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Thank you so much! This is Systems Biology Report on Comparative genomics using Oxford Nanopore next-generation DNA sequencing. This is due tomorrow at 11.59pm.

Microsoft Word - BIOL2499_BIOL2512 2022 Practical Report 1 Assessment details.docx BIOL2499/BIOL2512 2022 Assessment: Practical Report 1 (Comparative genomics using Oxford nanopore next-generation DNA sequencing) Assessment details – Course: Systems Biology Assessment task and purpose To provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate technical ability in the critical analysis and interpretation of omics data. Course learning outcomes (CLO) This assessment relates to the following CLOs 1. Demonstrate theoretical and technical understanding of Systems Biology (Omics) approaches to the study of biological systems from the level of molecules to cells, tissues, organisms and populations. 2. Critically analyse, interpret and explain omics data. 3. Summarise and synthesize and evaluate primary scientific literature. 4. Communicate clearly and effectively using correct scientific language and conventions. Assessment description / requirements Working as an individual follow the demonstration in Collaborate Ultra and use the instructions in the practical manual to complete the practical activities in weeks 2-5. Include the results of the activities and complete the questions relating to the assessment criteria in the report. This assessment will demonstrate a capacity to evaluate complex ideas and concepts in research of omics datasets. Assessment type & weighting This is a summative assessment. This assessment is worth 25% of the total mark for this course. Assessment submission details Deadline: Midnight Sunday the 8h of May Method: Submit the assessment onto CANVAS by the due date. The file format should be Word or pdf. Maximum 4000 words (not including references and figure legends). Grading / performance standards A rubric is available on CANVAS. It outlines the grading and performance standards. Students are encouraged to read the rubric in conjunction with the assessment description. The Discussion Board provides opportunities for Q&A about grading and performance throughout the assessment period. Assessment preparation/ Resources Assessment feedback A rubric will be used to grade individual performance. Assessment feedback will be provided to individuals on CANVAS at the conclusion of the marking period. Students can ask for input (feedback) throughout the assessment period using the Discussion Board’s Q&A. In addition, at the conclusion of the marking period, video feedback addressing the strengths and weaknesses of all students’ performance (collective feedback) will be provided. Indicators of authentic and blended assessment Authentic in this assessment • Relates to world-wide trends e.g. commonly used techniques in systems biology • Requires students to use technology in a practical context Blended in this assessment • Digital technology Microsoft Word - BIOL2499:BIOL2512 2021 Practical Report 1 Assessment Guidelines.docx BIOL2499/BIOL2512 Systems Biology – Practical Report 1 1 BIOL2499/BIOL2512 Practical Report 1 Use your results from Practical Activities from weeks 2-5 to complete this assessment using a standard practical report structure: Introduction (brief), Aim, Results, Methods (just refer to the practical manual in this section) and Discussion. The focus should be on the results and discussion sections as these are worth the most in the marking rubric. Maximum 4000 words (not including references and figure legends) Include in the report: Introduction (brief) and aim Include the information relevant to understanding the context of the practical activities and the aim. Use primary references when information is supplied from an external source (this can be the practical manual) Results Wet lab practical session/ Bioinformatics practical activity 1: The fluconazole MIC (in µg/mL) of the C. neoformans wildtype and the mutant determined by E test. Bioinformatics practical activity 1: The FastQC analysis that you generated in Galaxy. Using these results, describe the quality of your next generation sequencing data. Bioinformatics practical activity 2: Include the results of the variants that you have identified in Galaxy. Describe how many sequence variants you identified after sorting and discuss how confident are you on these results. Bioinformatics practical activity 3: • Include the results of your nucleotide BLAST and blastx. Describe what the results mean. • The ID and name of the gene identified (e.g. CNAG_00682 kinesin) • Include an image of your gene structure generated using Softberry FGENESH in your report. Describe how many exons the gene has. • Include an image (screenshot) of your protein alignment in your