Microsoft Word - Assignment 3.docxManitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Software Development Object Oriented JavaScript SD-120 Andre Specht Assignment 3: Contacts ...

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Microsoft Word - Assignment 3.docx Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Software Development Object Oriented JavaScript SD-120 Andre Specht Assignment 3: Contacts Weight: 20/100 In this assignment, you will develop a web application that allows users to create and delete contacts. The goal of this project is to apply everything we've learned so far and test your ability to find solutions to unexpected problems. Directions and requirements • Create a web page with a form, a button, and a section for multiple contacts (see example). • Validate the user input (commas, email, etc.), providing expected error messages. • Create a class named Contact with 3 private data properties (name, city, email), a constructor, and 3 getters. Use ES modules and a server, so both your utility functions and Contact class can be placed in separated files. • Create a new ‘contact’ (an instance of Contact) using name, city, and email as arguments. • Add the new contact object to an array. • Call a function - listContacts() - to display the contacts on your page. listContacts() will: iterate through the array, create a div element, add the object’s data to three paragraphs, append these paragraphs to the div you just created, and add the div to the HTML document. • New contacts must be added to the beginning of the list. • Count and display the number of contacts added. • Implement a function to allow users delete a contact by clicking it. • You can use obtrusive JavaScript (onclick attribute) when adding your contacts to the page. • Add a README file to your repository on GitHub with a link to your application (the web page). Marking criteria CRITERIA MARKS* Required page elements 2 Contact class (required class members and encapsulation) 2 Functions to add, display and remove contacts (including validation) 4 Application uses ES modules 2 Application works and delivers the expected results 6 Coding standards and best practices 2 Application on GitHub pages, README file, and link to repository 1 Student professionalism 1 * Marks will be deducted if the assignment is submitted late and/or incomplete. Assignments not submitted on time will see deductions of 10% per day, including weekends and holidays Submission guidelines Upload your files to the Dropbox folder on MyLearning (Object Oriented JavaScript SD-120 à Assignments à Assignment 3) as a zipped folder (don’t use rar), along with the link to your repository on GitHub (as a comment). Important: remove the node_modules folder before uploading your files to MyLearning.
Mar 17, 2023

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