I need to write reflection essay from the case scenario attached bellow. I have also attached webinar pdf for the reference and criteria for the reflection essay. Below are the questions and criteria...

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I need to write reflection essay from the case scenario attached bellow. I have also attached webinar pdf for the reference and criteria for the reflection essay. Below are the questions and criteria based on which my assessment need to be written.


You are expected to complete this reflection after you have completed your Assessment Task 3 MET call case scenario Group Presentation. Accompanying this submission should be your Assessment Task 3 marking rubric completed by your class tutor. The marking rubric should be attached to the end of the Reflection. This is an INDIVIDUAL task and must be completed on your own.

The reflection should answer ALL the questions below. Based on a critical reflection framework (e.g., Rolfe’s reflective framework, Gibb’s reflection framework), critically reflect and respond to the questions below.


1) What was your experience with recognising the signs of deterioration in the patient in the case study scenario? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

2) What was your experience with understanding the underlying pathophysiological changes and its link to the patient’s clinical manifestations? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

3) What was your experience with working as part of a team in understanding the patient’s MET call and presentation? State areas of strength you have achieved and improvements you may require.

Group Presentation GROUP PRESENTATION M E T C A L L C A S E S T U D Y- 2 CASE SCENARIO • Mr. Bedford, a 28-year-old gentleman presents to ED at 0300 hrs with worsening shortness of breath since midnight. Complains of right sided- pleuritic chest pain and persistent productive cough. Talking in words, audible wheeze, appears dyspneic, tripoding. • Appears unwell • Past Medical History: Asthma since 8 years of age Eczema • Medications: budesonide at 320 μg + formoterol at 9 μg b.i.d. combination and T. Prednisolone 30 mg/day for the last 5 months ASSESSMENT Airway. - Patent Breathing. - Spontaneous, RR-38/mt, SPO2-77% RA, decreased lung sounds left lower lobe, bilateral diffuse high-pitched wheeze Circulation- Appears flushed in face and neck, BP-136/92 mmHg, HR- 122/mt, dry mucous membranes, S1 S2 normal, Disability - GCS-14 E4V4M6, not oriented to time, place or person, PEARL- 3mm Exposure - Needed support to walk from waiting room to bed space. Unable to lie supine, tripoding. Temperature 38.9 deg Celsius. Abdomen soft, no organomegaly, peripheries cold, centrally warm. Nil edema. Fluids - Unable to tolerate oral fluids, NBM for now Glucose - BGL-6.0 mmol/L INVESTIGATIONS • Bloods- WCC- 11,000/mm3 with 38% neutrophils, 8% lymphocytes, 18 % monocytes and 35% bands; Serum sodium-125 mmol/L, potassium- 3 mmol/L, chloride -91 mmol/L, bicarbonate- 21 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen- 14 mg /dl, serum creatinine - 0.6 mg/dl • 2D transthoracic ECHO of the heart showed normal valves and an ejection fraction of 65% with a normal left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and normal left atrial size. • Unable to perform Spirometry • Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis performed on room air : pH 7.49, PaCO2 29 mm Hg, PaO2 49 mm Hg. • Additional Information: Sputum cultures showed moderate growth of Pasteurella multocida. Diagnosis: Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure secondary to acute exacerbation of asthma A MET call was made at 0400hrs Group Presentation Case scenario Assessment Investigations PCAL SUPPORT WEBINAR FOR NURS3015 HEALTH VARIATIONS 4 – ACUTE LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS ASSESSMENT 4 - REFLECTION SONM Autumn 2022 ASSESSMENT 4 DETAILS DUE DATE = Week 13 Friday 3 June 2022 at 2359hrs Weighting = 10% Word limit = 500 words (+/- 10%) Format = Written reflection (individual task) based on a critical reflection framework (eg. Rolfe, Gibbs) To be written/completed immediately after your MET Call Group Presentation in Week 12 Your Assessment 3 marking feedback must be attached to your Reflection ASSESSMENT 4 AIMS From the HV4 Learning Guide p.22: ¡ Enhance students’ understanding of the significance of recognizing a deteriorating patient ¡ Reflect on own understanding of pathophysiology in relation to patient’s clinical manifestations using a holistic patient approach ¡ Reflect on the importance of working together as a team in the group presentation, reflective of teamwork in caring for a deteriorating patient NOTE: These 3 aims directly relate to the first 3 Marking Criteria (see rubric in Learning Guide p. 23) ¡ All three (3) questions must be answered as one complete 500 word response ¡ Answers must be embedded within a critical reflective framework, such as Rolfe (2001) or Gibbs (1988) (to be discussed in further detail on following slides) ASSESSMENT 4 QUESTIONS From your HV4 Learning Guide, p. 21 Essay § Focuses on a specific topic § An argument is developed § Written in an impersonal tone § Generally, no reflective model used § Structured with an introduction- body -conclusion § Must include referenced information § Present and future tense forms mostly used § Written in third person Reflection § Focuses on a specific event § No argument developed § A highly personal account of a learning event § A specific reflective model used to guide thought § Structure dependent on the stages of the specific reflective model used § May or may not include referenced information § Past, present and future forms used § Written in first person REFLECTIVE WRITING Reflective writing, different from essay or report writing, is a personalised form of writ ing that centres on learning gained and its implications for the future. ACTIVITY 1: WHICH TEXT IS A REFLECTION? T e x t A A p p r o p r i a t e v e r b a l a n d n o n - v e r b a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s e n h a n c e t h e q u a l i t y o f p a t i e n t - c e n t r e d c a r e . T h e s e t e c h n i q u e s e n a b l e n u r s e s t o b u i l d r a p p o r t a n d e s t a b l i s h t r u s t w i t h p a t i e n t s , p r o m o t i n g a c c u r a t e a s s e s s m e n t s a n d f a c i l i t a t i n g r e l e v a n t i n t e r v e n t i o n s . A l t h o u g h e f f e c t i v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s t r a t e g i e s a r e v i t a l i n a l l n u r s i n g e n c o u n t e r s , t h e y a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y p e r t i n e n t t o p a t i e n t s f r o m I n d i g e n o u s c u l t u r a l b a c k g r o u n d s . A c c o r d i n g t o L e w i s a n d F o l e y ( 2 0 1 1 ) , s u c c e s s f u l i n f o r m a t i o n e x c h a n g e b e t w e e n n u r s e s a n d I n d i g e n o u s p a t i e n t s c a l l s f o r t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f e f f e c t i v e v e r b a l a n d n o n - v e r b a l s t r a t e g i e s . T h e y e x p l a i n t h a t , u n l i k e t h e w e s t e r n a p p r o a c h o f a s k i n g d i r e c t q u e s t i o n s , m a n y A b o r i g i n a l a n d T o r r e s S t r a i t I s l a n d e r s g e n e r a l l y u s e s t o r i e s a s t h e i r s p r i n g b o a r d t o i n d i r e c t l y a s k q u e s t i o n s . A d d i t i o n a l l y , C h a n ( 2 0 1 3 ) p o i n t s o u t t h a t v e r b a l a n d n o n - v e r b a l s k i l l s a r e e s s e n t i a l i n c l i n i c a l d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t a n d r e c o m m e n d s t h a t n u r s e s s h o u l d b e c o n s c i o u s o f t h e i r o w n b e h a v i o u r s a n d a t t i t u d e s d u r i n g h e a l t h i n t e r a c t i o n s . T h u s , n u r s e s a r e r e q u i r e d t o d e v e l o p e f f e c t i v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s t o f a c i l i t a t e t h e d e l i v e r y o f p a t i
Answered Same DayJun 01, 2022

