Arizona State University SER334: Operating Systems & System Programming Lecturer Acuña Revised 1/17/2020 Parallel Image Filtering Summary: In this homework, you will be implementing a threaded program...

In this assignment, I need to implement a threaded program that loads an image file, applies a filter to it, and saves it back to disk.

Arizona State University SER334: Operating Systems & System Programming Lecturer Acuña Revised 1/17/2020 Parallel Image Filtering Summary: In this homework, you will be implementing a threaded program that loads an image �le, applies a �lter to it, and saves it back to disk. You will also practice dealing with threaded algorithms that include both data spliting and data dependency issues. 1 Background Figure 1: Application of blur algorithm to Wonderbread's resume portrait. (Image from Dr. Filley's TMC110 slide deck.) In this assignment you will write a program that applies a �lter to an image. The image will be loaded from a local BMP �le, and then transformed using one of two image �lters. The blur �lter is shown above as an example. The resulting �le will be saved back to a BMP �le that can be viewed on the host system. It is highly suggested that you develop non-multithreaded versions of the �lters before beginning to thread them. This document is separated into six sections: Background, Requirements, Box Blur Filter, Swiss Cheese Filter, Include Files, and Submission. You have almost �nished reading the Background section already. In Requirements, we will discuss what is expected of you in this homework. In the Box Blur Filter and Swiss Cheese Filters sections, we discuss the idea of each of the respective algorithms. In Include Files, we list several �les that may provide useful functions for your algorithms, and suggest two ways to handle BMP �le IO. Lastly, Submission discusses how your source code should be submitted on Canvas. 2 Requirements [40 points] Your program needs to implement loading a binary BMP �le, applying an image �lter to its pixel data (described in the next section), and saving the modi�ed image back into a BMP �le. If it helps, you may assume that images will be no larger than 4096 by 4096 pixels (see the MAXIMUM_IMAGE_SIZE constant in the base �le). Assume that all BMP �les are 24-bit uncompressed �les (i.e., compression method is BI_RGB), which have a 14-bit bmp header, a 40-bit dib header, and a variable length pixel array. Regarding threading: it is suggested that you start by hard-coding your program to use four threads to compute the result. Later, extend it to allow an arbitrary number (create and use a constant called THREAD_COUNT). As a base requirement, your program must compile and run under Xubuntu (or another variant of Ubuntu) 18.04. Your program must also support reading and writing uncompressed 24-bit BMP �les. Sample output for for the blur �lter is shown on the right side of Figure 1. Your general approach to parallelizing the algorithms will be to break (decompose) the image into pieces, in parallel compute the �ltered result for the pieces, and then combine the images into a �nal result. See Figure 2 for an example. 1 Figure 2: Example decomposition of input. Notice that data will be balanced among threads. • Speci�c Requirements: � File names and �lter selection: Read the input �le name, output �le name, and image �lter from the command line arguments. Assume that users always provides all three, and the �les will be valid (they exist and are BMPs). Your program must support being used as: �./LastNameFilters -i in.bmp -o out.bmp -f b�. For the �lter argument, 'b' stands for blur �lter and 'c' stands for cheese �lter. [2 Points] � Blur �lter �lter: ∗ Apply the box blur algorithm to each pixel in the data. ∗ Compute the box blur algorithm in parallel with pthreads. It is suggested that you divide work into columns. Work must be evenly distributed over a number of threads de�ned by a constant called THREAD_COUNT. You may assume that is less than the image's smallest dimension, but we will pick the speci�c value (could be anything) when we compile/grade your program. ∗ Each thread must use an independent memory allocation of a minimal size. For example: if you have an image that is 64x64 pixels and it is be run with two threads, you will be creating two threads where each processes a 32x64 region. Your program needs to perform allocations for each of the sub-regions, and pass it to the appropriate thread. Note that sub-regions will not be exactly 32x64 in size - they will be slightly larger. Add exactly the amount of padding to the region each thread gets in order for the �lter to be computed correctly. (So if a �lter requires information from each of the adjacent pixels, then a sub-region would look more like 33x64 to include an extra column of pixels to compute column 32.) � Swiss cheese �lter �lter: ∗ Apply the Swiss cheese �lter to the data. ∗ Compute the Swiss cheese �lter in parallel with pthreads. Each thread should only know about holes that it has to render. Same details apply as for box blur. (Note: a single hole may be spread across multiple threads if it lies on a column border. This is a data splitting issue.) ∗ Each thread must use a independent memory allocation of a minimal size. Same details apply as for box blur (but you won't need padding). 