Instructions Using the article attached on Depression and Violence. This was found using factorial design. Remember that a factorial design has two or more independent variables, I used the words...

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Using the article attached on Depression and Violence. This was found using factorial design. Remember that a factorial design has two or more independent variables, I used the words “depression” and “violence.” Write a description and analysis of the study in such a way that a person who has not seen the study would understand how the study was carried out. Be sure to include the following points:

§ Define the independent variables (there must be at least two).

§ Define the dependent (outcome) variable(s).

§ Identify the hypothesis or hypotheses.

§ Describe any interactions that were found.

§ Summarize the results, noting whether they were significant or not.


Your paper should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. A minimum of two sources must be used, one of which must be the textbook. Your paper must be in APA style format.

Textbook –

Morling, B. (2017).Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information(3rd ed.). Norton.

Article reference

Splete, H. (2006). Depression and violence.
Clinical Psychiatry News,
34(4), 36.

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Answered Same DaySep 14, 2021

Answer To: Instructions Using the article attached on Depression and Violence. This was found using factorial...

Somprikta answered on Sep 14 2021
141 Votes
Depression and Violence        2
Table of Contents
Independent Variables    3
Dependent Variable    3
Hypothesis    4
Interactions    4
Results    5
ces    6
Independent Variables
    The dependent variables in this particular research study by Splete (2006) are girls and depressive symptoms. Girls are considered as an independent variable in this particular research study because the outcome of the result is dependent on the age as well as the gender of the population. In this case, the research population that has been brought to consideration is 1659 girls who belong to the grades between 7 to 12 across 80 high schools and 52 middle schools in the United States. The outcome of the research is directly related to the age and gender of the population for the purpose of getting accurate research to the hypothesis that has been proposed in the research article. The other independent variable in this particular research study by Splete (2006) is depressive symptoms. This is one important independent variable on which the outcome of the research hypothesis depends to a great extent.
Dependent Variable
    The dependent variable in this particular research study conducted by Splete (2006), is the aspect of physical violence at the hands of intimate partners. Through the help of the study, the research scholar aims to put forward the relationship between the two independent variables of the research, that is, girls with depressive symptoms and the aspect of physical violence at the hands of intimate partners. This is the variable that is being tested and measured through the help of the research. The hypothesis of the research study...

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