Original Post: Address all the elements of the assignment in complete sentences that are proofed for capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It is a good idea to construct your answer...

Original Post: Address all the elements of the assignment in complete sentences that are proofed for capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling (CUPS). It is a good idea to construct your answer using Word and then copy and paste it into myLearning. Each element (prompt/question) should be addressed in its own paragraph. There is no word requirement. Note that rambling will not be positively rewarded. Feel free to bring in additional references to these posts.

Reply Post: Try to point out economic ideas/concepts that could have been used to strengthen your classmate's analysis or may not have been used clearly or correctly. Just saying you agree, or disagree, or like the points made, or didn't think of that, will not earn you many points. Remember that your classmate has already read your answer, so don't repeat your answer as a reply. Write in complete sentences that are proofed for CUPS. Again, you should compose in Word and then copy and past your Reply in myLearning. There is no word requirement. Note that rambling will not be positively rewarded. Feel free to bring in additional references to these posts.

Most modern countries' economies are a mix command and market type. This means that there is a trade-off between societal equality and individual freedom. See the graphical illustration of this trade-off below.

    • At what point on the graph below do you believe the current equality vs. freedom trade-off occurs for the United States? Explain fully.

    • Are you satisfied with this current trade-off? Is this your optimal trade-off? At what point would we find your optimal trade-off? Explain fully.

    • Provide an example of the type of government policy or action that would move us along this Production Possibilities Frontier. Explain fully.

    • Find and summarize a news article or opinion piece that supports your opinion and provide the link at the end of your response.

  • Explain in detailed, specific, and clear text. Students that have the best answers will use and cite their source or sources in their text to support their positions.

Production Possibilities Diagram showing the trade-off between Equality and Freedom.  Equality is measured on the y-axis and Freedom on the x-axis.

Nov 02, 2023

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