In java create a method long-isogram: determine the longest isogram in the paragraph. An isogram is a word that has no repeating letters. (Differences between uppercase and lowercase letters are...

In java create a method long-isogram: determine the longest isogram in the paragraph. An isogram is a word that has no repeating letters.
(Differences between uppercase and lowercase letters are ignored.) For example, “computer” is an isogram. The word
“science” is not. If there happens to be more than one such longest isogram, then the first one in the paragraph can be
chosen. Make certain to exclude any punctuation marks from your determination (for example, when the word appears at
the end of a sentence or contains an apostrophe). For example, the isogram “Kim’s” should be considered four characters
long, with the apostrophe ignored. Return the longest isogram on one line and its length on a second line when
communicating back to the client.

The method should accept a list of strings where each string is line of the paragraph

The method should be public static String long_isogram(List par){}

Jun 09, 2022

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