IN JAVA ******Complete the - evauatevPostfix and -infixToPostfix methods, you can use the helper functions above in the code if you want, use stack and queue classes *** Each array element contains a...


******Complete the -evauatevPostfixand-infixToPostfixmethods, you can use the helper functions above in the code if you want, use stack and queue classes

***Each array element contains a single element of the expression

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont't create new methods!!! complelte the ones that are already created using the helper functions above or not


public abstract class AbstractInfixToPostfix {
* Evaluate the result of two String operands (a & b) and a String operator and return the result as a String
* @param a - the first operand
* @param b - the second operand
* @param operator - the operator
* @return The result of "a operator b"
public abstract String evaluate(String a, String b, String operator);

* Returns true if the given token is an integer
* @param token - the token to test
* @return true if token is an integer, false otherwise
public abstract boolean isOperand(String token);

* Returns the infix ranking of the given operator, or 0 by default
* @param operator - the operator to analyze
* @return the infix rank of operator
public abstract int infixOpRank(String operator);

* Returns the operator stack ranking of the given operator, or 0 by default
* @param operator - the operator to analyze
* @return the operator stack rank of operator
public abstract int opStackRank(String operator);

* Separates a space separated mathematical expression in String representation
* and returns an array of Strings containing the individual elements
* @param expressionString - the expression in String format to separate
* @return An array of the operands and operators in expressionString
public abstract String[] parseExpression(String expressionString);

* Returns the string representation of an expression
* @param expression - an array of operands and operators forming a mathematical expression
* @return expression as a single, space separated String
public abstract String expressionToString(String[] expression);

* Evaluate a postfix expression
* Integers only, so the division operation is integer division (no remainder from division)
* @param postfixExpression - the postfix expression to evaluate
* @return The result from evaluating postfixExpression
public abstract String evaluatePostfix(String[] postfixExpression);

* Convert an infix expression to a postfix expression
* @param infixExpression - the infix expression to convert to postfix
* @return The postfix expression representation of infixExpression
public abstract String[] infixToPostfix(String[] infixExpression);


public class Stack extends LinkedList {
* Default Constructor
* if a constructor is not provided, Java calls the default constructor instead (no parameters)
* the constructor below can be commented out or removed without changing the behavior of this class
public Stack() {

* adds an element on top of the stack (at the beginning of the linked list)
* @param element - the element to be pushed
public void push(Type element) {
add(0, element);

* returns the element on top of the stack and removes it
* @return the element on top of the stack
public Type pop() {
Type element = getFirst();
return element;

* returns the element on top of the stack WITHOUT removing it
* @return the element on top of the stack
public Type peek() {
Type element = getFirst();
return element;



public class Queue extends LinkedList {
public void enqueue(Type element) {

* Removes and returns the element at the front of the queue (the beginning of the linked list)
public Type dequeue() {
Type element = getFirst();
return element;

* Returns the element at the front of the queue WITHOUT removing i
public Type peek() {
Type element = getFirst();
return element;


public class InfixToPostfix extends AbstractInfixToPostfix {
public String evaluate(String a, String b, String operator) {
//parse the opperands
int numA;
int numB;
try {
numA = Integer.parseInt(a);
numB = Integer.parseInt(b);
catch(NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Invald operand found during evaluation");
System.out.println("\ta=" + a + ", b=" + b);
return null;

if (operator.equals("+")) return ("" + (int)(numA + numB));
else if (operator.equals("-")) return ("" + (int)(numA - numB));
else if (operator.equals("*")) return ("" + (int)(numA * numB));
//Integer Division
else if (operator.equals("/")) return ("" + (int)(numA / numB));
else if (operator.equals("^")) return ("" + (int)(Math.pow(numA, numB)));

else {
System.out.println("Invalid operator found during evaluation");
System.out.println("\toperator=" + operator);
return null;

public boolean isOperand(String token) {
try {
return True;
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;

public int infixOpRank(String operator) {
if (operator.equals("(")) return 4;
else if (operator.equals("^")) return 3;
else if (operator.equals("*") || operator.equals("/")) return 2;
else if (operator.equals("+") || operator.equals("-")) return 1;
else return 0;

public int opStackRank(String operator) {
if (operator.equals("^") || operator.equals("*") || operator.equals("/")) return 2;
else if (operator.equals("+") || operator.equals("-")) return 1;
else return 0;

* Separates a space separated mathematical expression in String representation
* and returns an array of Strings containing the individual elements
public String[] parseExpression(String expressionString) {
//divide from single string into individual tokens
return expressionString.split(" ");

public String expressionToString(String[] expression) {
String expString = "";
if (expression.length > 0) {
for(int i = 0; i

expString += expression[i] + " ";
expString += expression[expression.length-1];
return expString;

* Evaluate a postfix expression
* Integers only, so the division operation is integer division (no remainder from division)
* @param postfixExpression - the postfix expression to evaluate
* @return The result from evaluating postfixExpression
public String evaluatePostfix(String[] postfixExpression) {
// COMPLETE THIS FOR PROGRAM 5 use helper functions if possible but not necessary
//return a value as a string
//input type is a string array so we need to use parse eXpreression to split it into tokens
return null;

* Convert an infix expression to a postfix expression
* @param infixExpression - the infix expression to convert to postfix
* @return The postfix expression representation of infixExpression
public String[] infixToPostfix(String[] infixExpression) {
//convert string array into postfix sring array
return null;

Oct 21, 2021

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