- - LSa..aA . WY 1 I lNii(,ODt;cj’(9 iiiilst be willing to SLiluuit all our prejudices and all our prior crileriaof rc;iso,aj ness to (lie test of (livilie revelation mclnding the real it>’ ol the...

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- - LSa..aA . WY 1 I lNii(,ODt;cj’(9 iiiilst be willing to SLiluuit all our prejudices and all our prior crileriaof rc;iso,aj ness to (lie test of (livilie revelation mclnding the real it>’ ol the (liliverse aroLilid us. Chapter 2 For flirtlier Reading I hioykaa, I{ Religion and the Rice of t tide,,, S,e,,ce Cr1 Id Mid,.: Eerdm.jns 1972. Describes and doe time nis the religious ron Is of ConIc, Ilpo rat>’ sd -CfleQ. eevcs, ft A. The Scientific Enterprise’ and Chri5tI0 Faith, London: ‘I’vii•date Press, 1968; Downers Grove, Ill.: Illlervarsity 1971. Christians in canons sciepilific fields explain lion’ their (aid, relates to their science Lindherg, D. C .,and R. L. Nciinl,ers ens, God arid Nature I iistorjcci!Lssa3’5 or, the Enco(,,,te, Between Christianry and ScienceBerleici’ ;i,d l.os Angeles; Unis’ers,iy of Ciihifur,ij, Press uçHfiEighteen scholarly essays eXplore (lie prngressj’e and rcgressii’eiiifluie,,ces of Cliristii,uty ‘11)011 the devehc,p,,iei,t of mauler,, scidice. 1..EVELS OF EXPLANATLON Itealily is a i,uilIi-Iayercd flInty. I Call jWFCCIVC aiiu,tlicr X1Slill as all aggrega ho, ci ilo,ns, a,, open bind ieiii i cal sysi em in iii lend 11111 scil Ii (lie ClIs’irolIuIleIlt, a specimen of boom sapiens, a,, ob1cct of beauty, sniiieoiic whose seeds deserve my lespeci and CoInpassion, a litolh er for “-lion, Cliii si died All arc (rule and all I nyslerionsly coin ‘lure ill (hat nile lie no,. JOhN POLKINGIIOHNE, ONE IuI)rn.D: 11SF 1N1’FRACIlON OF SCiENCE :INIJ THEOS ix;)’, 1986 S can any Iextbook of psychology and iunmechialely you will he struck by all incredible variety of approaches. At the back of (lie hook one typically reads of social—psychiologwal investigations of lmw people are influenced by their groups. Near the middle of the hook, one finds the work ol those who study learning, tlunkii,g, and tuenuiry. DIII these Ipics can also be analyzed tennis of their biological coitipoiieiits. ‘[bus near lIw beginning of Ilie ho nk is n,irodneed is i,euncipsycl,ologieal principles of hra,,i org;I— IlIzatioll awl nerve tra,is,iission, and to the cleiiiical messenger sysleiii by whi eh I lerve cells ujiull itni icaie. Yost iiiiglut say that each of 115 is a coisiplex system thai is part of a larger social system, huit also that each of tic is compose d of smaller sysleiiis, such as our nervous system and body organs, which are uuiiposenh of still smaller and s,u,aller systems—cells, bu,cl,cntic’als, atottis, :,,,tl so h,nlh,. Any given pheioinennn. such us th,ii,king, call he viewed [wIn the per.speclive of alllu(Isi lily “lie of these syslenls—froln the social influences on tlnnking to bin— clie,IIic;Il influences, ‘The sanely of possible perspectives, or les’els of analysis as they are also called, requires that we choose wInch level we wisl I to operate Irons. Kacl level entails its own (ilestiu,nS (1 I i N’I’HODLICi’ION ;iiid its own ijielliods. I’aeli pr ics a valiiiihle utv of looking atlieliavir, vet each by itself is iiiuoinplete. thus each ieee1 nilit—jiletiseisls the others; with all the perspectives see have a note coin—pleic slew cii cmi subject luau prmid’d mV aiiy 01W perspective.