Question First, you need to design, code in Java, test and document a base class, Student. The Student class will have the following information: A. Title of the student (eg Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs etc) B....

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Question First, you need to design, code in Java, test and document a base class, Student. The Student class will have the following information: A. Title of the student (eg Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs etc) B. A first name (given name) C. A last name (family name/surname) D. Student number (ID) – an integer number (of type long) E. A date of birth (in day/month/year format – three ints) - (Do NOT use the Date class from JAVA) The student class will have at least the following constructors and methods: (i) two constructors - one without any parameters (the default constructor), and one with parameters to give initial values to all the instance variables. (ii) a reasonable number of set and get methods. (iii) methods to compute the final overall mark and the final grade (which will be overridden in the respective child classes). These two methods will be void methods that set the appropriate instance variables. Remember one method can call another method. If you prefer, you can define a single method that sets both the overall mark and the final string grade, but if you do this, use a helper method. (iv) an equals method which compares two student objects and returns true if they have the same student names, and the same date of birth, otherwise it returns false. (v) method to sort the array into ascending order of students’ numbers (IDs) You may add other methods in the student class as you see appropriate. ICT167 Assignment 2 2 TJ, 2020 Design, code in Java, test and document (at least) three classes – a CourseWorkStudent class, a ResearchStudent class (which both derive from the Student class) and a client program. For coursework students: (a) There are two assignments, each marked out of a maximum of 100 marks and equally weighted. The marks for each assignment are recorded separately. (b) There is weekly practical work. The marks for this component are recorded as a total mark obtained (out of a maximum of 15 marks) for all practical work demonstrated during the semester. (c) There is one final examination that is marked out of a maximum of 100 marks and recorded separately. (d) An overall mark (to be calculated within the program) (e) A final grade, which is a string (to be calculated within the program) The final grade, for coursework students, is to be awarded on the basis of an overall mark, which is a number in the range 0 to 100 and is obtained by calculating the weighted average of the student's performance in the assessment components. The criteria for calculating the weighted average is as defined below: The two assignments together count for a total of 40% (20% each) of the final grade, the practical work is worth 15%, and the final exam is worth 45% of the final grade. For research students: (a) There is a proposal component. (b) An oral presentation (c) There is one final thesis that is marked out of a maximum of 100 marks and recorded separately. (d) An overall mark (to be calculated within the program) (e) A final grade, which is a string (to be calculated within the program) The final grade, for research students, is to be awarded on the basis of an overall mark, which is a number in the range 0 to 100 and is obtained by calculating the weighted average of the student's performance in the assessment components. The criteria for calculating the weighted average is as defined below: The proposal component is worth 35% of the final grade, the oral presentation is worth 15%, and the final thesis is worth 50% of the final grade A grade is to be awarded for coursework and research students as follows: An overall mark of 80 or higher is an HD, an overall mark of 70 or higher (but less than 80) is a D, an overall mark of 60 or higher (but less than 70) is a C, an overall mark of 50 or higher (but less than 60) is a P, and an overall mark below 50 is an N. The client program will allow entry of these data for several different student into an array and then perform some analysis and queries. Your client class (program) will provide the user with a menu to perform the following operations. You will need to think of a way to ask the user whether they are dealing with the coursework student or research student before going into the appropriate menu. You will also need to load the information of the students from a text file (student.txt) before displaying the menu. ICT167 Assignment 2 3 TJ, 2020 1. Quit (exit the program) 2. Add (to the array) all information about a coursework or research student (except the overall mark and the grade) by reading it from another text file and determine the student’s overall mark and grade. 3. Output from the array the details (all information including the overall mark and the grade) of all students currently held in the array 4. Compute and output the average overall mark for coursework or research students 5. Determine and display how many coursework or research students obtained an overall mark equal to or above the average overall mark and how many obtained an overall mark below the average overall mark 6. Given a coursework or research student number (ID), view all details of the student with that number. If the student is not found in the array, an appropriate error message is to be displayed 7. Given a coursework or research student’s name (both surname and given name – ignoring case), view all details of that student. If the student is not found in the array, an appropriate error message is to be displayed 8. Sort the array of the student objects into ascending order of the students’ numbers (IDs), and output the sorted array 9. Output the sorted array from (8) to a CSV file. Note that the program will loop around until the user selects the first option (Quit). Set up a student array of N student objects, and test it with N = 10 (at least). You have to store your test data in a file so that your program can read them. The client class should be well-structured and should have a reasonable number of methods in addition to the main method. The interaction with the user can be via the command line (i.e., no graphical user interface is expected). Devise suitable test data to test all sections of program code. You will need to provide all the test data used. Your program should also include a method (e.g., StudentInfo( )) to output your student details (name, student number, mode of enrolment, tutor name, tutorial attendance day and time) at the start of program results. Note: The question requires you to use an array (or ArrayList). Also, the sorting algorithm used must be coded within your program and not called from any Java libraries. You should not use any Java libraries for sorting algorithm, date and output to CSV file (e.g. FileWriter). You are encouraged to use materials covered in the lecture notes and the textbook to complete this assignment. ICT167 Assignment 2 4 TJ, 2020 Distribution of marks for assessment An approximate distribution of marks for assessment is given below. The question will be marked out of 100 as follows: Correct solution design and implementation: 75 marks (which includes the design and implementation of classes as specified in the question above; programming style, use of comments, use of methods, parameters, input validation, readability, presentation of output etc.) External Documentation (problem specification, algorithm, program limitations, program testing and test results, program listings, etc.): 25 marks Required internal documentation (i.e. in the source code): • a beginning comment clearly stating title, author, date, file name, purpose and any assumptions or conditions on the form of input and expected output; • other comments giving useful low-level documentation and describing each component; • well-formatted readable code with meaningful identifier names and blank lines between components (like methods and classes). Required External Documentation: 1. Title: a paragraph clearly stating title, author, date, file names, and one-line statement of purpose. 2. Requirements/Specification: a paragraph giving a brief account of what the program is supposed to do. State any assumptions or conditions on the form of input and expected output. 3. User Guide: include clear instructions on how to access, compile and run the program. 4. Structure/Design/Algorithm: Outline the design of your program. Give a written description, use diagrams (eg, UML) and use pseudocode for algorithms. 5. Limitations: Describe program shortfalls (if any), eg, the features asked for but not implemented, the situations it cannot handle etc. 6. Testing: describe your testing strategy (the more systematic, the better) and any errors noticed. Provide a copy of your results of testing in a document saved in Word format. Note that a copy of the sample test data and results from a program run is required (copy from the program output window and paste to a Word file). Your submitted test results should demonstrate a thorough testing of the program. 7. Source program listings: save all your Java source code in a document in MS Word format. All of the above external documentation must be included in that order in a file saved in MS Word format. It is also necessary to submit all Java source code of your programs (i.e., all classes that you have designed and implemented). You should develop the programs using the NetBeans IDE. It will make it easy to collect sample output. The whole NetBeans project should be submitted. The external documentation together with the NetBeans project folder containing all classes for the program must be compressed in a .zip file before submitting. Make sure that all necessary files are submitted so that the programs can be viewed, compiled and run successfully. The final version of the program should compile and run under Java SE 8 and NetBeans IDE 8.0 (or later version). You will need to specify exactly which version you use in the documentation.
Answered Same DayMar 29, 2021

