1 XXXXXXXXXXversion 0 CSE 6242 / CX 4242: Data and Visual Analytics | Georgia Tech | Spring 2022 HW 2: Tableau, D3 Graphs and Visualization Important Notes...

It is important to follow the DOM structure. I need you to do only Q3, Q4 and Q5

1 version 0 CSE 6242 / CX 4242: Data and Visual Analytics | Georgia Tech | Spring 2022 HW 2: Tableau, D3 Graphs and Visualization Important Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Submission Instructions.................................................................................................................................. 1 Grading and Feedback ................................................................................................................................... 2 Download the HW2 Skeleton before you begin ........................................................................................ 2 Homework Overview....................................................................................................................................... 2 Q1 [25 points] Designing a good table. Visualizing data with Tableau. ........................................................ 3 Setting Up Tableau ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Important Points about Developing with D3 in Questions 2–5 ............................................................... 7 Q2 [15 points] Force-directed graph layout.................................................................................................... 8 Q3 [15 points] Line Charts ............................................................................................................................ 10 Q4 [20 points] Interactive Visualization ........................................................................................................ 14 Q5 [25 points] Choropleth Map of Board Game Ratings ............................................................................. 19 Important Notes 1. Submit your work by this assignment’s official Due date on the course schedule. a. Every assignment has a 48-hour grace period. You may use it without asking us. b. Before the grace period expires, you may resubmit as many times as you need to. c. Submissions during the grace period will display as “late” and will not incur a penalty. d. We will not accept any submissions after the grace period. 2. Always use the most up-to-date assignment (version number at bottom right of this document). 3. This advanced course expects students to submit code that runs and is free of syntax errors. Code that does not run successfully will receive 0 credit. 4. You may discuss high-level ideas with other students at the "whiteboard" level (e.g., how cross validation works, use HashMap instead of array) and review any relevant materials online. However, each student must write up and submit the student’s own answers. 5. All incidents of suspected dishonesty, plagiarism, or violations of the Georgia Tech Honor Code will be subject to the institute’s Academic Integrity procedures, directly handled by the Office of Student Integrity (OSI). Consequences can be severe, e.g., academic probation or dismissal, a 0 grade for assignments concerned, and prohibition from withdrawing from the class. 6. Wherever you are asked for a written response, stay within the word limit or you may lose points. Submission Instructions Carefully read and follow the high-level instructions below, and the detailed instructions in each question. 1. Submit ALL deliverables via Gradescope. We will not accept submissions via any other channels. 2. Submit all the required files, as specified at the beginning of each question. Any deviations from the specified format (extra files, misnamed files, etc.) will cause your submission to not be graded. 3. Each submission and its score will be recorded and saved by Gradescope. By default, Gradescope uses your last submission for grading. To use a different submission, you MUST “activate” it (click “Submission History” button at bottom toolbar, then “Activate”). https://policylibrary.gatech.edu/student-affairs/academic-honor-code http://osi.gatech.edu/ http://osi.gatech.edu/
Feb 22, 2022

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