A simulated safe-driving practice test program allows a user to be aware of road safety. You need to have a component for a user to agree on accepting the terms and condition of the test; and you can...

A simulated safe-driving practice test program allows a user to be aware of road safety. You need to have a component for a user to agree on accepting the terms and condition of the test; and you can set your sentences for the terms and conditions. You need to have an option for a user to set the background color. Implement the following scenario detailed here; and you are required to individually design and implement the features of the safedriving test program. The test will start with your click on a Start button after the terms and condition, and the background color settings.

The scenario includes 3 moving cars with a traffic hint of a school hour; each car driver needs to maintain a speed limit of <=40 kmpr,="" and="" any="" brake="" attempt="" by="" a="" driver="" in="" a="" front="" car="" will="" lead="" other="" drivers="" in="" the="" back="" to="" pressing="" the="" brake="" as="" well.="" you="" are="" required="" to="" record="" the="" number="" of="" times="" a="" brake="" is="" pressed="" by="" a="" car="" driver;="" this="" scenario="" will="" exist="" for="" 300="" seconds="" upon="" a="" click="" on="" the="" start="" button.="" you="" are="" also="" required="" to="" click="" on="" the="" car(s)="" that="" needs="" to="" be="" put="" into="" brake="" immediately="" upon="" a="" hazard;="" the="" tolerable="" delay="" between="" your="" click="" and="" the="" program-tracked="" record="" of="" a="" drivers="" press="" on="" the="" brake="" in="" response="" to="" a="" hazard="" is="" 3="" seconds;="" and="" you="" will="" get="" score="" if="" your="" click="" is="" within="" the="" 3="" seconds.="" you="" are="" required="" to="" propose="" and="" implement="" the="" associated="" details="" of="" the="" hazard.="" at="" the="" end="" of="" the="" 300="" seconds,="" the="" program="" needs="" to="" show="" a="" comparative="" table="" of="" your="" clicks="" to="" identify="" a="" car="" in="" need="" for="" control="" and="" your="" program-generated="" record="" for="" each="" car="" that="" was="" in="" need="" for="" control.="" the="" table="" needs="" to="" show="" the="" date="" and="" time="" of="" your="" click(s)="" for="" a="" car="" in="" need="" for="" a="" brake="" and="" the="" program-generated="" track="" of="" the="" same="" car="" that="" was="" in="" need="" for="" control.="" there="" must="" be="" an="" option="" to="" save="" the="" table="" data="" in="" a="" text="">

Sep 20, 2019

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