Answer To: Question First, you need to design, code in Java, test and document a base class, Student. The...

Mohd answered on Apr 01 2021
140 Votes
completed solution/Assignment Student/build.xml

Builds, tests, and runs the project Assignment Student.

completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/.netbeans_automatic_build
completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/.netbeans_update_resources
completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/Client.class
public synchronized class Client {
static java.util.Scanner input;
static java.util.ArrayList studentList;
public void Client();
public static int readDataFrom(String);
public static void menu();
public static void main(String[]);
public static void displayStudents();
public static void averageShow();
public static void displayStudentBelowOrAboveAverage();
public static void findStudentById();
public static void findStudentByName();
public static void sortStudentAscendingOrderByID();
public static void writeDataIntoCSVFile();
public static void studentInfo(Student);
static void ();
completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/CourseWorkStudent.class
public synchronized class CourseWorkStudent extends Student {
private double assignment1;
private double assignment2;
private double practicalMarks;
private double finalExaminationMarks;
public void CourseWorkStudent();
public void CourseWorkStudent(String, String, String, int, String, double, double, double, double);
public double overallMarks();
public String finalGrade();
completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/ResearchStudent.class
public synchronized class ResearchStudent extends Student {
private double proposalDocument;
private double oralPresentation;
private double finalThesis;
public void ResearchStudent();
public void ResearchStudent(String, String, String, int, String, double, double, double);
public double overallMarks();
public String finalGrade();
completed solution/Assignment Student/build/classes/Stu
public synchronized class Student {
private String title;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int studentNumber;
private String dateOfBirth;
public void Student();
public void Student(String, String, String, int, String);
public String getTitle();
public void setTitle(String);
public String getFirstName();
public void setFirstName(String);
public String getLastName();
public void setLastName(String);
public int getStudentNumber();
public void setStudentNumber(int);
public String getDateOfBirth();
public void setDateOfBirth(String);
public double overallMarks();
public String finalGrade();
completed solution/Assignment Student/
Manifest-Version: 1.0
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
completed solution/Assignment Student/nbproject/build-impl.xml

Must set src.dir
Must set test.src.dir
Must set build.dir
Must set dist.dir
Must set build.classes.dir
Must set dist.javadoc.dir
Must set build.test.classes.dir
Must set build.test.results.dir
Must set build.classes.excludes
Must set dist.jar

Must set javac.includes

No tests executed.

Must set JVM to use for profiling in
Must set profiler agent JVM arguments in

Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes

To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:

java -jar "${dist.jar.resolved}"

Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class

Must select one file in the IDE or set run.class

Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class

Must select one file in the IDE or set debug.class

Must set fix.includes

This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.

Must select one file in the IDE or set profile.class
This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.

This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.

This target only works when run from inside the NetBeans IDE.


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