3 Box Blur Filter The �rst �lter we will be applying in this assignment is called a box blur. It takes a speci�c neighborhood of pixels and processes it (this is a so-called stencil operation). A given output pixel is computed as the average 2 of itself and each of its neighbors. This is an example of data dependency. We will use a neighborhood size of 3x3. In the following example, we are looking at a pixel (the 100, 0, 0 one) at the bottom of an image. There are 6 valid pixels in the neighbor, so we add them and divide by 6 to produce the output pixel for that position in the output image. → (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 200) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0 ,0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 200) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (100, 0, 0) (0, 0, 200) (0, 0, 200) → (0,0,0)+(0,0,0)+(0,0,0)+(0,0,0)+(100,0,0)+(0,0,200)6 = (16, 0, 33) Figure 3: Computing blur result for pixel at (2, 2) in an image. 4 Swiss Cheese Filter This �lter is designed to make the input image appear to be a piece of Swiss cheese. The Swiss cheese �lter has two steps: 1. Tint the image (at the pixel level) towards being slightly yellow. The exact tint is left as a design choice - you may use any method (or RGB shift) provided that it results in an output image that is noticeably more yellow (or buttery yellow). 2. Randomly draw black circles in the image. See Figure 4. Holes should be uniformly distributed along the x- and y-axis. Holes must be circles. The radius of the holes should be computed in a such a way that average sized holes are most common, and then smaller or larger holes are less common. The average radius in pixels of a hole should be 10% of the smallest side of the input image (e.g., if an image is 130 pixels, then the average radius is 13). The number of holes should also be 10% of the smallest side (e.g., if an image is 130 pixels, then there will be 13 holes). Figure 4: Cheesebread example. Holes only, no tinting. (Exact results will di�er.) 5 Include Files To complete this assignment, you may �nd the following include �les useful: • stdio.h: De�nes standard IO functions. • stdlib.h: De�nes memory allocation functions. � int rand() - returns a number between 0 and RAND_MAX. � void srand( int seed) - seeds the random number generator. • pthread.h: De�nes functionality for manipulating threads. � Useful functions: 3 ∗ int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr) - Populates a pthreads attribute struct (pthread_attr_t) with default settings. ∗ int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) - Creates a new thread with the id of thread, attributes speci�ed by attr, and some data arg. ∗ int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr) - Blocks until the speci�ed pthread_t thread has terminated. � Useful types: ∗ pthread_attr_t - Contains attributes for a pthread thread. ∗ pthread_t - Contains a pthread thread id. • math.h: De�nes additional functionality for manipulating strings. � Useful functions: ∗ double sqrt(double x) - Takes the square root of a number. Note that this assignment does not require mutexes or other locks. If you want to include any other �les, please check with the instructor or TA before doing so. 5.1 Loading Binary Files It is not expected that you implement a BMP reader/writing for this assignment, instead you should use an already existing one. For loading the BMP �les, you have two options: 1. Reuse your own personal code from the SER334 CP3 programming assignment. 2. You may use the object �le that we created, and which contains an already implemented BMP read- er/writer. (Think of it as a package in Java.) An object �le is a binary representation of a source �le, used prior to linking it to other resources (e.g., standard libraries) to create a �nal executable �le. In order to use the object �le, you must be under the VM setup described at beginning of the course. Speci�cally, (x)Ubuntu 18.04 with 64-bit gcc. Using the library has three steps: (a) Add BmpProcessor.o, PixelProcessor.h, BmpProcessor.h to your source code folder. (b) Include the BmpProcessor.h header in your main �le. (c) When you compile your project, you will need to set up your linker to include the object �le (BmpProcessor.o), otherwise if you call the functions from the For example, if you're using GCC and your main �le is called LastNameFilters.c, you will run the command �gcc LastNameFilters.c BmpProcessor.o -o LastNameFilters� to compiler your .c �le, link it with the .o, and produce the LastNameFilters �nal executable. LastNameFilters can then be run using commands such as �./LastNameFilters -i wonderbread.bmp -o blurrybread.bmp -f b�. 5.2 Linking with External Libraries (pthreads) By default, including a header �le into your project only adds the code associated with that �le to your project. For �les like stdio.h or stdlib.h, which are self contained, that is enough. However, for other include �les like pthread.h or math.h, we need to make sure that our object �les (produced from our .c) is also linked with the library object �le that supports that functionality. In GCC, we will do this with the �-lm�
Sep 16, 2021

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