Engr 160 Homework Assignment Due: Nov 7 A cantilevered beam has one end clamped in place and the other end free. For example, an aircraft wing can be considered to be a cantilevered beam. The...

Need everything done other than the complete write-up (Problem Statement, Assumptions, Theory, Solution, and Discussion).

Engr 160 Homework Assignment Due: Nov 7 A cantilevered beam has one end clamped in place and the other end free. For example, an aircraft wing can be considered to be a cantilevered beam. The deflection (from horizontal) of the free end of the beam depends upon the loading conditions on the beam. Four of the many loading conditions are shown below. Case 1: End Load, W Case 2: Intermediate Load, W Case 3: Uniform Load, W = unit_w*L Case 4: Partial Uniform Load, W = unit_w*(b-a) W = total load, N unit_w = unit load in uniform (or partial uniform) case, N/m d = deflection caused by the load, m x = distance from the free end of the beam, m L = length of the beam, m By assuming that all forces are coplanar, the beam is in static equilibrium, and the mass of the beam can be neglected, the following equations can be used to calculate the deflections for the four load cases. Case 1: ( ) LxforLxLx EI Wd ≤≤+−      −= 023 6 323 Case 2: ( ) bxforxaLaa EI Wd <≤−+− ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="033" 6="" 223="" (="" )="" (="" )(="" )="" lxbforabxabx="" ei="" wd="" ≤≤+−−−="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="323" 23="" 6="" case="" 3:="" (="" )="" lxforlxlx="" eil="" wd="" ≤≤+−="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="034" 24="" 434="" case="" 4:="" (="" )(="" )[="" ]="" )(04="" 24="" 322322="" blxforbbaabaxlbaba="" ei="" wd=""><≤−−−−−++ ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="(" )(="" )="" (="" )="" (="" )="" )()(46="" 24="" 4="" 32="" alxblfor="" ab="" axlxlxlba="" ei="" wd=""><≤−               − −− +−−−+      −= ( )( ) ( )[ ] lxalforxlxlba ei wd ≤≤−−−−+      −= )(23 12 32 e = modulus of elasticity, pa i = moment of inertia, m4 the modulus of elasticity, e is dependent on the type of material of which the beam is made and the moment of inertia, i is dependent on the cross-section of the beam. program requirements: 1. write a main program and two user-defined subroutine subprograms. 2. in the main program, prompt the user to enter the number of cases that will be considered. 3. in the main program, read from the given file (beamcase.txt): the i and e values, the case number and the values of the necessary variables to analyze that case (w, unitw, a and b) 4. in one subroutine, calculate the deflection, d of the beam at 10 equally spaced locations along the beam (include the free end, but not the clamped end). 5. in this subroutine, the deflections and corresponding x values (distance from free end) must be stored in two different one-dimensional arrays. 6. return the calculated d, deflection and x, distance arrays to the main program. 7. use a second subroutine to output to a file (beamcase_lastnamefirstname.txt) a formatted table showing the values that where entered for each case and the 10 deflections as a function of x. be sure all values have units labeled. presentation requirements: 1. create a word document as the complete solution. 2. include a complete write-up (problem statement, assumptions, theory, solution, and discussion). 3. in the solution section include: flowcharts (three flowcharts will be needed, one for the main program and one for each subprogram), copy of the computer code, a copy of the input file, a copy of the output file and a command button to use to run the program. 4. flowcharts and computer code should be well commented. 