report. Describe the molecular consequences of the mutation that you have identified. Methods Refer to the practical manual in this section and just state any changes that were made. Discussion: Use your results and the information in fungiDB from omic experimental approaches to provide evidence for a role of this gene in antifungal drug resistance. Bioinformatics Practical Activity 1 Nanopore genome sequencing Introduction This practical activity is designed to introduce the tools, data types and workflow of nanopore next-generation sequencing of genomes. In this practical activity you will be interpreting the various file formats used in storing reads, assessing the experimental output and performing quality control of the sequencing reads. Learning objectives At the end of this activity you will be able to: • explain the two main steps of rapid library preparation and the theory of nanopore next-generation genome sequencing • identify and interpret the file formats used in storing read data • calculate the overall coverage of a sequencing experiment using the key figures from nanopore sequencing raw data • interpret the read length histogram from a nanopore sequencing experiment • perform quality control on sequencing reads (adapter trimming) • interpret FastQC read quality reports Cryptococcus neoformans India Ink stain of polysaccharide capsule of C. neoformans C. neoformans grown on Sabaroud medium • C. neoformans is a fungus with a worldwide distribution and is associated with soil and avian habitats • C. neoformans infection (Cryptococcosis) occurs in severely immunocompromised individuals (eg. advanced HIV/AIDS) • Soft, creamy colonies in 3-5 days culture on SAB at 37oC and then colonies become mucoid and creamy to tan. Phenotype of the C. neoformans mutant Fluconazole susceptibility using E-test Wild type Mutant • The aim of the practical is to investigate the genetic determinants of antifungal drug resistance in Cryptococcus neoformans. This will be achieved using Oxford Nanopore next generation DNA sequencing and comparative genomics to identify the mutation/s causing the phenotype of a C. neoformans mutant. Aim Isolate C. neoformans genomic DNA Next Generation Sequencing library Whole genome sequencing Genome assembly and variant calling Molecular consequences and biological significance Laboratory Practical Activity 1 Bioinformatics Practical Activities 1-3 Nanopore Sequencing Introduction to Nanopore Sequencing: Q1. How is the sequence of the DNA determined using nanopore technology? a) Single bases are detected as they are incorporated into growing DNA strands b) DNA moving through the nanopores causes disruption of the electrical current c) The release of a H+ ion as a base is incorporated will decrease the pH d) A fluorescent label on the terminal phosphate of the dinucleotides can be detected Nanopore Sequencing Nanopore Sequencing Q2. During sequencing the nanopore analyzes the entire fragment of DNA or RNA that is presented to it. Therefore the read length is: a) always the same b) the same as other next-generation sequencing techniques such as Illumina c) directly related to the length of the DNA or RNA in the sample d) determined by the amount of current passing through the nanopore. Nanopore Sequencing Q3. Oxford Nanopore next generation genome sequencing generates reads which are: a) Short reads of 150 bp b) Short reads of 1 kb c) Long reads of 10-15 kb d) Long reads where all reads are greater than 10 kb e) Reads of varying size depending on the size of the genomic DNA fragment Nanopore Sequencing Q4. In Nanopore sequencing DNA and RNA are sequenced directly rather than through a copy or synthetic strand. What is an advantage of this? Nanopore Sequencing Nanopore Sequencing: Q5. A motor protein is added to the end of DNA molecules during the library preparation prior to sequencing. What is the function of the motor protein? a) To control the speed of the DNA or RNA molecule passing through the nanopore b) To speed up the DNA passing through the nanopore c) To read the changes in electrical signals as the DNA passes through the nanopore d) To keep the double stranded DNA molecule intact as it passes through the nanopore Oxford Nanopore Library preparation Rapid Adapter (RAP) Fragmentation mix Q6. What is the role of the barcodes in nanopore library preparation? a) They allow the DNA to pass through the nanopore b) They allow the sequencing reads to be assigned to a specific chromosome c) Barcodes cause disruption of the electrical current d) To allow multiplexing, where multiple samples can be sequenced simultaneously Oxford Nanopore Library preparation Q7. Why do sequencing adapters have to be attached to the DNA? a) They allow single bases to be detected as they are incorporated into growing DNA strands b) They are loaded