is in APA format. Do not include any figures, graphs or tables in your Results section, as you cannot justify the inclusion of these and so will be penalised. Discussion section of your assignment The discussion section takes a broader view of the research and puts it in a wider context. The discussion section moves from the narrow specific focus of the hypotheses to a more general view. It must clearly show how the results found lead to the conclusions being drawn and how these conclusions should be understood. It is a good idea to begin the discussion with a summary of the results (without reporting the actual numbers). You should not repeat the numbers you presented in your results section, and will be penalised if you do this. You should return to your original hypotheses and inform the reader what your results have to say about them. You should reflect on the implications of your results and what they mean for wider society. You can also Science and Professional Practice in Psychology Assignment 1 Instructions © Health Sciences 5/8 suggest avenues for future research in your Discussion. It is often a good
Nov 16, 2021

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