Presentation on below topic ( Ultrasound Physics and instrumentation) for 10 min.Topic : Discuss Dose, duty factor, dwell time, pulse time, pulse average intensity and beam uniformity ratio.

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Presentation on below topic ( Ultrasound Physics and instrumentation) for 10 min.

Topic : Discuss Dose, duty factor, dwell time, pulse time, pulse average intensity and beam uniformity ratio.

5. Discuss dose, duty factor, dwell time, pulse average intensity and beam uniformity ratio. Module Key Concepts Assessment Marking Rubric Student Name Module Number: Sidon Sonographer Tolows set — Pm boundries bt hme rections fom phe cosa: Chcotor to chan reser. pus crea Distinction gh ition Presentation Graphics Hoctro bn made | Minimal lot hs eer | Changes hav been made | Sides rests Side sre statis, on sidesgpesrnce, | mae one appearance. | ons spesrnce Texts any oresd. Texts any trend. ogupnksor eis | Shdessenoteamto | Sides re emytoread. | More than haf the sides | Grphics and fect re ncopartes res The amount of text | 1 grahis an feces | uid throughout lime stormstion | The smaunt ftextistoo | ration the psc enhance the preston, | enhnce he presentation Weighing - 20% presen restore ce Poe Trae aimed use cf | hws apc or ofc Emcor les Contant secon no pple, eve. Some sides ming, | Some sbdes rising. | Abrequied ides we | M required sides re hades. Shoe dorotcontan | Some des doret Moko harlot | che fori rieetiormution. | onavrsoant concepts hoe been | Mostofthersevant | information iad wtamaton | dormaton: prvi concepts ne Seen i reevnt concept oe ove Some parts of imprtant | Some prs of important | carted csr ae ating Temes not atdesed. | harmon ee ember | rain st mesmgor | Tones as Gmcesedut | opis rs dwt deay mttaer | seme ncoect mare materisls neded | and na organs Weighing 50% rinses Topic swe sddrssed bt | Topics re dncsedbut | Eunce of on Sopa. Cibcrmedon Eidece of satocory | sndertandiog of comprebenshe “Doesnt daptay an Evrce of some nderansrgl rmosntemnciopy | undertandn of nderiandingalthe | understanding hrscund | Urns emission | topo roundtermciopy 4 Conve mteraisngtey | seme pba. | shale pis consistent pani Conte Dalays med Dias coniotent | evidence of comprehensive | Duta: evidence of nderiandngoithe | evidence of satsfactory | understanding of te couse | exceptions derstanding Coie mens snd bey | ndesondrgol he | materi snd hy concepts. | of the cous matron presi Coun mate an bey ey concep. Concept W sppicail Th equation | (f sepicaie med | (1 sppikabie Consent | appa content| splat exceptions’ eligi concpt | dst of derkandig | and stisciory nd comprehen nderanding doin md — nd dbmonnaton ofthe | drone dipioy nd | undestonding, Sogo and | demons the Concent Cqumaneingloths | comin reaing os | concept Tiapaicabie th patil | Woppicaihre’s | Wappicaie hres pcre Wasabi here demotrsingol ha | mted practic Comptant nd sasfcory | comprehensive exception demonsiraton nrmound machine or concept ving on Concept uing on Concept ving on lround | Utasound machine 1 Sema amasng | ubrmaundmschveor | Uisoumdmachnecr | machine or skemave | aka. The ve ul umsons 33 | Th fv ui Guesion rd | The (ve quis esions and | Th ve aul qusions and | The Foe quit esis and Sowers re sng | nswer doply ted | anwers re wel worded | anes ae wel warded | anowrs re wel worded Connection tote concept | and saslactory ning | and comprehensive | ind xcepions in lcng Sno seri wes pesemed ens presented. pesemed Grammar snd achans T presension doesnot | Tore ae many Therese no machanical | There sr no mechanical | Thre amo mechanical workorha rattan | mechanical arors ers ogo he | ron voughou the | tes toughout the Compe cone. ivoghout the Presention resenaon Presenaon “Wool recording preenaton oe recording ncuded | oie recording cued | ote ecorsngncuded ncosedonshtes ok ecoring not ona sies. anasider lupe ypopph, | ncuded ono ds me pega Led ogra here sre no so Weighing - 20% ammo Many cgi til and pammnstiol od parma snd Buncstion eros armani od eros Punctuation res puncnon rors voughow sreanaton. | uncut vars rough preseaion. | houghau preencadon. | ought rserston. vous rsaistn. demic nary “oor mid evdenceof | Red evdenceol | Dieses chad nd Tiersar ced nd Tiraare did 3 Cutan lense | ciatonoflersure. | complete witha few | complete with 3 riety of | complete witha variety of Not ihe nfl hs cpa hen | Lier Ache | Mulla mites made | rear edi, per. | esr peer vewed and | roman, ee pret ori mt oo ried inmumber nd | using fresco se 4 | reviewed an chlay | cht resus reseed and scholar incomplete. ives Toe Soproprte eres | ress “io evdence of limi paraohrsngof | Minor mikes made | gst aba for the | Appropriate rferenc - aopvaing nmin | angesterening bie ss | motor th vgn. | ive osgboet te weighing - camssemrterencng. | sameegraionot | wbisd thsi igre ara relrence soucesto ner key | some pusohasgol | passes of data and | 1941384 concepts ahh primar | Gyn dens wen. | emer Consistent parsing of te Govimepeven ame | Saaenare integrated snd | an svi os sen Seri maar os ries athe | snd wellinthe Sources re teed Markers Comments: Concerts wih some nai exceptions wes in he tn
Answered 6 days AfterAug 20, 2024

Answer To: Presentation on below topic ( Ultrasound Physics and instrumentation) for 10 min.Topic : Discuss...

Dr Shweta answered on Aug 27 2024
6 Votes
Speaker notes
Introduction: "Hello everyone, today we're going to learn about the interesting field
of ultrasound physics." Ultrasound physics uses the transmission and reflection of high-frequency sound waves to diagnose or monitor medical conditions. This field combines science and engineering to facilitate medical imaging and treatment.
Slide 2 “Now what ultrasound is." In generalized terms, sound waves have frequencies that exceed the human hearing range, typically exceeding 20 kHz. "These high-frequency waves can travel through tissues, allowing us to visualize internal structures and blood flow."
Slide 3 "An ultrasound machine has a transducer probe, a control unit, and a display system." The probe converts electrical data into sound vibrations. It subsequently listens for vibrations. "The control unit processes these echoes, and the display system shows us the resulting images."
Slide 4: "Dose" refers to the intensity...

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