‘fluke Ilicinorv. Neiiro1mveiiologisls sIntI hue ellelilical codes aiicllieliral melsuirks iii wInch iuubiriiiahuouu is stored alat lice itiiti(lil.IlLeecii (malticiil,Ii ,Irts oF lice mliii 11)1 )),lltiLlllJr kiwis ml iuieiuiii. (.1mg—nitive psvclicilcigists shah iimemmnmrv ill muinmphmvsicah ternis, as a partlyautomatic and parlly eltorhin) process oF encoding, shoring, and re—hricviuig mlcrniatumui. Social psychologists study Ilie eFFects ol ourimmoods and social experiences upon stir recall of past events.Psychologists workuig at each of these levels accept thai even iitheir e’cplaiia(icflcs were to heuntime complete iii their own terms thissvc,uld mint insilidaIe (it preeiiipl the oilier ievel.s of explaiiatioii.lIw netinipsveluologieal perspeehive, lot exaini)Ie, is extreiiielv sal—tiahie For certain ptirpcises, huh is not so valuable Icir tnidersiandiiig,say, social relations. It’s like viewing a lilasterpieee painting. hi iou stand right upagaiist it you will uiuicierstaiid belier iiriw the pai it was applied, l,iiiyou ssull inks eoiiipletelv hue snlijeet mcI niipact oF the liilitiuig Is a ‘vhlole. ‘lb say ihue paiiiinig is “ncihhiing hut’’ or “reducible ho’ blobscii paiiii may al sue level lie truue, litsl it iuiisses time i>eauitv acidllIeiuuuiulg thai can he seeul if one steps luck and ‘ciuvs the puntingas a whole. ‘Iii consider a phone caller’s since as reducible to dee—meal illipuhses OTI time phone line is exhrenielv useful For sonic sei—entifie prirposes, nil ii )‘otu view it as nnhhiiiig uuioie you will inksus message. l’iw the electrical engineer’s pdurposes (1w message isirrelevant, nuieli as Cod’s activity is, in nile sense, smiperfinunis toa scientific ;ieecniiit cml (lie iimeehiaiiisiiis by which Cod’s creationoperates. Vet For 11w suits cml ciuiesh muis ilu.ii leo ‘lblshov ilg(ilui/c(losei—’\VIiy shuonld I live? Why should I do anytlung? Is there iiiliFe niy purpose winch the ineviiahle cleaihi wInch awaits inc doesiiol tnido and destrcmy?’’—wc Find the ‘‘Cod hypothesis,” lIw per—stwetive of hit hi, esceedi I ugly I iclpini ___________________ — LEVELS OF EXPLNAU0N / 7 Figure 1: levels of aiialysS. What do you see? On close iuisjJCeiL ttns I iuuage a pj)e.I rs to be “ot1ung hot” its cc inspui Ic rprod 11d blocks - Viess ccl miii a different level of aui;LIySisl00hl len Feet or ni ore aW.Iy — we gain a mmd (i,listie perqwetive 0d see what it trudy is: ii pliolO of ieII-ye1r 01d I aura Myers. Note that cacti perspeduive is valid. I .101k umudy fnnii a dit,niee inch you ivili never see sduai the photo is issacte of. I ,cnik only close tip 111(1 you will miiiss the whole pieluire (Pumitialt courtesy of Cecil W ‘iluriimm.is. i’li I) , ttioniediuit 1gmeeriug flep.IitIne0t .uiid Grover C. Culniore, Ph I)., and Fred l Royer, Ph.D., j’syetiology Ikp.uruliuent. Case \Vesierul Reserve University, Clevet.ind, Ohio.) Figure 2: Partial hierarchy of disciploics. The disciplines range from basicsciences that study nature’s building blocks Lip to more inlegratnr disci—plilies that study vIioIc ciniiplcx systems. Successful ephmatioia ci litinianftmctinnmg at one level iced not mvaljdate explanation at other levels. WI nit is true of psveliol ogy is also Irtic of ii ic oilier acadet n Icdisciplines, each of vhieli provides a perspective Ironi which wecan study nature and our place in it. ‘Fliese nuige From Ilie scientificfields that study the most elementary hiiildiiig blocks of nature tipto philosophy and theology, which address sonic (ii life’s global(111e5110115. Which of die various perspectives is pertinent all depends onwhat von want lo talk about. ‘flake roniantic love, for example. Aphysiologist might describe hove as a slate of arousal. A social psychologist would examine hios’ various characteristics and conch—lions—good looks, similarity of the partners, sheer repeated cx— 8 / i NrRc I I) LI Ci I (IN Integrative Explanation Theology Literature & Philosophy Political Science I Sociology \ Social Psychology \ Psychology \ Biology Chemistry Physics Elemental Explanation I.EVELS (IV EKItANt