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Microsoft Word - Newell Rubbermaid Jarden v1.docx ! 0! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C o p y r i g h t * 2 0 1 5 * S t e v e n * F e r r a r o 5 * N o * p a r t * o f * t h i s * c a s e * m a y * b e * r e p r o d u c e d , * s t o r e d * i n * r e t r i e v a l * s y s t e m s , * u s e d * i n * a * s p r e a d s h e e t * o r * t r a n s m i t t e d * i n * a n y * f o r m * o r * b y * a n y * m e a n s * * 5 * e l e c t r o n i c , * m e c h a n i c a l , * p h o t o c o p y i n g , * r e c o r d i n g , * o r * o t h e r w i s e * – * w i t h o u t * t h e * p e r m i s s i o n * o f * t h e * a u t h o r . * Newell%Rubbermaid’s%Acquisition%of% Jarden%Corporation% % % On% December% 7,% 2015,% Newell% Rubbermaid% announced% that% it% had% successfully% negotiated%the%purchase%of% Jarden%Corporation.% %The%combined% firm%would%have%an% enterprise%value%of%approximately%$22%billion.%%The%combination%is%expected%to%create% significant%cost%reductions%and%possible%revenue%enhancements.% % This%case%is%developed%solely%for%the%basis%of%classroom%discussion%and%is%not%intended% to%serve%as%an%endorsement,%or%to%illustrate%effective%or%ineffective%management.% Fall*15% 08!Fall* Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 1! Introduction* ! Rumors!of!a!potential!combination!of!Jarden!Corporation!and!Newell!Rubbermaid! surfaced!in!September!of!2015!following!a!meeting!of!executives!from!each!of!these! companies! at! an! investor’s! conference! hosted! by! Barclays.! On!December! 7,! 2015,! Michael! B.! Polk,! President! and! CEO! of! Newell! Rubbermaid! (NWL)! and! Martin! E.! Franklin,!founder!and!Executive!Chairman!of!Jarden!Corporation!(JAH),!announced! that!Newell!Rubbermaid!would!be!purchasing!Jarden!for!approximately!USD!$13.2! billion,!or!$60.00!per!share.!!The!shareholders!of!JAH!would!receive!$21!in!cash!and! 0.862! NWL! shares! for! each! JAH! share! held.! ! The! combination!would! result! in! an! enterprise! worth! approximately! $25! billion! and! would! offer! NWL! material! cost! reduction! opportunities! due! to! the! complimentary! product! lines! of! the! two! companies.! Jarden*Corporation*(JAH)* ! Jarden!Corporation!was! founded! in!1991! and! is! headquartered! in!Boca!Raton,! Florida.!!JAH!manufactures,!markets,!and!distributes!consumer!products!worldwide.!! Martin! Franklin! built! JAH! through! a! series! of! acquisitions1,! making! it! one! of! the! largest!diversified!consumer!products!makers!in!the!United!States.! ! JAH!is!number! one!in!many!of!the!product!categories!where!it!competes.! ! The! company’s! Outdoor! Solutions! segment! offers! camping! and! outdoor! equipment;! fishing! and! team! sports! equipment;! alpine! and! nordic! skiing,! snowboarding,! snowshoeing,! and! in\line! skating! products;! technical! and! outdoor! apparel!and!equipment;!personal!flotation!devices,!water!sports!equipment,!and!all\ terrain!vehicle!gears;!and!inflatable!air!beds!and!accessories.! ! Its!Consumer!Solutions!segment!provides!household!kitchen!appliances,!such!as! blenders,! coffeemakers,! irons,! mixers,! slow! cookers,! tea! kettles,! toasters,! toaster! ovens,!and!vacuum!packaging!machines;!air!purifiers,!fans,!heaters,!humidifiers!and! vacuum! cleaning! systems;! clippers,! trimmers,! and! other! hair! care! products! for! professional!use! in!the!beauty!and!barber!and!animal!categories;!electric!blankets,! mattress! pads,! and! throws;! products! for! the! hospitality! industry;! and! scales! for! consumer!use.!!!! ! The!Branded!Consumables!segment!offers!fresh!preserving!jars!and!accessories;! home!safety!products;!baby,!health,!and!home!care!products;!candle!products,!home! fragrance!products,!auto!air!fresheners,!and!home!décor!accessories;!playing!cards! and!card!accessories;!cords,!ropes,!and!twines;!foam!coolers,!reusable!ice,!protective! packaging,! and! other! recreational! products;! arts! and! crafts! products;! firelogs! and! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!See!JAH!ACQUISITONS!tab!in!the!case!workbook!for!a!history!of!JAH!acquisitions! from!2002.! Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 2! firestarters;! and! storage! organizers! and!workshop! accessories,! doors,! and! fencing! products.! ! Its! Process! Solutions! segment! produces! plastic! products,! including! closures,! contact! lens! packaging,! football! helmets,! medical! disposables,! plastic! cutlery,! and! rigid! packaging;! specialty! nylon! polymers;! conductive! fibers;! monofilaments;! industrial! zinc! products;! and! fabricated! solid! zinc! strip! products;! and! supplies! copper\plated!zinc!penny!blanks,!as!well!as!brass,!bronze,!and!nickel\plated!finishes! on!steel!and!zinc!for!coinage.2!! ! Jarden! has! been! running! two! concurrent! strategies! to! fuel! its! growth:! acquisitions!and!product!development.!!Since!2002!JAH!as!spent!over!$9.0!billion!on! acquisitions! of! category! leading! companies! in! niche! consumer! markets! with! defensible!moats!around!the!business.! !Other!target! firm!characteristics! important! to! the! JAH! acquisition! strategy! include! recurring! revenue!with!margin! expansion! opportunities,! strong! cash! flow,! talented! management! teams,! and! attractive! valuations!with!the!potential!to!provide!material!synergies.! ! To! finance! the! two!most! recent! acquisitions! (Waddington!Group! and! Jostens),! JAH!issued!18.4!million!shares!at!$54.50/share!in!Q3!2015,!and!another!10.0!million! shares!at!$49.00/share! in!Q4!2015.! !Additionally,! JAH!borrowed!$900!million! in!a! senior!secured!loan!in!Q3!2015,!and!issued!$300!million!in!senior!notes!due!in!2023! in!Q4!2015.!!JAH!also!borrowed!$200!million!on!a!term!loan!in!the!same!quarter.! ! Jarden’s! long\term! financial! goals! presented! to! its! investors! prior! to! the! announcement!to!sell!include:3! ! ! Long\term!organic!sales!growth!of!3%!to!5%,! ! Expand!segment!earnings!margins!to!15%!by!year\end!2018,! ! Generate!annual!earnings!growth!of!at!least!10%,! ! Produce!at!least!$4.0!billion!of!cash!flow!from!operations,! ! Target!year\end!leverage!of!no!more!than!3!times!cash!flow!from!operations,! ! Deliver!adjusted!EPS!of!$4.00!by!year\end!2018.! ! At! the! time! of! the! agreement,! Franklin! stated! "We've! been! doing! this! for! fifteen! years,! we! could! have! done! it! for! another! fifteen! years,! but! the! reality! is,! the! fit's! really!good.! If!we!had!the!multiple!and!we!had!the!market!cap,!we'd!be!the!buyer.! That's! the! way! we! operate! —! we! want! to! drive! value.! ! Furthermore,! Franklin! observed:!"In!a!family!business!ownership,!you've!got!to!have!some!diversification,! that's!my!intent."4! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!,!extracted!December!28,!2015! 3!Jarden!Investor!Presentation!November!2015.! 4!Newell!Rubbermaid!to!buy!Jarden!for!$13.22!billion,!Reuters,!Monday!14!Dec! 2015.! Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 3! Newell*Rubbermaid*(NWL)* ! Newell!Rubbermaid! Inc.!was! founded! in!1903!and! is!headquartered! in!Atlanta,! Georgia.! ! The! company! manufactures! and! markets! consumer! and! commercial! products!worldwide.! ! It! operates! through! five! segments:!Writing,!Home!Solutions,! Tools,!Commercial!Products,!and!Baby!&!Parenting.! ! The! Writing! segment! offers! writing! instruments,! such! as! markers! and! highlighters,!pens,!and!pencils;!art!products;!fine!writing!instruments;!and!labeling! solutions!under!the!Sharpie,!Paper!Mate,!Expo,!Parker,!Waterman,!and!Dymo!Office! brand!names.! ! The! Home! Solutions! segment! provides! indoor/outdoor! organization,! food! storage,! and! home! storage! products;! durable! beverage! containers;! gourmet! cookware,!bakeware,!cutlery,!and!kitchen!gadgets!and!utensils;!window!treatments;! and! hair! care! accessories! under! the! Rubbermaid,! Contigo,! bubba,! Calphalon,! Levolor,!and!Goody!brand!names.! ! The!Tools!segment!offers!hand!and!power!tool!accessories;!industrial!band!saw! blades;! tools! for! HVAC! systems;! and! label!makers! and! printers! for! industrial! use! under!the!Irwin,!Lenox,!Hilmor,!and!Dymo!Industrial!brand!names.! ! The! Commercial! Products! segment! provides! cleaning! and! refuse! products,! hygiene! systems,! and! material! handling! solutions;! computer! carts;! and! wall\ mounted! workstations! under! the! Rubbermaid! Commercial! Products! and! Rubbermaid!Healthcare!brand!names.! ! Finally,!the!Baby!&!Parenting!segment!offers!infant!and!juvenile!products,!such! as!car!seats,!strollers,!highchairs,!and!playards!under!the!Graco,!Baby!Jogger,!Aprica,! and!Teutonia!brand!names.5!! ! In! 2012! Newell! Rubbermaid! implemented! their! “Growth! Game! Plan”,! a! new! multi\year! corporate! strategy! to! accelerate! into! a! bigger,! faster! growing,! more! global! and!more!profitable! company.!NWL! is! driving! its! “Growth!Game!Plan”! into! action! through! a! brand\led! strategy,! a! commitment! to! superior! products! and! differentiated!high\impact!innovation,!supported!by!an!executional!powerhouse!on! the!ground!in!countries!around!the!world.”6!!!Growth!is!derived!organically!through! product!development!and!through!acquisitions.!!Most!recently,!NWL!announced!the! acquisition!of!Elmer’s!Products!Inc.!for!approximately!$600!million!in!October!2015.!! Overall,!NWL!is!targeting!sales!growth!of!4%!to!5%.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 5!,!extracted!December!28,!2015! 6!,! extracted!December!28,!2015.! Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 4! The*Deal* ! Cost!reduction!and!complimentary!product! lines!were! the!primary!motives! for! the!deal.!! !While!both!companies!have!a!track!record!of!successful!acquisitions!and! product! development,! NWL’s! product! development! team! is! viewed! as! being! stronger,!and!in!a!position!to!add!value!to!JAH’s!portfolio!of!brands.! ! "There!are!differences!in!the!portfolios,!and!the!business!models!in!some!places,! but!there!are!also!opportunities!connected!to!those!differences,"!Polk!said.!"So!with! a! business! like! Jostens,! we! have! beautiful! fine\writing! business! with! brands! like! Parker! and! Waterman! that! would! be! perfect! graduation! gifts! through! a! Jostens! business!model.!So!there's!cross\sell!opportunities!you!don't!intuitively!think!about! until!you!start!to!unpack!this."7! Polk!further!explained!that!