Microsoft Word - Document2 discovery discoveries concerning work development theory contributions structure recognition economic chemical peace analysis human new pioneering fundamental synthesis...

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Microsoft Word - Document2 discovery discoveries concerning work development theory contributions structure recognition economic chemical peace analysis human new pioneering fundamental synthesis efforts international especially method studies chemistry system methods contribution cell role nuclear investigations mechanism research genetic life reactions invention rights effect important physics cells organic poetry services connection 's particles quantum atomic elementary theoretical biological great molecular art struggle peaceful use war mechanisms poetic radiation elements nations understanding processes high field production particular conflict systems determination world principles researches rendered experimental application regulation particle cause structures protein nature social interaction organization magnetic led substances decisive narrative form design time power light extraordinary viruses energy information developed phenomena cooperation enzymes markets regarding spectroscopy /i writing effort proteins principle electron epic compounds problems acid nerve relating optical therapy writings neutrino origin non-violent material cosmic freedom atoms control based developing solution force novel history individual function enzyme foundations create used precision technique properties east deep treatment rich man made spirit weak nucleic artistic bringing nuclei interpretation means antibodies change imagination immune microscopy phase matter democracy mass people empirical contemporary large achievements virus knowledge embryonic including resonance analyses works gases particularly thereby lyrical played electrons importance molecules outstanding metabolism equilibrium acids jointly movement diseases called laws various specificity end novels humanitarian topological models complex short regulating immunity symmetry policy rna science early polymers opened drama interactions living transfer behaviour forms catalytic upon conditions demonstration theories effects disarmament active promoting traditions hormones motion literature action inspired crucial radioactive pulses inhibition economics consequences children brain experiments advancement reality observations humanity existence gene background way disease dynamic structural ion superconductors study astrophysics organ asymmetric achievement south general part signal transduction nervous northern molecule middle trap laser historical arms diffraction reaction institutional wide significance financial relations scattering fields hydrogen centre mankind growth thought superconductivity biologically public related ideas refugees functional visual neutral immunological countries inter alia electronic infectious penetrating service semiconductors sugar un extremely literary dramatic truth influence style therewith types pioneer lifelong vitamin league idealism arbitration poverty experience physical sense oxygen macroeconomic cancer high-resolution observation american tradition transitions mechanistic welfare suffering neutrinos market efficient sources prices recently major transport receptors become gives women universe search long imaging semiconductor green trade patterns conflicts laid fire cultures microwave forces purposes society channels analyzing macromolecules three-dimensional find solutions x-ray united organized condensation regulators cycle states ireland charged elucidation first value formation equilibria neutron order essential apartheid genes chamber crystals single changes neutrons realistic central america dynamics microscope tunneling crystal condition cholesterol national independently course inspiration surface respectively consideration strength modern help prediction negotiated inventions spanish hormone heavy nucleus treaty russian eye investigation so-called heart ability brilliant pressure functions vitamins special x-rays named law governing lofty tribute lithium-ion batteries approach alleviating global linguistic resolve adapt availability climate boundaries weapon armed cryo-electron biomolecules weapons ground-breaking ligo detector gravitational waves controlling circadian rhythm machines within phases dna repair consumption malaria super-resolved fluorescence blue light-emitting diodes enabled bright energy-saving white constitute positioning multiscale asset eliminate subatomic machinery vesicle traffic decades contributed reconciliation europe us fresh safety women’s full participation peace-building accelerating expansion distant supernovae palladium-catalyzed cross couplings frictions groundbreaking ribosome prose peoples transmission circuit chromosomes protected telomeres telomerase fluorescent gfp activity several three broken families solid visionary introducing specific modifications mice stem basis native discovered interference metathesis military ensure possible ubiquitin-mediated degradation asymptotic strong superfluids psychological decision-making untiring detection programmed death chirally catalysed better bose-einstein dilute alkali condensates key conductive different optimum fluid fractionally excitations nitric oxide signalling cardiovascular ages dignity cool fullerenes superfluidity helium-3 atmospheric decomposition ozone applied deepened non-cooperative games renewed characterized africa vision justice respect methodology studying liquid leading inelastic protons bound quark model transplantation tolerance cultural photosynthetic resources creating beam doublet leptons muon drug structure-specific selectivity one greatly freshness monoclonal combined continent prostaglandins creation fluctuations latin genetically determined regulate unified electromagnetic current israel restriction genetics thermodynamics creative present-day disordered peptide courageous collective tumour performed elicitation ribonuclease conformation skill usually bcs-theory insight west humoral transmittors terminals storage release inactivation concept certain country replication name mastery mind number code fast effected disturbing vivid primary physiological expression electrodynamics deep-ploughing electronics construction oscillators amplifiers maser-laser geneva ionic involved excitation peripheral portions membrane fight classical longstanding insulin cherenkov transistor catheterization pathological circulatory poliomyelitis grow tissue brotherhood measurements true varied significant ideals adrenal cortex powerful helping presented love penicillin curative rare highly isotopes descriptions carried liver cases anaemia productive distinguished nation whole constitution fermentation france sympathy locarno internationalism prominent appreciation rays physiology remarkable conferences characterize ingenuity achieve exoplanet orbiting solar-type star evolution phage display peptides integrating long-run sexual violence generating high-intensity ultra-short negative uncovered catastrophic contract civil wake revolution oscillations shows infections caused roundworm parasites destinies suppression young right education master contributes confirmed predicted atlas cms cern hadron collider g-protein-coupled stable allocations practice enable measuring manipulation mature reprogrammed pluripotent macroeconomy condensed images activation innate china two-dimensional graphene governance depicts diplomacy ccd sensor author continents spontaneous predicts least quarks causing immunodeficiency scrutiny build disseminate greater man-made lay measures needed counteract giant magnetoresistance quest blackbody anisotropy silencing double-stranded enhanced game-theory plays everyday prevent safest laser-based frequency comb bacterium helicobacter pylori gastritis peptic ulcer macroeconomics consistency driving behind business cycles voices odorant olfactory series soft desorption ionisation spectrometric integrated insights hydrogenation oxidation presence universal paths korea north heterostructures high-speed- opto-electronics using monetary elucidating electroweak sustained compassion enzymatic underlying adenosine triphosphate atp determine derivatives remove anti-personnel incentives towards timor mediated defence transformed beauty ethical depth diminish politics longer run myth picture today g-proteins establishment applying quantitative explain termination regime laying democratic type pulsar possibilities gravitation split domain range outcome reversible phosphorylation regulatory clarification functioning magnificent words benefit impassioned sensuous integrity cellular retroviral oncogenes clarity intensity break-through ceramic materials diversity perspective scanning factors direct poet creativeness awareness project w z communicators complexes free stars stories weapon-free zones critical marked broad outlook wealth processing regard base sequences clear-sightedness exposed violations decay k-mesons boron- phosphorus-containing reagents intellectual computer assisted tomography process brings egypt 1978 area pathbreaking capital movements illuminates cosmos renewal illuminating culture founding put violent kind dissemination stereochemistry allocation values union money interdependence develop
Nov 27, 2021

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