Two active engagement tasks: 1. Developing community strengths—reflection on your unique contribution to developing community strengths (see Active engagement requirements below). 2. Completion of The...

Two active engagement tasks:
1. Developing community strengths—reflection on your unique contribution to developing community strengths (see Active engagement requirements below).

2. Completion of The VIA Survey of Character Strengths—reflection on your personal/clinical strengths (see Active engagement requirements below). (10%)
Use this link to the VIA Survey of Character Strengths > click on “Take the Free VIA Survey’

Write a response to the following statement: The strengths-based nursing care approach can complement the problem based (medical model) approach to healthcare currently evident in Australian healthcare system
Active engagement requirements
In this unit, your early active engagement will be monitored in the following two ways and assessed as part of assessment task 1.
1. In your Professional Portfolio of Evidence document your unique contribution to developing community strengths by identifying an activity or action you took, the issue addressed and the strength/s developed through your service (you may include both your own and others strengths). Such activity may include planned, incidental or serendipitous contributions at any time over the previous semesters of the Bachelor of Nursing course. Try to consider contributions beyond your Professional Experience Practice. For example, do you undertake any community voluntary work?
By the end of week 3 post a copy of one journal entry to the discussion group in MyLO. You will be able to read other student’s contributions and engage in MyLO discussions related to their posting.
2. MyLO Survey: Completion of The VIA Survey of Character Strengths, a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. Your results are to be submitted via a Survey in MyLO. Further instructions and the link to the VIA Survey of Character Strengths is in the week one MyLO learning material.
Please note: Since the two active engagement tasks are personal reflections on your achievements and character strengths, you will receive 10% for each submission. Further feedback through MyLO on your achievements would be inappropriate. The workshop provides an appropriate forum for further discussions related to character strengths of nurses.

Oct 07, 2019

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