“scale!does!matter…it!means!we!become!a!lot!more! important! –! that! means! we! get! the! opportunity! to! have! more! long\term! conversations! about! the! categories! with! retailers,! and! it! means! we! have! the! opportunity!to!talk!to!them!how!to!build!category!with!shoppers.”8!!For!example,!the! largest! customer! for! both! NWL! and! JAH! is! Walmart.! ! Therefore,! the! combined! company!(Newell!Brands)!has!the!opportunity!to!gain!more!power!in!negotiations! related! to! pricing,! inventory,! and! product! placement.! ! Other! large! retailers! that! purchase! from! NWL! and! JAH! include! Target,! Amazon,! Carrefour,! Costco,! TESCO,! Kroger,!Lowe’s!Home!Depot,!and!Walgreens.! The! combination! is! expected! to! generate! approximately! $500! million! in! cost! saving! synergies! over! the! next! 4! years.! ! The! areas! offering!most! of! these! savings! include! expected! reductions! in! transportation! costs! for! products! and! materials! sourced! in! Asia! and! a! reduction! in! important! raw!materials! costs,! such! as! resin,! which!both!companies!consider!a!primary!manufacturing!input.! ! Transaction*Highlights* ! Jarden! shareholders!will! received! $21! in! cash! and!0.862!NWL! shares! for! each! share! of! JAH! common! stock! for! an! estimated! aggregate! value! of! $60/share! JAH! share,! representing! an! approximate! 24%! premium! over! JAH’s! 30\day! volume! weighted!average!share!price!(as!of!12/11/15).! !Newell!Rubbermaid!shareholders! will!own!approximately!55%!of!the!new!company!to!be!called!Newell!Brands.! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7!Newell!Rubbermaid!to!buy!Jarden!for!$13.22!billion,!Reuters,!Monday!14!Dec! 2015.! 8!Inside!Newell!Rubbermaid’s!Blockbuster!$15.4!billion!Deal!for!Jarden,!TheStreet,! December!14,!2015.! Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 5! The! transaction!will! be! funded!with! cash! on! hand,! debt,! and! equity! issued! to! Jarden!shareholders.!!!Following!the!acquisition,!the!Newell!Brands!will!manage!its! leverage! to!historical! levels! to!maintain! its! investment!grade!bond! rating.! !Newell! Brands!also!expects!to!maintain!Newell!Rubbermaid’s!dividend.! ! JAH!has!a!no\shop!provision!with!a!“fiduciary!out,”!indicating!that!it!cannot!talk! to! other! potential! acquirers!while! the! transaction! is! pending.! ! However,! JAH!may! talk! to!prospective!buyers!who!make!unsolicited,!bona! fide!offers.! ! If!one!of! these! offers!is!accepted,!JAH!will!owe!NWL!a!termination!fee!of!$385!million.! ! Michael!B.!Polk!will!become! the!CEO!of!Newell!Brands!and!Michael!T.!Cowhig,! currently!the!non\executive!Chairman!of!Newell!Rubbermaid,!will!become!the!non\ executive!Chairman!of!a!thirteen!member!Newell!Brands!Board!of!Directors.!!Martin! E.! Franklin,! Founder! and!Executive!Chairman!of! Jarden,! and! Ian!G.!H.!Ashken,!Co\ Founder,!Vice!Chairman!and!President!of!Jarden,!will!join!the!Board!of!Directors!of! Newell!Brands.! ! As!a!result!of! the!deal,!Mr.!Franklin!will!receive!$142!million! in!cash!and!$245! million!worth!of!shares!in!Newell!Brands.! !Mr.!Franklin!could!also!receive!as!much! as!$132!million!in!cash,!stock,!and!other!benefits!if!his!contract!isn’t!renewed!within! two! years! after! the! deal! closes.! ! Analysts! feel! that! this! contract! is! likely! to! be! triggered,!although!the!contract!could!be!renegotiated!as!part!of!the!deal.9!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9!Newell!Rubbermaid!to!Acquire!Jarden!for!$15!Billion,!Wall!Street!Journal,! December!14,!2015.! Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation ! ! 6! Questions* ! 1. What! is! the! strategy! driving! the! combination! of! Newell! Rubbermaid! and! Jarden!Corporation?!!Are!both!companies!equally!positioned!to!benefit!from! the!combination?! ! 