Due Friday of Week 14 - Risk Management and Safety Planning with a Woman and her Children Assignment (Worth 40%) Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the assignment, students should be able to: 1....

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Micro, Mezzo and Macro influences applied to each category, read the transcript and the intake file below the assigment.

Due Friday of Week 14 - Risk Management and Safety Planning with a Woman and her Children Assignment (Worth 40%) Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the assignment, students should be able to: 1. Critically analyze the effect of social policy, relevant legislation, and political, social, historical, and/or economic systems before selecting strategies and delivering services in order to more positively support individuals and families across the lifespan that experience intimate personal violence. 2. Apply a combination of anti-oppressive, ecological, culturally intelligent, trauma-informed, and strengths-based approaches to screen, assess, report, advocate, and jointly create goals and address needs of individuals and families across the lifespan that experience intimate personal violence. 3. Apply micro, mezzo, and macro level strategies that emphasize safety, encourage resilience, respect self-determination, promote social justice, and also challenge patterns of oppression, discrimination and harassment, and sexual violence when working with individuals and families across the life span that experience intimate personal violence. As part of the Scope of Practice of the profession of Social Service Work in Ontario, you are responsible for the provision of assessment, treatment and evaluation services within a relationship between a social service worker and a client and also the provision of social support to individuals, families, and communities (OCSWSSW Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Handbook, 2008, p.2). As a worker, you will be assigned to work with individuals and families on a regular basis and also encounter the complexities related to intimate personal violence. Therefore, no matter which social service agency you may be employed in, you will employ a combination of screening, assessment, advocacy and planning related to managing risk and safety for those that you support. The video has 3 distinct parts includes the worker assigned to Pam talking to her colleagues in a supervision meeting about the family; then the actual meeting with Pam talking to the shelter worker about the abuse she and her two children experienced from Steve (husband and father of both children), the incident that caused them to move into the shelter, and the challenges she is currently facing; and then the shelter worker obtaining some supervision from her colleagues. There is also a brief family intake file that gives a few more details about the family, particularly around situational changes since that meeting with the shelter worker in the video. First, you will pretend you are the shelter worker Taneisha/Taalim from the video that met with Pam. Based on the information shared in the file and during the meeting you had with her in the shelter (from the video), you are to use your critical and clinical analysis skills to complete the Risk Assessment with comments on how each item provides protection and/or puts Pam and children’s safety at more risk. Then, based on the criminal charges against Steve being dropped and Pam’s recent decision to return with her sons to the family home and continue a relationship with Steve, you will use the information from the file and the meeting and your critical and clinical analysis skills to complete safety plans. The plans will address both ongoing and emergency safety for Pam and her children as they prepare to return to the family home next week. Remember this is an individual assignment. Academic integrity policies and procedures are applied to this and all assignments attached to this course, Abuse Across the Lifespan (COUN 131). Here are some examples of what this means: · You cannot submit work that you have completed and been evaluated for from a previous semester. If you are repeating this course, work submitted must be original and completed this semester. · You cannot have other people complete the work for you and submit it as your own. · You cannot copy and paste other people’s work and submit it as your own. · You cannot copy and paste items from the D2L materials/resources and/or lecture and seminar slides that may apply. You may cite ideas and items you’ve paraphrased in-text and in a reference page at the end of the assignment in APA format. · You must use your own words to explain the information you have written. As per Fleming College’s Academic Integrity policy, please be aware that depending on the severity of any breaches of integrity detected, some loss of marks or a grade of 0 will be given to the assignment. TurnItIn is also used for this assignment. Please also be aware that a mark of 0 will be given to any questions not completed. Instructions and Formatting for Part A – Pam and the Children’s Risk Assessment 1) In preparation, it is strongly recommended that you read the lecture and seminar slides as well as the reading material and videos regarding intimate personal violence against women and children. There are many sources of information that will help with considering both protective and risk factors for women and children experiencing violence by a family member. 