I 9 5ti re to one aaacitlicr_ lllai1Ce the emotiDfl of Iovc. A poet would express the sublime experie11 that love can sometimes be. A ñieo hogi;ni inighat describe love as the God-given goal of human rela tioiishiips Since au eveiit, like love, can often be described sirnuI taneosishY at va riot is levels, we need not assume that nile level is ssiiig the other by 511pposiiig, for eS3WPIC. that a brain state is usiilg the eniOIi of love or that die cmotiO0 is eau51 the brain state ‘II it ci noliol nil and 1l1y5icu1d3gwl pcrspeCtiV TC siinpY hvo xxcmys of looking at the same event. Nature is, to he sure, all of a piece. For we nec essarily view it as mnltilay’ but it is actually a se;mnslCSS uni. ‘l’lins the diffcreiit of j0oking at a phcnome1Ohi like romIIa1it love or belief tsr ciInsci(3L151SS can sonietin1 be conekitd, ena hliiig its to budul bridges hetwecil different persPecti5 AttciiiPts at l,1Ilcling bridges between religioli and the hiuuaii seiciie have soiiietiiut5 proceeded smoothly- A religious explanatiohl of the in cest taboo (in terms of divine will or a moral absolute) is 0iecly coinpiettieuited by biologiC explauiatiohi (in terms of the genetic penaltY that 0ilsprnig pay fin hrceding) and sociological expla uatiilul (its (cr1115 of preserv1n the marital and family units). At other tunes the ,1idgehiniln efforts Leuirhii1g [tout luitlI sides scent unit to eoliiieCt in the 115uddle, as s’hcui a conviction that G0d per fornis niirlLleS in answer UI prayer is tue1 with scieiitit skeptieii1 and 5yuhiiiltigit esplaitahhmS of bow people joint illusory belieR. h agrec as we have, that religious and scieiiti levels ol expla nation can be does iiot mean there Is never conflict or that any iuassLlPP ted idea is to he welcnnsd us truth. 11 just wealTh that different types of esplailatitm may actuallY Fit coherently tngetl\er. lii God’s world, all truth is one. So we ar[tve it a sinitile hut basic point that resolves a good deal of fruitless debate over whether the religious or the psychlIilge aceounil of liii u nail nat tire is prefesal1 dl herd at levels iii expl.’ nation c,lil he coil ipl 1enhiry. ‘Ihe methods of psychologY arc ap propriate. a 1d appropriate only, for their own purposes. Psyehto logical cxplailatnfh has provided satisfying answers to many n’CL ‘ It) I INTRflDUC1.IQN ilIIl)orlai,1 (Itleslioiis r . j1, Peo ple flunk, feel and ‘ci as :z L OmpIer 3 “or F’ SHOULD THERE BE A CHRISTIAN liriher Reading ‘\laeKa3, j, j PSYC 110 IX)CY? - lOIIlu,i S ITIIcrVir,jg;. • tud I luma?, ‘g’’llv I) - - A hrilij,111 19,9 is dsniIlcss IflpOSSIbL 10 .)pplI).lcb ally IlITOJO prnbleni s-iil, a nniid -‘ ‘ - ‘s” hr.,,,, ClctI1jst e her hinii bias. N) cal view Pi lls wit ib,, llllT]l.lij iWlllW St iioPdp to SIMONK UK BKATJVOIII, miii.iii Ici,a (Pr. (UI swk.1 tile sIleilce of 1)33 S,mple (1liesIi(tlis soiiietiiiies have iiot-so -siiiiple answers. ‘Ji,is cliipIer’s bile is oiie such qiieslioit In Sec svlMiI it tinglit local) to create a Christian psychology or even a Clirislian pe rspectIve oil psychology, consider \VhiI psychology is. Opening iii introductory psychology textbook, we discover that psycho logy is not a single unified ohseipl,iie 1)111 a Ie[lcr;iiioli (II siihdiscipl iiies. Sonic pw— eholoigisis study the responses ol 511 igic cells, others t he behavior ill th,oiisii,ds of people iii crowds. At so,iiic pniiils Thyehiolflgy lhierefiurc iJOliders (Ill physiology, at others o ii sociology. lor many til us, tins iiiterdisciphiiiarv ireadtli is w iLd uiiakcs the field so exciting. hut it also iicaiis that tile reteva lice oil fail!) for ps3cllo(ogy nay vary, dependin g on svliellier one is stinlviiig
Sep 17, 2022

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