Travelink Solutions describes an organization that is experiencing change initiatives that are producing negative outcomes for both the organization and the recipients of change. William, a young...

Travelink Solutions describes an organization that is experiencing change initiatives that are producing negative outcomes for both the organization and the recipients of change. William, a young staff member, sees multiple problems within this 24/7 travel business. As a low-level, sixteen month employee, William has documented and discussed the situation with his friend, Robert, a marketing manager who has been with the organization for three years. William and Robert both must decide if they will shift from being recipients of change to becoming change agents. They must decide if and how they might bring the organizational problems and possible solutions, to the attention of management. If you found yourself in William or Robert’s situation, what would you do? Have you ever been in a situation where you were a recipient of change and things were going poorly? How did it affect you and others in the organization? What is your assessment of the situation at Travelink and the underlying causes? If you found yourself in William or Robert’s situation, what would you do?

May 24, 2022

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