2. What!are! the!consequences!Newell’s!acquisition! financing!choices?! !Do!you! believe!NWL!is! financing!the!acquisition!of! JAH!for! the!maximum!benefit!of! its!shareholders?!!Why!or!why!not?! ! 3. Based!on!your!assessment!of!the!market’s!response!to!the!announcement!of! the!combination,!what!is!the!value!of!the!anticipated!synergies?! ! 4. What!is!the!maximum!offer!NWL!should!make!to!acquire!JAH?! ! 5. As! a! shareholder! of! Jarden! Corporation,!would! you! tender! your! shares! for! $60?!!If!not,!what!is!the!minimum!acceptable!price!for!your!shares?! NWL Analysis Newell Rubbermaid, Inc. (NYS: NWL) Millions As Reported Annual Income Statement Common Sized Income Statement Report Date2000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320145-yr CAGR10-yr CAGR14-yr CAGR200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014MeanMedianCV Net sales6,934.76,909.37,453.97,750.06,748.46,342.56,201.06,407.36,470.65,577.65,759.25,864.65,902.75,692.55,727.00.53%-1.63%-1.36% Cost of products sold5,103.25,046.65,394.25,682.84,857.94,448.14,131.04,150.14,347.43,528.13,588.43,659.43,673.63,514.33,523.6-0.03%-3.16%-2.61%0.740.730.720.730.720.700.670.650.670.630.620.620.620.620.620.670.670.0719 Gross margin1,831.61,862.72,059.72,067.21,890.51,894.42,070.02,257.22,123.22,049.52,170.82,205.22,229.12,178.22,203.41.46%1.54%1.33% Selling, general & administrative expenses606.8839.51,026.61,074.71,020.71,051.81,153.71,253.91,319.41,199.51,291.11,353.71,357.41,287.21,324.42.00%2.64%5.73% Depreciation & amortization292.6328.8280.7278.2249.1213.8193.3177.0183.3175.1172.3161.6163.7158.9156. Operating income (loss)932.2694.5752.4714.3620.7628.8723.0826.3620.5674.9707.4689.9708.0732.1722.91.38%1.54%-1.80% Interest expense130.0137.5110.6140.1119.3127.1132.0104.1137.9146.3121.988.480.462.364. Interest income0. Impairment charges0.00.00.0289.4374. Restructuring costs48.666.7122.7245.
Answered Same DaySep 22, 2022

Answer To: Microsoft Word - Newell Rubbermaid Jarden v1.docx ! 0! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C o p y r i g h t *...

Casumano answered on Sep 22 2022
54 Votes
Newell Rubbermaid’s Acquisition of Jarden Corporation                    2
What is the stra
tegy driving the combination of Newell Rubbermaid and Jarden Corporation? Are both companies equally positioned to benefit from the combination?
    The product portfolios and strategies of acquirer and acquiree is quite different but complementing each other which is resulting in huge, expected savings approximately $500Mn in the form of cost reduction in transportation costs, materials procured from Asia like resin in the next 4 years. Followed by a great deal of negation for a better pricing while procuring as well as dealing with customers for a better category building. Both the companies are going to benefit from this because the price offered by acquiree is lucrative, at better premium of 24% as of the trading date of 12/11/15 and acquiree is eying for a better growth and global reach as per his “Growth Game Plan” finalized in 2012 achieved through Organic and In-Organic approach. However, in the long run and per the valuations acquiree is more beneficial than acquirer.
What are the consequences Newell’s acquisition financing choices? Do you believe NWL is financing the acquisition of JAH for the maximum benefit of its shareholders? Why or why not?
    Consequences of...

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