Sleeping Coders Assignment 2 CSSE1001/7030 Semester 2, 2019 Version 1.0.1 15 marks Due Friday 20th September, 2019, 20:30 Introduction This assignment follows a programming pattern called MVC (the...

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Sleeping Coders Assignment 2 CSSE1001/7030 Semester 2, 2019 Version 1.0.1 15 marks Due Friday 20th September, 2019, 20:30 Introduction This assignment follows a programming pattern called MVC (the Model, View, Controller) pattern. You have been provided with the view and controller classes but you will be required to implement several modelling classes. The modelling classes are based on the children's card game, Sleeping Queens. Each class you're required to implement has a specification that is outlined in this document. A specification is a description of each method in a class as well as their parameters and return values. Once you have correctly implemented the modelling classes, you will have completed a digital version of Sleeping Coders. Gameplay Sleeping Coders (Coders for short) is a card game that is based on the popular children's card game, Sleeping Queens. The aim of the game is to wake as many sleeping coders as possible. A sleeping coder is woken by playing a tutor card. At the start of the game there are 16 coders placed face down in the center of the board, a face down coder card means that coder is sleeping. Each player is dealt five cards randomly. Basic Running of the Game Players will take turns playing a card from their deck; number cards have no action and are meant to be disposed of while other cards have actions attributed to their playing. A tutor card can be played at any time. When a tutor card is played the player who played it can pick up one of the coder cards from the center of the board. Playing a keyboard kidnapper card will allow the player to take a coder card from another player. Playing an all-nighter card will allow the player to put another player's coder back to sleep (add it back to the center of the board). The aim of the game is to collect coders by waking them up. The first player to collect 4 coders wins the game. Getting Started Files - file where you write your submission - contains supporting code and part of the controller - contains the view players.txt - a list of random player names images/ - a directory of card images Classes In the diagram below, an arrow indicates that one class stores an instance of another class. An arrow with a head indicates that one class is a subclass of another class. Red classes are classes that have been provided already. You are encouraged to modify the class structure by adding classes to reduce code duplication. This can include adding private helper methods. The type hints shown in the methods below are purely for your own understanding. Type hints do not need to be used in your assignment. For all of the examples in the section below, you may assume that the following code has already been executed before each example. Class Diagram >>> from a2 import * >>> import a2_support It is advisable that you implement the and methods after implementing all of the classes (including Player and Deck) Cards A card represents a card in the game, which may be a coder card or a playable card held by the players in the game. Card The base card with methods for playing a card and performing a card action. Subclasses of Card should override these methods. The following methods must be implemented: play(self, player: Player, game: a2_support.CodersGame): Called when a player plays a card. Should remove the card from the player's hand and pickup a new card from the pickup pile in the game. Should also set the action that needs to be performed (see ). If no action needs to be performed, set the action to 'NO_ACTION'. action(self, player: Player, game:a2_support.CodersGame, slot: int): Called when an action of a special card is performed. For tutor cards, this action is selecting a coder from the pile. For keyboard kidnapper and all-nighter cards, this is selecting a coder from another player's hand. For all other cards, no action needs to be performed. When playing a tutor card, the player refers to the current player. When playing a keyboard kidnapper card or all nighter card, the player refers to the player to which the coder belongs to. __str__(self) -> str: Returns the string representation of this card, this should be 'Card()'. __repr__(self) -> str: Same as __str__(self). Each of the following classes should be a subclass of Card and should only alter methods required to implement the functionality of the card as described. NumberCard >>> peter = Player("Peter O'Shea") >>> players = [peter, Player("Jason Storey"), Player("Mike Pham")] >>> coders = [CoderCard("anna"), CoderCard("lochie")] >>> deck = Deck([NumberCard(2), NumberCard(4), NumberCard(1)]) >>> game = a2_support.CodersGame(deck, coders, players) Card.action CodersGame.set_action A card whose aim is to be disposed of by the player. A number card has an associated number value. A number card should be constructed with NumberCard(number). When a number card is played, the game should move on to the next players turn. get_number(self) -> int: Returns the number value of the card. Examples CoderCard A card which stores the name of a coder card. A coder card should be constructed with CoderCard(name). get_name(self) -> str: Returns the card name. Examples TutorCard A card which stores the name of a tutor card. A tutor card can be played by a player to pickup a coder card. A tutor card should be constructed with TutorCard(name). >>> card = NumberCard(3) >>> card.get_number() 3 >>> str(card) 'NumberCard(3)' >>> repr(card) 