Prepare a doc, docx, or rtf (submit only one file) to addresses the following. Use material from Collins Ch 4 and Weirich Ch 9. There is no reason to obtain material outside of the text. The text resources are sufficient.
Do not quote or copy the author's words - summarize or paraphrase into your own words. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling. Prepare a document that will help you prepare for the course exam, the CPA exam, and the CPA profession. Use your own words but be accurate. Be specific. Add substance. Edit your work.
This is a 75 point assignment – start early, take this seriously, be accurate and thorough (yet concise).
1. Create a document that prepares you to develop and communicate a well reasoned, documented memo and conclusion. Include a discussion of the components of the standard financial accounting research memo: Collins Figure 4-2: Weirich Ch 2 Writing Memos to the File ; Weirich Ch 9 Method of Conducting Research. This discussion should include information from both texts to help you with eachstep of the research process and with each component of the financial accounting research memo. Specifically discuss each of the five sections of the financial accounting research memo (Collins Figure 4-2). 25 pts
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