2) In addition, refresh your knowledge on the Ecological Model so that you can apply it properly. Remember the following: · The Macro Level refers to cultural and societal factors such as laws, policies, and economic systems as well as attitudes that protect and/or discriminate and oppress people. These serve to sanction intimate personal violence and/or protect from intimate personal violence, increase and/or decrease risk of intimate personal violence, as well as increase and/or decrease strengths and resilience. Feel free to use the Redwood Social Risks Wheel for Women and the Redwood Safety Wheel for Children and Youth. · The Mezzo Level refers to the relationships between people and their family members, friends, co-workers, neighbourhoods, communities, schools etc. that shape cultural values and beliefs about what is appropriate and inappropriate. These contribute to increase and/or decrease risk of intimate personal violence, as well as increase and/or decrease strengths and resilience. Feel free to use the Redwood Social Risks Wheel for Women and the Redwood Safety Wheel for Children and Youth. Also feel free to use the Duluth Power and Control and the Equality Wheels. · The Micro Level refers to the personal, psychological, intellectual, and biological factors of people that influence their personality characteristics, behaviour, decisions, and motivation. These contribute to the an increase and/or decrease in risk for perpetration of intimate personal violence, increase and/or decrease risk of intimate personal violence, as well as increase and/or decrease strengths and resilience. Feel free to use the Duluth Power and Control and the Equality Wheels. 3) Watch the video about Pam and her family from the beginning of it to the end; it has 3 parts (it is just over 34 minutes long) and the read the additional information provided in the Butler Family Intake File below. Watch the simulated team meeting where the shelter worker (you) Taneisha/Taalim provides information about the meeting with Pam and obtains supervisory and team clinical support as well as the interview with Pam. There is no closed captioning, but a transcript has been provided on D2L in the ASSESSMENT folder under Risk Management and Safety Planning with a Woman and her Children in D2L. Please also be aware that the subject matter addresses intimate partner violence and exposure to intimate partner violence in a family. While abusive behaviour is not shown, in the video please be aware that this particular counselling meeting does focus on the details of the abuse as well as how upset and angry the woman becomes when describing her current situation. https://training.oaith.ca/videos/Oaith-Anti-Violence-Counselling.mp4 4) In addition, read the file about Pam and her family for further information. 5) Pretend you are the worker, Taneisha/Taalim from the video and you’re completing a risk assessment chart/form based below (Part A – Pam and the Children’s Risk Assessment) based on the information you observed, read, and obtained from Pam so far and knowing that she and the children are returning to the family home next week. 6) Pretend that after a few meetings with Pam now (beyond the meeting in the video), you’re completing the risk assessment below (Pam and her Children’s Risk Assessment) and then are submitting it to your supervisor for clinical review. 7) For all of the assessment areas in the Part A - Pam and her Children’s Risk Assessment below explain in detail the reasons protective factors chosen by you manage risk or increase Pam’s and the children’s safety as well as share the reasons the risk factors chosen by you decrease Pam’s and the children’s safety at a macro, mezzo, and micro level. Remember some of the information may have been implied by Pam or the shelter staff in the video and the file versus directly said and also you are to use your observation, critical thinking, critical and clinical analysis, and deductive reasoning skills here. TIP: Do not just write in the information that has already been presented in the video - explain in your writing to your supervisor why certain items are protective factors for Pam and the children and why others are risk factors. Sometimes items may be both. 8) Bullet points can be used and should be single-spaced. However, the information needs to be clear and detailed with evidence of critical and clinical analysis explaining why items are protective factors and/risk factors for the family. *You must submit the completed written work for Part A, Part B, and Part C by uploading the word docx with the chart for Part A and charts for Part B and Part C only to the Week 14 Risk Management and Safety Planning with a Woman and her Children Assignment drop box by midnight on Friday of Week 14. Don’t forget to include of reference page of the sources you used when describing the formal community resources chosen. Do not include the instructions of the assignment in your submission. Part A – Pam and her Children’s Risk Assessment (Worth 20%) ASSESSMENT AREAS - Cultural ECOLOGICAL MODEL - MACRO, MEZZO, AND MICRO LEVEL INFLUENCES Culture Identification of the Family - Must include minimally 1 macro influence in your analysis of the items · identification with specific ethnic/racial groups, communities, bands · upholds specific traditions and customs and/or roles and expectations · participation in particular cultural events PROTECTIVE FACTORS RISK FACTORS Here and in all below sections, make sure to include why each item you choose are protective factors Here and in all below sections, make sure to include why each item you choose are risk factors Gender and Sexual Orientation of all Family Members - Must include minimally 1 macro influence in your analysis of the items · evidence or absence of traditional gender roles · identifies as male, female, trans, and/or with the 2SLGBTQ+ community · pronouns used – TIP: these are mentioned in passing Spiritual Health of the Family - Must include
Answered 2 days AfterApr 09, 2022