with motor protein to allow the DNA to pass through the nanopore c) The adapters are used to determine the origin of the genomic DNA sample d) They allow DNA Polymerase to attach to the DNA Oxford Nanopore Library preparation The MinION device and flow cell Priming and loading the MinION Flow Cell The sequencing results from your experiment The MinKNOW software is used to start the sequencing experiment, terminate the experiment after completion and create a base-called sequence file. Q8. Why does Nanopore result in less sequencing reads than Illumina sequencing? a) Simultaneous parallel sequencing cannot occur in Nanopore b) Only one DNA strand is sequenced at a time in Nanopore sequencing c) The Nanopore sequencing reads are longer than Illumina reads d) Illumina is newer technology Summary of raw data: The MinKNOW software is used to start the sequencing experiment, terminate the experiment after completion and create a base-called sequence file. Q9. What does coverage mean in relation to genome sequencing? a) The number of sequences which cover a position in the genome b) How the heterochromatic DNA is covered in histone proteins c) How big the genome sequence is d) How many sequencing reads were performed in an experiment Summary of raw data: The sequencing results from your experiment The MinKNOW software is used to start the sequencing experiment, terminate the experiment after completion and create a base-called sequence file. The C. neoformans genome is 19 Mbases Q10. Using the Total Yield, work out the overall genome coverage of your
Answered 2 days AfterMay 28, 2022

Answer To: Thank you so much! This is Systems Biology Report on Comparative genomics using Oxford Nanopore...

Dr Shweta answered on May 30 2022
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Comparative genomics using Oxford nanopore next-generation DNA sequencing
Introduction- Comparative genomics is the field of biological research which compares with the genomic features of different organisms. The genomic features compared here are the genes, gene sequences, DNA sequences, different regulatory sequences and other genomic structural milestones. Oxford Nanopore Technologies Limited is a United Kingdom (UK)-based company which develops and sells the nanopore sequencing products that are used for the direct electronic analysis of the single molecules like DNA or RNA. The Oxford nanopore next-generation DNA sequencing is a scalable technology and with the help of this nanopore DNA sequencing reads we can study linkage and the process of phasing. It aids in und
erstanding the de novo genome assembly and get to know how to improve the existing reference genomes, resolve the issue of complex structural variants and real time sequencing of entire microbe in single read.
It also helps in the identification of closely related species with enhanced metagenomic identification, differentiation of plasmid from the genome and exploration of epigenetic modifications with the help of direct, long-read DNA sequencing. It works by detecting the electrical signals generated when nucleic acids passed through a protein nanopore results in the change of an electrical current. The generated signals later decoded to make available the specific DNA or RNA sequence. Till the mid-2000s, the sequencing of nucleic acid (NA sequencing) was basically carried out by the Sanger’s chain termination method. Later on, due to advancing methodologies, nucleic acid sequencing was progressively supplemented by the new sequencing technologies capable to generate much larger quantities of data in a shorter period of time. Among the different technologies, long-read sequencing technologies (also known as the third-generation sequencing) can produce reads which are several kilobases in length. This development significantly improves the accuracy of genome assemblies by spanning the highly repetitive segments which poses difficulty for the second-generation short-read technologies.
Third-generation sequencing method is specifically worth for plant genomes which are tremendously large and have long stretches of highly repetitive DNA. The low base calling accuracy of the third-generation technologies required high-coverage expensive sequencing which was later followed by the computational analysis to correct all the associated errors. To minimize the associated errors, the latest long-read technologies are designed which are more accurate, less expensive and the optimal method of choice for the assembly of complex genomes. Oxford Nanopore Technologies is thus a third-generation platform used for the sequencing of native DNA strands for the generation of high-quality NA sequencing results supplemented by the new sequencing technologies capable to generate much larger quantities of data in a shorter period of time.
The Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have transfigured and dominated the genome sequencing market since 2005, due to their ability to generate massive amounts of data at a faster speed. It is important for the use of NGS technologies in the field of science, medicine and technology. Since the whole genome of majority of the organisms cannot be sequenced at once due to their larger size, it is firstly broken down into small pieces and then short sequences are generated for accurate analysis of the sequence.
Later on, with the help of efficient computational approaches like the read mapping and the de novo assembly, the large amounts of data can be processed and analyzed quickly and accurately. Read mapping is the aligning process which can detects the variations in the sequenced genome in comparison to the reference genome. In the denovo assembly methods the reads were combined to construct the original sequence when a reference genome does not exist.
The major limitation of this method is the presence of short-read length repetitive regions in the genome (100–150 bp reads) that causes the errors and ambiguities for read mapping and generated the computational challenges. The main issue is that we cannot spanned the entire repetitive sequence by a single short read and these short reads further causes highly fragmented, incomplete assemblies. Thus, to solve these issues and limitations a long read that can span the entire repetitive sequence and allows continuous and complete assemblies is considered and results in the emergence of newer alternative sequencing technologies.
Nanopores are suitable for the process of sequencing since the do not require any DNA or RNA labeling or nucleotide labelling for detection during sequencing and based basically on the electronic or chemical structure of the different nucleotides present in the DNA or RNA. It allows sequencing of long reads with easy portability, low-cost input and high throughput.
Aim- The aim of this practical activity is to introduce the different tools, data types and workflow process of nanopore next-generation sequencing of genomes for analysing the various file formats used in storing reads, assessing the experimental output and for performing the quality control of the sequencing reads.
Materials and Methods
1. For wet lab experiments:
Wet lab experiments were performed to investigate the genetic determinants of antifungal drug resistance in Cryptococcus neoformans using the Oxford Nanopore next generation DNA sequencing and comparative genomics. Fluconazole susceptibility using E-test was performed to identify the mutations in C. neoformans mutant.
2. Dry lab experiments:
· For dry lab analysis the C. neoformans genomic DNA Next Generation Sequencing library was isolated and then the Whole genome sequencing, Genome assembly and variant identification and protein alignment was done using the MinION device and flow cell.
· Later, to do the FastQC analysis, the MinKNOW software was used to start the sequencing experiment and after the completion of the process the experiment was terminated.
· Now, we created a base-called sequence file which was then read with a Quality Score Reads. Files with a standard Quality Score <7 are removed from the dataset and the final output files are the FAST5 file holding the raw sequencing data and a FASTQ file holding all of the base-called sequences having an associated quality score.
Wet lab results-
Cryptococcus neoformans is an obligate, anaerobic encapsulated yeast which can live in both plants and animals. These microscopic fungi, the Cryptococcus neoformans lives in the environment throughout the world and causes infection in people when it enters in their body via inhaling the surrounding air. In general, it does not cause ant major infection but some of the people who have the weakened immune system can become infected with C. neoformans and get sick from it. Generally, to kill the fungi antifungal drugs are used. Fluconazole is a well-known antifungal medication which can be used against a number of fungal infections since it has the unique fungistatic capacity or the ability to stop the growth of fungi. Fluconazole has the capacity to selective inhibit the fungal cytochrome P450 dependent enzyme- the lanosterol 14-α-demethylase. Normally this enzyme works to convert the compound lanosterol to ergosterol that is an essential component of fungal cell wall biosynthesis. When fungi get exposed to this medicine then the free nitrogen atom present the azole ring of fluconazole binds with a single iron atom present in the heme group of the enzyme lanosterol 14-α-demethylase. This selective binding prevents the oxygen activation which ultimately inhibits the...

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