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Sa pp ho Π οκ ίλ οφ ρο ν ἀθ αν άτ Ἀ φ ρό δι τα , D ea th le ss A ph ro di te of th e sp an gl ed m in d πα ῖ Δ ίο ς δο λό πλ οκ ε, λί σσ ομ αι σε , ch ild of Ze us ,w ho tw ist s lu re s, Ib eg yo u μή μ΄ ἄσ αι σι μη δ΄ ὀν ία ισ ι δά μν α, do no t br ea k w ith ha rd pa in s, πό τν ια , θῦ μο ν, O la dy ,m y he ar t ἀλ λὰ τυ ίδ ΄ἕ λθ , αἲ πο τα κἀ τέ ρω τα bu t co m e he re if ev er be fo re τὰ ς ἕμ ας αὔ δα ς ἀί οι σα πή λο ι yo u ca ug ht m y vo ic e fa r off ἔκ λυ ες , πά τρ ος δὲ δό μο ν λί πο ισ α an d lis te ni ng le ft yo ur fa th er ’s χρ ύσ ιο ν ἦλ θε ς go ld en ho us e an d ca m e, ἅρ μ΄ ὐπ ασ δε ύξ αι σα · κά λο ι δέ σ΄ ἆγ ον yo ki ng yo ur ca r. A nd fin e bi rd s br ou gh t yo u, ὤ κε ες σ τρ οῦ θο ι πε ρὶ γᾶ ς μα λα ίν ας qu ick sp ar ro w s ov er th e bl ac k ea rt h πύ κν α δί νε ντ ες πτ έρ ΄ἀ π΄ ὠ ρά νω αἴ θε - w hi pp in g th ei r w in gs do w n th e sk y ρο ς δι ὰ μέ σσ ω · th ro ug h m id ai r – αἶ ψ α δ΄ ἐξ ίκ ον το · σὺ δ΄ , ὦ μά κα ιρ α th ey ar riv ed . B ut yo u, O bl es se d on e, με ιδ ια ίσ αι σ΄ ἀθ αν άτ ω ι πρ οσ ώ πω ι sm ile d in yo ur de at hl es s fa ce ἤρ ε΄ ὄτ τι δη ὖτ ε πέ πο νθ α κὤ ττ ι an d as ke d w ha t (n ow ag ai n) Ih av e su ffe re d an d w hy δη ὖτ ε κά λη μμ ι (n ow ag ai n) Ia m ca lli ng ou t κὤ ττ ι μο ι μά λι σ τα θέ λω γέ νε σθ αι an d w ha t Iw an t to ha pp en m os t of al l μα ιν όλ αι θύ μω ι· τί να δη ὖτ ε πε ίθ ω in m y cr az y he ar t. W ho m sh ou ld Ip er su ad e (n ow ag ai n) ... σά γη ν ἐς σά ν φ ιλ ότ ατ α; τί ς σ΄ , ὦ to le ad yo u ba ck in to he r lo ve ? W ho ,O Ψ άπ φ ΄, ἀδ ίκ ησ ι; Sa pp ho ,i s w ro ng in g yo u? κα ί γὰ ρ αἱ φ εύ γε ι, τα χέ ω ς δι ώ ξε ι, Fo r if sh e fle es ,s oo n sh e w ill pu rs ue . αἰ δὲ δῶ ρα μὴ δέ κε τ΄ ἀλ λά δώ σε ι, If sh e re fu se s gi fts ,r at he r w ill sh e gi ve th em . αἰ δὲ μὴ φ ίλ ει , τα χέ ω ς φ ιλ ήσ ει If sh e do es no t lo ve ,s oo n sh e w ill lo ve κω ὐκ ἐθ έλ οι σα . ev en un w ill in g. ἔλ θε μο ι κα ί νῦ ν, χα λέ πα ν δὲ λῦ σο ν C om e to m e no w : lo os e m e fro m ha rd ἐκ με ρί μν αν , ὄσ σα δέ μο ι τέ λε σσ αι ca re an d al lm y he ar t lo ng s θῦ μο ς ἰμ έρ ρε ι, τέ λε σο ν, σὺ δ΄ αὒ τα to ac co m pl ish ,a cc om pl ish . Yo u σύ μμ αχ ος ἔσ σο . be m y al ly . If no tW in te r. Fr ag m en ts of Sa pp ho ,t ra ns l. A nn e C ar so n (K no pf : N ew Yo rk ,2 00 2) ,p p. 2- 5. Topic Greek and Roman Lyrical Poetry Sappho, “Deathless Aphrodite ...” a) The Dialogue Between Sappho and Aphrodite b) Love in Sappho’s Poem · At least 1800 words · An introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph · Secondary sources are not necessary, but please cite the sources in MLA format if you decide to use them · Include in-text citation when using direct quotes · Due date: 11/26/2022
Answered 5 days AfterNov 19, 2022

Answer To: SapphoΠοκίλοφρονἀθανάτἈφρόδιτα,DeathlessAphrodi...

Asif answered on Nov 25 2022
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Love in Sappho’s Poems
I. Introduction
Sappho is a Greek poet of the seventh-sixth century B.C. who composed lyric poetry. The objective of her emotion and affections described in her poetry was female. One can explore the intimate wo
rld and determine the distinct features of her poetry with the help of attentive study of the existing aroma of her poems. " Deathless Aphrodite Of the Spangled Mind'' goes into the theme of friendship and love. This poem is written in a tone to appeal to the ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty, love and sexuality. In this poem, it is seen that the orator prays to the Goddess to appear and relieve the suffering rooted in love. In addition to this, it is also found that, the speaker applauds the Goddess and prays for her mercy and asks her to come to her again if she can listen to her ardent prayer. This poem was written in a monologue tone and throughout the poem, it can be felt the loneliness and the sufferings of the speaker due to lovelessness. In this poem, the poet wants to describe the experience which is related to love relations and emotional experience. In Sappho's poetry, Aphrodite appears most frequently and in this poem also she wants to connect her thoughts with the Goddess.
The dialogue between Sappho and Aphrodite
Sappho's fragments are composed in first person and sometimes the speaker is unidentified and sometimes named Sappho herself. In the first stanza of " Deathless Aphrodite Of the Spangled Mind,'' the poet uses metaphor to compare Aphrodite's mind to an object to express the Goddess's keen nature. In this poem, the speaker appears to conjure Aphrodite before. This can be established by the words presented in the poem:
“ But come here if ever before
You caught my voice far off
And listening left your father’s golden house and came” (Carson 5).
The above lines of of the peope proves that the speaker has met Aphrodite back. On the other hand, it is also analyzed and found from the poem that, she speaker asked for the mercy of goddesses before and she accepted the request. The dialogue between the poet and Aphrodite it is clear to understand that it explores female desire. It is clear here by recognising the speaker is a woman. The speaker is eager for what 'heart longs to accomplish'. This poem can be acknowledged as an exploration of homoerotic friendship. It is observed here that the object of the orator's love appears to be female. It can be proven by the usage of 'she' numerous times. The speaker of this poem eagerly waits for her answer and she is quite sure that the goddess will not refuse her love (Carson 5).
In this poem, it is observed that the speaker is suffering and it is deeply rooted to love. Along with this, it should also be nted down that, she wants to know eagerly what is the cause of her suffering, it is somewhere in the tone of...

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