Leading Family and Community in the Early Years
Assessment 2: Leading an evidence based intervention for engagement
Online presentation with voiceover
Time limit:
In a 7-minute oral presentation, supported by PowerPoint, provide a clear overview of leading an evidence based intervention to increase engagement in your home context that would lead to quality outcomes for young children. Your presentation will consider the nature of your colleagues and suggest strategies for how you will effectively lead them through the process of adopting the approach or intervention.
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Lead and sustain change through promoting relationship building, communication, team work and self-reflection.
Synthesize knowledge of leadership, integrated services and the importance of professional identity.
Having completed a review of the literature you are now ready to develop an action-plan on leadership that will enable you to engage with families or communities. This will involve a series of steps outlined below in which you will document your proposed leadership journey in an online presentation with a voiceover. This online presentation will consist of
10 slides including a 700 word transcript (NOTE: no marks are allocated for the transcript as this isto aid markers) - 50 marks
Using your literature review as a guide, you will need to evidence clear goals for change in terms of family engagement in your educational context. Go beyond the readings provided in the unit, this could include 'grey' literature.
Create three ABCD goals that you would like to use to lead family engagement. Review the ABCD power-point and documentation on canvas to understand how to write these goals.This will be examined in the content of week 7.
Slides should include:
A clear introduction of your early childhood context (school/ ececentre/ rural etc) -(WHO)- 1 slide.
Referring to the literature, given an explanation on the value of increasing family engagement within your context (theWHYit is important)- 2 slides.
Strategic goals explained clearly within your context.Using the ABCD template as your guide, clearly outline three (3) strategic goals that you would implement within your context - what will you go? How will you do this?- 6 slides
These must include clear strategies showing leadership for change. The HOW you are going to do this - be specific, these should include explanations of the intended outcome/ result you are looking for (Degree/result)
How will you know your goals (the strategic goals outlined above) have been achieved? - Include clear timelines with each goal, these should be measurable and realistic.
Proofread. Check APA 7th style referencing both in-text and end-text.
Final slide - your reference list- 1 slide
When you submit don’t forget a sheet with your name, student number and Unit Code.
NOTE: Only write dot points on your slides (talk to each point - do not try and write everything on the slide!). Make use of pictures and diagrams.
The quality of your work will be evident in:
Depth and appropriateness of information presented and researched;
Effectiveness of argument and the insightfulness of reflections;
Evidence of research skills and their application (gathering data, reflecting on data, making meaning of data, generating new ideas and ways of leading pedagogy and practice);
Presentation and compliance to academic writing, inclusive of referencing.
Assignment Criteria/Rubric
Assessment 2:Report
Introduction A clear introduction of your early childhood context and your approach or intervention
Outstanding introduction clarifying the context, the presentation’s purpose and impetus with inspiring explanation of your engagement approach or intervention
/ 5 pts
A well-developed argument using evidence from reputable literature demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed engagement approach or intervention. 20 marks
18 pts
High Distinction
Outstanding argument developed using reputable and convincing evidence from current and credible literature and research. Compelling case made for the effectiveness of the proposed engagement approach or intervention advocated.
/ 20 pts
Three Feasible strategies suggested for leading educators to adopt an engagement approach or intervention.
15 Marks
14 pts
High Distinction
Suggested strategies reflect an outstanding understanding of effective leadership to support adoption of the engagement approach or intervention advocated.
/ 15 pts
Presentation and APA 7th Ref
Presentation style effectively supports presenters’ position through appropriate blend of commentary, text and images.
Compliance with academic writing, inclusive of in-text and end-text referencing using APA 7th style is also considered.
10 marks
9 pts
High Distinction
Outstanding use of text, graphics and/or illustrations to add detail and coherence and connect very well with professional colleagues regarding engagement. Supporting commentary is polished and professional. No errors in grammar, spelling or referencing
/ 10 pts
ABCD Goals
Clearly outline three (3) strategic goals (ABCD format) that you would implement within your context
10 marks
9 pts
High Distinction
Three outstanding actionable strategic goals with outstanding phrasing and accountability, using the ABCD method proficiently.
/ 10 pts
Constructing your ABCD goals to improve family engagement within your context
e.g., the WHO
State who will achieve the goal.
Who are the learners?
Specify exactly: Teaching staff
e.g., the WHAT
Family engagement
Describe the intended learning
concept AND the behaviour to
show the learning....teachers will
adapt this in their classrooms or
whole school approach?
Ask yourself WHAT is the specific
learning concept I’m trying to teach?
Knowledge on the importance of
family engagement?
Be specific in your planning and
e.g., the HOW (the particular way it
will be done (can include a strategy, materials or tools
State any conditions under which
behaviour is to be performed.
school/sports/family days etc
What strategies/ materials/ tools will
the learner use to achieve the goal?
Practical examples
‘using’ or ‘given’ are often included
to state these conditions.
e.g., the RESULT (what outcome are you
looking for and what are you specifically assessing - HOW
will you be documenting/ recording this learning)
State the criterion for acceptable
performance i.e., speed/ Time,
accuracy, quality etc
HOW MUCH? What degree or
accuracy or standard is expected?
it need to be to achieve the stated
Early childhood teachers
Improved family engagement in the
pre-primary room for new students
transitioning to our school
Implement parent mornings for new
families for open conversations
Include pre primary teachers and deputy
principal at these sessions –
Add two dates to school calender to begin by
first week of first semester