Answer To: Due Friday of Week 14 - Risk Management and Safety Planning with a Woman and her Children Assignment...

Garima answered on Apr 12 2022
85 Votes
Part B – Pam’s Emergency Safety Plan (Worth 10%)
Consider the greatest areas of risk and challenges specific to women who experience intimate partner violence. Use the available course material to help
    Using the critical and clinical analysis of the risk and protective factors from the risk assessment completed, choose 2 risk factors that pose the greatest risk for lethality to Pam when she returns home.
    1st Risk
    2nd Risk
    Steve can intimidate and frighten Pam to control her (financially and emotionally). Repeat incidence of Physical violence (Boxall & Lawler, 2021).
    Strangulation/ Femic
ide: Risk of strangulation/ femicide if Pam tries to divorce Steve or separate from him (Campbell et al. 2003).
    Using the 2 factors you noted above that pose the greatest risk for lethality to her, choose 2 emergency strategies that Pam could realistically use in the moment to protect herself when she returns home and is in imminent danger.
    1st Emergency Strategy to Address the 1st Risk
    2nd Emergency Strategy to Address the 2nd Risk
    (a) During violent episode or argument developing, move to a safer spot in the house where no sharp items are placed. (b) Best to move to a place in the house where you can get outside easily. (c) Practice with kids.
    (a) Leave the house immediately with the car keys, credit and debit cards (if possible). (b) In case of injury go to hospital. (c) Contact local women’s shelter (d) contact lawyer (for legal advice). (e) Keep all the phone numbers handy. (f) Practice with kids.
    Using the critical and clinical analysis of the risk and protective factors from the risk assessment completed, anticipate, and describe 2 realistic barriers that could prevent Pam from using each of the 2 emergency strategies chosen above.
     Barrier to the 1st Emergency Strategy
    Barrier to the 2nd Emergency Strategy
    Feelings of fear and shame that family and society will come to know about her and Steve’s abusive relationship.
    Fear of isolation, homelessness and financial dependency on Steve.
    Describe what you and Pam can do to prepare for the difficulties she may face with following through with each of the 2 emergency strategies chosen above when she returns home.
    Preparation Work with Pam to Address the 1st Barrier
    Preparation Work with Pam to Address the 2nd Barrier
    (a) Counselling sessions with a therapist can help overcome those fears and gain confidence to protect self-honor. (b) Involving a trusted community member to discuss her issues and gaining more confidence & community help (minister from Cambridge Street United Church).
    (a) Pam must get her name added in the family’s main bank account. (b) Restraining order on Steve (‘peace bond’ protection and ‘family law protection order’) to be activated in case of abuse. (c) Keeping photocopies of all the government documents, financial documents (in case you have to leave in emergency). (d) (e)Therapy sessions with counsellor.
Part B – Josh and Declan’s Emergency Safety Plan (Worth 10%)
Consider the greatest areas of risk and challenges specific to children who are exposed to violence in the family home. Consider the greatest areas of risk specific to children’s physical and emotional health at different ages and stages of development. Use the available course material to help
    Using the critical and clinical analysis of the risk and protective factors from the risk assessment completed, choose 2 serious risks that expose the children to ongoing violence and could put them in imminent danger when they return to the family home.
    1st Risk
    2nd Risk
    Direct abuse: In fit of anger Steve can physically harm the kids.
    Neglect: Kids have to witness the anger and fight between their parents which is not good for their psychological development.
    Using 2 serious risks that expose the children to ongoing violence when they return to the family home from above, choose (with Pam) 2 emergency strategies that the children could realistically use in the moment to protect themselves when they return to the family home and they are frightened about their immediate safety and/or their mother’s immediate safety.
    1st Emergency Strategy to Address the 1st Risk
    2nd Emergency Strategy to Address the 2nd Risk
    (a) Tell kids to run away from the house to a safe spot outside the house (where you can meet them later or get help from a trusted neighbor) (b) Run to the safe spot in the house and lock from inside. (c) Call the Police or CAS from the secret mobile phone already kept in that safe spot.
    (a) Tell kids to call the Police if Steve hits Pam and stay on the phone until the police arrives.
(b) Tell kids not to go between their parents when the fight is happening. (c) Practice with kids.
    Using the critical and clinical analysis of the risk and protective factors from the risk assessment completed, anticipate and describe 2 realistic barriers that could prevent the children from using each of their 2 emergency strategies when they return to the family home.
     Barrier to 1st Emergency Strategy
    Barrier to 2nd Emergency Strategy
    The kids might be warned by Steve to keep their mouth shut.
    The kids are small and are unable to understand what is going on between their parents. And out of love they might not want to call the police.
    Describe what you (and Pam) can do to help prepare the children for the difficulties they may face with following through with each emergency strategy.
    Preparation Work with the Children to Address the 1st Barrier
    Preparation Work with the Children to Address the 2nd Barrier
    (a)Teach kids that abusive is never right even if someone they love is showing abusive behavior. (b) Practice the strategy with kids. (c) Help kids memorize all the helpline numbers.
    (a) Tell them that abuse is neither their fault nor your fault. (b) Teach kids that it is important to keep safe distance when there is an abuse.
Part C – Pam’s Ongoing Safety Plan (Worth 10%)
    Using the critical and clinical analysis of the risk and protective factors from the risk assessment completed, identify 2 practical strengths that Pam has now and how she can actively use when she returns home to manage risks to her safety and maintain resilience.
    1st Strength
    2nd Strength
    Help from the Law
    Help from social worker (Taneisha and her agency)
    Actions/Plans that Incorporate the 1st...

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