The reservoir enthalpy of a ground-simulation facility with air as test gas is ht = 20 MJ/kg. What are a) the maximum possible speed and the Mach number at the exit of the nozzle, b) the speed and the...

The reservoir enthalpy of a ground-simulation facility with

air as test gas is ht = 20 MJ/kg. What are a) the maximum possible speed

and the Mach number at the exit of the nozzle, b) the speed and the Mach

number, if the static temperature at the nozzle exit is Texit = 1,000 K (assume

a Lighthill gas at the exit), c) the speed and the Mach number, if in addition

20 per cent of the reservoir enthalpy is frozen? d) What is the general result?

Nov 19, 2021

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