Answer To: I need to write reflection essay from the case scenario attached bellow. I have also attached...

Dr. Saloni answered on Jun 02 2022
88 Votes
Mr. Bedford, in this scenario, experienced worsening shortness of breath and complaints of right-sided pleuritic chest pain and persistent
productive cough. I inspected him and observed his vital parameters. I was worried because Mr. Bedford's condition was worsening. The preliminary investigation implicates abnormalities from the normal range, signifying the patient's deterioration. In such instances, a MET must be approached urgently for support as the nurses and workers of a MET are equipped to cope with the difficulties when an individual's condition is deteriorating (Breen et al., 2019). Moreover, I have utilised Rolfe's reflection framework throughout this MET presentation to determine several elements of my learning path (Rolfe et al., 2022). To have the potential of acknowledging the deteriorating patients on time, a healthcare professional should possess knowledge, skills, and clinical experience. To safeguard the patients from deterioration in the future, I will always analyse for any aberrant clinical manifestations, re-assess their neurophysiological observations as necessitated, communicate with the patients and the clinical team, document each detail, establish quick decisions, and execute interventions at the earliest (Danielis et al., 2021).
In the given case scenario, Mr. Bedford had already been administered with budesonide at 320 μg + formoterol at 9 μg b.i.d. combination and T. Prednisolone 30 mg/day for the last 5 months for his breathing issues. His respiratory rate had been...

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