This task is broken into two components, Part A and B. Part A: Compare & contrast two services (30% of the available marks) Part A requires you to critically appraise the extent to which existing...

This task is broken into two components, Part A and B.

Part A:  Compare & contrast two services  (30% of the available marks)
Part A requires you to critically appraise the extent to which existing services support the older person with  Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD
Part A- This section requires you to compare and contrast two services, from different countries, or cultural groups within Australia, which support the person with Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD). It is recommended that you discuss the evidence you want to use for this analysis with the lecturer beforehand, or use the supplied articles.

Part B:  Service design project (30% of the available marks)
In Part B you will have the opportunity to test your ideas for designing a service that enhances the lives of older people living with BPSD. Innovation must be evidence-based, that is, supported by scholarly literature.

Assessment criteria: Part A

1.    Critically compare and contrast two services, from different countries, or cultural groups within Australia, which support the older person with BPSD – comparing and contrasting their service philosophies, models and practices.
2.    Critically and reflectively relate your knowledge of the pathophysiology of dementia and BPSD to your critique of the service models identified.
3.    Critically and analytically reflect on the extent to which the services support and meet the needs of the older person with BPSD.
4.    Write clearly and communicate in academic writing style and structure.  *First person may be used where appropriate for this Task.

Assessment criteria: Part B Service design project
1.    Clearly describe the service model you have developed, and include the philosophy and practice concepts related to meeting the needs of older adults with dementia and BPSD.
2.    Critically relate your knowledge of the pathophysiology of dementia and BPSD to the justification for the service model you design.
3.    Present an argument supporting the merits of your ideas in designing a service that enhances the lives of older people living with BPSD. Innovation must be evidence-based, that is, supported by scholarly literature.
4.    Write clearly and communicate in academic writing style and structure. *First person may be used where appropriate for this Task

Oct 07, 2019

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