Important assignment

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Important assignment
Answered Same DayNov 20, 2020SITXFSA001Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Important assignment

Sundeep answered on Dec 04 2020
136 Votes
Assessment Tasks and Instructions
    Student Name
    Student Number
    Course and Code
    Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s)
    SITXFSA001 use hygienic practices for food safety
    Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster
    Assessment 1
    Short Answer Questions
    Assessment 2
    Practical observation
    Assessment 3
    Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 |X| 2 |_| 3 |_|
    Reasonable Adjustment
    1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
    No |_| No further information required
Yes |_|
Complete 2.
    2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
    Student to complete
    My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
    I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
    2nd Assessor to complete
    I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Assessment Guidelines
    What will be assessed
    The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:
· basic aspects of commonwealth, state or territory food safety laws, standards and codes as follows:
· meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
· (Standard 3.1.1)
contaminant is any biological or foreign matter, also chemical agent, or other substances that has an effect and may compromise food safety or suitability.
· contamination the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food
· (Standard 3.2.2)potentially hazardous food, to minimise the growth of any pathogenic microorganisms has to be kept at certain temperatures. The microorganisms that may be present in the food has to be prevented to form toxic chemicals
· employee and employer responsibility to participate in hygienic practices
· The development of the food safety program is a program that is built with concern to the specific sectors of the food reform process. One of the major aims of this program is to reduce the number of instances of the food illness and reduce the number of illness in food industry
· reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain
They contain:
Identification of the food safety hazards that are most likely to occur in the food handling business
Identify each food hazard and find a point of control
Systematic monitoring system and control
    Reactive procedures when a hazard has been found
Ensure sufficient records are placed which includes the compliance records too
· role of local government regulators
· role of local government regulators
food business licence is issues by the local government . It is responsible for accrediting the food safety program for your food business
· ramifications of failure to observe food safety law and organisational policies and procedures
· Ramifications of not following the procedures are the fine penalties
The fine penalty is approximately 150$ for the year 2018. The rate of penalty increases and is in line with inflation. The rate changes take place on July 1st of every year
· health issues likely to cause a hygiene risk relevant to food safety:
· airborne diseases
· food-borne diseases
· infectious diseases
· airborne diseases : Anthrax, Chickenpox, measles, tuberculosis, Smallpox
· food-borne diseases: E-coli, salmonella, norovirus, listeria
· infectious diseases: Hepatitis B, Malaria, Hepatitis C, Dengue, TB
· hygiene actions that must be adhered to in order to avoid food-borne illnesses
· hygiene actions that must be adhered to in order to avoid food-borne illnesses
We should wash and dry our hands before eating the food
The towel should be dry and clean or we can also use a hand dryer
Never sneeze or cough near food also do not sneeze or cough where food is being prepared
Keep old and used clothes away from food
The fingernails should be clean and should be cut short since they can harvest germs
While preparing food we can also cover our hands with gloves
· hand washing practices
· hand washing practices
We should wash our hands with soap before eating
Apply liquid soap or bar at cupped hands
The lather should be formed
· basic aspects of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) method of controlling food safety
· specific industry sector and organisation:
· HACCP: it is a systematic approach in which the steps are taken to identify, evaluate, and control of food safety hazards.
HACCP Plan: The HACCP plan is the written document which has its base in the principles of HACCP and which delineates the procedures to be followed.
HACCP System: The system which is created upon the implementation of the HACCP plan
· HACCP Team: The development, maintenance of the HACCP system takes place with the help of certain team, this team is the HACCP team
· major causes of food contamination and food-borne illnesses
Most of the contamination is caused by bacteria and viruses including the parasites. Toxins and chemicals too play an important part in contamination. The other diseases are caused by toxins and poisoning that contaminates the food. An important consideration here is that many foodborne pathogens are acquired by drinking water and also from contact with animals or from person to person spread
· sources and effects of microbiological contamination of food
· The major sources of contamination are:
Environmental contamination: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, arsenic, mercury, antimony, lead, copper or other chips
Chemical contamination: Tangerine, DDT, malathion, fish sauce
Hair in food, etc
Effects: Cholera, Typhoid, Salmonellosis, Listeriosis and multiple more
· workplace hygiene hazards when handling food and food contact surfaces
· A workplace hygiene hazard proves dangerous not only for the...

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