'NumberCard(3)' >>> card = CoderCard("hanwei") >>> card.get_name() 'hanwei' >>> str(card) 'CoderCard(hanwei)' >>> repr(card) 'CoderCard(hanwei)' When a tutor card is played, the game's action should be set to 'PICKUP_CODER'. When a tutor card's action is performed, the selected card should be added to the player's deck, the position of the card in the sleeping coders' deck should be replaced with None, the action should be set back to 'NO_ACTION' and the game should move on to the next player. get_name(self) -> str: Returns the card name Examples KeyboardKidnapperCard A card which, when played, allows the player to steal a coder card from another player. When a keyboard kidnapper card is played the games action should be set to 'STEAL_CODER'. When a keyboard kidnapper card's action is performed, the selected card should be added to the current player's deck and removed from its origin deck, the action should be set back to 'NO_ACTION' and the game should move on to the next player. Examples AllNighterCard A card which, when played, allows the player to put a coder card from another player back to sleep. When an all-nighter card is played, the game's action should be set to 'SLEEP_CODER'. >>> card = TutorCard("luis") >>> card.get_name() 'luis' >>> str(card) 'TutorCard(luis)' >>> repr(card) 'TutorCard(luis)' >>> card = KeyboardKidnapperCard() >>> str(card) 'KeyboardKidnapperCard()' >>> repr(card) 'KeyboardKidnapperCard()' When an all-nighter card's action is performed, the selected card should be added to the first empty slot in the coders' pile and removed from its origin deck, the action should be set back to 'NO_ACTION' and the game should move on to the next player. Examples Deck A collection of ordered cards. A Deck should have a constructor with a signature of When starting_cards is None, i.e. constructed with Deck(), it should be created with an empty list. When starting_cards is provided, i.e. constructed with Deck(starting_cards=cards), it should be created with that list. get_cards(self) -> List[Card]: Returns a list of cards in the deck. get_card(self, slot) -> Card: Return the card at the specified slot in a deck. top(self) -> Card: Returns the card on the top of the deck, i.e. the last added. remove_card(self, slot): Removes a card at the given slot in a deck. get_amount(self) -> int: Returns the amount of cards in a deck. shuffle(self): Shuffles the order of the cards in the deck. pick(self, amount: int=1) -> List[Card]: Takes the first 'amount' of cards off the deck and returns them. add_card(self, card: Card): Places a card on top of the deck. add_cards(self, cards: List[Card]): Places a list of cards on top of the deck. copy(self, other_deck: Deck): Copies all of the cards from the other_deck parameter into the current deck, extending the list of cards of the current deck. __str__(self) -> str: Returns the string representation of the deck, for a deck which contains cardA, cardB and cardC, this should be 'Deck(cardA, cardB, cardC)'. >>> card = AllNighterCard() >>> str(card) 'AllNighterCard()' >>> repr(card) 'AllNighterCard()' Deck(starting_cards=None) __repr__(self) -> str: Same as __str__(self). Examples >>> card = NumberCard(3) >>> all_nighter = AllNighterCard() >>> last_card = NumberCard(2) >>> cards = [card, all_nighter, last_card] >>> deck = Deck(cards) >>> str(deck) 'Deck(NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2))' >>> repr(deck) 'Deck(NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2))' >>> deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2)] >>> deck.get_amount() 3 >>> deck.get_card(0) NumberCard(3) >>> deck.get_card(2) NumberCard(2) >>> NumberCard(2) >>> new_card = AllNighterCard() >>> deck.add_card(new_card) >>> deck.add_cards([card, all_nighter, last_card]) >>> deck.get_amount() 7 >>> deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2)] >>> deck.remove_card(1) >>> deck.remove_card(4) >>> deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(3), NumberCard(2), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(3), NumberCard(2)] >>> deck.pick() [NumberCard(2)] >>> deck.pick(2) Player A player represents one of the players in the game. The Player class should be initiated with Player(name) and implement the following methods: get_name(self) -> str: Returns the name of the player. get_hand(self) -> Deck: Returns the players deck of cards. get_coders(self) -> Deck: Returns the players deck of collected coder cards. has_won(self) -> bool: Returns True if and only if the player has 4 or more coders. __str__(self) -> str: Returns the string representation of the player, for a player with name of 'Luis', hand deck of 'hand' and coder deck of 'coders', this should be 'Player(Luis, hand, coders)'. See the examples for more details. __repr__(self) -> str: Same as __str__(self). Examples [NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard()] >>> deck.add_cards([card, all_nighter, last_card]) >>> deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(3), NumberCard(2), NumberCard(3), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(2)] >>> deck.shuffle() >>> deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(2), NumberCard(2), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(3), NumberCard(3)] >>> another_deck = Deck() >>> another_deck.get_cards() [] >>> another_deck.copy(deck) >>> another_deck.get_cards() [NumberCard(2), NumberCard(2), AllNighterCard(), NumberCard(3), NumberCard(3)] >>> player = Player("Lochie Deakin-Sharpe") >>> player.get_name() 'Lochie Deakin-Sharpe' >>> player.get_hand() Marking The marks in this section add to a total of 30, which will be scaled
Sep 18, 2021CSSE1001

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