Microsoft Word - Report 2019 s1 1 ACC00713 Report 2019 S1 Due date: 5pm Friday 24 May 2019 Weight: 20 marks Word limit: XXXXXXXXXXwords 2 Objective: This task requires you to prepare a report to...

this is the message to expert. two assignments but having different companies1) ALS limited2) A2B AUSTRALIA LIMITED

Microsoft Word - Report 2019 s1 1 ACC00713 Report 2019 S1 Due date: 5pm Friday 24 May 2019 Weight: 20 marks Word limit: 2000 words 2 Objective: This task requires you to prepare a report to explain the regulatory requirements and standard setting of financial reporting in the Australian context. You also need to evaluate and comment on information provided in the annual report of an Australian company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Your comments or evaluation should comply with the requirements of relevant Australian Accounting Standards (AASBs). Discussions: The new revenue standard – AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers – applies to entities and businesses for the accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. The new accounting standard changes the financial reporting regime in terms of revenue. This will not only influence customer contracts and business model, but also have wide-ranging implications in business and control process. You should address the following questions in your report. Part A (8 marks) 1) Discuss and comment on the requirements of revenue recognition according to AASB 15. 2) Discuss and evaluate the measurement of revenue according to AASB 15. Part B (9 marks) From the perspective of the investors, discuss the potential impact of the adoption of AASB 15 on 2019 annual report of the chosen company. Your investigation should focus on the influence on financial information regarding financial position, financial performance and financial ratios (including at least one of financial ratios, such as profitability ratio) of the chosen company. Your report should include some examples or evidence from the chosen company to support your discussion. 3 Part C (4 marks) Effective communication, logic presentation and appropriate reference of this report. You should provide relevant paragraphs of AASBs or others (e.g. sections from 2017/2018 annual report) to support your evaluation. You can access AASBs from the website: In particular, your report should refer to the following AASBs in your report: • AASB Conceptual Framework: Framework for the Presentation and Preparation of Financial Statements • AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers • AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements • AASB 118 Revenue Assessment criteria: The quality of this report will be assessed based on the following criteria: • Identify the regulatory framework of financial reporting in Australia. • Explain the recognition and measurement of revenue in business practice. • Evaluate the implementation of recognition and measurement of revenue in financial reporting by the chosen company. • Use paragraphs from the annual report of a chosen company, Australian Conceptual Framework, AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements, AASB 15 Revenue from contracts with customers, or other relevant AASBs as guidelines to support your discussion if it is necessary. • Demonstrate effective communication, logical presentation and integrated evaluation. Referencing: • The references used in the report should follow Harvard Referencing Style. 4 Submission: • Please submit your report online through the link of Report and Submission provided on the MySCU Blackboard site. Special Instructions: • This is an individual assignment. • Word limit should not be less than 10% (1,800 words) or exceeds 10% (2,200 words) of word limit (excluding summary, reference list and appendix). A loss of 10% of the total available marks will apply if you did not follow this instruction. • You must use the electronic Assignment Cover Sheet provided, fill in details and then make this sheet the first page of your assignment. Do not send it as a separate document. • The file name should include (in order) initial, your surname and your student number. For example: ‘BParker1235456'. • Your assignment must be submitted as a Word document. If you wish to submit in any other file format, please discuss this with your lecturer before the assignment submission date. • Each student should choose a company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Find its annual reports for 2017/2018 financial year. Remember to use a complete annual report, not a concise financial report or a half-year financial report. • You must reserve your company by adding a post on ‘Discussion Board’ under ‘Reserve your company here’. Write the name and the code of the chosen company in the subject line of your post. If you add the company name in the message and NOT in the subject line, then the reservation is void because it will not be readily visible to others. • To ensure your choice of a company does not duplicate one already chosen by another student, they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
May 20, 2021ACC00713Southern Cross University

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