The single-stream coaxial heat exchanger described in Problem 8.12 brings up a fundamental design question regarding the diameter of the inner pipe, Di. The thickness of the wall of diameter Di is...

The single-stream coaxial heat exchanger described in Problem 8.12 brings

up a fundamental design question regarding the diameter of the inner pipe,

Di. The thickness of the wall of diameter Di is assumed negligible. If Di

is much smaller than Do, the stream is ‘‘strangled’’ as it flows upward

through the inner pipe. Conversely, when Di is nearly the same as Do, the

flow is impeded by the narrowness of the annular space. In both extremes,

the overall pressure drop that must be overcome by the pump is excessive.

Clearly, when Do is fixed, there exists an optimal inner diameter Di (or an

optimal ratio Di/Do) such that the total pressure drop experienced by the

stream is minimum.

(a) Determine this optimal Di/Do ratio in the large–Reynolds number

limit of the turbulent regime (Fig. 8.2) where the friction factors for

the annular space ( fa) and for the upflow through the inner pipe ( fi)

are both constant. For simplicity, assume that fa = fi.

(b) Consider next the regime in which the flow is laminar both through

the annular space and through the inner pipe. Assume that the friction

factor for the annular space is approximately equal to the friction

factor for flow between two parallel plates positioned (Do – Di)/2

apart. Calculate the optimal Di/Do ratio for minimum total pressure

drop, and show that this result is almost the same as the result obtained

in part (a).

Jan 13, 2022

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