Use the Starry Night Enthusiast™ program to measure the dimensions of the Milky Way Galaxy. Select Favorites Stars Sun in Milky Way to move to a position 0.15 Mly above the galactic plane, directly...

Use the Starry Night Enthusiast™ program to measure the

dimensions of the Milky Way Galaxy. Select Favorites

Stars Sun in Milky Way to move to a position 0.15 Mly

above the galactic plane, directly above the position of the

Sun. (If the Milky Way does not appear immediately, click

once on the Zoom button.) Remove the image of the astronaut’s feet by clicking on View Feet. You can rotate the

Milky Way Galaxy by putting the mouse cursor over the image, holding down the Shift key and the mouse button, and

moving the mouse. (a) Rotate the Galaxy so that you are seeing it face-on. Use the Hand Tool to measure the distance on

the screen from the position of the Sun to the center of the

Galaxy, noting this value in both linear distance in light-years

and in the subtended angle when viewed from the observer’s

position. This measurement will calibrate angular measurements in terms of linear distance when seen from this viewpoint. (b) Use the Hand Tool to measure several distances

from galactic center to the fringes of the galaxy. (Note: These

distances will often be displayed in both angular and linear

dimensions.) Estimate the diameter of the galaxy in lightyears. (c) Rotate the Galaxy so that you are seeing it edgeon. Use the Hand Tool to mea sure the angle subtended from

the center of the galaxy to the upper edge of the central bulge

of the Galaxy. Use the above measurements of the Sun-Galactic Center in both angle and linear dimension and simple proportions to calculate the half-width of the galactic bulge and

multiply this number in light years by 2 to determine the

bulge diameter. You can use the relationship between parsecs

and light-years (1 pc 3.26 light-years) to calculate this diameter in parsecs. (d) Calculate the thickness-to-diameter ratio of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Jan 04, 2022

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