Question: Rewrite multiplexers at gate-level and extend the ALU to 16 bit instead of 4 bit code below in verilog. // 4-bit MIPS ALU in Verilog (1-bit ALU bihavioral implementation) module ALU...

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Question: Rewrite multiplexers at gate-level and extend the ALU to 16 bit instead of 4 bit code below in verilog.

// 4-bit MIPS ALU in Verilog (1-bit ALU bihavioral implementation)

module ALU (op,a,b,result,zero);
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
input [3:0] op;
output [3:0] result;
output zero;
ALU1 alu0 (a[0],b[0],op[3],op[2],op[1:0],set, op[2],c1,result[0]);
ALU1 alu1 (a[1],b[1],op[3],op[2],op[1:0],1'b0,c1, c2,result[1]);
ALU1 alu2 (a[2],b[2],op[3],op[2],op[1:0],1'b0,c2, c3,result[2]);
ALUmsb alu3 (a[3],b[3],op[3],op[2],op[1:0],1'b0,c3, c4,result[3],set);
nor nor1(zero, result[0],result[1],result[2],result[3]);

// 1-bit ALU for bits 0-2
module ALU1 (a,b,ainvert,binvert,op,less,carryin,carryout,result);
input a,b,less,carryin,ainvert,binvert;
input [1:0] op;
output carryout,result;
reg result;
assign a_inv = ~a;
assign a1 = ainvert? a_inv: a;
assign b_inv = ~b;
assign b1 = binvert? b_inv: b;
assign a_and_b = a1 && b1;
assign a_or_b = a1 || b1;
assign {carryout,sum} = a + b1 + carryin;
always @ (a_and_b,a_or_b,sum,less,op)
case (op)
2'b00: result = a_and_b;
2'b01: result = a_or_b;
2'b10: result = sum;
2'b11: result = less;

// 1-bit ALU for the most significant bit
module ALUmsb (a,b,ainvert,binvert,op,less,carryin,carryout,result,sum);
input a,b,less,carryin,ainvert,binvert;
input [1:0] op;
output carryout,result,sum;
reg result;
assign a_inv = ~a;
assign a1 = ainvert? a_inv: a;
assign b_inv = ~b;
assign b1 = binvert? b_inv: b;
assign a_and_b = a1 && b1;
assign a_or_b = a1 || b1;
assign {carryout,sum} = a + b1 + carryin;
always @ (a_and_b,a_or_b,sum,less,op)
case (op)
2'b00: result = a_and_b;
2'b01: result = a_or_b;
2'b10: result = sum;
2'b11: result = less;

// Test Module
module testALU;
reg signed [3:0] a;
reg signed [3:0] b;
reg [3:0] op;
wire signed [3:0] result;
wire zero;
ALU alu (op,a,b,result,zero);
initial begin
$display("op a b result zero");
$monitor ("%b %b(%d) %b(%d) %b(%d) %b",op,a,a,b,b,result,result,zero);
op = 4'b0000; a = 4'b0111; b = 4'b0001; // AND
#1 op = 4'b0001; a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0010; // OR
#1 op = 4'b0010; a = 4'b0100; b = 4'b0010; // ADD
#1 op = 4'b0010; a = 4'b0111; b = 4'b0001; // ADD
#1 op = 4'b0110; a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0011; // SUB
#1 op = 4'b0110; a = 4'b1111; b = 4'b0001; // SUB
#1 op = 4'b0111; a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0001; // SLT
#1 op = 4'b0111; a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1111; // SLT
#1 op = 4'b1100; a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0010; // NOR
#1 op = 4'b1101; a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0010; // NAND

Answered 2 days AfterFeb 17, 2022

Answer To: Question: Rewrite multiplexers at gate-level and extend the ALU to 16 bit instead of 4 bit code...

Sathishkumar answered on Feb 20 2022
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