UniversityDriver Class The UniversityDriver contains the main method. Your program must run according to the sample run examples provided below. The following commands can be entered: (a) "hire" //to...

UniversityDriver Class

The UniversityDriver contains the main method. Your program must run according to the sample run examples provided below.

The following commands can be entered:

(a) "hire" //to hire a new faculty member
(b) "admit" //to admit a new student
(c) "find student" //to display information about a specific student: name, date of birth, and major
(d)"find faculty" //display information about a specific faculty: name, date of birth, and courses;
(e) “list students” // list the first and last names of all students
(f) “list faculty” // list the first and last names of all faculty
(g)"quit"// terminates the program and saves all Person data in a “UniversityPersons.per” file, including the ones hired and admitted by the user

University Class
The University class must have the following variables:

String universityName; //displayed at the start of the program
String motto; //displayed at the start of the program
Person [] people; //contains all Student objects and Faculty objects for the university. String [] majors; //contains all majors offered at this university
String [] courses; //contains all courses offered at this university

The University class must have a constructor that takes two String parameters. The first is the university name and the second is the university motto.

Your program must load all available majors and courses for the university through the University Constructor. The available majors and courses are listed below.

Available Majors: Hardware Architecture Information Analytics Quantum Computing Undecided

Available Courses: Computers
Advance Physics Quantum Entanglement Parallel Programming Advance Algorithms FPGA Programming Hardware Design Embedded Systems Signal Processing Artificial Intelligence Bayesian Logic Probability

Your University constructor must also load the initial university data provided below if a “UniversityPersons.per” file is not available. If a “UniversityPersons.per” is available, it loads all Persons saved from the previous run instead of the initial university data.

The University class must also implement the School interface provided below.

public interface School {

//returns the Student specified by fn(firstName) and ln (lastName) Student findStudent(String fn, String ln);

//returns the Student specified by fn(firstName) and ln (lastName) Faculty findFaculty(String fn, String ln);

//adds a Faculty object to the Person [] Faculty hire(Person p);

//adds a Student object to the Person [] Student admit(Person p);

//returns the people variable for the university Person [] getAllPersons();

//returns the majors variable for the university String [] getAllMajors();

//returns the courses variable for the university

String [] getAllCourses();

//returns a Person [] of all Students only Person [] getStudents();

//returns a Person [] of all Faculty only Person [] getFaculty();

Person Class
The Person class must have the following variables:

String firstName; //first Name
String lastName; //last Name
int monthBirth;//month of date of birth int dayBirth; //day of date of birth
int yearBirth; //year of date of birth

The Person class must also have a constructor.

Student Class
The Student class extends Person and must have aString major (the student’s major) variable and a constructor.

Faculty Class
The Faculty class extends Person and must have a

Initial University Data:
Faculty:(first name, last name, month-birth, day-birth, year-birth, course 1, course 2, ...

course n )

"Bruce", "Wayne", 9, 27, 1995, “Bayesian Logic”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Hardware Design” “Diana","Prince", 11, 5, 2006, "Hardware Design", “FPGA Programming”, “Embedded Systems” “Barbara”, “Gordon”, 5, 23, 1980, “Probability”, “Signal Processing”, “Advance Algorithms” "Charles","Xavier", 11, 5, 1966, “Signal Processing”, “Embedded Systems”, “Parallel Programming”

Students:(first name, last name, month-birth, day-birth, year-birth, major)

"Billy", "Baston", 7, 12, 1990, "Information Analytics" "Carol", "Danvers", 4, 9, 1992, "Quantum Computing" "Clark", "Kent", 5, 5, 1994 , "Hardware Architecture" "Kara", "Zorel", 4, 13, 1989, "Hardware Architecture" "Peter","Parker", 6, 25, 1997, "Quantum Computing" "Tony","Stark", 2, 2, 2004, "Hardware Architecture" "Stephen","Strange", 12, 15, 1976, "Quantum Computing" "Bruce","Banner", 9, 9, 2000, “Undecided”

String []


(courses the faculty

member teaches) variable

and a constructor.

Sample Runs:
Run 1: a “UniversityPersons.per” file is not available

ex tenebris ad lucem alis novis volabimus

What would you like to do?
Enter "hire" to hire a new faculty member.
Enter "admit" to admit a new student.
Enter "find student" to list information about a student.
Enter "find faculty" to list information about a faculty member. Enter "list students" to list the names of all students.
Enter "list faculty" to list the names of faculty members.
Enter "quit" to end this program and save data.

>list students

Billy Baston Carol Danvers Clark Kent Kara Zorel Peter Parker Tony Stark Stephen Strange Bruce Banner

>list faculty

Bruce Wayne Diana Prince Barbara Gordon Charles Xavier

>find student
What is the student's first name? >Tony
What is the student's last name? >Stark

Student: Tony Stark
DOB: 2/2/2004
Major: Hardware Architecture

>find student
What is the student's first name? >Bruce
What is the student's last name? >Wayne
Student not found
>find faculty
What is the faculty's first name? >Bruce

What is the faculty's last name? >Wayne

Faculty: Bruce Wayne DOB: 9/27/1995 Courses:
Bayesian Logic Artificial Intelligence Hardware Design

>find student
What is the student's first name? >Nathan
What is the student's last name? >Summers
Student not found
What is this person's major?

The majors offered are: Hardware Architecture Information Analytics Quantum Computing Undecided

> European History
That is not a major offered.
What is this person's major?
What is the person's first name?
What is the person's last name?
What is the person's month of birth?
Enter an integer representing the month of birth
What is the person's day of birth?
Enter an integer representing the day of birth
What is the person's year of birth?
Enter an integer representing the year of birth (4 digits) >1995
>find student
What is the student's first name?
What is the student's last name?

Student: Nathan Summers DOB: 7/15/1995
Major: Undecided

What is the person's first name? >Victor
What is the person's last name?

>Von Doom
What is the person's month of birth?
What is the person's day of birth?
>What is the person's year of birth? >1982
>Assign a course to this Faculty
Enter "done" if there are no other courses.

The courses offered are:

Advance Physics Quantum Entanglement Parallel Programming Advance Algorithms FPGA Programming Hardware Design Embedded Systems Signal Processing Artificial Intelligence Bayesian Logic Probability

>Advanced Physics
Assign a course to this Faculty
Enter "done" if there are no other courses. > Artificial Intelligence
Assign a course to this Faculty
Enter "done" if there are no other courses. >FPGA Programming
Assign a course to this Faculty
Enter "done" if there are no other courses. >Art History
That is not a course offered.
Assign a course to this Faculty
Enter "done" if there are no other courses. >done
>find faculty
What is the faculty's first name?
What is the faculty's last name?
>Von Doom

Faculty: Victor Von Doom DOB: 3/17/1982
Advanced Physics Artificial Intelligence FPGA Programming


Run 2: run immediately after Run 1


ex tenebris ad lucem alis novis volabimus

What would you like to do?
Enter "hire" to hire a new faculty member.
Enter "admit" to admit a new student.
Enter "find student" to list information about a student.
Enter "find faculty" to list information about a faculty member. Enter "list students" to list the names of all students.
Enter "list faculty" to list the names of faculty members.
Enter "quit" to end this program and save data.

>list students

Billy Baston Carol Danvers Clark Kent
Kara Zorel
Peter Parker Tony Stark Stephen Strange Bruce Banner Nathan Summers

>list Faculty

Bruce Wayne Diana Prince Barbara Gordon Charles Xavier Victor Von Doom


Feb 15, 2021

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