5. include an excel graph of d versus x for all four given loading situations on one set of axes. 6. be sure to discuss your results including comparison of the different types of loading conditions. you need to have your program read from the given file shown below: beamcase.txt this file contains the values for five loading situations to analyze in the following order: line 1: i, e line 2: case # line 3: l, unitw, a, and b line 4: case # line 5: l, w, a line 6: case # line 7: l, unitw line 8: case # line 9: l, w example of some select answers are shown below for case #1. some select answers for case #2: ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· some select answers for case #3: some select answers for case #4: ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="" −−="" +−−−+="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −="(" )(="" )="" (="" )[="" ]="" lxalforxlxlba="" ei="" wd="" ≤≤−−−−+="" ="" ="" ="" ="" ="" −=")(23" 12="" 32="" e="modulus" of="" elasticity,="" pa="" i="moment" of="" inertia,="" m4="" the="" modulus="" of="" elasticity,="" e="" is="" dependent="" on="" the="" type="" of="" material="" of="" which="" the="" beam="" is="" made="" and="" the="" moment="" of="" inertia,="" i="" is="" dependent="" on="" the="" cross-section="" of="" the="" beam.="" program="" requirements:="" 1.="" write="" a="" main="" program="" and="" two="" user-defined="" subroutine="" subprograms.="" 2.="" in="" the="" main="" program,="" prompt="" the="" user="" to="" enter="" the="" number="" of="" cases="" that="" will="" be="" considered.="" 3.="" in="" the="" main="" program,="" read="" from="" the="" given="" file="" (beamcase.txt):="" the="" i="" and="" e="" values,="" the="" case="" number="" and="" the="" values="" of="" the="" necessary="" variables="" to="" analyze="" that="" case="" (w,="" unitw,="" a="" and="" b)="" 4.="" in="" one="" subroutine,="" calculate="" the="" deflection,="" d="" of="" the="" beam="" at="" 10="" equally="" spaced="" locations="" along="" the="" beam="" (include="" the="" free="" end,="" but="" not="" the="" clamped="" end).="" 5.="" in="" this="" subroutine,="" the="" deflections="" and="" corresponding="" x="" values="" (distance="" from="" free="" end)="" must="" be="" stored="" in="" two="" different="" one-dimensional="" arrays.="" 6.="" return="" the="" calculated="" d,="" deflection="" and="" x,="" distance="" arrays="" to="" the="" main="" program.="" 7.="" use="" a="" second="" subroutine="" to="" output="" to="" a="" file="" (beamcase_lastnamefirstname.txt)="" a="" formatted="" table="" showing="" the="" values="" that="" where="" entered="" for="" each="" case="" and="" the="" 10="" deflections="" as="" a="" function="" of="" x.="" be="" sure="" all="" values="" have="" units="" labeled.="" presentation="" requirements:="" 1.="" create="" a="" word="" document="" as="" the="" complete="" solution.="" 2.="" include="" a="" complete="" write-up="" (problem="" statement,="" assumptions,="" theory,="" solution,="" and="" discussion).="" 3.="" in="" the="" solution="" section="" include:="" flowcharts="" (three="" flowcharts="" will="" be="" needed,="" one="" for="" the="" main="" program="" and="" one="" for="" each="" subprogram),="" copy="" of="" the="" computer="" code,="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" input="" file,="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" output="" file="" and="" a="" command="" button="" to="" use="" to="" run="" the="" program.="" 4.="" flowcharts="" and="" computer="" code="" should="" be="" well="" commented.="" 5.="" include="" an="" excel="" graph="" of="" d="" versus="" x="" for="" all="" four="" given="" loading="" situations="" on="" one="" set="" of="" axes.="" 6.="" be="" sure="" to="" discuss="" your="" results="" including="" comparison="" of="" the="" different="" types="" of="" loading="" conditions.="" you="" need="" to="" have="" your="" program="" read="" from="" the="" given="" file="" shown="" below:="" beamcase.txt="" this="" file="" contains="" the="" values="" for="" five="" loading="" situations="" to="" analyze="" in="" the="" following="" order:="" line="" 1:="" i,="" e="" line="" 2:="" case="" #="" line="" 3:="" l,="" unitw,="" a,="" and="" b="" line="" 4:="" case="" #="" line="" 5:="" l,="" w,="" a="" line="" 6:="" case="" #="" line="" 7:="" l,="" unitw="" line="" 8:="" case="" #="" line="" 9:="" l,="" w="" example="" of="" some="" select="" answers="" are="" shown="" below="" for="" case="" #1.="" some="" select="" answers="" for="" case="" #2:="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" ·····="" some="" select="" answers="" for="" case="" #3:="" some="" select="" answers="" for="" case="">
Nov 05, 2021

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